Rise of a Ranger Power Ranger...

By Everything_Guy456

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Michael Cruger was just your average Reefside student who loved writing music and playing until his life tur... More

Introduction to Micheal
Day of the Dino Part 1
Day of the Dino Part 2
Wave Goodbye
Back in Black
Diva in Distress
Micheal's New Bio
Game On
Golden Boy
Frank Cruger's Bio
Ocean Alert
White Thunder Part 1
White Thunder Part 2
White Thunder Part 3
Rangers Hang Out
Truth and Consequences
Leader of the Whack
Burning at Both Ends
The Missing Bone
The End and The Future.

Beneath the Surface

864 17 4
By Everything_Guy456

Kira's point of view:

The four of us were in Hayley's Cyberspace. Ethan was playing his game on his laptop while we were trying to finish our school work, but surprisingly Michael agreed to come, i didn't mind it though. Ethan was getting annoying with his attention to his game while

Ethan: "Come on. Oh, no, you didn't! Eat laser, you intergalactic freak! Yeah"

Conner, Michael and i shared glances at each other then Conner said to him.

Conner: "Dude, do you mind?"

Ethan: "Made it to level twelve!"

Michael: "Oh, for the love of god."

He got out of his seat and shut down Ethan's game and went back to his seat then he said.

Ethan: "Hey! What are you doing?"

Conner: "I can't concentrate with you blowing up things in my ears."

Ethan: "But it took me three hours to get to that level."

Michael: "No one cares Midget."

Then i used my elbows to hit him in his ribs.

Michael: "Ow."

I ignored his comment and said.

Kira: "Sorry, but i'm with Conner on this one. We got a paper due tomorrow and why aren't you working on yours?"

Ethan: "Finished it last week. Trent and i jammed on it while you guys were out being David Beckham and."

Kira: "Don't even say it."

Ethan: "Wasn't going to."

Michael: "Now you peaked my interest, say it Midget, say it."

I glared at him and saw that his paper barley had anything written on it and i said to him.

Kira: "Did you even write anything?"

Michael: "Ahhhh, yeah, of course i did."

Kira: "Yeah, that's a lie, work on your own paper, Michael!"

Michael: "Fine, fine mom, hesh."

He started working on his paper while i asked.

Kira: "Where's Trent anyway? I thought he was working today.""

Michael: "Probably cheating on you."

Kira: "Michael?"

Michael: "Yeah?"

Kira: "Shut up."

Michael: "Just saying, anything with that Lationo is possible."

I sighed at him then i asked the other two.

Kira: "Seriously though, does anyone know where Trent is?"

Conner: "Hayley gave him the day off. I think he's spending some quality time with his dad."

He told me where Trent was then the three of us continued on our paper, but what genuinely surprised me was that Michael was able to understand what he was doing even though he rarely is in school."

Trent's point of view:

I was at my dad's office trying to look for the portal.

Trent: "Okay, i know i'm not losing my mind. it was right around here."

I was remembering the green portal that took me to Hayley Cyberspace until i heard someone call me.

Dad: "Trent, Trent?"

I saw that it was Dad who was standing in front of me.

Dad: "Can i help you with something?"

Trent: "There's some weird stuff going on here, Dad. I swear. I went through some sort of interdimensional doorway."

Dad: "Hmm. You know, i gotta say, i'm worried about you, son. You're working till all hours at this coffehouse. Obviously, you're not thinking straight. I'm going to make an appointment with my Doctor."

He started walking to his desk while i said to him.

Trent: "I don't need a Doctor. I need an explanation. I think you owe that to me."

Dad: "Perhaps you could explain something to me. When did it become acceptable to speak that way to your father?"

Trent: "All these other projects you're involved in. Theresome weird stuff going on here, Dad."

Dad: "Whatever goes on around here, i can assure you, it's for the betterment of mankind and i promise you will feel the same way. In time."

I turned my head around to face him and said.

Trent: "In time? When?"

Dad: "When you're ready."

Then i heard him get of his desk and come next to me then said to me.

Dad: "Someday. All i have will belong to you. It's a great responsibility, son and one that we must prepare you for. We'll begin that process soon. Now, why don't you go out for a swim? We have the nicest pool in town and you never use it."

I saw him leave while i was still processing about the portal and all the weird things that's been happening.

Michael's point of view:

I was in my stupid School and the bell had just rang and the Old's Man class ended and he said while i was on my seat, putting my head onto the desk since i wasn't that bothered with the entire School day.

