𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✔️

By diebabyxo

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A bodyguard, a girl with a smart mouth, and lots of tension. More

♡ Warning ♡


30K 776 431
By diebabyxo

Natalie asked me to grab coffee with her for lunch, so we're sitting at a cute small café drinking iced coffee. She apologized for leaving me that one night, and I decided to leave it in the past.

H and some of the other guys showed up at Ares' this morning, so I was actually kind of glad that she asked me.

"I'm happy that you have a nice and hot boyfriend and everything, but I hope that won't take time away from me," Natalie pouted.

I set my glass down, a smile on my face. I told her, "Don't worry, you're still my best friend."

"Good, I better be."

We were sitting at a table outside, the faint smell of coffee filling our noses every time somebody would open the door.

My phone suddenly buzzed with a text. It was from Ares, and it read, 'Tell Natalie I said hi bitch.'

I nearly laughed, shutting my phone off and putting it back down on the table.

She wiped her mouth with a napkin once she finished eating the muffin she got with her coffee. She asked me, "Oh! I've been meaning to ask. I'm going to a party this weekend with the guy that I met at the club, and I was wondering if I could borrow that black and white dress you have?"

I finished my coffee, setting it down. I told her, "I don't have it; it's at my dads' house."

"How about the light pink one?"

I pursed my lips, "Also at my dads' house."

She let out a sigh. She leaned back in the iron chair and told me, "You should go get your clothes and stuff. They are yours, after all."

Her words made me think for a second while the warm breeze blew my hair back for a moment. 

A car honked from beside us, the sun shining down onto the black car brightly. Natalie picked her phone up off of the table and told me, "That's him. We're hanging out for a little today. Ares is coming to pick you up, right?"

"Um - yeah, he is. Tell me how your party this weekend goes," I smiled at her. I tried to fight the slight betrayal I felt about her leaving me once again. 

She blew me a kiss before getting into the car and driving away. 

I really didn't want to go home, but it would be nice to get some things I was missing. I pressed my palms against the table and stood up, collecting my things. 

 I wasn't going to make Ares drive all the way just to take me to my house, which was a 5-minute drive away. I walked along the sidewalk, the birds chirping and cars driving by. 

In my head, I was hoping that maybe my dad wouldn't be home. But seeing his car in the driveway once I got there made me let out an irritated sigh.

I walked up my driveway and opened the front door quietly. I heard no noise coming from anywhere, so I made sure to walk over to the stairs silently. 

My footsteps were quiet; I had no idea where he was. I didn't want him to hear me. I just wanted to get my stuff and leave. 

Every step I took up the stairs was silent. My heartbeat was louder than my movements. 


I jumped around halfway up the stairs. I looked down, seeing my dad with his arms crossed at the end of the stairs. I forced an awkward smile, "Hey. Just grabbing something quickly."

His mouth moved to the side, and I prepared myself for him to start asking for forgiveness again. But instead, he just nodded.

I felt confused as I watched him walk towards the kitchen. I turned back up the stairs, going quickly to get out of here as fast as possible.

I grabbed a bag out of my closet and filled it with notebooks, clothes, and a pair of shoes. I couldn't hear any noises coming from downstairs the entire time I filled my bag up. I slung it over my shoulder, holding my breath as I walked down the stairs.

I took a few steps towards my front door. As my fingertips grazed the doorknob, I heard my dad call out while slurring his words, "Do you know what it's like?"

My body felt frozen. I turned around slowly, seeing his shadow in the kitchen. I watched it as he stood up out of his seat, walking into my view. He took slow steps down the hallway. I swallowed my saliva nervously before asking, "What?"

He continued walking until he was right in front of me.

I looked up at him, being able to see how drunk he was in his eyes. Of course, he was drunk midday.

He continued, "Do you know what it's like to have your own daughter turn her back on you?"

I was expecting myself to feel bad. To feel guilty.

But instead, I felt angry.

I snapped, "I didn't turn my back on you. You drove me away by being a terrible father."

His jaw clenched. Anger pooled into his eyes. 

His words caused my heart to start beating rapidly, "I'll give you one last chance, hija."

It was more than just the alcohol that was making him look different. The hate in his voice, the anger on his face. I could barely even recognize him. 

"No," I replied back without even giving it a second thought.

His eyes continued to stare into mine. I felt small under his gaze, and I started to wonder if he could hear my heartbeat.

Eventually, he scoffed. He looked to the side, and I started counting the seconds until he would finally back away from me.

He stared at the wall for a few moments before meeting my eyes again. He shrugged, "Okay."

My eyebrows lowered. But before my brain could process what was happening, he grabbed onto my throat with both of his hands. My eyes widened as I realized I couldn't breathe, and he aggressively pressed me against the wall.

Tears coated my eyes as I clawed at his wrist. His grip was firm and filled with anger. He yelled at me, "What kind of fucking daughter are you!"

