"Yes Miss"

By NoShiTdUde1

147K 1.6K 89

I gently turned his face up by his chin. He closed his eyes... following his order to never look at me. I lov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
not a chapter
chapter 29

Chapter 13

4.4K 54 3
By NoShiTdUde1

Leeroy's POV-

"Oh fuck." I'm dead.

How could I? It was clearly written in the contract. ... I banged my head against the wall and started walking towards Ryan. He is cleaning the strap and the ball gag.

"Hey." i say.

"hey yes. What did she say? I could see the color coming off your face when she was talking!" he said, smirking. I hate his stupid face. Stupid.. Lovely.. Mesmerizing stupid face.

'What... wait... stop.'

"Um yeah..I kinda touched my dick when she was, you know.. So."

"Oooh nooo!. You are in for a punishment then." I nod.

"Ok listen. Tomorrow is Saturday right. You have to get up before her. Make breakfast and clean the house. Except for her room. You are not allowed to enter her room without permission."


" don't worry, I will be up to help you through it.

Is this your first time?"

I'm kinda hesitant. "Yeah..first time.. Ever actually .. Not just miss Jenna." I said shyly

"It's ok. You will do well. Having a relationship can give you an advantage I guess. Use that to please her. Remember like she said. Her pleasure is above all."

We cleaned up the room and went down. Miss had already gone to bed.

I went up to the kitchen to get some water. Ryan followed me..

"So Ryan. how long have you been... umm"

"A submissive?" I nodded. " I hope this isn't too awkward. I mean-"

"Oh no no. Giving you all the answers is my 1st command for the weekend. You can ask me anything. So .. let me see. I have been a sub for around 3 years now. I was fascinated by this world. My friend told me about this secret club downtown. So one day I went there.

Miss Jenna was there. That's when I saw her first. She was looking for an untrained sub and I was a rookie new to the game.."

"So she was your 1st dom too?"

"Yeah.. She had many subs over. But I was staying here. Training under her 24/7."

"How many years have you been here..."

"Right until you came along my friend. Like for 2 years... I knew you. She talked about you for 6-7 months before she told us she was thinking of going monogamous.

It was like Ali was retiring or like One Direction splitting up. We couldn't believe it. But we had to."

"That must have been sad. Training under her.. Being her sub for 2 years and then just being you know left out.'' I said. I was pretty bummed out for him.

"Yeah it was. But she did not just leave me. I was emotionally and physically supported by her. She led me off gently and softly." There was a glistening in his eyes. He was sad.. Even though he was smiling.

"Just one more question.. I promise."

"Yes yes anything." he said, now sitting down on the chair. He motioned me to sit across.

"Why this? I mean why let someone have so much control in your life that you can't even.. Even look up ahead without permission man."

He chuckled.

"I get that a lot. Another one I get is why let a woman dominate you? The answer is simple. I like to serve. I like not being in control. I like to be dominated.

I'm a complete masochist. If you must know"

I had no idea what that was. I think it was evident from my confused face.

"Oh. It's like I get pleasure from pain. In simple words."


"Yes. I like to be disciplined and I think women are goddesses. And they deserve the utmost respect and submission. And Miss Jenna is perfect.

She is strict and soft. When she is angry let me tell you there is hell on earth, but when she is pleased.. There's heaven."

I was so intrigued and excited after listening to his answers.

"Can I ask you something?" he said. I nodded.

"What brought you in? ..I mean.."

"Yeah.. hahaha( I chuckled) I um.. Kind of cheated on her with another girl."

I could see his eyes go wide.

"Yeah. I know I'm awful. She kind of saved my life a couple years ago. ..Literally saved. I have been in love with her since then. But she wouldn't date me. Now I know why. I cheated on her and she was about to leave me. So I mean I agreed to this. I knew she was into these things a couple of months back when she told me. Then I started reading about it.

I kind of felt excited but I was not sure. Agreeing to be her sub was the only way to keep her in my life. I would have been dead by now if she had left me."

"People don't want to leave a mistress like her. Now that you will be trained by her.. Your market value will skyrocket." he said.

"What do you mean..market value"

"Oh yeah. Doms die to get their hands on subs trained by her. I am.. Not boasting... pretty in demand. There are just 3 of us in town. And now you."

"Oh shit is that so."

"Yeah. I was actually with another Dom for the weekend. But when Miss Jenna calls, you pack your bag right!" he said, almost laughing.

I joined in.

We spent a lot of time talking. Getting to know each other.

He told me specifics of the tasks for tomorrow.

After a point of time I was really comfortable with him. We were cracking jokes and laughing our asses off.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" It was Jenna. 

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