Old Man: "All right, there's only so much you can learn in a classroom. who's ready for some field work?"

Michael: "Aghh, great, just great."

I turned my head around to see the class was leaving then my eyes shifted to Ms. Ford who was walking away from the class room with her backpack along with the other classmates then Diva started talking to the Old man while her slave was behind her.

Diva: "Dr. Oliver, may we have premission to film today's dig for journalism class? It's just that i think it'll be good for my career if i start focusing on more exciting things like nature and science."

I started to get up from my seat and was preparing my bag while he said to her.

Slave: "Cass, i thought you said this stuff was as dull as dirt."

Diva: "Uh, actually, Devin, i think i was talking about our last conversation."

Old Man: "Relax, Cassie. You can film the dig."

She left while i was trying to escape this stupid field trip then the Old man said.

Old Man: "Not coming?"

Michael: "Waste of time."

Old Man: "You learn a thing or two."

Michael: "I have no time for something as stupid as a fossil."

Old Man: "It'll be fun, just give it chance."

I was thinking of it and at first i was gonna disagree then I said to him.

Michael: "How about i pass up on that offer, Doc"

The both of us were about to leave and go our separate ways until we saw the Queen of Goth herself showed up dressed for something.

Old Man: "Huh?"

Goth: "Dr. Oliver."

Old Man: "Principal Randall?"

'Things are about to get spicy.'

Old Man: "Are you in a play?"

Goth: "No. I'm here to join you on your field trip."

'Oh, terrific."

Old Man: "I didn't realize you were interested in Dinosaur Bones."

Goth: "You'd be surprised at what interests me."

Old Man: "Yeah, probably would."

Goth: "Shall we?"

Old man: "Yeah, the bus is right outside."

Goth: "You can dazzle me with fascinating fossil facts on the way."

'Agh, i smell old people romance.'

Michael: "I'm just gonna take my leave home, have fun you two."

I said that to them with my sarcastic voice then i was walking away from them until Goth said to me.

Goth: "I can expect you to be in the trip Mr. Cruger, correct, or do you wanna be expelled with your other three friends."

'That freaking Black Witch!'

Michael: "Of course, why wouldn't i."

I said that to them in a sarcastic tone then when i was out of sight, i growled on how i am forced to go on this waste of time called a field trip then i made my way to the School bus and saw that there was an empty seat at the last thing in the back and sat near the window until we made it to this stupid historic place.

Tommy's point of view:

We made it to the dig site and each one of us got out of the bus and i found a Trilobite and was brushing it then i saw that Randall was approaching me and i looked at her and said.

Tommy: "Look what i found."

Randall: "Oh."

Tommy: "This is a Trilobite. It's from the Paleozoic Era, which makes it about three hundred million years old."

I passed it to her so she can see it for herself.

Randall: "Hmm. Amazing. Well, it doesn't look a day over two hundred million."

She brought out her hand and said.

Randall: "Here."

I grabbed her hand and got out of the dig and said to her.

Tommy: "Thank you."

Randall: "My pleasure."

We continued talking with each other and i saw how interested she was in the conversation.

Conner's point of view:

I was looking around the dig site until i heard Ethan yell.

Ethan: "Hey, you guys, over here!"

The three of us made it next to him and he said to us.

Ethan: "Check it out. i think i found something."

Conner: "Great, what is it?"

Michael: "Probably something to add to his collection if you know what i mean."

Thankfully Kira elbow punched him again and if i had to be honest, it was fun seeing that jerk get put in his place, i should probably try doing that to him. The three of us kneeled down to see a dino egg.

Kira: "We have to tell Dr. O about this."

Ethan: "You said it."

We all stood up and Kira went to tell Dr. O about the egg while i whispered to Ethan.

Conner: "Hey Ethan, check this out."

I prepared my fist and punched Michael in his arm.

'You had it coming, jerk.'

Suddenly i felt something smack my head that i saw that i was looking at the floor.

Michael: "Don't miss with me, Jockboy. The only reason i allow Avril Lavigne to punch me is that she's as weak as she looks."

Conner: "Lair."

Michael: "Whatever, just don't think of doing that stunt with me again."

Conner: "Fine, fine."

We waited for at least a minute or two and we saw that Kira and Dr. O then he asked.

Dr. Oliver: "What have you got?"

