My Beautiful queen

By kk123230

1.6K 11 0

"My beautiful Queen." He whispered the last part against my lips. My glare never faltered as he let go of my... More

The letter
Diagon Alley
First day
I'm better.
The Return
The blood stained walls
Flipped switch
Sudden death?
The plan
Back again
The Hippogriff
The start
Standing shot

End of year

37 0 0
By kk123230

Soon enough I was standing at platform 9 3/4 holding my mother's hand as we walk through the crowd. People part many whispering this that we pay no attention to. I was taught to let people say whatever they want they were beneath me and I had no need to pay them any mind. I was a bloody princess while they were the average students. The year I was born had broken the whole wizarding world. Articles came out about the descendants of Merlin and Morgana being born only months apart. Whole fashion shows were held in my honor and Missus Zabini made a whole runway piece in my name. I was the firstborn girl in my family and was codled by everyone. Narcissa and missus Zabini almost had a falling out over me that is joked about till this day, while I was showered with presents from my uncle Lucious and even Uncle riddle, aka Voldemort. Maven was celebrated too although he didn't get his own fashion era as a baby. The news about Draco and Matteo was treated just as well as news about Maven as they are some of the most sought-after young bachelors in history. Even now they think they can hide it but many girls throw themselves at them always trying to flirt with them. Most of the time I loudly make a comment on these girls and they will scamper away. It's not like Draco and Matteo are any better. Once a boy walked over to ask a question about the homework and Matteo grabbed him and tossed him out of the class. Matteo had a bad boy rep being the son of Voldemort but that didn't stop him from being desired. Daphne and Blaise being born to a high society wife and a Gorgeous and wealthy model both had their own runway affairs as well as Daphne being given her own perfume and makeup line before she was even a month old. We were all born royals and we loved it. After giving my parents a hug and promising to write I got onto the train and held my head high as I walked through the train finding Daphne in an empty compartment. "Daphne Greengrass my, my are you looking good." She was wearing a light blue knee-length dress with white stockings and boots. "Nisha Singh Faye Pendragon nice of you to finally show up." I roll my eyes and take a seat next to her. "I would have thought the boys would be here by now." "They were before potter walked by and they decided to go terrorize him and Wesley." "What bout Granger?" "Left her for us. Apparently, I'm to make her subcourse about looks and you are to make her feel stupid." "I'm sorry but it sounds to me that the boys called me ugly." She chuckles a bit. "What should we do to get them back for it?" "Lock them out?" "Sounds nice we can have one train ride not filled with testosterone and quidditch." I scoff. "I'm going to let that go because your my best friend but don't ever bing quidditch down again." She rolls her eyes at me but nods. Then we hear a knock on the glass of the compartment. Surprise surprise it's all the boys. "I'm not letting you in." "why not?" Maven asks. His voice is muffled. "Maybe because Daphnes is good for her looks but the only thing I'm good for is my brain?" Blaise Draco and Matteo knew they were in deep shit but Maven just smirks. "I honestly don't think your goof for either I was just trying to be nice." "Well take your 'nice' arse somewhere else." I flick my wrist and a cover covers the glass so they couldn't see in. Then Daphne begins speaking, "Oh did I tell you about my trip to Rome?"

At the feast later that night I was effectively ignoring everyone besides Daphne. "Nyssa, please we didn't mean it like it came out." Blaise was whining. "Well, it came out," I mutter. Truth be told I wasn't really mad I just wanted to be petty. Draco then pushes a plate of sugar-covered strawberries my way and gives the side of my head a kiss. The little blond shit was very good at making me not mad at him. I take a deep breath and smiled at Draco. "I forgive you." He smiles widely and smirks with his head held high. Blaise and Matteo just glare at him. "Nyssa, please forgive me, ill do anything!" "Anything?" I question with a smirk. He nods. "Alright, I want you to place Maven's bed in the great lake tonight," I whisper in his ear. "Tell Matteo, he owes me too." Blaise nods reluctantly and continues eating his meal while I still have a smirk on my face.

