
By Stupidifed333

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The White Mask Terrorist Threat is ever rising. Six does something Rainbow has never done before: recruits a... More

Kade Summers Character Profile
Chapter One: Beguiling Introductions
Chapter Two: Preliminary Preparations and the Mysterious Enigma
Chapter Three: Card Games and Operation Go, Go, Go!
Chapter Four: Date Night
Chapter Five: To Tame a Mole
Chapter Six: Ghost of the Past
Chapter 7: Operation Entrapment
Chapter Eight: The Never-Ending Downpour
Chapter Nine: Revelations
Chapter Ten: The Hunter
Chapter Eleven: Operations O'Plenty Part 1
Chapter Twelve: Operations O'Plenty Part Two
Chapter Thirteen: Operations O'Plenty Part 3
Chapter Fourteen: Ops O'Plenty Part 4
Chapter 15: Ops O'Plenty Part 5 (Final)
Chapter Sixteen: Homecoming
Chapter Seventeen: Birthday Bash
Chapter 18: Bar Night
Chapter Nineteen: The Shrink
William "Billy" Biddeford Character Profile
An Announcement
Side Story: The Hammer and the Scalpel
Chapter Twenty: Phase Two Prep and Valentines day
Chapter Twenty Two: Operation Scorched Earth Part Two (Cont.)
Chapter Twenty-Three: Operation Scorched Earth Finale
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Pursuit of Happiness
Chapter Twenty-Five: Subterfuge
Chapter Twenty-Six: Building Up
Chapter 27: Double Edged Swords
Chapter 28: Nights Like This

Chapter Twenty-One Scorched Earth Phase Two Part One and New Waters

587 16 16
By Stupidifed333

1000 Hours

February 17th, 2018

Herefordshire, England

Hereford Base, Woman's Dormitory

          Robert stared into the mirror with a look of fury, eyeing the cream-colored tie knotted around his neck. He hadn't had to regularly wear a tie in years; not ever since he'd secured an editor and a deal with a publisher. All the meetings to he'd wear mostly casual clothes, a sweater at most if someone other than the usual people were supposed to be there. He pulled on it a little more, the tie only seeming to close tighter the more he pulled. Of course, on the morning of his mother's service he had to mess something up. His name wouldn't be Robert Summers otherwise. He heard the door open, Anna stepping through, her face holding a kind apprehension but quickly melting to a smile when she saw Robert's situation.

"You never could never get those right. Let me help," she said, her fingers unfurling the tie with a couple of tugs here and there. Robert looked bewildered as his wife stood in front of him, measuring the tie's length and the appropriate place to tie the knot.

"How are you feeling?" she almost whispered. She didn't look into his piercing green eyes. She knew there'd be enough pain in them to make her cry. Robert didn't answer at first, clearing his throat.

"Not great, babe. Not great. Standing here, all I can do is relive that night, how scared I felt. How I died inside when I knew we couldn't save Ma. I don't know how I'm supposed to think of anything else," he said, his voice pained. Anna let silence hang in the air as she finished his tie. She finally looked into his eyes. They were already watering. "I'm gonna cry so hard," he said, his voice strained. She felt a wave of grief wash over her and held back her tears.

"Just hold my hand, sweetie. I'm here for you," she said, holding him as close to her as she could. It was all she could do.


         Kade, Ela, Maverick, Nokk and Lion had gathered into the base's chapel. A casket lay open under a beautifully painted idol of Jesus Christ. In it were three items. A grammar book his mother had gifted him when he was young, a tribal charm Benji had given him before he deployed to Rainbow Base and finally the first bullet that CJ had ever shot; Kade had won it in a round of cards. All the operators were dressed in their Sunday best, including Lion who was also holding a bible.

"I appreciate you doing this, Olivier. Why the Chaplin had to be stricken today of all days is one of God's many mysteries," Kade said. Lion adjusted his tie, sweat collecting on his brow.

"No problem, happy to do it," he said shortly, making Maverick chuckle.

"Really? Could've fooled me, you look like you're about to keel over," he said, Lion licked his lips, fixing Maverick with a silent glare. Kade put his hand on the Frenchman's shoulder.

"Don't work yourself up. Just having someone here who believes the way she did to put her to rest is all that matters." With that, Kade walked a few steps away to stare down into the mostly empty casket. The atmosphere was suffocating and all his mind could conjure was the years of memories with his mother; both the ones he cherished and those better left to rot. He remembered long nights in the living room. The wood furnace crackling, moonlight shining softly through the window pane onto the worn wood flooring as his mother's soft voice told him story after story. He also remembered the sound of his father's fist striking her flesh again and again. The dead silence from his mother, the strained grunts and wheezes from his father the only thing filling that crushing void of quiet; it made his skin crawl every time as tears of guilt and shamed burned his face. He suddenly felt a hand on his back. There was Ela, a mournful, worried expression on her face.