Ethan grabbed the egg up to show Dr. O and said to him.

Ethan: "Well, i think it might be a Dinozord Egg."

He gave it to Dr. O who in turn said to us.

Dr. Oliver: "Careful."

???: "Ohhh."

We heard a voice show up and it was no other the Principal Randall.

Principal Randall: "A discovery. How exciting."

Michael: " Oh great, it's Female Megatron.

She thankfully ignored his comment and Dr. O told her.

Dr. Oliver: "No. uh, we're not sure what it is."

Principal Randall: "It looks like a Prehistoric Egg. May i?"

Dr. Oliver: "Well, uh."

Principal Randall: "Don't worry. I won't drop it."

He gave her the egg and she was analyzing it then Dr. O told her.

Dr. Oliver: "I should really take that back to the School lab and examine it."

Principal Randall: "But of course. Here."

She was about to give him the egg, but we heard screams happening around the site and we saw that it was Mesogog's drones. We all nodded to each other while Dr. O stayed with Principal Randall to protect her.

Michael's point of view:

I saw that the drones were around the dig site and i said to the ones next to me.

Michael: "Can't we settle over this over a pint?"

One was now charging at me, but i moved to the side and grabbed it and threw him away and continued my conversation.

Michael: "No. Okay then, show time it is."

They charged at me and i honestly don't know how to fight, so i kept moving back to avoid their attacks until i slipped and fell down to the site.

Michael: "Agh, screw this!"

I saw that it was about to punch me, but i did a sweep kick on it so that it could lose its balance then i got back up and immediately noticed an incoming punch from the other one so i grabbed it and threw them to the side and kicked the one in front of me and said.

Michael: "Holy cow! I can't believe i did that!"

Suddenly one of the drones charged at me and pushed me into the side of the site i fell on and was trying to make me stay in place.

Michael: "Oh, wanna play dirty, fine by me."

I used my free leg to kick its leg in order to push them away from then i grabbed its head and punched it repeatedly then i threw the drone away from me and got my way out of the dig site and saw that Ms. Ford threw a drone onto a plank then it fell to the site.

Michael: "Wel i'll be dam."

Before i could continue my sentence something tackled me to the ground and the drone that did this was about to punch me, but i was able to free my right arm and grabbed its punch.

Michael: "Better luck next time."

I threw its arm away and punched its head which made him fall to the ground and i was able to get back up then i stomped its head with my left foot.

Michael: "Stay down chump."

I saw that Midget pushed a drone near Goth Queen which caused her to fall and let her throw the egg up in the sky.

Old Man: "The Egg!"

Michael: "I got it."

I was trying to make my way to the egg, but there were some drones in front of me.

Michael: "Really. Are you guys gonna make this difficult for me."

They roared at me in response while i sighed at them.

Michael: "Why do i even bother communicating with you idiots."

They all got ready to attack me while i tried my best to dodge thier attacks and i noticed Goth queen going after the egg and one of the drones was going after her, so i had punched the drone in front of me and kicked the one next to me then another one came from behind me and threw me away, but before it could do anything to me. I kicked it away from me and i got back up and i saw that the Goth Queen got the egg, but the egg looked off.

'That's not the same egg we found, did she change it on purpose, no, she can't be.'

I decided to keep that theory to myself and she got up and said.

Goth Queen: "Dr. Oliver! Catch!"

She threw the egg and he was thankfully able to catch it.

Old Man: "Good throw."

She was approaching him and he asked her.

Old Man: "You okay?"

Goth Queen: "I think so."

Old Man: "We better get back to school."

The four of us were trying to escape from them then she asked us.

Goth Queen: "Would you mind explaining to me where you learned to fight like that?"

Jock: "Ahh, Karate Club."

Michael: "The internet."

Ms. Ford: "Yeah."

We left them those lovebirds alone while we fled the area.

Ethan's point of view:

We made it to Dr. O's home where we were in the lab to analyze the egg and Conner asked me.

Conner: "So, what's up?

Kira: "You got anything?"

Ethan: "I don't know."

I was using the device in my hand in order to scan if there was any life in the egg.

Ethan: "Something's not right. I can't detect any signs of life."

Dr. Oliver: "That's weird. I'm sure that's a Dimetrozord Egg."

Michael: "A Dimetrohoha now?"

Dr. Oliver: "It's developed from a Dimetrodon. It;s really amazing."

Kira: "That would explain why the Tyrannodrones want it."

