Friends With Benefits Kiribaku

By thisweirdbiperson

9.3K 124 63

One day when Kirishima and Bakugo were training, Kirishima accidentally gives Bakugo a boner. He soon realize... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

975 17 2
By thisweirdbiperson

Before Kirishima knows it, they are pulling up at the restaurant. Bakugo pays the driver and then the two get out. The blond grabs the other's hand and they walk in. The restaurant wasn't anything fancy, but Kirishima knows the food there tastes as it should be. They take a seat and start ordering drinks. As the waitress walks away, Bakugo starts looking through the menu.

"The others said you like this restaurant. Get whatever you want, it's on me."

"What?! No! I can pay for both of us instead."

"Hell no! This was my idea so I'm paying!"

After a little bit of bickering, they decide that Bakugo will pay for dinner and Kirishima will pay for the movie and snacks. The redhead waits for the waitress as Bakugo continues to look through the menu.

"Aren't you gonna look at the menu?"

"Nope! I know exactly what I want."

Bakugo chuckles at the response.

"Okay then."

Soon the waitress comes back with their drinks and they order.

"I can't wait! Their food is sooo good Kat!"

"I bet it is if you are this excited."

"Just wait, you will fall in love with it just like I did!"

Bakugo bursts out laughing, which causes Kirishima to get a bit embarrassed.

"Why are you laughing?!"

"Because it's cute how much you like this place."

Kirishima gets even redder with embarrassment now.


The blond then realizes what he said and gets just as embarrassed.

"Uhh...never mind. Forget I said that."

"Well...if we are admitting things...I think you're cute when you laugh."

Bakugo's face gets even redder.

"I-shut up!"

The blond hides his face with his hands. Bakugo didn't necessarily dislike the comments. He honestly wishes that the redhead would continue. Bakugo looks up at the other and Kirishima smiles. The blond smiles back before looking away. Their food comes out shortly after. They both eat it up pretty quickly.

"Mmmm~that was so good!"

"Not gonna lie, it wasn't that shitty."

"See, I told you!"

The waitress comes over and cleans up the table.

"We'll take the bill."

The waitress nods and goes to get it for them.

"We will have to come back here again."

"Yeah, totally! But I'm paying next time."

"We'll see."

Bakugo pays and they start walking to the theater. It's not very far, so the two thought it would be a good idea to walk. Bakugo looks down at this watch to check the time.

"Right now it's 19:30, we got a good amount of time before it starts, so no need to rush."


After that, it was quiet between the two. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was peaceful. The sun was setting and the sound of birds chirping could be heard as they walked.

"I really want to hold his hand. Should I do it? Fuck it, I'll regret it if I don't."

Kirishima quickly grabs the blond's hand before he talked himself out of it. Bakugo shoots him a confused look before looking away. The blond's hand was sweaty like usual, but it didn't bother Kirishima.

"Isn't it beautiful out?"

"Uhh..yeah, I guess it is."

Bakugo grips the redhead's hand tighter as they just stare at the sunset.

"One day, I want to dance with you until the stars come out."

Bakugo looks back at Kirishima with a clear blush forming on his face.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know, it just feels right, you know?"

"I guess."

Kirishima doesn't want this moment to end and honestly, Bakugo didn't want it to either. Unfortunately, they both know that they need to get going if they don't want to miss the movie. Kirishima lets go of Bakugo's hand, hits his shoulder, and starts running while shouting.

"Try and catch me!"

"Fuck you Shitty Hair! You had a head start!"

Kirishima looks back to see Bakugo running after him. The redhead couldn't help but laugh. It doesn't take long for Bakugo to be running by Kirishima's side. They both keep laughing as they run to the theater. Once the two get there, they collapse while panting.


"No way...Kat."

Once they catch their breath, they start laughing again.

"That was fun."

"Yeah, but next time you don't get a head start."

"Fine by me."

Kirishima gets up and offers a hand to help the blond. Bakugo thinks about it for a second, then grabs the other's hand. The blond gets up and they walk into the theater. Kirishima buys the movie tickets for them first.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?"

"We just ate Shitty Hair."

"I know, but it would be rude of me not to ask. I'm going to at least get a drink. Should I also get you one?"

"Do what you want."

"If I do what I want, then I'd be buying you one of everything."

Kirishima laughs and Bakugo rolls his eyes.

"Just get me whatever you're getting."

"You got it!"

The redhead runs off to get the drinks. Bakugo gets a notification on his phone, so he opens it to see who it is.


Mina: So how's the date going?

Bakugo: Who said it was a date?

Mina: It clearly is.

Bakugo: No, we are just hanging out.

Mina: Yeah right🙄

Bakugo: Shut up Raccoon Eyes!

Mina: Yeah yeah, I just wanted to know if I should get out of the dorms. I don't need to hear you guys having sex.

Bakugo: I'm not talking about this with you.

Mina: Fine, I'll take it as don't come back till late.

Bakugo: Whatever


The blond looks up to see Kirishima holding two drinks.

"Who were you talking to?"
The redhead says a bit upset.

"No one important, just raccoon eyes."

