The Phoenix Swordsman (Sword...

By Gaberox01

62K 1K 356

Y/N L/N was one of the many unfortunate people to be stuck in the tragic event of Sword Art Online where if y... More

The World of Swords
Knight in Shining Armor
The Red-nosed Reindeer
The Black Swordsman and The Pheonix
The Murder in the Safe Zone
Illusionary Avenger
Temperature of the Heart
The Sword Dance of Black, White, and Red
The Blue Eyed Demon
Crimson Bloodthirst
What a Coincidence
Yui's Heart
Into The Depths of Hell
Old World New Problems
The World of Fairies
The Meeting
The Meeting Pt. 2
The Grand Quest
Here We Go Again
I'm No Hero
The World of Guns
Link Start!.....Again
Guns and Swords
Memories of Death
Bullet of Bullets
Death Gun
Death Chaser
To Be Strong

The End of the World

1.8K 30 4
By Gaberox01



* S H A T T E R *

The constant screeching of the boss and the sounds of swords striking it were the only things I could hear, this battle has been going on for nearly an hour and a half. Not only that but some of the players around me were killed even though the boss was focusing it's attack on the KoB members in the front. I noticed we were close to victory and Heathcliff called the final charge.

Heathcliff: Everyone attack.

Simultaneously we all attacked at the boss not stopping until the thing was completely dead. The boss screeched one final time and dispersed into pixelated data.

We won.

The arena turned back to normal and the majority of the players present fell down to the floor in exhaustion. I looked around as I pulled out a health potion and brought my HP just above yellow.

Klein: How many did we lose?

Kirito pulled his map out and started counting the players that were still alive out of how many we had total.

Kirito: 12 of us died.

Agil: Oh my god.

When the other player heard him that started quietly conversating and gasping.

Klein: And we still got 25 floor left to go.

Agil: 25 floors. Man how are we going to make it that far?

I sigh and keep looking at the other players. amongst them the one who stood out was Heathcliff, acting as if this boss fight never happened. His health was still above yellow even though himself and others were taking all of the agro from the boss. I take a deep breath and grab one of my swords from the ground and ran at Heathcliff who wasn't expecting an attack from someone. He didn't have enough time to react to my move and a invisible force prevented me from harming Heathcliff. An immortal object icon appeared above his head and Kirito, Asuna, and Aleyla came running over to me.

Asuna: U/N, what are you doing?

She stops and also looks at the purple icon as does everyone else, then it disappeared.

Asuna: An immortal object. Commander Heathcliff what's going on?

U/N: Allow me to explain, you see the reason Commander Heathcliff's HP never drop to yellow is because he's being protected by the system. I'm been talking with Kirito about this for awhile, I always question myself, where is he hiding while he sits there watching us while he can also control the game world? I think the answer to that is pretty simple. It's simple psychology, in fact its so simple that every kid would know. It's so boring watching someone else to play an RPG. Is there Akihiko Kayaba?

Everyone gasped at the mention of the name of the one who trapped us here for two years.

Heathcliff: Just for curiosity sake, would you mind telling me how you figured it out?

U/N: Well the first time I suspected something was with your fight with Kirito. To everyone else it may have just been some maneuver but to me. That move was way too fast.

Heathcliff: Yes I thought that you might have seen that. I'm pretty sure that didn't go unnoticed by Kirito either. He was very strong and fast I had no choice but to engage the systems assist mode.

He looks around to the players who are just a little bit one edge right now.

Heathcliff: Yes, I am Akihiko Kayaba. And now that my identity is known it should come as no surprise that I am the boss on the final floor.

Everyone is now freaking out about that. The games creator is the final boss. Asuna holds onto Kirito while Aleyla grabs my hand.

U/N: So the strongest player ends up being the final boss. Isn't that a bit cliché?

Kayaba: Actually I kind of like that angle, though one things for sure I was hoping you'd be the one standing before me at the very end U/N. You know duel wielding is a rare skill that is only given to the player with the fastest reaction time, he would be the hero, the one who'd rise up against the demon king. I always knew you'd be the one to end up with that skill but I was surprised to say the least when Kirito also ended up with the same skill. And the power you both displayed was magnificent. Thats what makes MMO RPGs so thrilling to play.

