Rise of a Ranger Power Ranger...

By Everything_Guy456

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Michael Cruger was just your average Reefside student who loved writing music and playing until his life tur... More

Introduction to Micheal
Day of the Dino Part 1
Day of the Dino Part 2
Wave Goodbye
Back in Black
Diva in Distress
Micheal's New Bio
Game On
Golden Boy
Frank Cruger's Bio
Beneath the Surface
Ocean Alert
White Thunder Part 1
White Thunder Part 2
White Thunder Part 3
Rangers Hang Out
Leader of the Whack
Burning at Both Ends
The Missing Bone
The End and The Future.

Truth and Consequences

736 25 19
By Everything_Guy456

Michael's point of view:

I drove my way back home after a semi-long day, but strangely the Doc was missing today so we left early. I decided that I should practice the moves that he taught me before our next training session and it was going well until I heard my bracelet start beeping and then heard Hayley say.

Hayley: "Michael, are you there?"

Michael: "Yeah I'm here, what is it?"

Hayley: "Get to the lab, now! I already informed the others."

Michael: "On my way."

I went to my car and started driving my way to the lab as fast as I could since I had this bad feeling in me. I made it to Dr. Oliver's house and I went downstairs only to
see him stuck in some kind of rock then I saw the others were here as well, but in my mind, I only had one thought on who did this.


Ethan then asked Hayley.

Ethan: "Is he okay?"

She was using some kind of scanner on Dr. Oliver's body and then told us.

Hayley: "This internal scan should be able to tell us more."

Kira: "What's the deal? Is he frozen or something?"

Hayley: "Not Exactly."

She turned around and faced us and told us.

Hayley: "It's more like he's fossilized, fused into this Amber-like substance.

Conner: "Can you get him out?"

Hayley: "Too risky. He's able to stay alive in there, but I'd hate to think what would happen if I broke him out."

Ethan: "A Paleontologist turned into a fossil. The White Ranger's got a great sense of humor."

Kira: "Well, personally, I've had enough of him."

Conner: "Let's find out who this guy is and deal with him. Now."

They all said this while I was quiet and couldn't help, but stare into Dr. Oliver's body.

Hayley: "So, I'll see you guys later in the Cyberspace.

Conner: "Yeah."

Ethan: "Just gotta take care of a few things then meet you guys there."

I saw them all start to leave the lab then Conner asked Kira.

Conner: "You coming or what?"

Kira: "I'll meet you outside, Conner."

They all left except for her and she asked me.

Kira: "You good?"

Michael: "Couldn't be better."

Kira: "We're gonna catch him, Michael."

Michael: "Your darn right we are."

I let out a sigh and told her.

Michael: "Go with Conner, Kira, I'll see you guys in Hayley's Cyberspace."

Kira: "You know you can talk to me about anything?"

Michael: "I said I'm fine."

Kira: "Whatever you say, Michael. Catch you later?"

Michael: "Yeah."

She left the lab while I was alone with Dr. Oliver's fossilized body and told him.

Michael: "Kinda funny. Don't you think, Doc, the best and oldest ranger among us is fossilized in our darkest hour? It reminds me of those old TV shows that used to air, where the writers find a way to remove a character from that show in the stupidest way possible due to the actor either wanting to leave or due to other issues."

I saw that he was not moving at all and probably isn't even hearing what I'm even saying then I told him.

Michael: "Sorry about that, just wanted to lighten the mood a bit, guess that didn't work out. Look, Dr. Oliver, I know that I'm not the best guy to have as a Ranger in your team and that my cousin would have been a better candidate as the Grey Ranger than I'll ever be, but I'll try my best to keep the earth and the team safe in your absence, whatever it takes. I promise."

I left the lab and went back home to finish practicing Dr. Oliver's lessons then go to the Cyberspace.

Trent's point of view:

I was staggering around Reefside and my headache was only getting worse.

Trent: "What is wrong with me?"

I went to lay myself on a building and saw my bracelet was glowing and I said.

Trent: "I remember."

Then memories of how I got my bracelet and what I did as the White Ranger.

Trent: "Huh? This can't be happening."

I was in shock then I decided to go to Hayley's Cyberspace and see if I can get any help.

Kira's Point of view:

Conner, Ethan, and I made it to Hayley's Cyberspace and Ethan told us.

Ethan: "Maybe Hayley's got some ideas."

Kira: "Yeah, but it looks like she's kinda busy right now."