"Are you going to be okay?" she said. Kade's lips were tight, a thin line that couldn't be stretched into a smile.

"I will be after this is over," Kade replied as he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. The door opened and in strolled Robbie, Anna, Mary, Six and Harry, all in their Sunday best. Mary grinned, letting out a giggle and running towards Ela and Kade, "Uncle Kade!" she exclaimed happily. Kade's face broke into a smile, warming Ela's heart slightly. It was good to see that there were some things that could take him off his grief, if even for a moment.

"Hey, Pumpkin. How're you doing today?" he said, surprised at the stability of his own voice.

"Good! I got to wear my pretty dress!" she exclaimed, prancing around his feet with the little black dress flailing in her excited hands. He embraced his brother and sister in-law, the looks on their faces telling Kade all he needed to know about how they were feeling.

Eventually, those who were attending sat in the pews, with Kade standing at the front, Lion only a short distance behind him, the large Frenchman tugging at his shirt collar every so often. Kade had originally wrote a speech but had tossed it before leaving for Moor Hall. He knew his mother would've hated her funeral to be so formal.

"I thank you all for being here today. My Mother likely would have thought she had too many people here, mourning her loss" Kade started, folding his hands together and staring out at the small group of attendees. "I could go on and on about her and the many good things she was and continued to be throughout the years, but there are only a small number of those here who knew her in such an intimate way. The same goes for Benji and CJ. Two stalwart, exemplary soldiers who died doing myself and my family a great service. They all will be missed." Kade let silence seal the room for a few moments, allowing his eyes to close and then reopen, vivid memories of the three deceased flashing through his conscious mind.

"The White Mask will know that we don't scare easily. I will mourn the loss of my loved ones but I will not be brought low by their underhanded tactics. I would think the rest of you here affiliated with Rainbow share my perspective. I will fight and persevere in memory of them, emboldening my heart with the fatal sacrifices they made. Death is but a door and we, the living, are made to stare into it's cold and infinite darkness, dreading what might await us in the beyond, once our time comes. Until that time, however, I believe it is our duty to fight like hell until the end."

Kade finished his parting words, stepping towards an empty seat next to Ela near the front left pew. Robert then stood, standing in the same place his brother had, wiping tears from his eyes. He chuckled, gesturing to himself.

"Obviously, I'm a little different from the rest of you. Professional spec-ops soldiers and a children's book author fall from two very different trees in my opinion." he said, getting a few light chuckles from some of the operators. "Cj and Benji were like brothers to me, always there to lend an ear and watch Mary when need be. I will miss them every day for the rest of my life. My mother was a beacon of light in all of our lives. She held strong throughout the many storms' life threw upon her. Through it all, she held the line with a smile and a reassuring hand. No one can or will replace what she gave me or the world," he said, looking back at the empty casket, "I love you, Mom." He trudged back to his seat, Anna welcoming him with open arms. Lion then stepped forward, appearing far less apprehensive than before. With the bible in his hand, he spoke.

"In the eyes of God, his children have come home. These children of God are no longer in pain, no longer suffering on this earthly plane. They are rewarded with God's love, as he gives all his children. May those we mourn today rest in heavenly peace" he said, the resounding silence almost deafening to Kade's ears. He was beginning to feel suffocated in the small chapel. Ela's hand on his arm brought him back to reality, however. His smile was forced and short. She gripped his arm tighter. He put his hand over hers. Love, sometimes, was the only thing that could get one through times such as this.


          Kade was in the Spire sometime later, studying a variety of documents, emails and intelligence in preparation for the big operation at Metropolitan. Part of him was at peace, as the funeral allowed for him to figuratively lay his family and friends to rest. The pangs of thoughts would still reverberate throughout the day to day for the rest of his life, however, the ache would be somewhat dulled due to the touching service. A part of him knew, deep down, that it wouldn't truly be over for him. Not until he eradicated the White Mask or visited the old family home, now surely in heaps of smoking debris. He made a phone call to a few local men in the area. Men who knew he and his family well, knew, more importantly, what Kade roughly did for a living. He would have them cover it up as best as he could and then contact the local carpenter, Mike Harvey, to set them up with a job that would consist of rebuilding the family home. Robbie and Anna couldn't stay on Rainbow Base forever, after all. He knew he'd also need to up the security by a few degrees if he were to move them back there while dealing with the White Mask. He heard the door open and was happy to see Alfons poking his head through the door, the polish man's blue eyes showering Kade in warmth as he let himself in. He was still dressed in his formal attire, hanging his suit jacket on the coat rack nearest the door as he walked in. Kade got up to greet the man, shaking his hand firmly as they sat down at the island. Kade placed an open beer in front of Alfons, the smokey chill escaping the bottle as he set it down.

