My Upstairs Secret - BTS

By ChairmansDaughters

1.6K 94 8

How did BTS members manage to be targeted by the dark quirky twins Sumre & Sundae Whyte in their upside down... More

The Whyte Sisters


175 10 1
By ChairmansDaughters

"D'oh! I'm still locked, you know!"

DROPPING wearily into the hard, wooden desk chair, RapMonster tapped his ear once, twice and then a third time. 

Who the heck was singing 'Happy Birthday' in his head, followed by strange, yet familiar voices and WHY?

Hoping maybe it was coming from the room next door he leaned in close to the wall blinking curiously. "Aishhh," he muttered, "impossible . . . that's our other room for the rest of the members. It's empty."

Flipping on the overhead light he was certain he was hearing children. Eyebrows furrowed, face pinched, he strained to make sense of the abnormal song. Mingling with J-Hopes light snoring in the bed beside him, and sound of running bath water where Suga had rushed to have a long-awaited soak after their arrival, it left him totally confused.

The dim room bathed in a soft glow made him wonder how long they would be stuck here. They were used to hotel rooms. That wasn't the issue . . . the rest of the missing members were.

As the confusing chorus of noises intensified, he felt the need to write down what he was hearing. Searching his backpack for his IPad, for some reason, it couldn't wait another minute.
Unconsciously humming 'Happy Birthday' to himself, he furiously typed the whispered sounds, a strange feeling of foreboding beginning to overtake him.

Satisfied he at least had the beginnings of a new 'eerie' sounding rap, he leaned over in the chair tossing his bag and I-Pad on the bed beside J-Hope. Losing his balance he toppled over sidewise. Attempting to catch himself he smacked his shoulder on the wooden edge of the bed frame, hitting the floor with a loud thud.

Jolted up off the bed, a bleary-eyed J-Hope mumbled, "Hyung, you okay?" staring at his friend sprawled out at the foot of the bed, rubbing his throbbing muscles.

Crossing both arms over his chest, RapMon let himself relax, a low chuckle beginning to form in the lower regions of his belly.

No wonder they called him 'Destruction'. Even his body was constantly at risk. Gradually rearing up, he nodded 'ok', realizing the singing in his head was surprisingly gone.


WAS it possible she had gotten to the ice machine just in time to snag the very last bucket of ice on the entire floor? 

Grinning at her good fortune, Alexandra peered into the empty case, hiking up her sagging pajama pants. Unable to resist 'Eminem's' rapping pounding through her earbuds, she closed her eyes crumping her way around in a circle, fists pounding the air, knees bent, mouthing the words as she went.

RM let the hotel door slam shut behind him, anxious to get to the ice machine and fill the bucket for a cold glass of water. Composing was hard work . . . Who was that? Straight ahead of him, down at the far end of the hallway was a pajama clad girl, flinging herself in circles, empty bucket in hand, listening to something as her head rocked back and forth.

Pausing momentarily he watched, amused at her crumping style. 

Well . . . regardless . . . she was pretty damn good! 

Chuckling, he stepped away from the door unable to resist the urge to sneak up on her from behind, imitating mid-air gyrations and arm punching.

Feeling a presence at her back, Alexandria (Alex for short) stopped suddenly, swinging around to confront whoever the stalker was.

"What?" she shouted accusingly, seeing the tall blonde, standing perfectly still, arm's folded (ice bucket in one hand) innocently staring at her, lips curled up in a slight, engaging smile.

Totally enamored by her statuesque face and set of dark, expressive eyes, he watched her tug out the earbuds. Lifting the bucket, he announced, "Ice!"

Reaching over teasingly she dipped clear to the bottom of the chest, scooping the final cubes into her own container (holding it up in front of him like a prized 'first place' trophy, following a sporting event).

"Sorry. All gone."

"Aishhh, yahhhh . . ." Moaning he leaned over glancing into the chest to make sure she wasn't lying. "Share?" Eyes twinkling he assumed she was the sympathetic type, starting to grab a few cubes from the top of her overflowing bucket.

"Wow, really?"

Her eyes never leaving his, she stared him down taking in his tall frame, and platinum blonde hair cascading casually over one eye. He was adorable, looking like a pitiful puppy, waiting for a treat. Should she share?

"Bet there's another machine on the second floor . . ." Turning away she shunned him mockingly, sticking one earbud back in, resuming her mindless head banging. 

What was he doing? She didn't know him! And, she didn't know where his hands had been. "

"HEY. Ice thief. Did you wash your hands before you came down here? I don't know how I feel about you TOUCHING my clean ice," she scolded.

"Yeah. Is that Eminem you're listening to?"

Now walking side-by-side, they headed toward the end of the hall, and adjoining rooms, #301 and #303.

"Yeeessss . . ."

But, before he could respond to continue the conversation, several random voices began popping up inside his head, cluttering his thoughts. Tapping one ear lightly, he tried to keep walking as he managed to capture the phrases, 'They're beautiful' and 'Play for me later.'

"Did you hear that?" he asked.

"Nope. Here!" Grinning, she handed over her cold container, sliding the card in the door. "Dump half in your bucket. Don't let it be said I let a fellow human stranded in a storm, go without ICE! Damn."

"Thanks. Really. You sure you didn't hear anything?" he reiterated, letting the cubes clunk loudly into the bottom. "It was so clear, 'they're beautiful', and 'play for me later' . . ."

Alex squinted into his attractive, puzzled face with sudden understanding. "It's okay. I hear voices too. Helps me write my raps. Do you talk back to yours? I do," she rambled on. "One's name is Ricky. Sometimes we carry on pretty detailed conversations. So, I get it."

