The Babysitter

By catesslave

37.4K 1.6K 884

{English is not my first language} Just a job, right? That's what Veronica thought as well, but this "job" t... More

1. The email.
~3. Not a secret anymore.~
~4. Got It In Mind.~
~5. Opening up again.~
~6. First kiss?~
~7. I knew it.~
~8. More of you.~
~9. Sunsets and memories...~
~10. Realisation and meomories.~
~11. Elsa, shadows and her...~
~12. I love you.~
~13. Thank you for everything.~
~14. th of May."
~15. Tiger
~16. Lake trip.~
~17. Flowers and frogs.~
~18. Heated.~
~19. Berlin's secret.~
~20. Moody lady and lunch.~
~21. Unusual happenings.~
~22. Plans.~
~23. You are my everything.~
~24. Jealousy in your eyes.~
~25. The line between.~
~26. Stay for me.~
~27. Everything we could never have...~
~28. The line between life and death...~
~29. Everything must come to an end...~
~30. Reality. ~
Go back to chapter 30...

~2. A car ride and crazy dancing~

1.9K 94 83
By catesslave

Tw: sh, sh scars, mention of death

My eyes cracked open. Sunlight shone through the see through curtains in my room. I glanced at my phone. No message at all. One could say, I should be used to this feeling by now, but I am not. It still hurt.

My mind was slipping down the slide and I was caught up in my negative, but safe space.

Do it. You'll feel so much better.

I knew it wasn't true. I never felt better, but in some way... I did. There was something about this pain, that made me feel like I was in a rush of excitement. My heart beat quickened and when that faded a little, I was calm.

Do it.

It only took this last bit for me to get up. Just this little phrase, was needed and I was roaming through my drawers in the bathroom, searching for that small metallic blade. Not only half a minute later, the piece of metal laid in my palm. I pulled my sleeping shorts up, revealing my whole thigh.

On the very top were some of the oldest scars. My fingers slid above the rougher skin. It was oddly comforting to feel the scars, in a way no one would understand it. I am probably just insane.

I set the blade onto my skin, feeling its coldness vanish into comforting warmth. My mind was telling me to do it. Now, that I had pulled out the blade anyway, I should just do it. I'm no coward. So I set the corner of the blade on my skin and pulled it from left to right. A really familiar noise reached my ears. A scratching. The noise of my skin being torn open. It would make me puke, if it didn't make me feel all those other things. A small horizontal line marked my thigh. I eyed the cut. The blood didn't set in for a few moments, it was white-ish, but when the blood formed, I exhaled deeply and relieved.

I pulled a little on my skin, straightening the surface, before I used the blade again. Four lines were added and I watched as the blood slowly slid down my thigh. Satisfied and calmly, I placed the blade on my sink and grabbed a clean tissue, gently wiping the blood away. It's like a drug. Like my cigarette. My joint, if you want. What others use as a legal or illegal drug, to calm their nerves, is my blade to me.

Still in my adrenaline rush, I searched for a bandage in the cabinet underneath the sink. None of my thick ones were in there.

At least I was in no need to leave the apartment.

My rush was soon over and I had found a thin bandage, which I had gently wrapped around my thigh, before I went back into my bed. Groaning, I turned onto my other side. The stinging set in. It was relieving, yet slowly it was guilt which creeped into my mind.

My eyes grew heavier and I was about to drift off into sleep, perhaps I even did. Last night, I was up for way too long and I slept in till noon, however my rest was interrupted, by the ringing sound of my phone.

Who ever calls, will soon give up or call again in an hour or something. The call soon ended and I exhaled exhausted.

Once gain, when I was about to fall asleep, my phone rang again.

What if it's an emergency?

I shifted in my position and accepted the call, without looking at the screen. I placed the phone on my ear and waited for the other person to start.

"I'm so sorry, Vera." My eyes grew wide, as I heard her voice. "I know you are not working yet, but I need to ask you a favor. If I could ask someone else, I would do it, but I really cannot." Cate voiced out in an almost pleading way.

