The Girl with the Uninvited G...

By CynthiaVarady

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A relics collector must uncover a family secret to solve a wizard's homicide before his apprentice's ghost dr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 13

42 8 4
By CynthiaVarady

Mahogany navigated her Vespa into a parking space outside Tipsy O'Lush's.

"This is where Magic Mike spent his final days?" Guy gazed at the half-timbered construction of the inn. White-washed stucco sections partitioned by half-exposed wood beams gave the building a fairytale aura. "It's gorgeous," Guy said, tilting his head back to admire the two-story structure. "Way better than the library."

"If we're searching for an old wizard, the local pub is the best place to begin. Plus, it has the choicest cider in the state," Mahogany said, securing the yellow scooter.

They headed across the parking lot, and a din of unrest pulled their attention. On the sidewalk in front of the pub marched a gaggle of protesters holding up signs and chanting, "End Halloween!"

"What on earth?" Guy said as he and Mahogany took in the unlikely spectacle. "Do they mean Halloween as in the last day of October?"

"Excuse me," Mahogany turned to a couple of Fae standing nearby. "What's all this?" She pointed to the protesters.

"They're trying to end Halloween Town, as in Pandemonium," said the first. He rolled his shoulders, making the large, transparent wings on his back bob.

"Halloween Town?" Mahogany said. "I don't get it."

"Pandemonium, sweetheart. They want to evict the freaks," said the second Fae. His pointed ears twitch with agitation.

"And by freaks, he means Magical Folk," said the first. He motioned to the second, and they turned and headed into the pub.

"Wow," Guy said. "The irony is almost too much to fathom."

"That's humans for you," Mahogany said. "They've traded their pitchforks in for picket signs."


Mahogany and Guy found a cozy table near the pub's back wall. Red shaded lights hung from the ceiling casting a rosy glow about the place. Exposed wood beams painted black gave the atmosphere a brooding quality. Framed photos littered the walls of patrons past. If one dedicated enough time, they'd get an education in the who's who of Pandemonium's history.

"So tell me everything you remember in the days leading up to the murder," Mahogany said.

Guy gazed around the dim room. "I spent a lot of time on my own. Mike left for hours at a time. The scent of cider is what I remember most."

"What about food? Did he bring anything back to the brownstone?"

"French fries and roast beef sandwiches mostly."

"Like that?" Mahogany pointed at a server carrying a sizable tray on their shoulder. Piles of fries and steaming sandwiches stuffed with hot roast beef were loaded onto plates.

Guy examined the tray, his eyes growing wide. "Yes, that's it exactly!" Guy closed his eyes. "I can almost taste it." A dreamy smile crept across his face. "Great work," he said, his eyes popping open. "You found a lead. I'm so proud of you."

Mahogany ignored him, although her chest filled with confidence she hadn't experienced before. "Did he bring sandwiches home the night you died?"

"Yes. Earlier in the evening."

"Do you think he met with someone?" Mahogany peered around the room, searching for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. A tall order considering this was a pub in a magical town filled with magical Folk.

"I'm not sure," Guy said. "Maybe that Thaddeus Spike guy from the letter. He seems to be everywhere."

"That's what we need to find out."

"There was this guy who had it out for me. Jeff Samuels. He's the brother of the girl I was seeing. He hated me. Even threatened me a couple of times," Guy said, tapping his chin. "He could be a suspect."

"Wait. Were you dating Jeff Samuel's sister? Bad move, dude," Mahogany said, shaking her head. "Jeff's a psycho."

"Tell me about it. He used to follow her to our meeting places and harass us. Real stalker vibe. We had to get stealthy."

Mahogany thought about the meek and attractive Karrie Samuels. Her brother had frightened off every potential suitor in Pandemonium. It made sense that she would set her sights on an out-of-towner. They were the only people ignorant enough to give her the time of day.

"Yeah, but why kill Mike too? I get why he'd want to brain you over the head, but Mike? It makes no sense." Mahogany shook her head.

"What if Mike surprised him when he came to murder me?" Guy offered.

Mahogany tilted her head in thought. "Maybe? OK, so far, Jeff seems like a good suspect."

"Then there's Neema and the photo," Guy said. "Someone in that might be responsible."

"We need more research before we jump to conclusions," Mahogany said.

Guy opened his mouth to protest when Evelina breezed into the pub. In the dim light, she seemed to exude her own luminescence. Half of the tables turned to peer at the lovely fairy. After a moment, her gaze lit on Mahogany, and Evelina approached her table.

"What are you doing here?" Mahogany asked as Evelina took an empty seat.

"I told you that I'm helping you solve the murders." Evelina smoothed her hair and straightened her blouse.

"But, how did you find me? I didn't tell anyone I would be here," Mahogany said.

"Simple deduction," Evelina said, leveling her gaze at Mahogany. "Where else would an old wizard go?"

"The local pub," the three of them said together.

"Did you get one of these?" Evelina pushed a flier across the table to Mahogany.

DOWN WITH HALLOWEEN! Screamed the flier.

"Is this from the protesters?" Mahogany picked up the flier for a closer look.

"Can you believe the nerve? Wanting to purge Pandemonium's freaks." She made air quotes when she said freaks. "They've got a petition out there for a special election to get one of them on the city council."

"Wow, they're serious," Guy said, peering at the flier.

"They're having a meeting tomorrow. We should go. Maybe there will be some leads to the case there," Evelina said, her eyes growing wide at the thought.

"Murder is one heck of a way to get your point across." Mahogany pondered the motivations that would drive a person to murder. She'd been mad before but not that mad. "And why murder two out-of-town wizards? It doesn't make sense."

"Hey, if customer service has taught me anything, you shouldn't underestimate a white lady with a grudge," Evelina said. "And they're all white out there."

Mahogany shrugged. "Good point."

At that moment, the door to the pub opened, and in walked Brian O'Malley, the town cobbler. A woman with a large black brimmed hat pulled low in the front, concealing her face, followed close behind. Brian spoke with one of the Walsh brothers at the desk by the front entrance before he and the unidentified woman made their way to the stairs leading to the inn above the pub.

"That's interesting," Evelina said, tracking the couple as they disappeared for an afternoon romp. "Have you ever seen Brian O'Malley with a woman before?"

"I've never seen Brian O'Malley with anyone, much less a date," Mahogany said.

"Oh, good. Tony's here," Evelina said. She stood and began waving her arms in the air.


A/N: Mahogany doesn't seem too happy that Evelina has insinuated herself into her makeshift investigation, and now she's invited, Tony? What else could happen?

This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful @sarah3534, who wrote a kickass short story called Zombie Park. This short blew me away. I laughed. I cried. I was stunned by the ending.

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