His Love

By sofia_m2847

219K 4.5K 748

I step behind her, keeping eyes on her in the huge mirror before us. Clasping the zipper, her body tenses fro... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1- Party
Chapter 2- Her Name
Chapter 3- Red Dress
Chapter 4- Unexpected
Chapter 5- Home
Chapter 6- Quiet
Chapter 7- Fast?
Chapter 8- Boring
Chapter 9- Tattoos
Chapter 11- Her, Again
Chapter 12- Jealousy
Chapter 13- Black Tie
Chapter 14- Dancing
Chapter 15- Overseas
Chapter 16- Driver
Chapter 17- Distance
Chapter 18- Wounded
Chapter 19- Sudden Change
Chapter 20- Tension
Chapter 21- One Day a Year
Chapter 22- Care
Chapter 23- Cake
Chapter 24- Parents
Chapter 25- Just Drive.
Chapter 26- 2 Days Too Long
Chapter 27- Unspoken Truth
Chapter 28- Grief
Chapter 29- Tied
Chapter 30- Planning

Chapter 10- Safe

6.5K 138 49
By sofia_m2847


Its been 3 weeks.

3 fucking weeks since I last saw Alaina.

I miss chasing her around my house when she takes my shit, those gorgeous green eyes gazing up at me when she wants something, or when shes just "admiring my face" according to her.

I miss wrapping my arms around her and kissing the fuck out of her lips.

And other things, but I'm working I can't think about that.

Her and I have been so busy these past few weeks with work and other things, we have no time to see each other, and it is almost killing me.

Everyone at work is apparently begging for her to see me so I get out of my down mood.

Look, its not my fault I haven't had the chance, or trust me I would be with her this second.

But instead, I'm stuck signing papers I don't give a shit about.

Finally I scribble on the last paper, instantly picking up my jacket and walking out those doors that I am so sick of seeing recently.

I'm greeted by Roxy the second I storm through the doors.

Coming home to this amazing dog is honestly one of my favourite things.

I drop myself onto the sofa, throwing my head back on the cushions, allowing my eyes to rest.

After around an hour or 2, I gather the effort to rise from my seat.

Walking into the bathroom, I turn the shower on, as hot as my skin can handle.

The shower water, hot and ample, is by far my favourite part of the day.

Each droplet rolls onto my skin harshly, my body accepting all the warmth.

I close my eyes, embracing the heat after a long day.

God, I wish she was here.

Stepping out, I stroll into my room, roughly drying my hair with towel before throwing it in the basket in the corner.

Just as I pull my trousers over my waist, the doorbell screeches through the house.

My eyebrows scrunch up as I walk to the door. 

Reaching for the door knob, I pull it open and my eyes instantly widen.

What the fuck?

"Alaina, its 1am, what-"

She stumbles a little forward into the bright light of my house.

There's a huge gash down her leg, every inch of her hair drenched from the pouring rain, her clothes clinging to her body.

"I- I didn't know where else to go." she whispers, peering up at me through her hair.


A few hours earlier.

Sophie pulls my arm, basically dragging me into yet another store.

"Slow the fuck down, Sophie, you're going to pull my arm off!" I yell, slightly frustrated.

She has forced me to the mall to shop for her clothes since its her party tonight.

Even though she has 2 wardrobes full of pretty dresses.

"Oh my gosh! A, this would look stunning on you, with that bit of weight you put on this week!"

What? I've put on weight?

I let out a small laugh, unamused by the comment.

"Oh shit, sorry, I forgot about the money problem, your basically homeless." she laughs loudly.

"Soph, I have an apartment, you've been there." my anger is slowly building up.

She pats my shoulder sympathetically.

"If that's what you want to call that... place, then yes you do, babe." her lips press together.

Biting my tongue, I simply smile, letting her lead me to another isle.

All these gorgeous dresses, and I can't even afford one.

I'm grateful for what I have, it's just rent has raised and I'm barely scraping enough for that anymore.

Gazing up at the variety of silks and fabrics, my eyes begin to tear up, so I push it back and step outside for a breather.

I hate going to the mall, it's so crazy and crowded.

"What the fuck, Alaina?" Sophie's voice rings in my ears as I turn to face her.

"You just like leaving your girl to wander around looking for you?"

I can see her face transforming into a deep red in anger.

"Calm down, Soph, I stepped outside. Literally visible from every isle." I roll my eyes.