I leaned onto my elbow and hissed quietly. "It's fine." I mumbled. "What is it?"

"Did I wake you up?" She chuckled softly, which made me smile weakly.

"Kinda?" I laughed.

"Sorry.." The blonde mumbled. "Well, my car won't start and I need to pick up Dashiell from the airport and the other boys need to be picked up from school as well." A sigh reached my ears.

"Do you want me to... pick him or the others up?" I suggested. "My car would be big enough, I guess."

"Would you really pick them up?"

"Yeah, just who? Roman and Ignatius? Or Dashiell? All three of them?" I spoke whist squeezing my eyes shut.

"The little boys." Cate replied. "They'll finish school in like... an hour."

"Sure, just send me the address and would you make sure, I am allowed to take them with me?" I smiled, even though she couldn't see it.

"Yes, yes! Thanks for reminding me! I would totally have forgotten about that. I'll send you the address in just a second."


"You're an angel! I owe you one."

"No, really. Don't worry."

"Oh shut it, Staple!" The blonde chuckled. "I'll see you in a bit."

The call was cut short and I stared blankly into thin air.

"Shit." I groaned out and crawled out of my bed again.


It didn't take me too much time to wrap up everything. I had thrown myself into a loose pair of sweatpants, a top and a cardigan above it all, since it was still quite chilly outside, when the wind blew by. Well, now I headed to the school and searched for a parking lot. So goddamn many cars were everywhere and my anxiety kicked in, as I thought about entering a completely new situation, with strangers, who I might have to talk to. Soon, I parked the car and made my way towards the crowd of parents, teachers and kids.

It was as if everyone was looking at me. Like I had something in my hair or a stain on my shirt. There was nothing, I checked that probably a hundred times previously.

In first line, I just had to wait for Roman and Ignatius, to step outside. At least that's what Cate told me.

There basically wasn't much I had to do. Next, I eyed a woman, who held some papers in her hands, she seemed to be the one in charge. With lot's of strength, I approached the woman. She greeted me with a polite smile.

"You are here for...." She questioned in a funny way, which loosened my tension a wee bit.

"Roman and Ignatius-"

"Blanchett." She finished my sentence and I nodded. "Miss Blanchett called. She said a pretty brunette, with a charming smile would pick her boys up today. Your name would be? Just to be sure."

"Veronica Staple." I flashed a smile and so did the woman opposite of me.

"That's what she told me. Well, the-" Two close by screams interrupted her, suddenly.

"Veronica?" Roman frowned confused, his brother knitted his brows even more sceptical.

"Your mom's car didn't want to start and I'm here to pick you up today." I smiled and Roman just shrugged his shoulders, whilst Ignatius smirked slightly. "What makes you smile?" I asked the younger boy.

"Nothing. Bye Nadia." Ignatius left and Roman followed his brother.

"Do they even know where to go?" The woman laughed.

"Nope." I smiled slimly. "Which is why I better keep up with them. Have a nice day, Nadia." I waved at the woman and tried to keep up with Cate's kids.

"Bye, Veronica. Maybe we'll see each other again." She smiled softly and waved, as I jogged towards Roman and Ignatius.

"How was school?" I asked them, but there was not really a reply, except the shrugging of shoulders.

Very talkative. Well, boys, I guess?

Inside the car I ensured, both boys had their seatbelts on, which earned me a comment like 'we're no babies' Lovely. Right before we rolled off, I had texted Cate that we were on our way.

As we were on the road, none of them said anything. It felt weird.

"Any music suggestions or wishes?" I called out and glanced into the rear view mirror. Roman looked onto his phone, whilst his brother glared outside. They looked so... unhappy? "Well, then you just have to live with my music, I guess." I started one of my playlists.

Footloose, by Kenny Loggins played and I turned the volume way louder. I took a glance at the boys behind me and suddenly, their fingers and feet were tapping to the beat, almost unnoticeable. I smirked to myself.

Just a few seconds into the song, I tried to start a conversation again. "Seems, like that's your music as well, huh?" I glimpsed into the mirror and caught both of the boys looking at me, with smiles on their lips.