Dr. Oliver: "Yeah."

We kept trying to figure out why there wasn't any life on the egg and after some time Dr. O said after finishing checking the computer.

Dr. Oliver: "This is weird. I'm still getting a heat signal from the dig site where we found the Egg."

Kira: "But the egg's not even there anymore."

Ethan: "Maybe there's another one."

Michael: "Or someone must have set us up and changed the egg on purpose."

Dr. Oliver: "I better go check it out. You guys stay here and keep analyzing this one."

He then left us alone in the lab and Michael said to us.

Michael: "So, does anyone know how to play poker?"

Kira: "Michael, not the time."

Michael: "Heh, was worth a shot."

Tommy's point of view:

I was driving in my Jeep going to the last known location of the Dino Egg then i parked in the middle of the field and got out of the Jeep then suddenly a Invisiportal opened and Zeltrax appeared.

Tommy: "Zeltrax. I thought i smelled something."

Zeltrax: "I believe that would be your imminent demise."

Tommy: "I don't have time to trade insults. Now out of my way, i have something important to do."

Zeltrax: "That will have to wait. First we must attend to your destruction."

Tommy: "Fine, but don't say i didn't warn you."

Zeltrax brought out his sword while i brought out my key and summoned my morpher.

Tommy: "Dino Thunder, Power Up!"

I transformed into my Ranger form and the both of us charged at each other. I tried to kick in his fave, but he slid under the kick and was about to slash me with his sword, thankfully i was able to grab it and moved him to the side and landed a kick on him. He broke free and tried to slash me, but i was able to get down before the attack was able to hit me.

Kira's point of view:

We were in Dr. O's lab still trying to figure out weather there was a Dinozord inside the egg or not.

Ethan: "Guys, i really don't think there's a Dinozord in here."

We heard a beeping then we turned our heads into the computer to see a Dinozord roaming around.

Conner: "Well, there's one."

Kira: "But how?"

Conner: "Can't we."

Ethan: "Open it?"

Ethan opened the egg using the machine and saw a light emitting from it and we saw a hologram of Elsa appear and say.

Elsa: "Not what you expected, Rangers?"

She then did her evil laugh and the hologram started leaving until it turned into light.

Kira: Okay, can i just say i am so over the evil laugh thing?"

Ethan: "Man, that's messed up. how did she do that?"

We heard the beeping happening again and we saw that the Dimetrozord was attacking little Tokyo.

Conner: "Better get the zords. It's attacking Little Tokyo! Come on!"

We were getting ready to morph, but Michael was strangely silent which worried me, but i decided to ask him about it later then we summoned our Morphers and Conner yelled.

Conner: "Ready!"

Ethan&Kira: "Ready!"

The four of us: "Dino Thunder, Power Up!"

We transformed into our Ranger forms and made it to the Dimetrozord location where we found it tearing through the trees.

Conner: "There it is."

We got our zords, except for Michael and his Mammoth Zord, and the Pterodactyl and Tricera Zords tried to fend it off, but theDimetrozord used its saw to defeat them.

The three of us: "Woah!"

The Tyrannozord tried attacking it, but the Dimetrozord was able to overpower the Tyrannozord.

Ethan: "Oh, Brutal."

Then the zords continued to fight each other while Conner yelled.

Conner: "Come on, Tyranno Zord!"

I turned my head to left side and saw that Michael was missing and asked the others.

Kira: "Ah, guys, have you seen Michael."

Ethan: "Wasn't he next to you?"

Kira: "He was then he disappeared."

Conner: "Well, he's on his own, we have bigger things to worry about."

The Dimetrozord was now about to use its saw on the Tyranno Zord, but it got out its drill to clash with the saw, but unfortunately the Tyranno Zord was overpowered and the Dimetrozord escaped.

Conner: "Whoa, he's gone!"

Suddenly we felt the ground shaking.

Kira: "Whoa."

Ethan: "What is it?"

We saw a monster show up from the ground near us already gigantic.

???: "Targets located!"

Conner: "Whoa!"

???: "Hehe,hehe,hehe."

Conner: "Now what'll we do?"

The monster was preparing to attack us and Conner yelled.

Conner: "Dinozords now!"

We saw that the Dinozords were coming to us.

Conner: "Let's go!"

Kira&Ethan: "Okay!"

We jumped and went inside our respective zords and transformed into the Thundersaurus Megazord.