Kirishima quickly relaxes after knowing who it was. He's not much of a jealous person, but when it came to Bakugo, he couldn't help it.

"Okay, you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go."

They walk into the theater and take their seats. The movie starts up shortly and they start watching it. Bakugo loves horror movies, but Kirishima wasn't a big fan. If Bakugo had known, he wouldn't have taken him to see such a scary one. Bakugo lifts the armrest up between them and holds Kirishima's hand.

"If it's too scary for you we can leave."

"No, it's fine."

The next jump scare comes out of nowhere. Bakugo jumps back a bit because it caught him off guard. On the other hand, it scared the shit out of Kirishima and he jumps onto the blond.

"That came out of nowhere!"

"I know, you sure you don't wanna go?"

"No, I'll just stay by you and I'll be fine."

The redhead rests his head on the blond's shoulder and Bakugo responds by wrapping an arm around him. With every jump scare, Kirishima would grab Bakugo tighter and hide his face in the blond's chest. Bakugo didn't mind since he thought the action was cute.

"If this is what happens when we watch horror movies, then we will definitely be watching more together."
Bakugo thinks as he focuses back on the movie.


Kirishima ended up cuddling Bakugo the whole movie. He loved cuddling him, but he didn't like how scary the movie was. They walk out of the theater holding hands as they talk.

"That movie was too scary, how could you like watching that?!"

"It's just my kind of movie."

"You're crazy man."

"Whatever you say."

Kirishima looks up at the sky and Bakugo does the same.

"I love the stars."

Kirishima was surprised to hear Bakugo say that. He didn't think he would be the type of person to love looking at them.

"Me too!"

"Come here."

Bakugo holds Kirishima's hand tighter and takes him to a little hill right next to the theater.

"The driver will pick us up over here, lay down till they come."

The two lay down and look up at the stars while holding hands. Kirishima looks over at Bakugo and thinks to himself for a second.

"He looks so cute staring at the stars with that smile on his face. On top of that, the night sky reflecting on his face makes him look even more beautiful."

Out of nowhere, Kirishima turns Bakugo's head to look at him before he kisses him. The redhead doesn't exactly know how he did this, but to him, it felt like his body started moving on its own. Bakugo looks at Kirishima with a huge blush on his face.


Kirishima couldn't stop himself at this point. He leans back in and starts making out with the other. Bakugo holds Kirishima's face as they keep kissing. This make-out session quickly starts to get heated. The redhead has his tongue exploring Bakugo's mouth as he moans. Kirishima moves on top of the blond and Bakugo responds by bucking his hips up. They only stop when they hear the sound of a horn. The two look over to see a car waiting for them; it must have been there for a few minutes.


Bakugo was upset, but he still pushes the redhead off of him. They head down the hill and get into the car. Once they are in, Bakugo gives the driver the address of the school and they start heading back. Kirishima puts his hand on Bakugo's thigh and whispers in his ear.

"Want to continue when we get back?"

Bakugo looks at Kirishima with a very lustful look.

"Fuck yes."


The second they get back, they pay the driver and run into the dorms. No one seemed to be there, so that was better for them. Kirishima grabs Bakugo's hand and runs into the elevator. On the way up, they continue their make-out session from before. Kirishima lifts Bakugo up and the blond wraps his legs around the other's waist. Once the elevator got to their floor, Kirishima walks out as he continues to hold Bakugo up.

"Idiot, I can walk you know."

"Yeah, but I don't care."

They get back to making out and when Kirishima gets to his door, he pins the blond's back up against it. As they kiss, Bakugo tries to get the door open. It doesn't take long and the second they get in the redhead throws the other on the bed; landing on his back. Kirishima closes and locks the door before getting back on top of the blond. He pins Bakugo down against the bed as he grinds down hard on his member.

"Ahh yes! Hurry up!"

Kirishima didn't hesitate to get them both undressed in a matter of seconds. He then grinds down on him again causing both of them to moan.

"Hey, did you want to have sex with me tonight?"


"You sure?"

"I already said yes, don't make me change my mind and hurry the fuck up."

"So needy."
Kirishima laughs.

"You still remember the safe word right?"

"For fucks sake, yes!"

"Calm down, I just want to make sure. I need to know if things are too much for you."

The redhead leans over to get the lube. He pours some on his fingers and then sets the bottle back down. He slides in one finger pretty easily. He moves it around before adding a second. As he works the blond open, Bakugo is groaning away. Kirishima leans down to kiss the other as he continues. Soon enough, three fingers were in and moving around. Kirishima checks that Bakugo's hands were on the sheets, which they were, then makes sure to hit his prostate with every movement. The action has Bakugo screaming out for the redhead as sparks flew from his palms.

"You think you're loose enough?"


"You still okay with doing this?"

"Yes, Eijiro."

Kirishima then reaches for a condom and the bottle of lube again. He rips open the condom with his teeth and Bakugo watches as he bites his lip. Kirishima slides the condom on and puts a generous amount of lube on top of the condom. He opens Bakugo's legs wider as he lines himself up. The redhead tries to start pushing in, but the blond tenses immediately.

"Hey, you need to relax if you want to continue."

"I'm trying, it's just a lot bigger of a stretch."