The next morning I wake up with a smile on my face. After getting dressed in my uniform I walk downstairs and take a seat by the fire next to Blaise. "Is it done?" I ask not looking at him. "It's done," I smirk and glance at Blaise. "You're forgiven." "NISHA!" I look towards the portrait hole and there I saw an angry soaked to the bone Maven. His clothes were dripping with water leaving a trail as he stormed up to me. His white hair that is normally fluffy is now spiky and is going every which way on his head. I burst out laughing but everyone in the common room stop what they were doing to watch. He stops in front of me grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet. "You bitch." He seethes still holding my upper arm rather forcefully. He was glaring at me full force while I just smirk up at him. "Did you fall into the lake? My, my Maven you should know by now to watch where you step." "I could have died." "And that would mean I wouldn't have to deal with you." I retort rolling my eyes. If he was looking for sympathy then he was looking in the wrong place. His grip tightens on my arm but I don't let my poker face waiver. Glaring he huffs and storms away to his dorm but not before yelling, "Watch your back, Faye."

Days pass and it's Ravenclaw vs Slytherin. My quidditch training was put on hold so the team could prepare for the match. "Win this one Marcus, or ill have your head for suspending my training." Marcus chuckles and rolls his eyes. "You're making me wanna suspend it for longer." I roll my eyes. "Don't worry queenie we have this in the bag." "You better," I state before walking to where my friends are sitting and taking a seat. "I swear if we lose this match I'm pitching the whole Ravenclaw team off the astronomy tower," Draco complains. "The match hasn't even begun no need to go to such extremes," I state taking a bite of my toast. "Says the one threatening Marcus," Matteo adds. "Oh shut up," I grumble. Owls swoop down for mail time and all of us got packages. Storm-breaker stands in front of my plate as I grab the package. "Eat whatever you like," I tell him giving him a quick scratch before opening my package. Inside were a few books and a box of sweats. The books were from my mum while the sweats were from my father. "Nyx, from dad," Draco states handing me more sweets and a letter. 'Nisha, it has occurred to me that we haven't talked in a while and I wanted to give you sweets in hopes to make up for that. Love, Uncle Lucious.' I smile before opening the sweets and opening a chocolate frog. I got Merlin. Setting everything down I grab a few chocolate frogs to eat during the game sending Storm-breaker to pat all my things in my room. "All right let's get to the game." Maven states getting up while the rest of us follow.

The game was absolutely brutal. Slytherins normally have no quarrel with Ravenclaw but with the way this game was going, you'd think they were our new Gryffindors. Our beaters were relentless throwing bludgers every which way. Quite early into the game the Ravenclaw seeker, Cho Chang was out of the game with a bludger to the head. "What a pathetic excuse for a seeker." Daphne scoffs surprising everyone. We didn't comment on it knowing she'll never pay attention out of spite. "Another score for captain Marcus Flint." We were up by 100 points but It's not enough if they get the snitch before us. Higgins better get that snitch. Ten minutes later and Derrik hits an arm of the Ravenclaw keeper letting us get even more shots. We were 10 points behind when both seekers spotted the snitch. "Go, Terrence!" "Get the bloody snitch!" "Bash his head and take it for yourself!" Our group shouts, all of us standing to get a better view. "Terrence Higgins has caught the snitch Slytherin wins!" We let out loud cheers as all of us jumped and hug each other. I make it a point to net even look at maven as I smile and high-five Blaise. We celebrated last night but all the younger years got kicked out as soon as the firewhiskey was introduced.

