Black and White || owen joyne...

rosesforowen द्वारा

12.8K 542 98

In which a girl meets a boy at a theme park अधिक



243 14 1
rosesforowen द्वारा

Ever since I went on the date with Owen, we've been inseparable. We've been together almost everyday.

He even sleeps over sometimes and it helps my insomnia. Last night, he couldn't stay the night so I couldn't sleep the best.

This morning, I ended up filming my cover my YouTube. I probably got a couple hours of sleep but I'm still striving.

I texted Jeremy, Owen, and Charlie last night to see if they wanted to film with me.

I told them how I wanted to film a video of us watching Hamilton. Charlie was instantly down for it.

Owen said he was too and that led Jeremy saying he was down. So they're suppose to be here around four.

It was currently three thirty now so I was bringing everything I need downstairs.

My headphones, a camera, and four microphones. Mason was out with Camila and Andrew was working out.

He was going to come home soon and start streaming. As I was setting the microphones up, Charlie came busting in.

I look up at him but I had to do a double take. "I thought you weren't wearing any pants." I laugh towards him.

He had on a pair of shorts that were very short. They blend in with his skin so it really tripped me out.

He started laughing as he sat his bag down. "That's what everyone says but they're comfy." He shrugs.

He makes himself at home and sits down on the couch. "Where's your boyfriend?" He asked playfully.

I just roll my eyes as I sit with him. "He's not my boyfriend." I deny his thinking. The group knows we went on a date.

And they know we're always together. "You two literally went on a date." He laughed at me.

"Yeah, but we didn't make anything official. We didn't even kiss." I admit to him. He looks surprised that I said that.

Maybe Owen hasn't said anything to him. "Wait, did you two not kiss?" He asked surprised.

I got shy and shook my head no. "Did Owen not tell you?" I ask him. He shakes his head no while sitting up.

"I just kinda figured you two did." He told me nonchalantly. I asked him to not say anything in front of Owen.

I don't want to weird him out or anything. As we were talking, Jeremy showed up. He did a double take on Charlie too.

"I wore these just for you." Charlie fake flirted with his mate. Jeremy shook his head while sitting on the other side of me.

Jeremy asked what we were talking about so Charlie started smiling. "Did you know Sam and Owen didn't kiss on their date?"

I snap my head towards Charlie. "Charles! I told you not to say anything." I snap at him as he started laughing.

"You said don't say anything in front of Owen. You didn't say anything about Jeremy." He defended himself.

I just shake my head while looking at him. "Yeah, I learned a long time ago to not trust Charlie with information." Jeremy spoke.

Charlie dropped his jaw while looking at him. "When?" He asked sounding hurt.

"On set! Jadah would tell you to not say anything and you'd run to me and Owen and spill everything." Jeremy explained himself.

Charlie was smiling proudly to himself. "I did do that." We all started laughing.

As we sit there and waited for Owen to show, he finally walked in. My heart picked up as he came through the door.

"The man of the hour finally showed up." We laughed at him. Jeremy scoots over so Owen could sit next to me.

"So how do we do this?" Jeremy asked curiously. I explained it to both him and Charlie.

That we're just going to sit here and watch the movie. They can make jokes or sing a long, whatever makes them comfortable.

Owen told them to just be themselves as I got the movie ready. I had a camera facing us because I wanted to put different clips of us.

Right as the movie started, I hit record. Everyone introduced themselves into the microphone while the movie started.

"I don't know what to expect here." Jeremy stated knowing he was the only one who hasn't seen it.

He's just heard the cast recording. "There's a song in here that's not in the recording." I tell him.

"Raise a glass for the four of us!" We all sing together. It was going to be more of a singalong than comedy.

"I can't believe people thought Lin Manual Miranda is the weakest one in the show." I tell them.

We were singing almost every song. Every time we got into it, we would get right into the camera.

"Justice for Peggy." Owen joked when we got to helpless. When we get to Satisfied, we were all rapping.

"Nothing impresses me more in live action than time travel." Charlie speaks.

"When you genuinely convince me that you traveled through time in front of my eyes, wonderful." He beams.

We all agreed with him as we watched. "Watching this, I feel like Hamilton isn't the main character." Jeremy spoke.

"So what you're saying is that Lin Miranda is the weakest part of the cast?" I joke as he shakes his head.

"As far as I'm concerned, this show is about Aaron Burr." Owen jokes making me laugh.

He did have a point. Leslie Odom Junior is the one of the best actors in the show.

When Aaron Burr had his own song, we were all hyped. "God, he's fucking amazing." Charlie hyped him up.

"Look around, look around. Look at how lucky we are to be alive right now." I sing with Angelica.

"Me after I crash my car." Owen jokes. Charlie snorts with laughter while Jeremy shakes his head.

I loved watching watching it with them. When we get to the song that's not on the soundtrack, I tell it to Jeremy.

"On the story of tonight." I sing with him. This whole thing was amazing. I know how much they appreciate this kind of movie.

When we get to the last song of the first half, we all got hyped again.

"I'm not throwing away my shot." There was a last note and the lights went out. "Musicals are fucking dope." Owen spoke.

We took drinks during the intermission and continued to watch.

The whole thing was a blast. We rapped along to it and made jokes throughout it.

We watched intensely when Lin's son was dying. When she screamed, I got chills.

"See, Lin just sounds like he has snot in his nose." I say out loud.

When Angelica and Lin were standing there, and Lin makes that crying face I buy it.

"I love that. It looks so good." I point out. We hyped up Leslie Odom's character again.

The ending is so good but so sad. Even though it was depressing, I still made a joke out of it.

I've been wanting to make this into a video for a while. I would've done it with Andrew and Mason, but they're not into that stuff.

I'm just happy these three were were able to come. Charlie and Jeremy hung out for a while. But they both ended up leaving.

Thankfully, Charlie didn't mention our conversation in front of Owen. I think he he just forgot and got super into the movie.

I yawned while bringing everything up to my room. "Woah, Sam. Why are you yawning?" Owen asked me.

I just shrug knowing I didn't want to tell him. I don't want him worrying about me, I'm just tired.

"Nothing. No reason." I lie to him. I guess he could sense I was lying.

I look away from his eyes but he takes my chin and moves my eyes to his. "You didn't sleep well last night, did you?"

I shook my head as he sighs. I could tell he was getting an idea in his head.

"Go pack some clothes. You're staying with me tonight." I could tell he was being serious.

And I didn't want to pass this offer up. So I go into my room and grab a bag. I put an extra pair of clothes and my leave in conditioner.

I grab my toiletries and some extra things. I grab my phone charger, my camera, and my laptop.

Before leaving, I make sure to tell Andrew bye. He just smirks at me and gives me a knowing look.

I just shake my head while walking out. I was excited for this night in with just Owen.

Who know's what could happen.

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