"Mom, listens to that song too." Roman replied.

"Yeah! And she's dancing like crazy to that song!" Ignatius added giggling. I couldn't possibly imagine Cate dancing like crazy to that song, but I surely would love to see it.

"Really?" I chuckled. "Well it is a good song."

"Dad doesn't really likes it, when we listen to music too loud." Roman confessed. "Not at home or in the car."

I chewed the inside of my cheek.

"But right now, you're in my car. That translates to: we hear what the-" I stopped myself from using a little stronger language, which made the boys snicker. "whatever we want to as loud as we want to. Okay?"

Both laughed and said in union. "Yes."

"I can't hear youuu!" I sang.

"YES!" They repeated themselves and the next song started.

"Oh! Mom loves that one as well!" Roman screamed. "You are kinda alike." I smiled at his reply and so we continued our drive until we eventually reached their home. I rolled onto the property and parked the car. The music was still playing, but I surely had to turn that off, which made a feeling of guilt spread within of me. I clicked pause and both boys behind me pouted.

"Can't we continue to drive?" Ignatius asked with a puppy face. Oh that was a hard one to resist.

"I'm sorry, Ignatius... but your mom is waiting." I explained with as much sympathy as possible. The boy looked disappointed. "But, if we're driving again one day, we can repeat that." I smiled and his grin came back.

"Yes!" Ignatius squealed. A sigh left his lips. "Veronica?" He asked.

"Yes?" I had loosened my seatbelt and turned slightly around.

"Could you call me Iggy?" His sudden question left me speechless for a moment.

"Yes, I can do that, Iggy." I smiled and he mirrored it. "C'mon, let's go inside, shall we?" Both nodded and we exited the car. Iggy ran up to the front door, where he knocked like crazy at the door, whilst Roman and I were still behind.

The boy next to me parted his lips. "He never offers anyone his nickname, you know."

My brows rose a little. "He doesn't?" Roman shook his head.

"Not even Anna was allowed to call him 'Iggy', just the family is allowed to." The boy explained and I felt somewhat special and honored. It wasn't every day, that someone opened up to me. At least not like that. "You know, it took a lot for him to ask you to do that. Our dad doesn't except his or anyones nickname." I nodded slowly, showing I was still listening.

"That's horrible." I added.

"He's just a little... what's the word?"

"Old fashioned?" Roman nodded. He's only twelve years old and realizes his fathers behavior...

We reached the stairs and looked up, where Edith stood along with Cate in the doorframe. Both had this typical smile on their faces.

Roman entered the building and I stopped in front of Cate and her daughter.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this meant to me." The woman spoke and touched my arm gently.

"No big deal." I smiled. "It was a pleasure." Cate rolled her eyes.

"Yes it was a big deal. You've been an enormous help."

"Did you manage to pick up Dashiell?" She nodded with a soft smile upon her face.

"Yes, luckily we have a nice neighbor, who understands something about engineering." She chuckled.

"Now that's very fortunate." I grinned. "Can I help you with anything else?" The blonde shook her head.

"Don't worry, you have done more than enough. Would you like-" She smiled and right before anyone was able to add anything to the conversation, Iggy ran back outside, to where I was standing. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, catching me a little off guard. I looked down and the boy looked up, with a toothy smile on his mouth.

"Well, can I help you somehow, Iggy?" I asked. Iggy loosened his arms around me and grabbed my hand, pulling me inside and up the stairs, into the second floor.

I heard Cate laughing in the distance and footsteps following us. I felt the cuts on my thigh, opening again, but I overplayed it with success. Quickly, I was inside a room, I hadn't quite seen yet. Now, that I am thinking about it, I hadn't seen the whole second floor, or the house at all.

"Sweetie, I'm not sure-" Iggy showed me something he had built out of Lego. It was a house, but not that basic house, with four walls, no. It was a two floor house, with stairs and everything. "You did that?" I gasped and the boy nodded.

"It took me a week!" Iggy exclaimed proudly.