Conner: "Do it, Kira!"

Kira: "Pterarang!"

I threw the Pterarangs on the monster, but he was able to block them.

Kira: "Oh, no!"

Ethan: "Tricera Fist!"

We were preparing to punch it, but it used its sword to deflect the attack then used its tail to push us back then it slashed us again and again.

The three of us: "Woah!"

We heard Dr. O speak to us through our zords and said.

Dr. Oliver: "I don't think the Thunder Zords arew powerful enough. You need something that can break through his armor."

Conner: "Like what?"

Dr. Oliver: "Like a blade or a saw. Wait a minute. you got to use the Dimetrozord."

Conner: "What?"

Dr. Oliver: "The Dinozord you were just fighting."

Conner: "Dr. O, if you haven't noticed he's not exactly playing well with others and that douchbag bailed on us."

Dr. Oliver: "Let me see if i can do something about that."

Elsa's point of view:

I fired a blast at the Dimetrozord and yelled.

Elsa: "You are under my control!"

It then used its saw to overpower those pesky Ranger then it made their Megazord fall and i had a smile on my face.

Elsa: "Well done! Now finish them!"

Suddenly i felt a blast get through me and it caused me to fall down then when i was able to get back up, i saw that it was none other than.

Elsa: "Grey Ranger."

Grey Ranger: "Hi, It's been a while."

Then he did something with his morpher then i heard a roar and i turned behind me to see his Mammoth Zord arrive and push the Dimetrozord away.

Grey Ranger: "Yo, morons, i brought out Mammoth Zord to aid you in beating whatever atrocity is that until i'm done dealing with Crulla Dvil over here."

Michael's point of view:

I told those losers of my plan, but of course, nothing is ever easy with those imbeciles.

Jock: "We could have use your help you know!"

Michael: "Oh spare me with your whining. Try to distract the monster and that saw thing."

Old Man: "Michael, try to get control of the Dimetrozord, it doesn't seem to want to listen to me."

Michael: "Consider it done, Gramps."

I was preparing to regain control of the fight against Goth queen, who got back up and yelled at me.

Goth Queen: "How dare you, how dare you ruin my plans!"

Michael: "Simple, i know who you are."

I saw that she was triggered by my words then she charged at me and tried to punch me with both her fists, but i grabbed them both and used my right leg to kick her in her ribs then i pushed her hands away from her and kicked her away from me.

Michael: "You know, you remind me of Principal, same face, same hair, same height, but i can't seem to put my finger on it?"

She summoned her sword while i summoned my Thundermax Saber and we clashed at each other.

Goth Queen: "You have improved Grey Ranger, but not good enough!"

She was able to throw my Thundermax Saber away from my hand and slashed me a few times, but i absorbed the attacks and grabbed the sword before she could strike me again.

Michael: "Got your sword."

She then growled at me which caused me to scream and take a step back and let go of her, but she managed to strike me with her sword which caused me to fall down to the ground then before she could do anything. I did a sweep kick on her to make her lose her balance and drop her sword then i got back up and put my foot next to her lungs so she wouldn't be breath properly.

Michael: "Why are so incompetent all the time, it's as if you bad guys are just programmed to lose."

I saw her do something with her right hand and when i realized what it was, it was too late, she fired a blast at me which caused me to fly away from her and she was able to get back up. Thankfully i was able to absorb the energy and preparing to unleash it on Goth Queen.

Goth Queen: "You think you could have beaten me that easily Grey Ranger?"

She said that as she got her sword back.

Michael: "Honestly, no, but it only reminded how dependent you are to Robot Guy or what's his name, your master, your lord and savior, oh right Mesogog and your his slave."

I saw that my comment was pissing her off and now the both of us were charging at each other she prepared her sword to strike me with it while i was using my right fist which was filled the energy i absorbed in our fight and when i was about to put her down. A portal appeared from behind her and sucked her in then it closed on me while i punched the ground by accident and released the energy on it.

Michael: "Scardy Cat."

I saw that the Mammoth Zord and the Rangers weren't going to last any longer and we needed the zord, so i brought out my morpher and told the Mammoth zord to leave while i tried to tame the Dimetrozord.

Michael: "Come on, you stubborn piece of metal."

I tried concentrating hard enough on the zord until it was tamed and thankfully i heard a sound and light emit on my Morpher and saw that it was the head of the Dimetrozord instead of the Mammothzord.