We saw how she was struggling to handle her customers with Trent nowhere to be seen and Conner then told us.

Conner: "Well, let's hit the streets. I mean, it's not like the White Ranger's just going to walk in here."

Suddenly we saw Trent walk past us and I told him.

Kira: "Hey, Trent."

Trent: "Hey."

He replied dryly then we decided to go and sit next to Hayley's bar and heard him and Hayley talk to each other.

Trent: "Hey."

Hayley: "Thank goodness. I'm getting slammed here."

Trent: "Hayley, listen, I got to talk to you."

Hayley: "Later. Grab a tray."

Trent: "I can't. I'm quitting."

We were shocked by his statement and Hayley asked him.

Hayley: "Why? In trouble with your Dad again?"

Trent: "No, it's not that. I just. I just have to quit. I'm sorry."

I saw him leaving and I got up from my seat and went after him and said.

Kira: "Hey. Wait a minute."

He stopped in his place and looked at me while I told him.

Kira: "You're just going to bail on Hayley like that?"

Trent: "Yeah, I know it seems sudden."

Kira: "Don't you think you owe her some kind of explanation?"

Trent: "You don't understand. Kira, something weird has happened and I feel like if I don't tell someone, I'm going to explode."

Kira: "Well, what is it? You can tell me."

Before he could tell me, Cassidy barged through the door and started yelling while walking past us.

Cassidy: "Excuse me, people. Important announcement! Attention. Look at me!"

We both looked at her in annoyance while I said to myself

Cassidy: "I have the scoop of the century. Excuse me, girls, I need the stage."

She got them off the stage while she got up the stage and said to everyone.

Cassidy: "And as my faithful core audience, I wanted to share it with you guys first."

Then I heard Ethan say.

Ethan: "What do you think this is about?"

Kira: "Maybe she's decided to run for Queen?"

Cassidy: "I have uncovered the identity of the one and only White Ranger. And any minute now, my assistant Devin is going to come through that door with videotape evidence."

We all stared at the door and saw that no one has showed up yet.

Cassidy: "Any minute."

The room was silent while she said in confusion.

Cassidy: "Where is he?"

Suddenly Devin came barging through the door and yelled.

Devin: "Oh, Oh, Cast I'm here! Sorry, I'm late!"

He walked towards her and got up on stage and she said.

Cassidy: "Devin, where's your camera?"

Devin: "Uh. See, that might be just a little problem."

Cassidy: "Only if you don't have it."

We were all waiting for the announcement then I heard the door open, but I didn't bother to look who it was. I saw Devin whispering something in Cassidy's ear while someone yelled.

???: "We're waiting!"

Cassidy: "Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears that the White Ranger is."

We were waiting for the answer and she said.

Cassidy: "Taped on a camera that Devin stupidly loaned his sister, but once she returns it, I'll be sure to let you know."

Everyone is groaning in disappointment while I heard someone say behind me.

???: "It was too good to be true."

I looked behind me to see.

Kira: "Michael! When did you show up."

Michael: "I was standing here for at least a minute, Kira."

Then I saw him stare at Trent, but it wasn't out of his usual spite or bullying, but out of anger and I didn't know why then he told me.

Michael: "I'll go check up on Hayley."

I nodded my head in agreement and saw him go towards her then I asked Trent.

Kira: "So, Trent, what was it you wanted to."

I turned my head and saw that he wasn't

Kira: "Tell me?"

I decided to regroup with others and see what our next course of action will be.

Trent's point of view:

I ran away from Kira because I was feeling something was happening to me then I made it to an empty area and realized that he was taking over again.

Trent: "It's happening again!"

I held the hand that had the bracelet and it was glowing then felt myself transform and everything went blank.

White Ranger's point of view:

I had gotten rid of that weakling and felt a sense of freedom and said.

White Ranger: "Now, That's better."

I was now going to look for anyone I can destroy until I stopped on my track and heard a portal open to see two of Mesogog's servants.

White Ranger: "Looks like I got company."

They approached me and the female said.

???: "We have a special invitation to you from Mesogog."

???: "It's more of a command. Join him or be destroyed!"

White Ranger: "I don't know how many times I have to say it. I'm not interested."

???: "Maybe this will change your mind."

He fired at me, but I deflected the blasts using my Drago sword. We charged at each other and I tried to slash the robot one, but he dodged it then I used my sword to block the upcoming kick by that woman then we dodged both their attack and grabbed the woman's arm and told her.