"Wow... this is brilliant." I said, which made the boy flash an even bigger smile. If that was even possible at that point is questionable.

"It's pretty." Edith said and I turned around to look at her and Cate, once more standing in the doorframe. "Will you stay for dinner?"

"Sweetie, she isn't here to work yet, so if she doesn't want to stay-" Cate explained and her daughter pouted. Well, and her son interrupted her.

"Pleaseee will you stay for dinner?" Iggy cried out from next to me.

"You guys, I really don't want to bother you. I'm sure you all have a lot to do." I bit my lower lip, unsure about what to say.

"You don't bother us!" Iggy exclaimed and Edith agreed with a nod. A smile formed on my lips, at the adorable behavior of both of them.

"If you have nothing else planned, you're welcome to join us." Cate spoke with her calming voice.

"Please stay." Edith pouted and so did Iggy.

"Do you have homework to do?" I asked the boy, who squeezed his eyes a little, thinking about whether he had homework or not. "I'll stay, if you finish them." I smiled and he nodded.


Down on the first floor, I sat at the kitchen island, waiting for Cate to give me something to do. The woman roamed around her kitchen.

"Did everything work out at the airport?" I asked and the blonde gazed into my eyes.

A soft smile formed on her lips, before she replied. "It did. He's in his room sleeping." I nodded.

"I'm glad... please let me help, Cate." I pleaded the woman next to me.

She shook her head, which made her golden locks bounce. "You have done more than enough. Apart form that, there's not much to do anyway." Cate grinned.

I sighed and smiled weakly. "I really didn't mind. I was just laying in bed anyway."

"I don't want to cross a line, but are you okay? You seem exhausted." Cate asked and stopped what she was doing. Did I really seem tired? My heartbeat quickened, as I kept thinking about how obvious my appearance had to be. "Forget about it. You know what, would you fancy a wine?" Cate grabbed out two wine glasses, as well a bottle of wine.

Still taken back by the question, the blonde handed me a glass. Without thinking about it, I took the glass and gulped down half of it, earning a hearted laugh to fill the kitchen.

"Wanna talk about it, or are you more here for the wine?" Cate grinned, which made me blush slightly. "If you choose the wine option," She leaned in closer and whispered. "You have to keep in mind, that the kids are still here. So, maybe we'll wait till they are picked up?" The blonde smiled and continued preparing the dinner.

"I'm not quite sure, if drinking is too smart." I laughed and placed the glass on the counter. "I get way too comfortable with sharing things, so maybe I should quit that."

"We'll see about that." The blonde winked. "Actually, could you stir the sauce?" I nodded and got up from the chair, which left my thigh stinging. I did as I was asked and the smell of the tomato sauce was heavenly.

It didn't take long for the pasta to be perfectly cooked. Which meant, we all found ourselves sitting at the dining table. Edith took her usual seat, as I supposed, the small boys seemed hyperactive as I was used to it and Dashiell took a seat as well and he did look a little tired. His eyes looked small and slimly and the slightly darker eye backs underneath his eyes were showing.

"I finished my homework already!" Iggy threw into the room, which made everyone smile a little.

I squeezed my eyes and asked playfully. "Well, can we believe you?"

The boy nodded convinced of his own words.

"I think you should stay here forever, cause they never really do their homework this quick." Cate whispered into my ear, but Roman had heard it and threw an evil glare over to his mom.

"I always do my homework!" Roman spoke with furrowed brows.

"I never said you wouldn't." Cate started. "I simply said you never do them as quickly." He just huffed and continued eating. "What about you, Dash?" The boy rose his gaze. "How was your exam?"

Dashiell shrugged his shoulders. "Well, alright I would say." Cate nodded, whilst flashing a soft smile. "And you are the new nanny?" He addressed me.

"Yes, one could say that." I voiced out. Dashiell nodded.

Cate was glancing at her watch the whole time, we cleared the table again. Was she waiting for something? Someone..?

The kids asked to play a game, after clearing the desk and now they were waiting in the living room. Cate and I were on our way to join them. So, I slightly nudged her arm with my shoulder. The blonde looked a little puzzled, yet she smirked.