A player got mad at him and started saying something.

??: Our loyalty, our hope. How dare you. How dare you. HOW DARE YOU!!!

He screamed and charged at Kayaba, but he pulled down his menu and quickly changed somethings and the man became paralyzed. Kayaba started to paralyze all the players in the room except for me and Kirito.

Aleyla: U/N?

U/N: Aleyla.

I caught her and rested her on my thigh as a pillow. I looked up and faced Kayaba.

U/N: So what's the plan now huh? Are you going to kill everyone here and make it a cover up?

Kayaba: Oh no. but that does remind me. I'll be taking that curser disguise back.

He told me and made a few more changes on his menu. I look up and see that my green curser was fading into what I feared the most. And everyone who was looking at me saw me for what I truly am.

A monster.

(My artwork. Whatya think. Defiantly better than the other one.)

Everyone that I looked at looked back in absolute terror.

U/N: So I guess your identity wasn't the only thing revealed here today.

Aleyla: U/N? Why is your curser like that.

U/N: Heathcliff gave me a personal mission, but I see now that was a mistake.

Kirito: U/N why didn't you tell us?

U/N: I didn't want to tell you because all of you would never look at me the same way ever again.

Kayaba: I think thats enough talking right now. I'm going to go to the top floor on level 100, I'll be waiting inside the ruby palace. It's a shame to be leaving you all so soon, I spent a long time developing the Knights of the Blood Oath and other elite players. Oh well, your all strong so I'm sure you'll reach me eventually. But before I go.

He stabs his sword and shield into the ground.

Kayaba: U/N. I feel like I should reward you for discovering my identity. So I'll give you a chance along with Kirito.

U/N: And what am I fighting for?

Kayaba: A chance to fight me 2 on 1, right here right now. And my immortality will be disabled of course. Defeat me and you both clear the game and all the players will be able to log out without a single string attached. What do you say?

A chance. One fair chance to make everything right. So everyone could go home.

Aleyla: Tell me your not going to do it U/N.

I gently placed her down and got up Kirito did the same.

U/N: I'm sorry but I made a promise to someone a long time ago.

The echo of her voice rang through my mind.

Liz: Put an end to this world so no one has to suffer anymore.

I walk closer towards Kayaba and Kirito comes right next to me.

U/N: Hey Kayaba. There is something I want from you in case I die here.

Kayaba: And what'll that be?

U/N: If I die, make sure that Aleyla and Rin would be protected from this world.

Kirito: And if I die too. I want you to fix it so Asuna can't kill herself in any way.

Aleyla: Wait U/N, you can't do that.

Asuna: Kirito no.

Kayaba: Consider it done.

U/N: and before we start. Kirito, I'm sorry in advance.

Kirito: What?

I stabbed him with a poison dart and he collapsed next to me.

Kirito: U/N. The hell are you doing man.

U/N: Kirito this is not your fight. I don't want you to die knowing that Asuna would live in grief her whole life. She needs you. I'm glad we were still able to be friends, and I'll always treasure that.

I started to tear up a little as I said my final goodbye to him.

U/N: See you later edgy man.

He started to tear up too and I pull him closer to Asuna. I then went to where I was before.

U/N: Hey Klein, sorry I wasn't able to be your friend and helped you back on floor one, your a good guy. And I'll always consider you my friend.

Klein started crying.

Klein: No, no no I wont accept your apology. I will never accept your apology until you and me are the other side and your buying me a drink damnit.

U/N: Will do. Agil? I know you were purposefully buying cheap and selling overpriced items so you can give back to those who needed it. You have my respect, hope you have a good life Tiff.

He was shocked that I knew why he was really doing that and also started to tear up.

U/N: And Aleyla?

I turn to face her.

U/N: I never got to say it before. But, I love you, and take care of Rin for me.

Aleyla started crying and shouted to me.

Aleyla: U/N, don't fight him. Come back!