White Ranger: "Haven't we met? Whoa!'

I put my sword on the robot to get him away from then let go of the lady's arm and engaged with the robot using our swords then I kicked him away from me and tried to slash the woman, but she evaded it then I was able to land a knee kick on the robot and used the hilt of my sword to throw him away. The woman got her sword out and tried to hit me, but I jumped to avoid it. She tried hitting me again, but I used my sword to block it then kicked her away from me and let her be next to the robot.

White Ranger: "You guys are a joke."

Then I heard someone yell.

Red Ranger: "Hold it right there!"

I saw the three Rangers arrive in their cycles and the lady said.

???: "Great. That's all we need."

Blue Ranger: "Whoa! Whose side do we take?"

Red Ranger: "Good Question."

???: "We'll make it easy for you!"

The both of them disappeared through the portal and I stared at the Rangers who got out of their vehicles and told them.

White Ranger: "If you had any sense, you'd run too."

Yellow Ranger: "Dream on!"

Red Ranger: "Let's do it!"

'Strange, I don't see the Grey Ranger, no matter, I'll deal with him later."

They drew out their weapons and the Red Ranger jumped and wanted to strike me, but I used my sword to block it and slashed him a few times then slashed the Blue Ranger then I slashed the Yellow Ranger and pushed her Into a corner and told her.

White Ranger: "Had enough?"

Yellow Ranger: "Hardly. Super Dino Mode!"

I saw her grow spikes from the white areas of her suit like the Red Ranger did in our last battle and got out of my lock and slashed me which caused me to fall, but I quickly regained my ground. The Yellow Ranger then grabbed me using her legs and was flying me through the items near us and then she let me go and I yelled.

White Ranger: "You'll pay for that!"

I stood back up and summoned my arrows and yelled.

White Ranger: "I'm taking you down!"

I fired my arrows at the flying Yellow Ranger which caused her to fall and the two other Rangers showed up next to her and drew out their blasters and yelled at me.

Red&Blue Ranger: "Laser, Fire."

They fired at me, but I deflected the blast back at them which caused an explosion around them and they all fell while I was laughing at them.

Yellow Ranger: "That's enough!"

She came charging at me and tried to punch me, but I grabbed her arm and told her.

White Ranger: "You're a little out of your league, don't you think?"

Then I slashed her which caused her to be thrown away. I summoned my arrows and said.

White Ranger: "See my point?"

She got back up, but unfortunately, that would not last long.

White Ranger: "Fire!"

An explosion occurred, causing her to be flown away next to me and demorph. The Blue Ranger came charging at me, but I hit him with my sword pushing him. I grabbed the Red Ranger's upcoming punch and hit him with a swing of my sword and yelled.

White Ranger: "Back Off."

I was approaching the now Demorphed Yellow Ranger and said.

White Ranger: "Never did like the color yellow."

I made it next to her and kneeled down to see her and said.

White Ranger: "Well, Yellow Ranger, time to say goodbye."

I grabbed her by the hand and go up to her and was about to punch a hole in her face when I saw who it was.

Trent: "Huh?"

I started to have memories from the weakling then I felt myself go blank.

Trent's point of view:

I saw that I was now holding Kira in front of me and I was lowering my fist and said.

Trent: "Kira? I. I"

Suddenly I felt a headache engulf me and I was screaming in pain then I felt multiple blasts hit me which pushed me away from her.

White Ranger's point of view:

I felt myself be blasted away and then I saw that the Grey Ranger was charging at me with both of his blades and slashed me which caused an explosion behind me while I fell to the ground. I saw the Blue and Red Rangers were now standing back up and started yelling.

Blue&Red Ranger: "All Right."

Grey Ranger: "Back off, White Ranger."

I was getting back up from the explosion and told them.

White Ranger: "I'll be back."

I made my escape so that I can recover while those pesky Rangers can celebrate their short victory.

Michael's point of view:

I made it just in the nick of time then I turned my head around and saw Kira on the floor then I felt fear take control of me when I saw her. I demorphed and ran towards her then I kneeled down and asked her without hesitation.

Michael: "Are you all right?"

Kira: "Yeah, I'm all right, Michael."

Michael: "Thank god."

I told her in a soft tone then we heard Ethan say.

Ethan: "Kira!"

I saw that both of them were demorphed and came to check on her while I stood up to make sure there were no more reinforcements then Ethan asked her as he and Conner helped stand up.

Ethan: "Are you okay?"