"Are you waiting for a certain someone?" I wiggled my brows, which made the other woman roll her eyes.

"Just their father." Her voice sounded cold. "Everyone else, I need, is in the house." Now it was her turn to wink again.

Did she just flirt with me? At the thought of that, I couldn't help but smile to myself.

We decided on playing UNO, well the kids did. Everyone sat either on the couch or the carpet. Dashiell even played with us. I mean, I don't know him, however it did surprise me that he wanted to join. Not many seventeen year olds want to spend time with their families.

"You didn't say uno!" Roman complained about Iggy. Yet I was more concerned about him just having one card left, last time I checked there were far more cards.

"I did!"

A few cards hid in his sleeve. He did not!

"Wait, Iggy! You're cheating!" I gasped out, making the boy next to me grow quiet.

"Are you cheating?" Cate rose one of her brows, whilst trying to stay serious.

Iggy slowly rose his gaze. An evil smile on his lips. I shook my head, meanwhile the room filled with laughter and complains.

"You're unbelievable!" I laughed and the boy suddenly began to laugh as well. Somehow, Roman and Edith were all over Iggy's lap, tickling the boy, who was now squealing and laughing on the ground.

"Have mercy with your brother!" Cate grinned and shook her head.

"I'm gonna pee myself!" Iggy screamed underneath the laughter. It had been too hard to keep myself slightly together, but by now I was a laughing mess. The kids looked up and I had a feeling something was going to happen. "Don't you dare!" I warned them, but it only motivated each and one of the kids more.

Edith was the one who tickled my neck, Roman took my feet and Iggy my tummy. I had to be careful not to hurt them, but I was just screaming and twitching on the ground.

"Please you guys! Stop!" With tears in my eyes, I squealed and one of the kids touched my thigh. An ugly stinging spread through my leg, but I had to overpay it. Still, laughing and squealing, I asked them again to have mercy. "Please! I love you all! Please!"

Suddenly, they actually stopped tickling me. Blue eyes stared down onto me. Puzzled expressions on their faces. Then, I realized why they have to be confused. It was that phrase 'I love you'. Whatsoever, the kids didn't seem to mind it, as their arms wrapped around me again, without tickling me this time.

"We love you too, Vee." Edith spoke in a calm and sweet voice, which made me knit my brows in adoration. My arms flung around the kids, before the ringing of the doorbell made them jump in the air.

"Dad's here!" Roman called out.

Cate, who sat opposite of me on top of the couch, sighed and got up as well.
As everyone had successfully left the living room, I took a glimpse underneath my sweats. The bandage looked okay so far, nothing leaked through. Relieved I exhaled and got up from the ground.

"Veeee?" Iggy called out.

A smile formed on my mouth. "What is it Iggyyyy?" I matched his energy and walked into the entrance hall where all the kids were. The boy smiled at me.

"Will you be here on Monday?" I nodded and stopped in front of him. "So, we will see you all the time?" I nodded again and Iggy smiled widely.

"Have a nice weekend you all." I said and embraced Iggy, who had already stretched out his arms.

Someone cleared their voice, which made us part the hug. I looked at their father, who stood in the doorframe, his arms crossed, the face showed disgust. What a nice dude...

"Go, you all. Have a beautiful weekend." I spoke and watched the kids leave the house. Cate glimpsed over to me, with a smile on her face, which I rewarded.

The man waited in the doorframe. His gaze followed my every move. That was definitely making me feel weird.

"Vera," He spoke in a deep and cold voice, making me look into his eyes. I cringed slightly at the mention of my nickname, out of his mouth. "Ignatius."

"What's about him?" I played a little dumb. Of course, I knew he didn't like it when his kids used nicknames, but I didn't see an issue in that.

"It's Ignatius, not Iggy." The man accentuated the last word as if it was poison. "We don't use nicknames around here, do we Catherine?"