"My condolences, dear friend. I know holding that service must have been difficult for you and your family. I've been to far too many funerals for friends. It never gets easier" Alfons said solemnly.

"I appreciate it, Alfons. I would extend my sympathies to you as well, if only for the fact that you're forced to stay on a military base as if on house arrest" Kade said. Alfons waved a hand, taking a healthy sip of beer.

"If anything, it's been a godsend. Ever since Zofia joined Rainbow, our daughter and I haven't seen much of her. Of course, I don't hold it against her at all, I'm just very glad to have this extra time with her that I otherwise, never would have gotten" he said. Kade was thankful for the man's optimistic outlook on things. Hearing the words of others often put a great many things into perspective.

"Perhaps you'd be willing to play a game of blackjack, friend?" Alfons looked at him, worry somewhat evident on his face.

"Are you sure? I'd be perfectly happy to give you some time to yourself, Kade" Kade shook his head.

"Nonsense, Alfons. I believe the last thing I should be is alone with my thoughts. Additionally, it would only do to bond even closer with a brother-in-law of sorts, would it not?"


          Anyone closely connected to Kade had avoided the Spire nearly all day, wishing to give Kade his space and time to grieve. However, what Ela and Zofia didn't expect to find walking through the door was Aflons and Kade laughing hysterically, empty beer bottles and a half-drunk bottle of whiskey littering the island they were playing cards on. They turned to the women once they perceived their presence, exuberance evident in their joyful expressions. Ela couldn't help but smile. She was relieved to see him happy, though the amount of alcohol it seemingly took to get him there was only slightly disconcerting.

"Would you like to join our blackjack game, my beautiful wife? And Ela too, of course," Alfons asked. Zofia chuckled, striding over to plant a soft kiss on his head.

"No, my husband. I'm going to make us dinner. Robbie and Anna will be bringing Emily and Mary over soon. Would you mind helping me?" she asked. He grinned.

"Of course! Just point me in the right direction darling. I've been losing too much to Kade anyways," Alfons said with a wink towards Kade. Ela sat down with Kade, placing a gentle hand on his back.

"How are you, love?" she asked. She noticed the joy slip just slightly and inwardly cursed herself. However, it only lasted a millisecond.

"Despite the maelstrom of emotions within, my dear, I feel somewhat at peace. My mother is at rest having been remembered and loved and we soon move out to, hopefully, thwart her killers' attempts at taking thousands of innocent lives. I am conflicted, yet resolved." She smiled once again. She had to admire his strength of character. She was intimately familiar with the pain of losing a parent after all.

"You are stronger than you'll ever know," she said, giving him a kick peck on the cheek. They watched as Zofia and Alfons were laughing and trading jokes as they cut up vegetables and oiled pans. It was then that Robbie and Anna arrived with the children, filling the room with merriment and cheer. Kade's only wish was that his mother could be there to see and meet all the wonderful people gathered in his de-facto home.


          It was without little fanfare that the crew chosen for phase two of Operation Scorched Earth boarded an unmarked passenger plane and took off towards New York City. Ela had, of course, taken a seat next to Kade. Echo and Dokkaebi sat next to each other, as well as Alibi and Maestro. Ying and Pulse sat by themselves, the former reading a book while the later was seemingly listening to music through some earbuds. Thermite and Thatcher sat together, no doubt trading war stories as the two always had a tendency to attempt and one up the other. Nokk sat just a seat behind Ela and Kade, Kade guessing that she was likely listening to heavy polish metal or a podcast. It was always difficult to tell with her.

"Will we be meeting many of your old acquaintances?" Ela asked Kade, who himself was reading Team of Rivals. Kade considered her question for a moment.

"I would imagine so. It is the institution's 54th anniversary, many of my old peers will likely be there to celebrate. I think most of them, like Q and Erik, will be surprised that I have a partner. Especially someone as stunning as you," he said, brushing his lips on her cheek. He'd already reviewed the exhaustive roster of all attendees, sending them to both his own intelligence contacts as well as Rainbow's resourceful operatives to do background checks on every single person; even his old friends and colleagues. The breadth of their reach could not be underestimated. His main concern with this operation was their proximity to a high concentration of civilians. With the nature of the White Mask's bio weapon, there was no telling the havoc that would undoubtedly ensue if it were released. Beyond the main objective, it was expressed by Six herself that it was paramount the team obtain actionable intel on the White Mask. Kade closed his eyes, closing his hand around Ela's. For now, he just needed to rest.