"After everything I do for you, you still act like such a bitch."

"God, Sophie, quit the dramatics! I was less than 30 seconds away from you!" I throw my hands up.

Whats with her?

"Okay, fine, I'm sorry." I say in defeat. "I'm sorry for leaving you in there. Better?"

"See, now was that so difficult to admit you were wrong for once?" she smiles brightly.

I look to the floor, squeezing my hands into fists, most likely leaving marks.

Looking up, I nod with the fakest smile I can muster.

After around an hour of Sophie mindlessly buying shit and me following her like a lost puppy, we walk out to her car and she drives me to her house.

Not even 5 minutes after we walk through the door, shes throwing clothes and accessories at me.

"If your going out on a night out with me, I'm not letting you wear one of your dollar store dresses, that's embarrassing." She continues rustling through her closet.

Are they really that bad?

I sit silent, waiting for her to finally finish searching before she gasps loudly.

"This is the one for you, A!"

She hands me a black, skin tight dress with a thigh slit raising up pretty high.

"Black makes your waist look thinner, so I figured that would be amazing for your confidence!" she expresses.

Pulling me up, she pushes me into the bathroom and shuts the door.

I let out a long breath, shaking my head as I take the beautiful dress off the hanger.

Sliding it onto my body, I realise how tight this thing actually is.

After pulling it down my thighs, I look into the mirror at myself.

I just want to look at the reflection and like what I see.

Looking at yourself shouldn't bring you this amount of pain banging through your chest.

Its the worst thing, hating yourself so bad that you can't see yourself without feeling pain.

I turn to the side, the small amount of fat becoming apparent.

Sophie was right.

Sucking in my stomach as hard as I can, I walk back out into her room, doing a small twirl for her to see the dress.

Hesitantly, she nods her head, calling me over with her hand.

She pulls out a bunch of makeup and sits me on the chair in front of her.

"Come on, A, you look like you haven't slept in years." 

"Gee, thanks Soph." I look down to my hands fiddling in my lap.

"Don't be dramatic." she lifts my head, applying makeup to my bare face.

I don't say a word as she "fixes my face".

Makeup used to be a way off bringing out my natural features, embracing myself for what I am.

Now, its just a form of "lets pretend". A way of creating a new and better version of myself.

"Done!" she claps her hands together in excitement.

I turn to look in the mirror and I don't even look like me.

A smile creeps onto my face as I look at the image before me.

"Wow. Thank you Sophie, I look good," slight disbelief evident in my voice.

"Calm the self-obsession a little, Alaina." she sighs.

Looking at the clock, its 9pm.

I walk into her kitchen and pull out one of the bottles of vodka , I pour a shot.

Tilting it towards Sophie, I gulp the entire shot, grimacing as the burning sensation travels down my throat.

I lean in close to Sophie.

"Lets get this show on the road, shall we?"


Walking into the bar, instantly, I'm greeted by Alex, Sam and Ava.

I honestly don't know what I would do without these people, they have helped me through everything.

My friends are not the perfect, or the neat or the tidy... my friends are those with enough love in their hearts to fight for and defend what is right and good.

Bringing comfort in whatever reality I find myself in.

Ava basically pounces into my arms the second in my her line of sight.

"God- hey Av." I laugh as she pull back.

"Alaina! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" she screams.

"You came by the coffee shop 2 days ago, what are you talking about?"

"Oh shut up." she pulls me towards the others.

"A! How are you!" Alex hugs me gently.

"Hey Alex, I'm okay, hows it with you and the girl?" I wiggle my eyebrows at them and their cheeks flush in a second.

"Good." they mumble under their breath.

Sam places a kiss on my cheek, smiling brightly at me.

Walking over to the bar, I push past the mass crowd to order us shots.

I need a lot tonight.

Ava, Sam and I clink our shot glasses before chugging them down.

"Alaina, you sexy goddess! Come and dance with me!" Sam yells in my ear.

"You know I can't dance, let me have another drink first." I chuckle as she pulls on my arm, shaking their hips.

Downing yet another shot,  I jump out of the seat I was in.

"Okay! Lets do this." I slur out, dragging them to the dance floor.

I glance at Sophie from across the bar, her eyes boring into me.

I continue moving my hips against Sam, Ava dancing in front of me.

Lord knows how long we danced for, but we all stumble to the bar, sweaty and panting heavily.

Ava buys another round before lifting her glass in the air.