Michael: "Yo, Guys, i think you're gonna like this."

I made the Dimetrozord attack the monster which had the Rangers down using its saw and slash the monster again and caused it to fall to the ground. The Rangers Megazord stood up and i heard them through my morpher say.

Midget: "Way to go!"

Jock: "Awesome!"

Old Man: "He's all yours, guys, and wait till you see what he can do. Michael, let the Dimetrozord combine with the Thundersaurus Megazord."

Michael: "Yeah, yeah."

I did as he said and the Dimetrozord was placed on the drill's position and allow the Rangers to have the zord's saw as a weapon. They charged at the monster which tried attacking them using its sword, but when it clashed with the saw. It cut off the tip of the sword.

???: "Huh?"

Jock: "Oh, Yeah!"

Ms. Ford: "I love it."

They used the saw to destroy the tip of its other sword and it yelled.

???: "Now i'm really mad!"

Midget: "Oh, You want some more?"

They used the saw to punch the monster in its stomach and then fired a fireball at the monster.

Jock: "Dimetro Blade!"

The three of them: "Full Power!"

They slashed the monster in four directions using the saw and then the monster exploded and we were victorious.

Elsa's point of view:

I was back on my master's Fortress after i was about to destroy the Grey Ranger and saw that it was Zeltrax who got me here.

Elsa: "What do you think were you thinking! I almost destroyed him!"

Zeltrax: "It seems that you didn't realize that he wanted you to get close so he could use his charged punch to destroy you instead."

I didn't say anything and i growled on his comment.

Zeltrax: "No matter, we have to report to our master."

The two of us then went to Mesogog's throne room so we could report to him.

Mesogog: "Another Dinozord in the hands of the Power Rangers. I don't know which of you to punish first."

Zeltrax: "Punish me. it is i who has failed you more."

Elsa: "It's true. At least i made valuable progress in my plan to gain Oliver's trust."

Mesogog: "So you did, Elsa, but your work is not finished yet."

He stood up from his throne and continued to say.

Mesogog: "I want you to stay close to him."

I groaned at the thoight of it.

Mesogog: "He is our link to the other four."

Elsa: "But i hate him. He's so. Good. There must be another way."

He then got his face close and said in a rageful voice.

Mesogog: "I don't recall asking your opinion."

Elsa: "Of course, Master. I will do as you wish. I will stay close to him."

Mesogog: "Good. Now go. Both of you."

We did as he told us and we left the room.

Tommy's point of view:

The team regrouped to my lab, but i had to speak about his actions that even though we saved the day, he needed to know the value of teamwork and so that he wouldn't be alone.

Conner: "We kicked that monster's butt!"

Ethan: "You said it!"

The both of them then high fived each other.

Kira: "You weren't bad out there Michael, but you could have at least told us about your plan."

Michael: "The three of you would have been on my way and besides doing it alone was much more effective."

Tommy: "All of you did great today, but Michael i wanted to ask you."

Michael: "What is it Old Timer? Are you gonna praise me for doing something that your other precious Rangers couldn't."

Tommy: "What were you thinking?"

Michael: "What?"

Tommy: "You going off doing your own stunt like that without informing the others, risking the mission to failure."

Michael: "But i didn't did i! We saved those undeserving human beings from the monster and i almost destroyed Goth Queen if you remember! Isn't that good enough for you?"

Tommy: "What if you weren't strong enough, who would save you?"

Michael: "You, duh, Mr. all great legendary Ranger."

Tommy: "What if i was too late?"

I saw that he was unresponsive then Kira came in the conversation and said to me.

Kira: "Dr. O, don't you think that's a bit harsh, he did tame the Dimetrozord and help us defeat the monster."

Tommy: "You may have been lucky this time, but there won't be second chances."

Michael: "I knew it, everything i do isn't good enough for you is it?"

Tommy: "Michael, that's not what i ment."

Michael: "That's exactly what you ment! Consider this subject dropped, I will still help your so called Rangers, but you don't tell me what do!"

I saw him leave and push Ethan and Conner to the side with his hands and said to them.

Michael: "Out of my way Imbeciles!"

Then he and Kira shared a look to each other and it seemed that he wanted to say something to her, but he ignored her and left the base then Conner said.

Conner: "Look Dr. O, i didn't like the guy, but wasn't that a little too out of place."

Ethan: "I hate to agree with him, but he's right."