I glanced over to the blonde, who seemed tensed and pissed off. She was about to part her lips, but I was quicker. "Well, I didn't know that. Catie didn't tell me, I was not allowed to use any nicknames, but , I guess, now that I am educated, thanks to you," I smiled fake. "I need to tell you, that my name isn't Vera. It's just a nickname." The smile remained on my lips and I watched as his nostrils widened. "It's Veronica, not Vera."

"My bad, I was wrongly informed." He shoot a deathly glare over to Cate. "We'll stay in touch, about who's going to get or bring the kids."

"We will. Bye, Paul." Without a reply form him, he just left.

When he was out of hearing range, I leaned a little closer to Cate, whom was positioned next to me.

"He is such an asshole." I gasped out quietly, making the blonde punch my arm playfully.

"Quiet." Cate hold back her laughter. "He might hear you."

"Oh please." I frowned. "He's what? Sixty? He won't hear a thing." I scoffed and Cate finally laughed out loud.

The kids still hadn't taken a seat in the car, so they turned around and caught their mom laughing. All of them flashed a smile and waved.

"You are the devil's spawn!" Cate chuckled and I gasped out.

"I'm not the one who had sex with him." I sucked in my lips, biting onto them and rose my eyebrows.

"You are mean." The blonde stated and waved a last time, before the car pulled off and she went inside.

Left alone at the front door, I closed it and followed the woman back into the living room. Yet, when I reached it, she was no where to be seen. I walked over to the coffee table, where I had placed my phone.

A message was on the screen. My breath hitched in my throat, as I saw the person who sent it. Why the hell would she message me again? All kind of mixed feelings came up inside of me. I clenched my fist hard. Suddenly, a gentle hand stroke along my shoulder, slid down my arm and made me loosen my grip.

"You will hurt yourself." Cate whispered. Her hot breath hit my skin, which sent shivers down my spine. "Wine?" She asked and hold a glass of wine in front of me, earning a smile to form on my lips.

"If I ever decline an offer like that, please send me into the psych ward." I laughed and she walked back into the kitchen to grab herself a glass.

"You're an idiot." Cate snickered and approached me again. A bottle of wine and a glass in her hands.

I opened my mouth, fake offended. "I'm not sure, if you're allowed to talk to your employee like that."

"Do you want to submit a complaint?" Cate cocked a brow, as she sat down on the couch.

A smirk creeped onto my lips, whilst I took a sip of the wine. "Maybe... so, technically... what would happen?"

The blonde tapped her chin and squeezed her eyes a little. "I'd make sure that that complaint of yours... would disappear and I guess, I wouldn't have a choice, but to fire you. Oh and you would never get a job again, that's self explanatory." My face fell. "Sweetheart, I'm joking! Jesus, come here and sit." Cate laughed and tapped the space next to her on the couch.

"You can be pretty intimidating with your, hopefully, fake threats." I took a seat next to her.

All of a sudden, she bursted out laughing. Did I say something stupid? "You know I love you, for what you just pulled off at the door with Paul, do you?" She said all of a sudden and gulped down her glass.

"Someone had to and I thought that if you were the one, he probably would have started some shit." I shrugged.

"... what you said about me having-"

I interrupted her. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overstepped that line."

"Vera, it's fine. I just didn't really want to be with him in first place. We sort of just ended up together, for the sake of Dashiell, whom I was pregnant with." I nodded and frowned.
I felt sorry for her. No one should be staying with someone they don't even like, just for the sake of the kids. "For years we still managed to get along, we got Roman and Ignatius a few years later and then we adopted Edith." This honestly managed to melt my heart.

"She's not your biological daughter?" Cate shook her head. "She looks and is so much like you, though."

"She is perfect. Well, I wanted another child, but I had already complications throughout Dashiell's pregnancy and the following ones weren't better." She filled up her glass again. "Adoption was the best option."

I smiled. "She is very lucky to be in this family. Her mom is amazing and her brothers are as well. Not everyone is as fortunate as Edith."

