Together Again ~ A Javid Love...

By VaquitaLibra

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Suddenly, a person runs into David. He's taken by surprise by the impact. The two stumble back a little. That... More

Chapter 1 | So We Meet Again
Chapter 2 | Eventful Morning
Chapter 3 | Beginning To Reconcile
Chapter 5 | The World Will Know
Chapter 6 | Brooklyn
Chapter 7 | Seize The Day
Chapter 8 | Attempted Night Rescue
Chapter 9 | On Our Way To More
Chapter 10 | King Of New York
Chapter 11 | Irving Hall
Chapter 12 | Stand Tall In Court
Chapter 13 | A Trying Night
Chapter 14 | Betrayal
Chapter 15 | The Year We Fell In Love
Chapter 16 | Lowest Moment
Chapter 17 | And Now We Make Things Right
Chapter 18 | Once And For All
Chapter 19 | We Got Voices Now
Chapter 20 | Our Story Isn't Perfect, But It's Ours

Chapter 4 | A Healthy Relationship

449 10 35
By VaquitaLibra

The great thing about not having an intro page and/or prologue is that I don't have to do any math for what number the chapter is. It's just look at what part it is and that's the chapter number haha.

Okay, so I'm not entirely sure this will reach 1000 words, but considering how much I ramble and overwrite, I don't know haha.

(It definitely reached 1000 words haha)

So. Trying to conceal gay panic in front of parents while the crush is right there.

Couldn't be me projecting. Nope.


Enjoy! :)


David opens the door to his apartment, Jack right beside him.

His mother is right there. "What took you so long?" she chastises him.

"A little trouble outside, Ma, nothing much," David answers.

That's when she sees Les. "Good heavens, what happened?!"

She takes Les from Jack.

"Nothing, Ma, he's just sleeping," David assures her. Now comes for the part where he introduces Jack to his mother, and to his father, standing not too far away. "Jack, these are my parents." He waits for his mother to greet Jack warmly, and for his father to shake Jack's hand, before saying, "and this is Jack Kelly. Our new selling partner."

"Nice to meet you," Jack says politely.

At least he has good manners, David thinks, relieved.

As his parents go to prepare more food for their unexpected guest, David remembers there's someone else in the house. "Oh right. Jack, this is my sister Sarah."

She looks up from her embroidary and smiles warmly at them. Jack's gaze lingers on her a little longer than David would have liked.

No. Jack is not going after his sister. David won't let Jack break her heart too.

But along with his protectiveness for his sister ... he's also feeling ... jealousy? Is he truly jealous that Jack is paying attention to Sarah?

No I'm not. I'm not jealous.

He files that thought away. It's not going to do him any good right now.

When the dinner is on the table, Jack puts the money they made on the table.

"You made all of this selling newspapers?" David's father asks, incredulous, impressed.

"Your boys are natural born sellers," Jack answers. His eyes flash at David. David looks away, not wanting it to go to his head. Jack continues. "At this rate, we might be able to peddle a thousand papes a week."

"That many?" His father asks Jack.

Jack nods. "More, if the headline is good."

"What makes the headline good?" Sarah asks curiously.

"Oh, you know, something big," Jack says. "Like a war, or a corpse, or..." he begins listing more things, most of them gruesome and not good table conversation. He continues on, oblivious to how David's parents are both looking away, while that's all David can think about.

David is pretty sure his face is as red as a tomato, if not redder. Kill me now.

This was the reason why he never let Jack meet his parents. He's paying dearly for his decision. Never again will I make this mistake.

Somehow Jack and Sarah manage to chuckle a little at it. And then, then, Jack gains more awareness, and apologizes. "Sorry. I'm talkin' too much, ain't I?"

For a couple moments, no one says anything. At least they aren't kicking him out.

"Sarah," David's father says finally, "how about you get the cake your mother is hiding in the cupboard?"

"That's for your birthday tomorrow!" she scolds him, smiling.

"I've had enough birthdays," he responds, also smiling. "This calls for a celebration!"

All of them get up and start moving around the kitchen.

Jack watches them, small smile on his face. The way they work together, the way they talk and smile ... it's a perfect family. Maybe they themselves aren't perfect. No one is. But their relations are. It's a healthy family. There's a small ache in Jack's heart. If only he had a family like this.

This calls for a celebration! Echoes in David's head. It's getting him hopeful.

"This is only the beginning, Papa!" David says enthusiastically. "We'll work more, and we'll make more money, and-"

"This is only until I get my job back," his father reminds him gently. "Then you go back to school like you promised."

David falters, a little disappointed. Still, he nods and doesn't talk back. He did promise.

They distribute the cake around the table.

And wow, is this the best thing that Jack has ever tasted.

"Come back my lovey, dovey baby..."

They all freeze, setting down their utensils. Jack and David swivel around.

It's Les, singing in his sleep, smile on his face. "And coochy coo with me..."

David and Jack exchange glances, and then start laughing.

"Boys? What is this?" David's mother asks curiously.

David is too embarassed to respond. Jack just sits back, thoroughly amused.

And so dinner goes on.

Later, Jack and David are outside, standing on the balcony, leaning against the railing, smiling at each other.

Today has been a roller coaster. But David is liking how it's ending. And maybe the future will get better.

They make conversation about how his father got hurt, and how that means Les and David have to work until he gets better.

There are a few moments of comfortable silence, before Jack murmurs, "It's been two years now, hasn't it?"