Operation Scorched Earth Part 2 Start

0700 Hours

February 24th, 2018

John F. Kennedy International Airport

New York

          When they arrived, the group was surprised to see a group of unmarked black cars already waiting for them on the strip. A distinctive looking man with glasses and a thick mustache was there to greet them, a disapproving look on his face.

"Doctor Kade Summers. Can't say this is the way I expected to see you again," the man said, an unmistakable southern drawl coating his words. It reminded Ela of how often she'd flirted with U.S operators from the south back in her GROM days when they were doing joint operations. There was something about the sound their voices made that had Ela always visualizing melted butter or warm honey being poured over some decadent desert.

"Mr. McKinley. The best things in life are often unexpected. How are you, Collin?" Kade offered his hand. Collin took it slowly, as if it was begrudging for him to do so.

"President Baldwin was briefed by the director of the FBI and CIA. Pretty big deal all the way up to the top. I was deployed here on joint orders from President Baldwin and General Keptan to assist in any way possible. We'll take you to Metropolitan and from there, I'm your yes man," Collin said. Ela noticed how there was no warmth in his voice; he hadn't answered Kade's "how are you" either. Kade let his hand drop.

"Thank you, Collin. Please, lead the way," Kade said, gesturing to the line of vehicles. Warden nodded, making a circular rotation with a raised hand. The surrounding suit-clad agents suddenly converged on the Rainbow operators, taking their baggage and gear into the cars. Maestro grinned.

"This is like vacation! Are there drinks, too?" he said, Alibi elbowing him in the side; though unable to hide a small smile. Ela stepped into the same car as Kade, Collin taking a seat on the passenger side.

"This is Elzbieta Bosak, one of the very best Rainbow has to offer," Kade introduced. Collin glanced back, taking her in from head to toe.

"Howdy, Ms. Bosak. It is a mighty fine pleasure to meet you. How'd you find the flight?" he said. His sudden cordial attitude had Ela suspicious.

"Ela is fine, thank you, Collin. You work for the American president?" she said. He nodded with a little grin.

"That's right. I'm the President's body man. Probably the best one too. Say, why don't you and I get a drink once we arrive?" he said. Ela smiled, putting a hand on Kade's leg and kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm flattered, Collin, but I'm already spoken for," she said, her smile sickly sweet. He grimaced, turning back in his seat and remaining silent for the rest of the ride. Ela had never been to New York and she had to admit, it was quite the place. The bustling, packed streets. The myriad of faces hustling and bustling to a thousand different destinations. The day was overcast and rain drizzled on their windshield, making the thousands of lights, advertisements and business signs pop in the dull, pale light. She could only imagine what it looked like at night. They were let through a black-bar gate that led to a three story parking garage. Connected to the garage was an administrative building of modern design, industrial steel interlaiden with brick to create something between both modern and ancient; as the brick had vines stretched across it like a slow creeping disease. The interior was just as clean and spotless as the exterior, aesthetically pleasing rugs, furniture and decor littered the space; things Ela would typically expect to see at a college, like large paintings and strange sculptures. It wasn't hard to see where Kade's interior designing inspiration came from. The room they were led to seemed to have been entirely repurposed for the sake of their operation, a legion of people in button up shirts and slacks on computers, phones and tablets doing logistical work for the coming days. A woman with a short stature and a hard stare strode over to greet them. She had straight, brown hair and a pair of reading glasses resting atop her head. Her figure was slim but Kade could tell she was fit in the way she carried herself. She shook his outstretched hand.

"Welcome. I'm Marsha Williams, I'm the FBI field agent in charge. Good to have you on the team, Doctor Summers," she said.

"It's a pleasure, Ms. Williams. What do we know so far?" he said. She frowned, bringing him over to a board that was on the left side of the room by a window.

"Disturbingly little. Everyone here is double and triple checking the background of every attendee but so far, nothing has flagged," she said. Ela saw Marsha's eyes flick from Kade's and followed them, an older man in a campus security outfit had entered the room. Kade followed their lead and a smile instantly broke out on his face.

"Mr. Wells! How delightful it is to see you!" he exclaimed, walking over and wrapping the man in a hearty embrace. His face was wrinkled, with eye sockets that appeared sunken into his face. Even so, he had intelligent eyes and an easy smile that sat just below a well-groomed, snow white mustache.

"Good to see you again as well, Doctor Summers. I appreciate the Christmas cards, you still haven't missed one even after all these years," he said, holding Kade at arms length and studying him, like a grandfather would his grandson.