I continued to try and get a gasp of air. My mouth was open, hoping somehow that would make oxygen enter my lungs. He yelled again, his grip not getting any looser, "You're just like your fucking mother! Leaving when I don't give you a fucking princess lifestyle!"

My nails dug into his wrist, and I was sure that I was drawing blood. I barely choked out, "Let me go, dad."

"No," he spat. "You did this to yourself."

I reached around to my back pocket, trying to grab my phone. The second my fingertips had a told on it, he grabbed my wrist and forced it to be in front of me. He knocked the phone out of my hand with one of his hands, sending it breaking against the wooden flooring. 

I had a moment to breathe before his grip tightened. 

The hate and rage in his eyes only continued to grow and grow. As his grip became tighter, I forgot what breathing felt like. My hands became weak, my vision turned black, and I realized he was trying to either kill me or make me pass out. 

The door beside us suddenly burst on its hinges, my dads' hand releasing my neck. I gasped for air, letting it fill my lungs as I held onto the wall to keep myself from falling over. 

One police officer was holding him down while another was putting cuffs on him. They spoke to him, "Sir, you are under arrest for armed robbery - and I guess now assault."

My dad started yelling at them as the officers dragged him out of the house, and my hand rested on my neck while I still struggled to get my breathing under control.

A female police officer walked over to me. She asked me gently, "Are you okay, dear? Do you need an ambulance?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm okay."

"Don't worry about your dad, I promise you he's going away for many years. And do you have a number you'd like me to call?"

Only one. 

I gave it to her before walking out of the house. I sat on the porch stairs, looking down at my shoes. 

The police officer called Ares, and I was waiting for him to show up - because all I wanted to do was go home. Because to me, home is his house. 

I got lost in my thoughts while looking down until I felt an arm wrap around me. I looked up, seeing Ares now sitting beside me with worry coating his face. He put his hand on my chin and scanned my face while asking, "What happened?"

I took a deep breath. I told him, "My dad started choking me. I think he was trying to kill me....but the police came because I guess yesterday he robbed a store. Now they arrested him and told me that he's going to be going back to prison."

As I spoke, tears formed in my eyes. Not because my dad was going back to prison, that's where he fucking belongs. But I was worried Ares was going to be mad at me. I started talking quickly, "You aren't mad at me, right? I know I shouldn't have come here and-"

"I'm not mad at you at all," he replied softly. "I'm just glad he's going where he fucking deserves to be."

I took a deep breath, nodding my head slightly.

A police officer walked up in front of us and asked me, "Are you okay, ma'am?"

I nodded at them. I put my hand over top of Ares', trying to calm him down. I could tell that he was pissed. The police officer asked me, "You'll be okay going with him?"

"I will be," I replied truthfully. 

Ares' hand ran up and down my back while we sat there. The remaining officers walked away, getting into their cars before driving off.

He asked me gently, "Are you okay, baby?"

"I'm fine, I just - wait, I thought you had people at your house?"

He nodded, "I did. The second I got that call, I told them all to get the fuck out and raced over here."

I let out a sigh, leaning my head on his shoulder. 

As I leaned into him, his fingertips went to my scalp. He gently moved them around in my hair, and I noticed that I could hear his heart beating rapidly.

I lifted my head up, turning to look at him. I asked him, "Why is your heart beating so fast?"

"Because I thought something happened to you, something so much worse," he locked eye contact with me. "Scared the fuck out of me."

I put my hand over top of his, and he let out a soft sigh. 

I asked him, "Can I call my mom off of your phone? She should know what's going on."

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, handing it to me. My heart warmed in my chest for a moment seeing that his lock screen was a picture of me. 

I smiled to myself while dialing my moms' number, putting it to my ear.

She picked up after a few rings, her voice tired, "Hey Mia. How are you, darling?"

I took a deep breath, and Ares gave me a reassuring nod.

I explained the entire thing to her, and she didn't speak once.

Once I told her all of it, she fell silent. I said quietly, "Mom?"

"I'm booking you a flight back to Fiji."

My heart dropped. I told her, "No, mom. Please don't."

"Why not? Your father is going to prison for what sounds like years, where he deserves to be. You need to be back in Fiji with your family."

My lips parted slightly, and I turned to look at Ares.

While looking at him, I told her, "I could live here in America with Ares."

He nodded instantly, and my mom went quiet. She said, "Give Ares the phone."

I took a deep breath, handing him the phone. He pressed it against his ear, and I was filled with anxiety while I waited for him to respond to whatever she was saying.

I couldn't hear her words, but she talked for a long time. 

After about nearly 5 minutes straight of her talking, Ares replied to her, "I promise."

She said one more thing before hanging up.

I asked him, "So? What did she say?"

His eyes met mine again, and I tapped my foot anxiously. 

He put his hand on the side of my face, his thumb brushing my cheek. He told me, "She said you could live with me. And I promised her that I'd protect you forever."

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