Someone Worth Staying For (Ho...

By LostOncer

69.3K 2K 195

Malivore was out of Landon and Landon was back to normal, and not stuck in the darkness. The question was, is... More

Writer's Announcement
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The End

Chapter 24

1.5K 54 2
By LostOncer

Josie's P.O.V.
    I sit there worried about Hope. Where the hell is she? The others have decided to try and find her with a location spell. They still haven't let me out because they knew I would just run around the entire town until I found her. "Well that's strange." I hear Davina speak up and I quickly get up and speed my way to the bars, trying to see what was wrong. "What is it? Did you find her?" I asked and Lizzie looked at me with a look on her face. A look I didn't like. "The spells aren't working. Something is blocking it." Those words killed me. "W-what if it's not being blocked? W-what if sh-she-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. I felt anger and pain washing over all other emotions. Have I lost her? "Don't think like that. Hope is the strong, powerful tribrid. There's no way he killed her." MG tried to convince me but it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself. Everyone looked afraid. They were thinking the same thing I was. Is she actually gone? I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I never even got to tell her that I wanted to try us out. "Wait!" Rebekah speaks up and I start getting my hope back. She sounds like she has a way to find her. "I know how we can track her." She said and looked at Freya. As if they had a secret way of communicating, Freya realizes what she meant.

    After a bit of time, we all got inpatient. "How are we going to find her?!" Lizzie asked, and looked at Rebekah and Freya who has been working to find her. "The necklace I gave her when she was younger, has a way to track her at any time, no matter what. If she is still wearing it, we can find her." Her necklace? Of course her family would always have a way to find her. They have all been through so much to not have a way to find their only niece. The only thing they had left of Klaus and Hayley. "She always wears that necklace. It means so much to her." I spoke up and Rebekah looked at me with a smile. I can tell she was happy to hear that they would be able to find her but also that her necklace meant so much to Hope. We all waited impatiently for them to find her. "We got her!" Freya said, excitedly but then her expression changed to confusion. "Why the hell is she there?" Rebekah looked at where it said she was and was confused herself. "Beats me?" "Where is she?" I hear mom ask and both Rebekah and Freya looked up. "She's at Rousseau's. After dealing with Malivore she goes there first?" Freya said and wondered why she was there. Rousseau's was a bar nearby that I've heard Hope talk about before. Why would she be there? "Maybe she needed a drink after everything." Kol said and chuckled softly. "She's underage." Rebekah said and rolled her eyes at her brother. "Not only that but Hope has never been much of a drinker." Lizzie spoke up, which basically gave her away to mom and dad. "And why would you know this?" Dad asked and she acted as if she didn't just say that. "We will have a talk later young lady." She wasn't wrong though because whenever Lizzie had one of her many parties, Hope never showed up and if she did, she didn't stay long and never had anything to drink. "Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go get her!" I said, getting impatient that they're taking too long. "Right, let's go!" They all stood up and started rushing out. "Get me the hell out of here!" I yelled as they all ran out the door. Kol came back and opened the door for me. "Sorry kid. Let's go!" Please be okay Hope.

Hope's P.O.V.
    No more pain. I'm free? Finally free of all the pain I've ever felt. I knew that they would try searching for me, so I did a bit of magic to make sure they couldn't find me with a location spell. I'm ready to enjoy this vampire side. I'm ready to have some fun. I head to Rousseau's, in hopes I can get a drink..or two. I walk in and walk over to the bar. I sit on one of the stools and looked at the bartender. "Give me your strongest drink." I said and he just looked at me. "ID?" I rolled my eyes and handed him my Salvatore school ID. It was the only thing I had. He shook his head and pointed towards the door. "Not happening, so I suggest you leave." I look him in the eyes and smirked slightly. I compel him to let me stay and to get me a drink. He does as he's commanded to. Why didn't I just start off with that? Eventually he came back with my drink and I gave him a little wink. "Thanks handsome." I didn't take long to down the whole glass and ask for another. Why have I never drank before? It burns going down and it actually feels so good. When he brings my second drink, I decided to take my time with this one and not down it. I turn on the stool to glance around the bar. I noticed a woman sitting nearby and smirked slightly. I need to feed sometime right? I walk over to her and stand behind her. "Hi there cutie." I said, trying to flirt with her to get her attention. She looks at me and smiled. "May I have this dance?" I asked and held out my hand towards her. She gladly agrees and stands up with me. I walk her to the dance floor and we start dancing. I compel her to stay quiet and not to move. I spin her and then pull her back into my chest so her back was towards me. I make my fangs show and slowly move closer to her neck. I was about to bite into her neck until I hear her voice. "Hope?" I could hear the hurt, jealousy, and worry in her voice. I can tell my emotions are trying to fight their way back just for her but I fight them back, keeping them away. I am never going to feel pain or guilt again. I'm not going to let her get to me, no matter what I used to feel for her. I decided to just go along with it, making them think I'm still the same old me. "Jo?" I said softly and walked over to her. This is going to be fun.

