My Beautiful queen

By kk123230

1.7K 11 0

"My beautiful Queen." He whispered the last part against my lips. My glare never faltered as he let go of my... More

The letter
First day
I'm better.
End of year
The Return
The blood stained walls
Flipped switch
Sudden death?
The plan
Back again
The Hippogriff
The start
Standing shot

Diagon Alley

111 2 0
By kk123230

The next day I could barely contain my excitement as my family and I stand before the very big fireplace in my father's study. "Remember to speak firmly little one." I nod before taking a handful of the powder in my fist and letting it drop while saying, "Diagon Alley." Witching a second I was walking out and dusting my skirt off. Looking around I see that I'm in a robes shop. My mother and father appear behind me and a hush falls through the store as many people stare. My mother was wearing a black knee-length dress with a matching crown of black diamonds. My father was in a crisp black suit. I was wearing a black skirt with a white button-up blouse and small block heels. Walking further in people move out of the way for us as a plump lady wearing purple robes walks over. "My Queen, My Prince, My Princess, it's an honor to have you in our shop. May I ask what school the robes are for?" She asks bowing down before us. I couldn't help the small smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. This was my family legacy. I was royalty. "Hogwarts miss," I reply and she gives me a warm smile. "Of course dear please step up to the platform." She gestured to a raised circle-shaped dressing room. I flying tape measure moves swiftly around my body and takes measurements. She writes the measurements on a clipboard with a purple quill. "Alright, my dear you're all done." I smile and nod stepping off. "Thank you, miss." She gives a small bow of her head and I turn and walk back to my parents. "That will be 10 galleons." My father pulls out his pouch and placed 10 of them on the counter before we leave. Walking out I spot the rest of my family. Smiling I run-up to my cousins throwing my arms around both my cousins as they both kiss each of my cheeks. "Hello, Aunt Narcissa." I smile hugging the woman who helped a lot in my upbringing. She would always give me lessons since I was 5 on how to be a proper lady. How to sit, stand, talk and present yourself. "You look beautiful Nyx." She beams holding me by the shoulders. That was until someone crashed into my side hugging me. "Blaise!" I exclaim hugging him back. "Nyssa!" Blaise has been my best friend for a very long time. His beautiful mother is my mother's best friend. Blaise would come to my house very often with his mother for tea and was like a brother to me. He pulls away from me and grins. Then I hear a female voice. "Blaise get away from my best friend! You ruining her outfit with your essence." I look over to see Daphne Greengrass my sister from another mister of sorts as she is my best, best friend. "Is that the Daphne Greengrass? My, my I think my eyes deceive me!" I tease walking over and hugging my beautiful friend. She was wearing a similar outfit to me only with a bit more jewelry and some very expensive sunglasses. After greeting all the adults all of us kids walk over to Olivander's while our parents get our books. "Mates!" We turn to see nine other than Maven Emrys. I roll my eyes and turn back around walking into the shop with Daphne. The rest follow in suit as I begin talking with Daphne about her trip to Paris this summer. Suddenly an old man appears staring at all of us. "Ah, the young royals." He states glancing at all of us. "Which of you would like to go first?" Draco steps forwards with a proud smirk on his face and his chest puffed out as if he just volunteered to slay a beast. I mutter my thoughts to Daphne making her give me an amused grin.
Everyone had gotten their wands except me and Maven as because of our pure magic blood we had enough power to perform magic wand less with ease.
Outside the shop we see all of our parents socializing within themselves. When they notice us all the parents gush over the new wands while my mum just squeezes my hand. "Can we all go get some ice cream?" Matteo asks all the adults. They chuckle and say yes stating they were going to go do some shopping of their own and would meet us near the pet shops in an hour. We all agreed and began walking to Margo's frozen treats. Taking a large table we all sat across from each other. To my dismay Maven sat in front of me. I had ordered a cup with a scoop of coffee-flavored ice cream and cookie dough. I was talking with Blaise, who was on my left, about Quidditch. When I felt a hard kick to my shin which made me bite my lip from displaying a reaction. I continue talking but move my lags to the side so when the very much predicted second kick came his shin hit the edge of my chair. He coughed to cover up his groan. I didn't even try to hide my amused smirk. He glares at me and launches part of his mint chocolate-chip ice cream at me making it land on my white blouse. Everyone stares at Maven and me as they see me launch half of my giant coffee scoop at him hitting his white dress shirt leaving a bug stain as it falls and lands in his lap. He grabs his nature cup launching it at me and I was able to dodge the whole thing but couldn't doge his spoon that hit my blouse leaving another light mint-colored stain. "I hate you." He glares. "Likewise," I respond trying to kill him with my eyes. Casting a quick spell my blouse was back to normal and I continue eating what was left of my precious ice cream. "Honestly we can take you two anywhere," Daphne mutters picking at her ice cream with a small smile. "He started it." "She started it." We both declared at the same time causing us to glare at the other while the group laughs.

Standing next to my oldest cousin, Matteo, I lean against him as we wait for our parents to show up at the pets shops. "Where are they?" I whine bored out of my mind." "You've been standing here for 3 minutes Nyx." He chuckles looking down at me. "Still! I want an owl and they are not even on time." I grumble. "They have 5 more minutes to get here before they're 'late'." I glare at him. "Who's side are you on?" I punch his arm continuing with my glare. "Merlin Nyx keep your deadly punches away from me. This much be how Maven feels all the time. I'm starting to feel bad for the bloke." He rubs the spot I punched him. This only fuels my anger more but he holds up his arms. "Ok, ok I'm sorry, don't hit me!" He yells backing up. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. "Draco's my new favorite." I huff turning to talk to him only to see him laughing at something the walking snowman had said. "Ugh never mind Blaise is my favorite." I strut over to Blaise and Daphne who were conversing about the latest fashion trends. "Really, he's your favorite?" Matteo asks a pout on his face. I keep my arms crossed and a glare on my face and treat it as his answer. He just opens his arms for a hug which I try not to run into. "Aw come in Nyx, you know I love you." I groan and walk into his arms. "I love you too," I grumble into his shoulder. He just chuckles. "Hey, they finally showed up." He says and I quickly move away all my previous excitement returning. "Nisha." My father calls. I walk over to him. "Buy yourself an owl of your choosing. Here are 20 galleons." I smile up at him and give him a quick hug before bounding into the shop that seemed to have endless owl cages. I look around at the different types but none seemed to like me very much. I walk further towards the back when I spot a beautiful black feathered owl. He looked pristine and had large silver eyes. "Ah, I see you have met Storm-breaker, your highness." I look over my shoulder to see the shop owner peering down at me. "Quite the owl just never liked anyone who came." I turn back to him and see him staring at my silver eyes. I smile at the owl. "How much?"

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