You're Too kind for This Worl...

By bird_mans

29.2K 821 351

you ran with a bat in hand sprinting along the old path as rotting corpses chased you,the smell was unbearabl... More

A/N Harem Collection :)
chapter 1:meeting them ~part 1~
chapter 1:meeting them ~part 2~
chapter 1:meeting them ~part 3~
chapter 1:meeting them ~part 4~
Chapter 2:the start to a long Journey ~part 1~
Chapter 2: the start to a long Journey ~part 2~
Chapter 2: the start to a long Journey ~part 3~
Chapter 2: the start to a long Journey ~part 4~
Chapter 2: the start to a long Journey ~part 5~
Chapter 2: the start to a long Journey ~part 6~
Chapter 2: the start to a long Journey ~part 7~
Chapter 2: the start to a long Journey ~part 8~
Chapter 3:the long Journey home ~part 1~
Chapter 3:the long Journey home ~part 2~
Chapter 3:the long Journey home ~part 3~
Chapter 3:the long Journey home ~part 4~
Chapter 3:the long Journey home ~part 5~
Chapter 3:the long Journey home ~part 6~
Chapter 4:parting ways ~part 1~
Chapter 4:parting ways ~part 2~
Chapter 5: a new world ~part 1~
Chapter 5: a new world ~part 2~
Chapter 5: a new world ~part 3~
Chapter 5: a new world ~part 4~
Chapter 6: egg trouble ~part 1~
Chapter 6: egg trouble ~part 2~
Chapter 7:God troubles ~part 1~
Chapter 7:God troubles ~part 2~
Chapter 8:New people troubles ~part 2~
Chapter 9:why is there so many troubles ~part 1~
A good bye to a great person (not a chapter)
Chapter 9:why is there so many troubles ~part 2~
Chapter 9:why is there so many troubles ~part 3~
Chapter 10:the stages of life ~part 1~
Story line
Chapter ? Part 1/1: spending much needed time with good friends

Chapter 8:New people troubles ~part 1~

387 9 3
By bird_mans

A/n the lore will probably be randomly placed at this point in the story

After what felt like an eternity we finally got to the little cottages that phill and techno had built.I was exhausted and the giant wings on my back were sore.I gently made my way down to the ground and placed phill down before attempting to land but stumble and almost fall over.

"I didn't fall over this time"I said with a smile turning around to philza and swaying slightly desperately trying to stay awake to see the children

"Let's get you to bed"he sighed with a smile shaking his head before walking over to me and put my arm around his shoulder "it's been a long day"

"But I have to check on tommy Tubbo and ranboo"I spoke with a yawn at the end

"They will be here tomorrow"phill rolled his eyes

We continued to walk Over to the fence that laced its way around the border of there houses and we hoped over it,with me almost falling face first when I got my foot caught in one of the grooves.every thing was in sore it had been a while since I had a break today.we continued and knocked on the door which seemed like a very specific way.

"Come in phill"a muffled voice from inside shouted as i let out a shiver from the cold

Phill opened the door and moved me over to the fire in the corner of the room and sat me down and wrapped me with a relatively big blanket as he made his was down the ladder in the corner of the room.I sat there for a while looking around saw a tall lanky creature that seemed to be trapped in a boat when I looked at it,it's mouth opened and started to talk

"⍙⊑⍜ ⏃⍀⟒ ⊬⍜⎍?"(who are you?) it spoke a completely different language but for some reason I could understand it

(You both are now speaking enderman now btw)

"y/n who are you?"I asked some how in the same language while tilting my head to the right a bit

"Doesn't matter why are you here? I've only seen one other enderman and they never spoke to me"they continued to speak

"I'm am here to protect some people"I reply leaning against the wall trying to sit in a more comfortable position

After a while we continued to talk and I completely missed that Phil and techno had been standing there for how many minutes long.I turn my attention to them

"Heh"techno made a noise of confusion "are you talking to the enderman?"

So that's what creature they are

"⊬⟒⏃⊑-"I cut myself off changing back to English repeating what I started to say"yeah I am.I think?"

"It's too late for this I will see you In the morning"he replied making phill chuckle as techno made his why up the ladder to what I assume to be where his bed is

At this point I struggled to keep my eyes open and I leaned my head back on the wall slipping out of consciousness.after 30 seconds of fighting I finally fell asleep

I stood in the middle of a path in the middle of a forest,the trees where close together making unable to think about going through them.looking down the path behind where I was standing originally there was a shadowy fugue with started to glitch and raise its hand as more shadows flew out of it and started to make there way towards me.this sent my body into a state of panic and I started to sprint down the opposite way down the didn't take long for the spirits to start to surround me leading me down this path making me continuously quicken my pace as i went further and further down the path.

Eventually after what felt like 30 minutes of running the path finally finished at a cliffs edge.i stopped turning around and looked to see the shadows stopped but the figure standing right there before I could even say anything there hands reached out pushing me off the cliffs edge

I jolt awake with a cold sweat and my breath quickened.I stood up pushing the blanket of me as I walked over to a chest and grabbed some food as I made my way over to the door seeing that the sun had begun to rise I opened it and stood outside closing it as carefully as possible before walking off to the portal.

After what felt like forever I made it to the purple swirly portal and took a step through immediately noticing once again the temperature change, which I was slightly used to by now.I walked over the poorly built bridge and made my way to the big portal at the end of the path.I stepped through it like I did the last and walked aimlessly along the wooden path when scaffolding and some build in the distance caught my eye before I could react someone jumped at me and wrapped there arms around me

"Y/N!"a ghostly voice shouted with joy,I turned my head around and saw the small ghost holding onto me with a lead in his eyes traced the string and at the end of it was a blue sheep

"Hay ghostbur long time no see"I say while ruffling his hair

"I wanted to see you again"he began "I'm busy right now though I need to see Tommy but can we meet up later?"

"Sure ghostbur"I said now picking him up bridal style and spinning around slightly making a giggle erupt from the small ghost which he held on tight around me snuggling his face into my chest making me chuckle as well.

We stayed like this for a while I couldn't help myself but continue to look at him until finally his giggles died down I put him down which he pouted about and waved before running off.I continued down the path as he disappeared around the corner and made my was slowly to the building being built.with every step I could here two voices getting louder and louder as I managed to get close enough I could see two figures

First of all I would like to say thank you for everyone reading this book and I'm sorry for not posting another part sooner

From now on I will be posting every 1-2 weeks but it will only be one part not the full chapter I'm sorry for the inconvenience but you will get content quicker

Also I wonder who the people who will meet will be?

Word count:1124

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