Josie's P.O.V.
    We head to the bar and walked inside. We all look around for her and I find her about to sink her fangs into some girl. Why am I jealous of her feeding off someone else? She can't feed from me anymore. Is it because I just don't want her lips anywhere near anyone else but my lips or my body? "Hope?" I said softly, hoping she was okay. Why would she do this? "Jo?" She walked over to me and I instantly hug her, no matter what I just walked in on. "I am so happy you're okay. I thought I had lost you." I said softly as I feel tears welling up in my eyes. "Does this mean you won?" I asked, not letting her go. "Yeah. I won. He won't be hurting you or anyone else ever again." I hear her say and I pulled away, but held onto her hands. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked and started to look her over to make sure I didn't see any noticeable wounds. "I'm fine Jo." She said and smiled at me. I missed that smile but at the same time, it felt different. I'm just probably imagining it. "What were you doing though?" I asked and looked towards the girl she was just about to feed from, who was giving me a glare. What the hell is her problem? Did something else happen before we walked in? "I needed to feed after fighting Malivore. I was weak." She said and I looked back at her. "But in public?" "I was being careful, I promise." I still can't stop feeling that something is off here. "Ugh whatever, I'm just glad you're alive!" I said and hug her again. "What the hell are you doing here?" Rebekah spoke up and walked over. "Were you drinking little niece?" "Rebekah, leave her be. She's been through a lot, so what if she got one drink?" Kol said, coming to his niece's rescue. Rebekah finally agreed but I knew she still didn't like the idea of her niece drinking. "Josie, step back." I hear Freya say and I looked to her. "What, why?" "Something isn't right here." "What do you mean aunt Freya?" Hope asked and looked at her aunt. "Hope, we all know you're not good with loss and you just lost someone very close to you, so why don't you seem more upset?" Freya had a point. Hope was usually good at hiding her emotions but ever since she finished her tribrid transition, she couldn't control them. Not only that but the one time she ever showed a lot of emotions was when she lost someone or talked about someone she had lost. "Hope. Did you turn off your humanity?" I hear mom ask. I knew the story of her doing it so I'm sure she'd be able to tell but I didn't want to believe it. "What? She wouldn't do that. Right Hope?" I asked, trying to convince myself. "Right Jo. My humanity is switched on, I promise you that." After hearing what Freya said, it's hard to believe her. "How about we get out of here Jo? We need to talk." She said and I still couldn't believe it. Has she actually turned off her humanity? Was the pain way too much for her? "Hope, I want the truth." I said and looked at her. "Please." "I'm telling the truth Jo and I can't believe you don't believe me." I look into her eyes, expecting to see her hurt from me not believing her but I saw nothing in her eyes. She didn't.. She did. I take a step back and felt tears in my eyes again but this time it isn't happy tears. "Y-you turned off your humanity?" I said and she smirked at me. "Alright fine you caught me. Of course you saw it first aunt Freya." I can't believe this. The tone in her voice has no emotion to it. It feels like I have lost her. My heart feels like it could shatter into pieces. It hurts so much that Hope isn't Hope anymore. "How the hell did you all even find me? I made sure you wouldn't be able to do so." She said and grabbed a glass off the bar and downed it. I've never seen Hope drink any alcohol so seeing her drink a whole glass in a few seconds, really means she isn't herself anymore. The girl I fell in love with, is gone. "Hope, how could you?" Kol said, sounding as hurt as I felt. "All that pain and guilt was just too much. I didn't want to feel it ever again so I got rid of the emotions for good." She grabbed a hold of Kol by the throat. "Now tell me how you found me." I couldn't believe she was doing this to her uncle right now. I couldn't believe any of this. "Let him go Hope." Davina said and looked like she was ready to use her magic on Hope, even though I knew she really didn't want to. "I will, once you tell me how you all found me." I could tell she tightened her grip on his throat by the way he gasped for air. No one still said anything. Since we