David's heart drops. So now they're going to talk about it. "Yeah. Two years since this June."

"I didn't realize it had been that long."

"Yeah, me too."

David turns away slightly. 

"I know you don't believe me, and I don't blame ya, but I am sorry," Jack murmurs softly. "I want things to be different. I want things to get better between us."

David doesn't say anything. He wants to believe those words, but there's still just a hint of doubt that's still stopping him.

"How do I make it up to you?" Jack asks genuinely. "How do I show you that I mean it?"

David faces Jack again. Even in the darkness, he can still make out Jack's face. A face he would never forget, even if they were separated for twenty years instead of two. He stares into Jack's eyes, eyes that show ... longing. And just the slightest bit of hope, hope that they get on good terms again. Jack wants them to be on good terms again.

"You need to show me that you've changed," David says after some thought. "Either that you have changed, or that you can change."

"Is that it?"

David nods. "And we can't be what were. Not yet. Can you settle for selling partners?"

Jack opens his mouth, then closes it. He opens his mouth again. "Can selling partners be equal to friends?" He sounds so hopeful. And there's the little playfulness in his voice that always gets David to smile.

"It depends on how good of a selling partner you are," David responds, a smile in his voice as well.

This kind of conversation ... it feels so natural.

David missed it. He truly did.

And maybe they will be friends again.

Suddenly, his father opens the window. "David?"

David and Jack split apart immediately. They hadn't even realized how close they had been standing; it just felt so natural to be standing so close that they were nearly touching.

David is glad that his father can't see how red his face probably is.

"It's time to come inside now," he tells David, then walks away from the window.

David walks toward the window, but stops, turning back to face Jack. His heart is beating fast, but he knows he has to say this. "Why don't you spend the night here tonight?"

Jack's eyebrows raise. "After everything?"

David finds himself nodding, still not entirely sure what he's doing.

"I appreciate the offer, truly, but ... not tonight."

"I understand," David responds, deflating a little. It's probably for the best. His emotions are getting the better of him right now.

"You're family is nice," Jack tells him. "Glad I finally got to meet them."

"Yeah, I'm glad you got to meet them too."

A couple moments of comfortable silence pass.

"Well, see you tomorrow," David says. Then, with a smile, he adds, "Carrying the banner."

"Carrying the banner," Jack repeats with a smile.

And so Jack climbs down and David goes inside.

David smiles to himself. He didn't realize how much he had missed Jack. Now they have a chance to start over, to be friends. And honestly, he's looking forward to that.

Jack's smile fades when he's on the ground again, walking away from the appartment.

"So that's what they call a family," he muses. "Mother, father, daughter, son. Guess everything you heard about is true." So you ain't got any family, who said you needed one? Ain't you glad nobody's waiting up for you?

Jack is glad. At least, that's what he tells himself. Because he's not lonely. When he dreams, he's alone, but he's not lonely. For a dreamer like him, night's the only time of day.

Night is for him, and for his dream of Santa Fe.

He wants out of this city. He wants to go to the wild west. Where he can be free.

I'll make it to Santa Fe one day. All I need is a few more dollars, and then I'm out of here to stay. Dreams come true in Santa Fe. They have to.

In the night, when no one is looking, he can practice his lasso work for when he's a real cowboy. How he got the lasso--in other words, who he stole it from--isn't important. He's gotten better at using it, definitely. Surely the other cowboys will be impressed by him.

Then Jack sees a horse, and the opportunity is too good to pass up.

He gets on the horse and the horse starts running, much to the consternation of the owner they're leaving behind.

Santa Fe, are you there? Jack asks the night sky silently. If I found you would you let me come and stay? I ain't getting any younger, and before my dying day, I want space--not just air. Let 'em laugh in my face, I don't care. Santa Fe ... I'll be there.

But it's just a dream.

Jack sighs and gets off the horse, letting the horse run off into the night.

"So that's what they call a family," Jack muses again, quieter. "Ain't you glad it ain't that way?" Ain't you glad you got a dream called Santa Fe?

He is glad. That's what he keeps telling himself, anyway.

No one understands what Santa Fe means to him. David will never understand. So Jack can never fully let David in, can never tell him everything. That's part of what drove them apart in the first place. But if there's one thing Jack is bad at, it's learning from his mistakes.

For now, though, it's time to go inside for the night.

That's when he sees Race. He smiles. If there's one person he can always count on for impeccable timing and good company, it's Race. "Hey, Race." He puts an arm around him.

"Hey, Jack."

"How was your day at the track?"

"Remember that hot tip I was tellin' ya 'bout?"


"Nobody told the horse."


I just really love that line.

It's probably my favorite punchline in the whole movie haha.

Oh look. 1900+ words. I knew I would somehow make it way over 1000 words haha.

I really like the brotherly Jack/Race dynamic, so that will show up a lot.

I love the lyrics of 92sies Santa Fe. Especially For a dreamer, night's the only time of day. I always feel that line in my soul.

I had to bring up the lasso. Christian Bale worked so hard. They filmed it. They freaking cut it.

Again, it's going to take some time before fully exploring Jack and David's past.

But hey, they're getting better now.

And they need to: they have a strike to plan tomorrow.

Please, no homophobia, profanities, hate etc in the comment section.


~Your Beloved Author (who just really loves different relationship dynamics and healthy relationships/bonds)

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