"Happy birthday Soph, we all love you, and you look hot." she manages to say through her mixed words.

Hugging Sophie's waist into my side, I down the shot before kissing her cheek.

She rolls her eyes before heading to the bathroom.

"Alaina!" Ava calls me over. "Will you be mad if I leave you here with the others, there's a super hot guy over there, I think I have a chance."

"Go get him, babe!" I yell, ordering some peculiar cocktail from the bar.

I have no idea what it is, but damn is it delicious.

"Actually, A, you know we hate to leave you, but we have work tomorrow, so me and Alex are going to head home. Stay by Soph's side at all times, keep each other safe." Sam points at me as she speaks before kissing my cheek and leaving.

Sophie sits down beside me, taking my drink from my grasp.

"The others left, so its just me and you now." I smile at her as she rolls her eyes.

"Mhm." she hums, looking around and not listening to me.

I take another shot from the tray in before me.

I'm going to be fucked if I don't slow down.

Turning to look at her, shes gone and the anxiety kicks in almost immediately.

My phone vibrates from my pocket and I rush to grab it.

Sophie <3

Sorry babe, cute guy. I'm sure you can get an uber xoxo

Well shit.

The panic surges through my body and my legs almost give out.

Taking a seat, I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself down before I feel a warm breath on my neck.

My body freezes as I feel a hand around my waist.

"What the fuck?" I turn in my chair to see a random guy barely even an inch away from me.

"Whats wrong, pretty girl?" he leans in even closer and I lean backwards on instinct.

"Not interested." I move to stand up as his arm shoots out to block me.

"Don't be a prude, I can show you a good time." He says in a low voice.

His hand starts to slide up my dress almost reaching my ass before I raise out of my seat.

"Just leave me alone." I say in the strongest voice I can.

His large hand grips my arm, stopping me from moving.

"She said no, just leave it, man." the bartender yells from the other side of the bar over the loud music.

He squints his eyes at me before releasing my arm.

I rub the spot that's already turning different shades from the pressure.

"Thank you so much." I hand a 5 dollar bill to the man behind the bar.

I wish I could tip him way more.

He smiles and nods at me as I start to walk out.

I wobble out the door, I'm way too drunk to be out here by myself.

The rain pummels from the clouds on the ground and I clench the jacket around my shoulders.

My arms and legs are shaking as I try and call an uber.

The phone slips from my hand, I watch as it plummets onto the floor.

Multiple cracks spread across the screen as it shatters on the floor.

Picking it up, the screen remains black as I click the power button.


I look around for anyone nearby, but there's only the creepy guy from earlier with a few more people.

If I'm completely honest, everything is so blurry, I'm not even sure where I am.

This is why I quit alcohol for a while.

Being drunk is the fools anaesthetic. It puts the primitive self in command when it is the worst captain of all.

I take a few wavering steps towards the corner of the streets in hopes of seeing something I recognise.

That's until I see the park Dom and I went to.

So if I'm remembering correctly, Dom's house is 10 minutes away.

I can make that. Its not that far.

As I step of the edge of the road, my ankle twists and I fall, my knees hitting the floor, like real hard.

I feel the blood begin to trickle down my legs as I pick myself up.

Looks like I'm walking the rest of the way with a limp.


The shining lights from his house come into view and a slight smile takes place on my face.

This isn't exactly how I wanted to see him after 3 weeks, but here we are.

Drunk, fucked up and in all kinds of pain.

I click the doorbell, leaning my head on the wall to try and stop the throbbing pain.

I hear his footsteps come towards the door and I get a little nervous.

Will he be mad I'm drunk? Oh god, will he be mad about the guy at the bar?

The door opens slowly in front of me and the perfect man emerges from the light.

His eyes light up a little before confusion floods his face.

"Alaina, its 1am, what-"

 I lose my balance slightly, falling towards him as my entire body shivers from the cold.

"I-I didn't know where else to go." I stutter quietly, the pain from my ankle and legs burning through me.

He immediately pulls my body towards him, my face contorting from the unbearable agony.

His hands pull back almost in a flash, panic soaring through him.

"What happened, baby?" he attempts to gently pull me through the door, my limp worsening as the ache continues.

"Can I come in?" I laugh awkwardly.


I decided to upload an extra chapter this week ;)

This chapter is slightly longer than usual, and a little more drama!

It covered a couple heavier topics, but lightly I hope.

I hope you enjoyed, leave any thoughts!

Love y'all.

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