Kira: "Yeah. I'll be fine."

Conner: "We really could have used that asset, Michael, where were you?"

Michael: "I would have been here sooner, but Hayley was checking something with my Dino gem and my suit. Most important thing is that everyone is safe and sound"

Ethan: "Yeah. I can agree with you on that one."

I turned to look at Kira and see that she was probably thinking about something else while I said to myself.

'The White Ranger didn't kill her, even though he had her in sight, I just hope that she didn't figure it out, or else it will hurt her.'

Conner, Ethan, and I decided to meet up with Hayley in the lab while Kira said that she will catch up with us there, but she needed to do something.

Trent's point of view:

I was sitting on a bench next to the lake drawing the White Ranger when I heard someone say.

Kira: "Trent? Is that you?

I realized that it was Kira's voice and I closed my notebook and looked at her and said.

Trent: "Hey."

She sat down next to me and told me.

Kira: "Where'd you go?"

Trent: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just taken off like that."

Kira: "Look, I can't help you if I don't know what's going on."

I opened my notebook and showed her the drawings I did for the White Ranger.

Kira: "Trent, if you're going to dream about being a superhero, the White Ranger's not who you want to be."

Trent: "I kinda wish I had a choice."

Kira: "What are you saying?"

I decided to show her my bracelet to reveal that I'm the White Ranger.

Kira: "You?"

She told me in a shocked tone while I nodded my head to confirm it.

Kira: "But you almost annihilated me!"

Trent: "But I didn't. Once I knew it was you."

I saw her get up and about to leave, I grabbed hold of her hand so I can try and explain myself, but she yelled.

Kira: "Let go of me!"

I let go of her arm and then told her while we were both standing up.

Trent: "Kira, I couldn't help it. The gem, it changed me. I can't take it off or control what I'm doing. You gotta believe me."

Kira: "Why should I?"

Trent: "Because I would never intentionally hurt anyone, Kira, especially you."

Kira: "Okay, I think I know some people who can help. I'm going to get Conner, Ethan, and Michael."

Trent: "Why them?"

Kira: "Well, because."

Trent: "Wait a minute. Them too?"

Kira: "Hard to believe, but true. Look, I need you to wait here until I come back."

Trent: "Okay."

I saw her leave while I sat back down on the bench and I continued to sketch in my notebook until I felt a net placed around me cause of the monsters and I told them.

Trent: "No! What do you want? Let go of me!"

I saw a portal be summoned and we got inside of it and saw that I was transported to the same room o got my Gem.

Kira's point of view:

I made it back to the Lab and met up with the others and told them the identity of the White Ranger then Ethan said to me

Ethan: "Trent? Oh, there's no way."

Conner: "Nice. Pretend to be our friend one minute and then kicking our butts the next. I can't believe I fell for it."

Kira: "I told you, he can't help it. The Gem is too powerful."

Conner: "Stop defending him."

Ethan: "I'm with Conner on this one. I mean look what he did to Dr. O."

I turned my head to see Dr. O's fossilized body and then looked at them and said.

Kira: "Hayley, he needs our help."

Hayley: "I don't know if there's anything I can do, but I'll try."

Conner: "Hey, don't go without us. I've got some stuff I'd like to say to that guy."

Ethan: "No doubt."

Conner: "I'm surprised you ain't saying anything about this, Michael!"

Ethan: "She just told us who the White Ranger is and you seem unfazed."

Michael: "I knew."

Hayley: "You what?"

Michael: "I knew Trent was the White Ranger."

Conner: "Then why didn't you say anything beforehand, we could have really used that to our advantage!"

Michael: "It wasn't my place to tell anyone."

Conner: "But it was your place to put Dr. O in danger!"

Kira: "Conner, that's enough!'

I saw him walking towards Michael with anger and then punched him in the face which shocked us and I was afraid for the worst because I heard Michael growl in anger, but surprisingly he didn't do anything to Conner and told him in a calm tone.

Michael: "Are you done?"

Conner: "Don't think that you're off the hook that easily, right now, we're gonna confront this traitor."

Michael didn't say anything and I took the team and Hayley to the place where Trent is supposed to be, but he was nowhere to be found.

Kira: "He was supposed to wait right here!"

Conner: "There's a surprise. He lied to us again."

I grabbed Trent's notebook which was on the ground and Conner told me.

Conner: "Kira, I'm telling you, Trent can't be trusted."

I felt alone on this since no one seems to trust me then Hayley told us.