"You've changed a lot, son, I can tell. Even so, you still feel the same. Welcome back to the Metro," Mr. Wells said, his attention moving to everyone else in the room.

"My name is Tom Wells, I'm chief of security here at Metropolitan college. If you have any questions, need a lay of the land, I'm your man," he said. Marsha gestured to the board.

"I think it would be best for the sake of our new arrivals that you give them a brief rundown of the campus. That way, everyone will be on the same page." Tom tipped his cap.

"I'd be happy to, Miss Williams," Tom said, pointing at the map at a building that said YOU ARE HERE. "Obviously, we are here. This building is typically for the registrars and guidance counselors, but with the immediate threat, we made due. To our west along the border of the grounds are the athletic buildings and fields, of which there will be many games and people there this weekend. Going along the northwestern border are the STEM academic buildings and offices," he said gesturing at the map. Kade's thoughts began to drift. He knew the campus within like the back of his hand, despite all the changes over the years. It was burned into his mind after the fateful day. He knew if there was one place they were going to target it was going to be the food courts, auditoriums and meeting buildings in the center of campus, surrounded by a rippling pond, passing ducks and floating lily pads coating its surface. He was brought back by Ela lightly touching his hand. He smiled at her.

"Any questions?" Tom asked. Everyone shook their heads.

"I'm assuming you've put us up in the Reinhalt suites?" Kade said, Marsha seemed caught off guard for a moment.

"Oh. Yes. I forgot for a moment you've been here before," Marsha said, making Tom burst out in laughter.

"Been here? He taught here, Miss Williams. Treated everyone from the president to the food court ladies with respect and courtesy. I've missed him ever since he left!"

Kade smiled. "Thank you, Tom," he said,

"I can take us there. Do we have permission to get ourselves acclimated with the campus?" Kade asked. Marsha nodded.

"That's fine. Just stay covert. Wear caps and shades. We don't want the threat to know that the cavalry's arrived," she said. Kade motioned to the door with a jerk of his head.


          Without a word the Rainbow operators followed, taking in the sights, smells and sounds as they made their way to the Reinhalt Suites. The walkways were made of white granite brick and seemingly twisted and turned all around the campus like an elegant snake. Ela matched Kade's step, giving him sidelong glances as he slowly took in the place of equal parts joy and sorrow. He pointed at the library that was in the center of campus, a sprawling field filled with soft snow, frolicking college students and alumni, as well as withered trees reaching for passersby with cold, dead, limbs. The library itself was a mixture between organic architecture and parlante design, cement pillars and brick mixed with shrewdly sheared bushes and carefully placed plants and flowers.

"That is where the attack started," was all he said. She shuddered at the horror the innocent students must have felt. Going about their lives with so much potential and promise, only for their lives to be snuffed out by cruel, misguided ideals.

"What's your history with the secret service guy? You got beef or something?" Thermite asked from behind. Kade waved his hand dismissively.

"Collin is a brilliant agent. A chivalrous, if slightly lecherous, gentleman. He is also incredibly distrustful of any special operations unit run out of the CIA. We had to work together a couple of times here and there. It was never something he could shake," Kade explained. Thermite shrugged.

"That's not so bad I guess."

"Not as bad as immediately challenging him to a fight, eh Jordan?" Thermite chided, jokingly elbowing the American operator. Jordan rolled his eyes and let out a sigh, beginning an exasperated explanation of how that was behind them now and it was bad taste to bring up the past. Ela spotted some residential looking buildings that resembled the same architecture as the library.

"Are those the suites?" she asked, pointing to them. Kade only nodded. She held back a sigh. She loved him, of course. However, with the stress he was currently under and facing his past demons, she wasn't sure that was going to be enough.


1000 Hours

February 24th, 2018

Herefordshire, England

Hereford Base, Men's Dormitory

          William Biddeford sat in the common room of the men's dormitory, filling out a crossword puzzle and doing some self-reflection. He knew that his first assignment was coming up soon. It was nothing major: Six wouldn't be putting a green operator right into the thick of it without some solid ground to stand on first. It would be a standard breach and clear mission with Ash and Maverick, Kade leaving him with the advice of "remember your training and listen to any and everything Erik and Eliza say as if your very life depends on it." That part wouldn't be hard. Where he grew up, teacher's still smacked your hand for a ruler if they thought you weren't paying attention for even a moment. He found the final word in his "farm" themed crossword, "Zoomlion" being the last word. It was a massive Chinese agricultural and construction machinery company, the largest in China and the fifth largest in the world. He decided he'd head to the training grounds and run through some standard scenarios. He fiddled with a sticky note that Dokkaebi had given him. Printed on it in her spunky, unique handwriting was "Good luck!" with a cute, chibi-like character drawn on the bottom. He folded it and tucked it into a pocket of his green flannel shirt. At least he had some stellar support as he eased himself into his new role.