Kira: "I honestly agree with them, Dr. O, Michael literally did save the day."

Tommy: "He did, but working alone is never gonna work out in the end, you all need to have each others back, if you do then you're all gonna unstoppable. I think that's enough for today, I'll talk with him later, you all can go home now."

'The other reason i wanted him to work with the others is so that he wouldn't be alone and would always have people to have his back and help him, emotionally and physically.'

The rest of the team then all left the base while i sit there trying to think how i can help someone as complicated and stubborn as Michael Cruger.

Kira's point of view:

It was the next day in School and we were sitting in Dr. O's, but of course Michael wasn't here, he's probably still mad about what happened yesterday and left home before Dr.O's class then we heard Cassidy's voice come out of the School's speakers then on the TV on our class.

Cassidy: "This is Cassidy Cornell with a special report. I have discovered that we have a superhero working right here at Reefside High."

Conner: "Huh?"

Cassidy: "Yes. Our very own Principal Randall fended off several prehistoric creatures in an act of selfless bravery. i was on the scene to bring you the exclusive footage. let's roll tape."

Then the whole class started laughing when they saw Devin looking at his flower while Cassidy was standing there.

Cassidy: "Uh, we seem to be having technical difficulties. Please stand by."

We were laughing at her predicament while she didn't know how she got the wrong clip.

Tommy's point of view:

I was looking for Randall until i saw her near the stairs scolding Clark about his shoe laces.

Tommy: "Principal Randall, you okay?"

She stopped in her place and said to me.

Randall: "Yes, i'm fine."

Tommy: "You were pretty tough out there. I guess i didn't have to worry about you too much."

Randall: "You were worried about me?"

Tommy: "Of course."

I noticed that she was just staring at me and now the bell rang and i asked her.

Tommy: "You okay?"

Randall: "It's the bell, Dr. Oliver. Your next class isn't going to teach itself, is it?"

Tommy: "Uh, yeah. I mean no"

I saw that she was already leaving while i was standing there then i heard someone say.

Ethan: "Man, that woman is cold blooded."

We were all now going down the stairs and walking in the halls then Conner said.

Conner: "Yeah, but remember, Dr. O got a thing for Dinosaurs."

Tommy: "Don't even start with me, Conner."

Kira: "I think it's a perfect match."

Tommy: "Aren't you guys late for your next class?"

Conner: "Yeah, we were kinda hoping you could write us a note or something?"

Tommy: "Yeah, dream on."

Then we all went on our separate ways while i was thinking of what i said to Michae yesterdayl, i probably was a bit too harsh on him, but to be honest with myself. I don't know how to deal with kids, all i know is that i want what's best for him.

Michael's point of view:

I was driving my way back home after i realized that the last class was the Old Man's class then i parked my car and locked it then i got my keys then inserted it into the door to unlock it and went inside the house and got the key out then slammed the door behind me.

Michael: "Every single person in my life, always complaining that everything i do isn't good enough, i'm sick of it!"

I was walking to the stairs so i could go to my bedroom then i noticed the picture i walked past on and saw that it was the picture of my Parents and Aunt and Uncle with Frank in the center of it while i was on the far right of the family photo.

Michael: "Good for you, Frank."

Then i was walking up the stairs and layed down on my bed then i heard a sound on my phone.

Michael: "Who would annoy me at this time.

I opened my phone and saw that i got a notification from none other than Ms. Ford and the message said.

Kira: "Hey, Michael, you're probably sulking in your room right now, but i just wanted to tell you that Dr. O didn't mean to be that harsh about what he said yesterday, he just sucks at talking with teenagers. Anyways i wanted to tell you that you were awesome yesterday despite the way you did it and Ethan and Conner agree with me, but one is scared to tell you in person and the other is too stubborn to admit it and yeah, that's pretty much what i wanted to tell you, take care of yourself Michael and see you. Bye!"

I honestly didn't know how to respond to her, she was genuine from what she wrote unlike me and all i could write to her was a "Yeah, see you later, Ms. Ford." But it felt nice being appreciated even if it's for a small bit and that thought caused a small smile to cover my face.

Michael: "Not bad, Ms. Ford, not bad at all."

I closed my phone and put it on the side and then i felt myself drifting to sleep and everything went to black and i was able to sleep peacefully after all the things that happened.

I hope you guys enjoyed these two chapters and i hope to see you in the next, have a nice day and peace out my fellow readers.

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