Hayley: "I'm going back to the lab and see if I can track the White Ranger's signal."

Conner: "We're right behind you."

Ethan: Yeah."

I decided that now would be my chance to ask Michael why he didn't tell us about Trent and said to them.

Kira: "Michael and I will look around to see if we can find anything about Trent then we'll meet up back in the lab."

Conner: "Fine, whatever, just don't be late. Michael, we still have a lot to discuss."

Michael: "As you say, Our great leader."

The three of them then left the area and I asked him.

Kira: "Why didn't you say anything?"

Michael: "About what?"

Kira: "Don't act stupid with me."

Michael: "What do you want me to say, Kira?"

Kira: "Why didn't you tell us Trent was the White Ranger!"

Michael: "Like I told the others, it wasn't my place to tell."

Kira: "Stop lying to me! I saw the way you were looking at Trent, you could have at least told me!"

I was mad at him for not trusting me and telling me the truth.

Michael: "Kira, I."

Kira: "Forget it."

I saw him look me directly in the eyes and tell me in a soft tone while he took a deep sigh and told me.

Michael: "I didn't want to hurt you, any of you. I know how much Trent means to you guys and I didn't want to take that away, but it looks like the truth has finally shown itself. I'm sorry."

His voice was sincere and I know for a fact that he meant every word of it, he's changing, he wouldn't have ever considered our feelings before.

Kira: "Michael."

Michael: "I want to help you, Kira, I really do, but the White Ranger is doing more harm than good and if the day ever comes, one of us will have to take him out, but for now. I'll do it your way, we'll try and save Trent."

I felt a sense of happiness and relief from his words because it assured me that I had someone on my side and it was Michael of all people then I told him.

Kira: "Thanks for sticking with me on this one, glad to know I have someone on my side."

Michael: "This is what friends are for, right."

I giggled a bit at his answer since he used the same answer that I used on him.

Kira: "Right, shall we meet up with the others?"

Michael: "Yeah, but Conner."

Kira: "He'll come around."

Michael: "I certainly hope you are right."

The both of us were now making our way back to the lab with his car.

Ethan's point of view:

We were back in the lab once again and Michael and Kira met up with us then Hayley, who was on the computer, told us.

Hayley: "I'm picking up White Ranger's signal. He's back."

We all came next to her and saw the screen that Trent was at it again as the White Ranger then said.

Trent: "Dragozord! Stegozord!"

We saw that he transformed into his Megazord and I said.

Ethan: "Great. Major Megazord action right off the bat."

Hayley: "Well, this might be a good time to use a new Dinozord."

Conner: "Let's do it!"

We all followed Conner except for Michael then Conner told Kira.

Conner: "Wait. We've got to do whatever it takes to stop Trent. You know that, right?"

She nodded her head then Michael came in front of us and said.

Michael: "Look, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about keeping Trent's identity a secret, to all of you, if I told you guys earlier then maybe Dr. Oliver would have been here."

Ethan: "All forgiven, bro."

Kira: "Same here."

We were waiting for Conner's answer then he told him.

Conner: "I'm also sorry, for judging you, but we're a team. We shouldn't keep secrets from each other, especially since Dr. O is out of commission."

I noticed that he didn't move from his place and I asked.

Ethan: "You ain't coming?"

Then Hayley responded to my question and said.

Hayley: "I still need to figure out why his powers are hurting, so you three are on your own on this one."

Michael: "All I can say is best of luck."

The three of us nodded our heads to their answer and Conner said.

Conner: "Okay. Ready?"

Ethan&Kira: "Ready."

We summoned our Morphers and yelled.

The three of us: "Dino Thunder, Power up!"

We went to our respective Zords and formed the Thundersaurus Megazord and were prepared to fight Trent's till Hayley told us.

Hayley: "Here you go, guys. Ankylozord."

We saw the Zord emerge from the ground and growl while Trent said.

Trent: "A new Dinozord, eh? I'll add it to my collection."

We saw him charging at us while Conner yelled.

Conner: "I don't think so!"

We charged at the Zord and grabbed it by the head while Trent was grabbing it by the tail and we were trying to keep it away from him, but it hit the Zord's arm and Conner got hit by the sparks, but it used its tail to hurt the White Ranger as well.

Trent: "No."

Our Zord and Trent's Zord fell to the ground while the Ankylozord was now free. Both our Zords got back up and we charged at each other and we tried to use the drill to attack him, but Trent dodged and hit us and we fell to the ground. We got up and hit him with the Tricerazord's arm then Trent used his Zord's leg to kick us and Kira said.