He loaded himself up with a Glock G19 for a sidearm and a Smith & Wesson M&P15 semi-automatic rifle for the run. He had conferred with the trial operators beforehand. He wanted the situation to be as close to the mission he was about to embark on in terms of parameters as they could manage. He checked his sights and slid the slide back. First one racked.

"I'm ready!" He called to those operating the scenario. The loud, grating horn sounded. He moved forward, rifle shouldered and at the ready. He steadied his breathing and emptied his mind of all unimportant thoughts. The first plywood enemy popped up. He squeezed the trigger. Crack. Pop. Pop. Crackcrackcrackcrack! Pop. Pop.Pop.Pop.Pop.Crackcrackcrackcrackcrackcrackcrackcrack! Not a target was missed as he carefully moved through the mock building. His training as a recruit had broken down in excruciating detail the importance of knowing how to clear a building. Room by room, floor to ceiling. The nature of the threats they faced meant that they were often going in dark with little intel, so being extraordinarily cautious and thorough would not only complete missions but save lives in the field. Pop. Pop. Pop. Crack! Crack! Click. His rifle was out. He let it go, falling to his side, secured by its sling. He whipped out his sidearm and splintered the plywood, darting behind cover, reloading his weapons and taking a breath. He knew he was nearing the end. He reached to his belt, taking hold of a flashbang and pulling the pin. He threw it underhand into the next doorway, taking a knee around the corner and opening fire. Crackcrackcrackcrackcrackcrack! Perfect shots. The buzzer sounded once again.

He was back in the locker room, shedding his gear and taking care of his weapons when he felt a presence enter the room. He turned to see Ash, a friendly smile on her face.

"Hey there, Farm Boy. Killer job in there. You said you learned to do that by shooting cans on a fence with a BB gun?" she said incredulously. He shrugged, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Yeah," he said lamely, unsure of how else to respond to both her flattery and disbelief. Maverick entered the room just behind her.

"Must have been some pretty special cans. Or fence. Depends on which you like more, I guess," Erik said. William chuckled quietly at his comment. He could see why Kade and Erik were good friends, at least on a surface level. One was easy going, comedic and attentive while the other was charming, suave and intensely critical. Their personalities seemed to fit together in the spaces where each lacked.

"If you perform just like that on the operation, there'll be no issues," Ash reassured. He knew she was doing her best to ease his anxiety but her statement only made it worse. It wasn't just the fact they were shooting at those who could shoot back, but he was with the best of the best now. The insurmountable weight on his shoulders to meet their expectations was crushing. He nodded.

"I'll do my best," he said resolutely. Erik clapped him on the shoulder.

"Good man. That's all we need from you. Stay firing on all cylinders and you'll be golden," he said, taking the exit out into the cold. Ash nodded with a smile, following Erik's lead and leaving. He let out a long breath, going back to unloading the magazines and taking the guns apart so he could clean them. He could do this. Doctor Summers picked him for a reason.