didn't tell her, we watched her stick her other hand into Kol's chest. She wouldn't actually do it. I don't believe it. "Last chance." Kol was clearly in pain now. I mean Hope had her hand on his heart, literally. "It was the necklace!" Davina said, clearly not wanting Hope to kill her husband. Hope pulled her hand out of his chest and luckily there was no heart in her hand. She threw Kol across the room and Davina ran to his side. It was a good thing not many people were in the bar to notice everything happening and the people in there, were more and likely too drunk to either remember this or will probably just think they're imagining these things. "Oh aunt Rebekah. You made my necklace a tracker? What am I your dog?" She asked and took her necklace off. "Here you can have it back." She said and held it out to Rebekah. I knew Hope was really gone now, since she was getting rid of her necklace. One of her most prized possessions and she was giving it up so easily. I want my Hope back. Rebekah hesitantly took the necklace, probably because she knew if she hadn't Hope would get rid of it somewhere else and never be able to get it back. "Hope this isn't you." I said and she turned to look at me. I felt my heart beat faster. Her expression was so cold and I hated it and the way it made me feel. She moved closer to me with a smirk appearing across her face. "Jo why don't you join me? We can have so much fun." "No Hope. I'm not joining you. I'm going to bring you back." She started laughing, but it wasn't the kind of laughter you would hear when someone felt a certain emotion, it was cold like her expression. "Bring me back? Jo, I don't want to come back." "Why would you do this? What about everything we've been through?" I asked, feeling hurt that she would just throw away her love for me. Was the pain and guilt way too much for her for her love to fight it? "Everything we've been through? Come on Jo, you have to make a decision remember. And I'm sure you'll choose her." Choose her? It seemed like Hope wasn't just feeling pain and guilt before for killing Landon but also fear that I wouldn't choose to be with her. Was that why she couldn't fight the urge to turn it off? "Finch this. Finch that. I love Finch. She's the one for me. Yeah I'm sure that's what you want to say to me, right?" "You're wrong Hope because I've already chosen you!" I said and see the shock in her face. I see a smile trying to creep onto her face but she manages to fight it. "I saw that!" "Saw what?" She asked coldly again. "You were about to smile. A real smile. You're still in there Hope. You're not too far gone, I can still save you." She rolled her eyes at my response her question. "You should just give up because I'm not giving up this freedom for pain and guilt again." "So you would just give up happiness, humor, love, and all the other good emotions?" "Looks like I already have, haven't I?" I can feel chills run down my spine from her cold expression and tone in her voice. "I'm not giving up on you Hope, I love you." "Whatever, I'm out here. You all ruined my little party." She said and sped out the door, before we could do anything to stop her. I sighed softly and felt an arm around me. I turn to see Rebekah who was trying to hold back tears. I can see them in her eyes. If I was still just a siphoner, I probably wouldn't have noticed but being a heretic now, I can see things much clearer as if my eyes had a zoom feature of their own. "Don't worry Josie. We will find her and bring her home." She said and I nodded. "Yes we will because I won't give up on her." Don't worry Hope. I'm coming for you and I'm bring you home. Then maybe.. maybe we can actually be together.

Author; Hey everyone! Another chapter is here! I know I took some aspects from the episode in this chapter but how could I not? Hope was so damn hot in that episode. I just made it fit with everyone else there and not just Rebekah. I hope you all enjoy. I honestly don't know how many chapters I will make for this story because I am running out of ideas to keep it going without taking from the show but I'm not going to end it like this obviously. But whenever I do finish this story, I will be making a new Hosie story, something different from the show. I hope you can all enjoy it too. Thank you for everyone reading. I know I say this every chapter but I really do appreciate it because I never imagined my story would get this much love so thank you!

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