"Says the nanny, who is allowed to call Ignatius by his nickname?" The woman chuckled. "He- no, all of them love you. Why did you say 'I love you', when they tickled you? There was something behind that, wasn't it?" Cate asked curiously, whilst pulling her knee up to her chest and her foot onto the couch.

Smilingly, I sipped on the glass and replied. "When I was little, my mama made me say 'I love you', when I wanted her to stop tickling me. Even years after she passed, I said things she used to say, even though I haven't been tickled ever since, apart form today." Cate's hand was on my lower arm, showing sympathy. "It's alright." I cracked out.

"I didn't know..." Suddenly, a tear rolled down my face. The back of my hand dried my cheek off and I overplayed it with a smile. "Come here." Cate opened her arms.

"It's okay. I'm fine." I smiled. "I am fine." But I wasn't and she knew that, just as I did. The blonde grabbed my glass and placed it, along with hers, on the coffee table, before she pulled my body into hers. "I'm fine." I breathed out, as my head was on her chest. "I'm-"

"That doesn't seem like you're fine." Cate said and as I heard her heartbeat, more tears slipped out of my eyes. It reminded me so much of my mama, holding me close to her chest. "Oh, sweetheart..." The woman cooed and stroke my back tenderly.

"I'm sorry, Cate." I sniffed after a while, when the tears stopped rolling. The blonde stroke hair out of my face and lifted my chin up, with two of her fingers.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, Vee. Do you mind me asking you something about her?" I shook my head, waiting for her to ask the question. "When did she pass away?"

"I was six." Cate frowned.

"You were so young..."

"My mama was diagnosed with cancer in the end stage. A surgery wasn't possible, cause the cancer had spread into her liver, lungs..." I grew quiet in the end.

"Okay we need to cheer you up." Cate decided and carefully got up, to not let me fall, onto the couch, like a bag of potatoes. She turned on some music and ironically, it was once more Footloose, by Kenny Loggins. "I play that song, when I'm cleaning up or when I need to shake off some bad emotions."

"And you dance like crazy." I added, which made the blonde cock a brow.

"Who told you that?"

"Your kids are quite talkative, some times." I smiled weakly and sniffed again.

"Okay, I have to keep you away from them," Cate laughed and stretched her arms out. "But for now get up and dance with me."

"I'm so not going to dance! I can't dance! Leave me be Blanchett." I declined it and reached for my glass, yet the blonde slapped my hand away, earning a gasp to leave my lips.

"My house. My wine. Get up and work for it."

"Is that an order?" I smirked and somehow, Cate had pulled me onto my feet. She turned the volume up, until you could practically feel the beat in your feet and ears. As she started to dance, I laughed and shook my head. "You're crazy Cate!"

"C'mon dance! It'll make you feel much better." She laughed and pulled me closer, by my hands.

Somehow it felt like the right thing to do, so I began to move my body just like the blonde. Carelessly and free, we both jumped around and moved our bodies, as if we were teenagers, who drank for the first time and think they are "so drunk".

We both let ourselves fall onto the couch, laughing like a bunch of chickens. Quickly, we grabbed our glasses, which somehow had refilled themselves and gulped all of it down.

"We shouldn't have swallowed the wine, like it was water." I threw into the room, already feeling how the liquor made me feel all warm. "You didn't want to get me drunk, did you?"

"Why would I do such thing?" Cate laughed and placed her glass on the coffee table.

"Cause I'm good company?" I squeezed my eyes, grabbed the bottle and brought my mouth to it. "Actually that teacher at the boys school, said you called and said she should look for a pretty brunette, with a sweet smile?" I cocked a brow.

"Charming smile." Cate corrected me. "I said she should look for a pretty brunette, with a charming smile.."

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[Majorly unedited, so be warned. English is not my first language.] Cate and Beatrix had this strong bond, since they met on set years ago. During ci...
6.7K 404 28
What happens when a no strings attached summer romance turns into your professor after summer? Cordelia Clark, a relatively put together business stu...
16.2K 522 15
♡ Lou Miller x female reader "𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘓𝘰𝘶" "𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵?" 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘺 𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦. "𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘭𝘰�...