0200 Hours

February 25th, 2018

The Latin Quarter, Paris, France

Unnamed Residential Building, 0249 Cicero Street

          The last few hours felt like a blur to William. They'd gone through the briefing once more, slept a couple hours, got on a plane, slept some more, then landed down in France where a small cell of suspected White Mask were supposedly operating from. They were outfitted with civilian clothes, plates stacked underneath turtlenecks and leather jackets. He was equipped with a B&T APC9 Pro-K submachine gun and SIG Sauer M11 handgun, both with silencers as they were in a residential area. Maverick and Ash were wielding their usual loadouts with silencers as well. The local law enforcement had discreetly cleared out the surrounding buildings and residences in case things got chaotic. It was the dead of night, into the early morning so the optimistic premise was that they would walk in and subdue the threats while they slept. Maverick especially warned him that things would likely go very wrong the moment they walked through the door. He refreshed his grip on his weapon as they stacked up on the back door. They were also joined by some GIGN units, which were at different entry points around the tall, old, brick building. Twitch would likely be upset that she wasn't included in a chance to work with her brothers and sisters in arms again but, William had no plans on mentioning it to her as he'd heard rumors about her fiery tongue; and those rumors were intimidating enough to force his silence. Maverick was crouched in front of the door, picking the lock, when there was finally an audible click. He stepped back, the GIGN operators using pole cameras to check for any signs of traps or tampering. Using non verbal signals it was communicated that the entry point was clear. One of the GIGN grunts slightly pushed open the door, Ash entering with her weapon shouldered and sighted. William lowered his night vision goggles and followed behind her, Maverick right behind him. He followed his training and stacked up on the nearest door. It was wide open. He quietly stepped in, his weapon at the ready as if it was an extension of himself. He saw two beds, each with sleeping forms in them. He silently took three steps back, motioning to the nearest GIGN member that there were two sleeping unknowns in the room. Three men stepped towards him, William stepping into the room once again. He and one member took one bed while the other two took the other. William's gloved hand covered the sleeping man's mouth with tape as he was flipped unceremoniously by the GIGN member onto his stomach to be restrained with zip ties. The other occupant of the room received the same treatment. Even through the tape, their muffled screams would become an issue. One of the GIGN operatives brandished a baton and cracked the screaming man on the side of the head, immediately knocking him unconscious. William's man immediately stopped screaming when he saw this. William nodded to the operative and moved to the next room. When he entered the room he immediately felt like something was wrong. The room seemed empty but the closet was opened just ajar. That had bad news written all over it. He took a step back, keeping his weapon trained on the door. His boot set down on something. He froze. It seemed soft. He slowly let his foot off the unknown object and to his horror it let out a small squeaking sound. Immediately the closet door burst open. He saw a metallic flash and reflexively pulled the trigger, each bullet impacting muscle and bone with a meaty thwacking sound. He didn't miss a bullet. He swallowed a wave of bile when he saw the aftermath of what lay in the closet. A woman and a child-no more than 6 or 7 years old-lay in her arms, a weapon held in their small, pale hands. It was clear. The woman had used the child as a shield. He heard footsteps behind him, likely GIGN operatives coming to investigate the small burst of gunfire.

"Clear. It's clear," he said in a seething whisper, trying desperately to remain in control of his faculties while the mission was still ongoing. He heard one of the Frenchmen swear under his breath once he saw the sight. William didn't blame him. It wasn't long before the 1st floor was clear with little incident. William was fairly certain he was the only one that used lethal force. He was directed to go to the ground floor with four other GIGN operatives. Beyond the fact that he had just killed a child, he was also befuddled as to why he had yet to link up with Ash or Maverick. He hadn't seen them since they breached and he had a feeling that he wouldn't again until the operation was over. Due to the universe seeming to have a vendetta against him, he was placed first in the stack. For the basement it seemed to be a common room with two hallways branching out from it. Beer cans, loose papers, and a jerry-rigged work bench with what looked like bomb making materials spread across it littered the space. Intel seemed to deliver on this being a White Mask hidey hole, at least. He was to take the left hallway with two GIGN operatives while the other two went to clear the smaller hallway to the right. They stopped near what looked like a small broom closet. William stopped, putting his hand on the knob. He signaled he was about to open it, slowly turning the metallic doorknob as the GIGN operatives readied their weapons. He thrust it open suddenly, making sure it didn't do a complete swing and hit the nearby wall. Empty. Just miscellaneous clothes and shoes. They were about to stack up on the next door when they heard the sound of a shotgun being cocked, a slug racked into the chamber. A head shaped hole burst from the wood and they could hear screaming from inside the room. William heard gunshots and yells from above them. This was exactly what Maverick was talking about. William signaled and took a flash grenade from his belt, tossing it through the hole. As soon as it went off and he heard a yell of surprise he charged in, kicking down the mostly destroyed door and swinging his weapon up. Thwackthwackthwack! Boom! William was sent flying back, hitting the hallway wall. He heard another door to his left burst open. Despite the burning pressure on his chest he pulled out his pistol, filling two White Mask brandishing rifles with as many bullets as its magazine held. He tore at his jacket, wrestling the plates out and tossing the spent metal to the floor. Thank god the White Mask member was blinded, he could've lost his kneecaps or worse, otherwise. There was still one more door at the end of the hall. He took the outstretched hand of one of the GIGN operatives, righting himself and reloading his weapons. This time one of the operatives headed the stack as William no longer had armor. He was third in line as the first two once checked the door for traps. The signal was given for a clear and the second GIGN operative in the stack blew away the door handle, the door slamming open inwardly. William immediately heard an incessant beeping and knew almost instantly what it was thanks to his training.