Her voice was drowned out and was replaced with a heavy dense fog leaving only me and him. I drew my swords as he drew his own.

Kayaba: Hope you ready U/N.

U/N: Yeah I'm ready. To clear the game.

He lowered his HP to match mine and I charged at him going for a stab thinking he was going to block but I twirl around and stabbed his other side followed by a slash of my other sword. He quickly put in all of his defense and threw me back and charged at me cutting me a few times back. From there it was constant blocking and clashing of metal on metal. I was blinded by my own thoughts of clearing the game I had no idea what happened next. One of my swords broke on impact of Kayaba's shield.

Kayaba: Game over U/N.

??: ----------!

I couldn't hear anything but silence. Maybe this is what happens before my death.

??: D--------dy!

Someone got between me and Kayaba, but I couldn't see for sure. I shook my mental mind and saw Rin in front of him as he was bringing his sword down. I quickly grabbed Rin and pulled her into a protective hug and turned around feeling the full impact of Kayaba's sword on my back, and my HP dropping to a sliver left in the red. I stood back up and turned around to him only for him to stab me in the stomach. I was prepared to die but something was preventing me from shattering. I couldn't die just yet, I still have to end this thing.

I took my sword and stabbed Kayaba in the chest finishing his HP. He smiles and then shatters. His sword still left and I stumbled to the ground while everyone was able to get back up from their paralysis.

Aleyla: U/N!

She came running over and hugs what's left of me.

Aleyla: You did it U/N, you did it.

She stops hugging me and connects our lips as we kiss, she lets go and smiles at me while I do the same.

U/N: I did do it didn't I? Now I can rest.

Aleyla: What?

U/N: I'm basically dead right now with only my human will keeping me but I'm getting weaker.

Kirito and the others rush over.

Kirito: Why did you do that man.

He said to me while kneeling down to my figure slowly starting to dissipate.

U/N: I did it to ensure no other being in this world is lost. To save the lives of thousands, one last life would needed to be taken.... I'm sorry everyone.

Aleyla: No just hold on U/N.

U/N: Not that it would matter because of the current events happening, but my names Y/N, nice to meet you. Heh.

Rin: Please Daddy. You promised you wouldn't go. You said you won't leave me.

U/N: I'm sorry Rin. But I can't follow you this time. Goodbye, and thanks for being my friends to the end.

|| Y O U D I E D||

??: On November 7th the game has been cleared. I repeat the game has been cleared.


I opened my eyes to find that I was in mid air but not falling. I look around and in the distance I see Aincrad falling apart and turning to code.

??: A beautiful sight isn't it?

I look to my right and see Akihiko Kayaba next to me

U/N: Kayaba?

Kayaba: At arcus headquarters, the SAO mainframe is in a room 5 floors below street level. Right now it's deleting everything from its drives. In about 10 minutes, everything will be gone.

U/N: So they players are able to log out right.

Kayaba: There is no need to worry about them since they are indeed being logged out as we speak. And the 5,849 players who've survived are logged out.

U/N: So what about the rest?

Kayaba: They'll never be able to return. Real or virtual. Once your dead your gone.

U/N: Why? What was the point of all this?

Kayaba: Thats a good question that I had an answer to when I was working with your father.

U/N: My father?

Kayaba: Yes, your father was a good man. He never intended to hurt you or your family by leaving. Even though he knew the risks. But when we both had the idea of a grand castle in the clouds when we both developed the full dive environment we thought we could make that dream come true. Something inside me wanted to believe that my dream of that castle in another world is still there standing taller than ever. even though I wasn't related by blood, your father still considered me like family. And he gave me his will to you and I had someone send it to you. Oh by the way, congratulations on clearing the game U/N I'll best be going now. Good luck.

When he said that he turned and walked away slowly disappearing. I sat down watching Aincrads final moments in the sky. I closed my eyes taking in the small breeze that came by and everything went silent.

Then I opened my eyes.


Word count: 2340

Thank you for reading to the end of the SAO arc I'll be back to writing the next chapter this coming weekend when this chapter is released.


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