"Do you want me to try loosening you up more?"


"Okay then, just stay as relaxed as you can, I'll stop after every couple of inches. I got you and don't be afraid to use the safe word when you need it."

Bakugo nods as he forces himself to relax. Kirishima was eight inches, so he plans to stop after about every two inches. He continues to get the first two inches in and he stops.

"Still okay?"


Kirishima then gets the next two inches in and he hears Bakugo wince.

"You are doing so good Kat."

Bakugo relaxes a little more from the praise and Kirishima takes the opportunity to get the next two inches in before Bakugo tenses all over again.

"Ow, Katsuki relax, you're squeezing me too much!"

"I'm trying you fucker!"
The blond yells as tears start forming in his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. We can take a break here for a bit if you want."

"How much more do you have to go?"

"About one more push-in."

"Finish getting in then take a break."

"You sure?"


Kirishima kisses Bakugo and gets the last of himself inside.

"You're amazing Katsuki. You okay?"

The blond has his eyes shut tight and nods.

"Just...don't move yet."

"Okay, I won't move until you tell me to."

Kirishima wanted to start bucking into the tight heat, but he doesn't want to hurt Bakugo more than he already was. The redhead kisses the tears away on the blond's face.

"You are so beautiful, Kat."

Kirishima then goes down to bite Bakugo's neck. He wants to leave a hickey, so he does. He knew that the blond was going to be mad tomorrow, but he wanted to show people Bakugo was not single. Kirishima knows they are not dating yet, but he hopes that he will change that soon. Bakugo squirms underneath Kirishima as the redhead bites down carefully, trying not to bite too hard with his teeth. He keeps biting all over until Bakugo stops him.

"You can start moving."

"You sure? You don't want more time to get used to it? I mean it is your first time, so I just what to double-check."

"I said it's fine."

Kirishima wastes no time and pins Bakugo's hands above his head. He hardens both hands and begins thrusting slowly.

"Ah shit, that burns."

"It will be better soon Kat, I promise."

Bakugo nods as he starts biting his lip. Kirishima continues his slow thrusts and he can see how hard the blond is biting his lip.

"Quit that."

Kirishima says as he goes to kiss Bakugo instead. The redhead can feel the blond start shaking underneath him.

"Is it feeling better?"


"Do you like this pace?"

"Go faster!"

Kirishima immediately starts thrusting faster and Bakugo was setting off sparks.

"Ohh Fuck! Harder!"

The redhead speeds up more and thrusts harder. All you could hear was the sound of skin-on-skin, moans, groans, pants, and explosions in the room. Kirishima finds Bakugo's prostate, which causes him to scream as bigger explosions replace the smaller ones. He's squirming uncontrollably, but Kirishima doesn't slow down at all. Instead, he aims right at Bakugo's prostate and doesn't miss it with a single thrust.

"Ahh! Ei!! Oh My God! So Good! So Fucking Good!"
The blond cries out as he throws his head back.

"You feel so good, Kat! I love how you scream my name!"


"I'm going to cum soon Kat!"

"Me Too! SHIT! Touch The Front, I Want To Cum!"

Kirishima grabs both of Bakugo's hands with just one hand as he releases his quirk on the other hand. He reaches down and starts jerking Bakugo off to match his thrusts.

Bakugo cries out as he cums with a huge explosion which made them look like they just walked through a fire.

Kirishima cums right after and continues to get them through their high. He soon pulls out before collapsing next to Bakugo. They both continue to pant until they catch their breath.

"That was great."

"Fuck yeah it was."

They then open their eyes and realize that they are covered in black smoke.

Bakugo says and Kirishima laughs.

"It's fine, it just shows how much you liked it."

"Tsk, shut up."

The redhead gets off the bed and grabs some nearby clothes.

"Since we are covered in smoke, just use these dirty clothes to walk to the showers."

Bakugo grabs them and puts them on.

"Come on,"
Kirishima says as he opens the door for them.

The second the blond stands up, he falls to the ground immediately. He shoots Kirishima a confused look. Kirishima lets out a nervous laugh.

"Sorry about that, here."

The redhead runs over to the other and picks him up.


"Calm down, you're fine."

They get to the showers and luckily, still, no one was around. Kirishima washes them both quickly and drys them off. As he helps Bakugo walk back in just towels, he realizes that they can't sleep in his room.

"Can we sleep in your room tonight? Mines kinda, you know..."

"Yeah, whatever."

Kirishima walks into Bakugo's room and sets him down gently on it.

"Wait here."

Kirishima runs off to his room to get some clothes on and grabs one of his hoodies and boxers for Bakugo. He walks back into Bakugo's room and helps him get dressed. They lay down under the covers and cuddle until they fall asleep...


"Okay everyone, there's a party at class 1B's dorms, so let's go crash it!"
Mina yells to everyone.

"I'll pass,"
Todoroki says as he starts walking away.

"If anyone stays back, just know Bakugo and Kirishima are out on a date and will come back to have sex. So if you don't want to hear that, then I suggest you come!"
Mina says as she gestures to the door.

"...let me go get dressed."
Todoroki sighs.

Word Count: 3058

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