The weeks went on and I continued Quidditch training. My grades were outstanding as I was top of my year right now. It was my training time so I changed into a pair of leggings and a tight-fit shirt grabbing my Nimbus and making my way to the pitch. As soon as I get there I hear a crack and on instinct, I dive to the side. Looking up I see Maven with his bat handy. "Couldn't even wait for me to get on my broom?" "Where's the fun in that?" He swings and I jump onto my broom shooting away from the bludger. Another crack and I dive down, another and I barrel roll, another and I fly upwards. Then one catches me. I don't know how it happened but he aimed it as if anticipating what I would do. I went to dive but it caught my side. It hit very hard and I could hear a crack. An enormous amount of pain exploded in my sides and came in waves. I nearly fell off my broom but I managed to land. I fell to my knees once did holding my side as I felt it throb. I had felt worse pain than this but this was lasting longer. Bloody hell I must look weak being on my knees. "Queenie!" Marcus runs over. "What happened?" "Bludger caught me." I manage to get out blinking tears back as the throbbing began getting worse. "Let's get you to the hospital wing." Marcus helps me up, as I start walking every step I take brings a brand new wave of pain as if someone stabbed me. Every movement to my torso was hell. I glanced at Maven who still wore a smirk on his face not an ounce of remorse on his features.

"3 broken ribs." Madam Pomfrey told me for the millionth time hurrying about looking for a potion. Marcus, Derrick, and Maven stood around the bed I was on. "Now I'm going to have to snap your ribs in place so brace for it dear." I nod and she raises her wand. My ribs made a loud cracking noise as they were snapped back into place and I bit my lip from crying out in pain. Although it was a bit easier to breathe now. "Drink this it will speed up the healing process." Intake the cup she hands me to see a murky red liquid. This is going to taste like crap. I chug it down resisting the urge to throw up. "Last thing is I just need to wrap your torso." She begins lifting my shirt when she stops and looks over her shoulder at the three very uncomfortable boys behind her. Marcus had his arms folded and was constantly checking his watch, Derrick was looking out the window finding the sky quite interesting, and Maven was looking anywhere but the bed. "You boys may leave I need some time alone with my patient." They nod and all of them quickly hurry out the door.  After lifting my shirt and wrapping my torso I'm sent off with a pain relief potion. Walking back into the common room I hear a lot of yelling. "You broke three of her ribs! She could have died!" "No, she couldn't, besides I was just playing quidditch. Do you think the other team is gonna go easy on her? If she can't handle it she shouldn't play." I step forwards having enough of the conversation happening without me. "She can handle it so shut up. Get used to this Draco." I dryly state before walking to my dorm and making Maven fall on his ass as well as his shoelaces getting tied together so when he gets up he falls again. 