Kira: "Not good!"

We saw the Ankylozord fired at Trent and then we heard Hayley said.

Hayley: "What are you guys waiting for? Ankylozord may be small, but check out his power."

The three of us: "Ankylozord Weapon Formation!"

We replaced the Tricerazord with the Ankylozord and we yelled.

The three of us: "Formation complete!"

We prepared to attack Trent who yelled at us.

Trent: "Lasers fire!"

He fired lasers from the Zord's eyes, but we used the Ankylozord's shield to deflect it back at him which caused an explosion at him then we charged at him and hit him with the drill and we turned to face him and yelled.

The three of us: "Thundersaurus Megazord, Double Drill Attack!"

We charged up both drills and slashed Trent with both of them then we punched him using the Ankylozord's drill to push him away.

Conner: "Yeah!"

Ethan: "Cool!"

Kira: "Oh yeah!"

Hayley: "Right on!"

We saw Trent get back up and said.

Trent: "Don't think this is over."

We saw his Zord disappear while we celebrated our victory against him.

Michael's point of view:

I was in the lab and already morphed into my Ranger form except for my helmet and told Hayley who was using her scanner and tools to figure out the issue.

Micheal: "Well, that's a victory for them I guess. If only the doc was here to see it."

Hayley: "Yeah."

Michael: "So, did you find the problem or not yet?"

Hayley: "More or less, I don't think it's from your powers specifically."

Michael: "What do you mean?"

Hayley: "Basically, Michael, you're always absorbing hundred percent most of the time and releasing two times the power you absorbed which is causing issues to your body like your bones, nerve system, etc, but the most crucial part that's getting all that damage is your heart."

Michael: "Hmm, no wonder I coughed blood a few times. At least tell me you found a solution?"

Hayley: "Yes and no, A permeant solution I did not find yet, but a temporary one is plausible, but it requires your absolute focus."

Michael: "Fine, as long as I don't have to suffer from another heart attack, I'm still eighteen."

Hayley: "We need to find a way to reduce the amount of energy you absorb per attack and decrease it to at least twenty percent or less."

Michael: "Roger that."

She stopped using her scanner thing and told me

Hayley: "You can demorph now."

I did just that and asked her.

Michael: "I don't mean to sound rude, but can I go home, I just need some time alone."

Hayley: "Yeah, sure."

Michael: "Sure you don't need anything?"

Hayley: "No thanks, Michael, just take care."

Michael: "You too, Hayley."

I started walking away from her until I stopped and turned my head to her then asked her.

Michael: "Am I gonna get my own cycle."

Hayley: "Go, I'll think about it."

Michael: "Well, was worth a shot."

I said that line, so I could cheer her up a bit and now I was making my way to my car and drove my way home.

Conner's point of view:

Ethan and I were just chilling in the Cyberspace and Ethan Was showing me, something in his magazine.

Ethan: "Take a look at this. It's a new game out this week."

I was focused on Trent being the White Ranger until we heard.

Cassidy: "Okay. We finally get to know the identity of the White Ranger. And it was I, Cassidy Cornell who broke the story."

I saw her and Devin talking up on stage and it was escalating until she fell to the ground for reasons unknown. But I had to admit I got a good laugh from it.

Kira's point of view:

I was in the same place where Trent told me about his identity and was looking at Trent's sketch of the White Ranger when I heard.

Trent: "I thought you might be here."

I turned to see Trent walking towards me while I told him.

Kira: "Why didn't you wait for me?"

Trent: "I did. It's just. It's a long story. You know it's funny. I always thought it'd be cool to be a superhero. This isn't how I'd draw myself."

Kira: "Look, let us help you."

Trent: "No, it's too late. The gem's already taken over, just like he said."

Kira: "Who?"

Trent: "It doesn't matter. I have to go away. It's not safe to be around me."

Kira: "But."

Trent: "Look I said no!"

I was shocked at his response then he took the sketch and started to walk away then he threw the sketch into the lake while all I could do was just stand there and stare at the drowning sketch.

It's been a while since a new chapter was released, eh. Apologies for that everyone, I have been really busy and needed some time alone due to College and personal life, but now I'm semi back I guess. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope all of you have an amazing day, peace.

Here's a surprise, hopefully, it makes you guys laugh. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DbMKVJIvQm4

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