"Get back! Get-" he was cut off when the improvised explosive went off, the two men in front of him becoming mincemeat as he was sent flying back in the hallway. His night vision was knocked off but as he came back to his senses he could see due to some light pouring out from the room that exploded. He saw a shadow slowly moving towards the door. He readied his weapon, lying prone on the floor amongst his dead and dying comrades. The White Mask poked his head out. Thwack. Blood sprayed on the wall behind the fallen enemy as William shakily got to his feet, his submachine gun still pointed on the door. He slowly approached it, jumping back as a large enemy combatant swung wildly around the corner. He appeared to be only in sleeping clothes and wielded nothing but a baseball bat. William managed to get a short burst off into his side but the man must have been in an adrenaline induced rage as he hardly seemed to notice, swinging the bat wildly again and knocking the gun out of his hands. He knew he wouldn't have time to unholster and ready his pistol so he took his Ka-Bar combat knife from his belt and stepped inwards towards the wild swing, putting his forearm forcefully against the hulking enemy's neck while he thrust the knife several times into the attacker's chest. He could tell that hurt him. The White Mask member still shoved him away but there wasn't nearly as much force behind the push as there should have been. He dropped the bat, staggering towards William as if he meant to continue the fight. William wasted no time in taking out his pistol and placing three shots in his head. Blood and brain matter flew as William placed his pistol back in his holster and picked up his Pro-K submachine gun. He stepped through the doorway, weapon at the ready. He breathed a sigh of relief. The room was in shambles thanks to the explosion and no other signs of life remained. He linked back up with the other operatives who had been in the other hallway with their hands full, the two men visibly upset when discovering the dead bodies of their comrades.

William met Maverick and Ash outside, concern and frustration evident on their faces.

"Hey, Will. Heard you had one hell of a time. You good?" Maverick asked. He nodded numbly. Ash lightly touched his elbow, gesturing to the back of a GIGN van. He sat down at her direction, watching the pulsing lights and the French military and emergency responders mill about. He killed a kid. I killed a kid. It was all he could think. Ash and Maverick looked at each other. The after action report was going to be a tough read. It was likely William would need Kade's services immediately when he got back. William's hands shook. He blinked away tears. He couldn't. Not in front of them.

0600 Hours

February 25th, 2018

New York City, New York

Reinhalt Suites, Metropolitan College of New York

          Ela and Kade lay in bed, clothes strewn on the floor and sheets tangled up all around their nude bodies. Ela planted soft kisses along his hands and chest while he stared up at the ceiling, enjoying the sensation of her lips against his skin. He dragged himself from his thoughts and looked down at Ela, who, in his mind's eye, shone brighter than a thousand suns. He kissed the top of her head, pausing her little ritual. She smiled and it took his breath away. Without looking away, he spoke.

"Tell me what goes through that beautiful mind of yours," he said, Ela seeming somewhat taken aback by the question. She blushed and he felt his soul hum.

"W-why me? What? What's so-" he stopped her with a finger to her lips. He enjoyed how it was never difficult to fluster her.

"I want to know. Tell me, please," he said, his eyes pleading. After some time she sighed, laying her head on his chest.

"That is a seriously weird question, you know. I don't even know where to start," she said.

"Tell me what you're thinking about right now," he encouraged. She bit her lip and looked up at him longingly.

"How I'd like to stay in bed all day. I want to find as many ways to ease your mind as possible. I...I want this to go well. Truly. No schrzanić. (Translation: screw ups). I want to fight until the White Mask is neutralized . I want to make a new for myself and make my family name shine like a thousand peridots. That was easy. How did I do that?"

Kade chuckled.

"Some say you let down all your defenses when you are with the ones you love. I would say that's more than true for me," he said, gently holding the back of her head and softly kissing her lips. Ela smiled sweetly once they separated.

"What about you, kochanie? (Translation: darling) What are you thinking of?" she asked, laying her head on his chest and slowly stroking his skin, her long, white fingers going back and forth in rhythmic, comforting movements.

"Kade Summers the soldier is bugging out about pretty much every aspect of this operation. Kade Summers the man however, would also like to stay in bed all day. Unfortunately, we don't have that luxury," he said, kissing her once more before heaving himself out of bed. Just before he was about to head into the shower his cell phone rang. The suites had been modified before they came, soundproof walls and scramblers in every room so only secured lines could get through, He answered.

"Professor speaking," he said.

"Professor! This is Dokkaebi! You need to get here! ASAP! Now! Like, yesterday!" she exclaimed. Kade darted towards his clothes, motioning for Ela to do the same.

"Why? What's going on?"

"We have an unknown element! They don't seem like White Mask but they don't look like our guys either!"

Kade's blood froze? Unknown element? That was one phrase he never wanted to hear. Especially on this mission. If he didn't get to the bottom of what was going on, a lot of people would die. He just hoped beyond all hope that they were on the side of justice and all things good in the world. Of course, things almost never really work that way, do they? 

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