The next few weeks were brutal. It was as if a full-out war had broken out. Both Maven and I would do anything to sabotage each other in classes or make the other's life hard with a multitude of minor inconveniences. At one point I watched Maven eat cereal with a fork because I had charmed all the spoons to become forks in his hands. He didn't break eye contact with me as he pitifully tried to eat the food. I just sat there with a smirk on my face. The second my bandages had come off and I was cleared to go on my broom again I had pushed it to its absolute limits. I was determined to never let Maven get the satisfaction to touch me again, or any bludger for that matter. Even in the month before exams were even brought up Maven and I would rival in class so much we were neck and neck in the top student position. I heard teachers were even placing bets to see who would make the top student. When exam week did come around there was no room for error. Trips to the library came as easily as trips to the bathroom coffee seemed to replace my morning juice, and I was definitely going to make top student. I wasn't only doing this out of personal spite I was doing this for my family. I wasn't about to let my father down, I didn't want him to get mad or stressed that I wasn't living up to easy expectations that I should be able to do. Exam week was very stressful for everyone as Blaise who had 'borrowed' my notes on multiple occasions and finally began giving the notes for charms back after his exam. DADA, Potions, History of magic, Transfiguration, Herbology, Charms, and flying lesson exams later and I sleep like the dead for hours. The feast on the last night at Hogwarts was here and the house cup was being given to us. Slytherin had won and the great hall was decorated with Slytherin colors. Me and my friends smile and talk with one another about futile things. The stress over exam week had paid off as I was top of my year with Maven very close behind. If we were honest it was me showing off to the examiner and getting extra marks that put me over the top. Maven was quite bitter that he wasn't first so he decided to stay as far from me as possible only talking to Matteo and Draco because 'Blaise helped me study', even though it was the other way around. He was acting like a bigger child than he normally is so I decided to leave it. Our rivalry and hate for one another seemed from a few things. Our family's generational hate for each other and the fact we have been pitted against each other since we were born. I was always told to beat Maven and show the Emrys that they aren't all that. He was told the same so every time we had lessons or just hung out it was always a backroom rivalry going on. It could be a small test on family history, it could be training broom, it could be better mannerism anything at all and we would both fight to be the best. Blaise had just finished telling me about the rumors about Potter fighting Matteo's father over a stone. "They broke so many rules and they aren't even in detention, meanwhile I tease Weasley who bumped into me and I get detention." I nod along to what Blaise was saying. I had noticed the biased against the Slytherins. On the night of our sorting many people were staring at me in awe and were talking about great things and how I was a princess. I get sorted into Slytherin and I have Gryffindors glaring at me like I killed their parents. I mean it was expected from my family, my father's side are descendants of one of the evilest wizards to have lived and my mother's side was Merlin's sworn enemy. It wasn't expected for Maven. He's the descendant of bloody Merlin and yet he still gets a bad rep for being in Slytherin, not that it matters since he's a young socialite and prince. Dumbledore soon stood up to announce the house cup but the conversation didn't quite go as expected. Weasley of all people got 50 points for a good chess game. Honestly, I know there's more to it but if they wanted to see a good game they should watch me play Maven. 50 points to Granger for logic. 60 to potter and ten to bloody Longbottom for standing against his friends. This all had something to do about what happened in the fight against my uncle. I already knew what was about to come next they don't just give last-minute points if it won't affect the outcome very much. in a second the banners with green snakes change to Gold lions and the whole hall changes to an aurora of Gryffindor maroon. "If we broke these many school rules forget being expelled we would be stripped of our wands." Daphne bitterly mutters. All of our spirits visibly dampen. It wasn't fair that that was happening we won the cup fair and square without any rule breaking. I had even contributed a very good amount to the number of points we had racked up. The rest of the night was spent eating and either complaining about the recent change or futile attempts to lift our spirits. We all went to sleep early that night not having the energy to stay awake and chat with the first lose of the house cup in several years hanging over our heads like a dark cloud. The day after all my friends and I decided to go out and actually enjoy our last days at Hogwarts. "And then she had a bloody meltdown and started begging the examiner to forgive her. The old crone was so surprised I thought she would die and turn to dust." Daphne recalls a tale of her examination next to Granger, as we all sit under a tree by the great lake. We all laugh and the next person to be asked something was me. "What about Potter?" "Oh, he was dreadful in everything besides DADA. Didn't even know what plant to use in potions, almost killed his plant in herbology, charms, and transfiguration was okay for him although nothing special." I recall. They nod smiling to one another. "What's the time?" Maven asks. "Almost 2," Blaise replies. "We should grab our trunks then we wouldn't want to be late for the train home it's at 3." Everyone reluctantly got up as this means that we won't be at Hogwarts for another two months nor will we be seeing each other every day. Daphne and Blaise have trips planned, I don't give a shit about Maven, and Draco and Matteo can be quite annoying. As I grab my trunk and Storm-breaker's cage I turn around to look at my dorm one last time. I was gonna miss sharing a room with Daphne but I was going to miss Hogwarts even more. I didn't realize how attached I had become, although this place was like a second home to me. Making my way through the halls and past the entrance hall to the station I glance back as my vision of the school fades by the trees. One thing was for sure I couldn't wait for next year. I would be able to play Quidditch, learn more advanced potions with Severus, even though he most probably would come to my castle and teach them to me beforehand if I don't already know them, and during the summer I can work on my swords training and shadow magic. I felt a little bit better knowing what was to come and in turn, the sadness got replaced by excitement. 

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