Observing they were now standing by his own room, #301, RapMon studied this unusual girl thinking she sounded like V's long-lost twin, talking to some random disembodied voice named 'Ricky'. 

Why was that? And, now that he thought about it, her adjoining room #303, had been reserved for them too. The day wasn't even over. What if the members still showed up? Oh, this wasn't good.

"Did you just get here? To the hotel I mean?" he asked, peering through the cracked doorway as she started through, but all he could make out was the closet door, and three sets of various women's shoes.

"Yep. 'Bout thirty minutes ago. Gotta bounce. Maybe I'll catch ya around later." Seeing he was watching her every move, Alex turned her back, hand against the door handle and began slipping in gingerly so he couldn't follow her. After all . . . cute and adorable or not. He WAS a stranger . . .

"Shit," he mumbled, as the heavy door whooshed shut in his face. "Happy Birthday singing . . . girl's next door . . . play for me . . ." 

Maybe he was still sleeping in the van on the way from Chicago and this was all just a bad dream!

*   *   *   *   *

OH my God! Could the day get any worse? 

Andrea dropped her IPhone on the floor beside the bed, kicking her feet in frustration at the prediction of her Horoscope. Having already read it over several times since early that morning, Now in a vain attempt to disprove it she was checking yet another site.


"Yeah right! Tying the white robe around her tighter she flung her eyes around the bleak hotel room then over to the frosty windowpane where outside the blizzard raged relentlessly.

What had happened to her 'wonderful' day, and REALLY? The man of her dreams? She had studied every guest milling about the lobby in the two hours it had taken them to secure a room. Not one blonde-haired, blue-eyed, muscular, athletic type in the bunch. If he was here . . . he was digging someone out of the snow instead of seeking her out.

Pulling on a headband to keep her hair out of her freshly washed face, she sighed. Stopping here wasn't part of the plan. They should've already been in Chicago, sipping drinks and salivating over the city's famous deep-dished pizzas.

Flopping back across the bed in disgust, she curled her painted toes against the rough carpet. 

And, where was Alex with the ice? When she said 'hurry, I need a cold drink', she hadn't meant to take thirty freaking minutes!

But, the silence was heaven, and she was so exhausted. With Abby down in the dining room having lunch, it was exquisitely quiet. Resisting the urge to strip and crawl under the covers, she curled up fetal style instead, figuring she would take advantage of being alone, and catch a quick nap.

Then, the commotion began. Quietly sporadic at first and growing in intensity until finally all she could hear was a raucous mix of what seemed to be drumming, tapping, pounding, and loud singing, (something about being 'bulletproof') What the hell?

Slapping her hand against the mattress she lunged off the bed, catapulting herself toward the door adjoining the two rooms #301 to #303. Whoever was on the other side better look out, because she wasn't about to be sympathetic to their lack of concern for other guests.

"HEY!" Hollering she pounded both fists on the door in aggravation, blue eyes flashing daggers. "BE QUIET. Some of us want to sleep."

Stepping away as the noisy interlude stopped, she smiled satisfactorily. "Humph. Taste of your own medicine huh?" But, turning away, it started again, only this time directly behind her on the connecting door itself, accompanied by the sound of low, masculine, laughter.

"It's my jam," came the voice behind the enclosure, "sorry, go back to bed."

And, the room went silent. Now curious, as to not only the voice, but the person behind it, Andrea tied her robe tighter, and smoothing down her long blonde hair approached the door again. Tiptoeing straight to the crack she stuck one eyeball into the sliver of dim light attempting to see who was on the other side. 

Of course . . . nothing.

"How can I?" she barked back, not waiting for an answer. "I'm up now. That was rude."

The faceless voice responded apologetically again. "I said I was sorry. I'm not used to being quiet. Don't like hotels."

"Well, get used to it. We're here for the duration if this snow doesn't let up," she berated him, "Not to mention . . . we ARE going to need to sleep. Sometime."

"I know."

"Are you alone?" she finally asked, suddenly wondering who might not have showed up to take the adjoining room she and her two friends had managed to snag at the last minute.

"Now? Yes. Members are out."

"Members?" she whispered to herself. "Ah, how many members?"

"Two more and a manager."

"Manager . . ."

She wasn't the smartest crayon in the box, but she did know that musical groups usually referred to the other guys as 'members', and with 'members', came 'managers'. The accent was assuredly Asian. She couldn't put her finger on it exactly, but she had spent enough time traveling the Asian countries with her parents to recognize one when she heard it. She had to know.

Was it safe to ask him to unlock the door? Aghhhh. She was alone as well. What if he was a crazy person? But, wasn't she the adventurous one? Wasn't it her who always encouraged the others to 'have fun', don't worry about the consequences . . . YOLO.

"Hey," she barked at him, even louder, "are you dressed?"

"Of course." 

Suga glanced down at his bare legs, dripping a puddle around his feet. "Ahhh, wellll . . . wait a minute!" Dashing back to the bathroom, he tugged the white terry hotel robe from the hook behind the door and throwing it around his wet, naked body, scurried back to his original position in the doorway. "Ye. Dressed. Of course," he nodded reassuringly.

"Are you surrrre?"

"Uh huh."

"Okay then. Unlock the door. I need to talk to you. Whoever you are."

*   *   *   *   *

Authors Notes

Now that all the members have been identified, the REAL fun begins!

We love our readers. Ask us anything. Comment on anything. We appreciate your stars. It helps boost our confidence that we're bringing you a good story.


The Chairman's Daughters

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