Kidnapped 5: Lost Child

By BabyMsft10

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With kieshia committing suicide due to the non ending pain chresanto put her through, her daughter is left in... More

Lost child
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Attention! Important Message!⚠️


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By BabyMsft10


Hours and hours, I sat in that closet crying my eyes out.
What was my life coming to? Was god punishing me for being rebellious? Was this the pain I put my adoptive parents through?

"God I'm sorry..." I sniffed, sitting in the corner of the closet with my knees to my chest. "I know I'm not the most perfect person, but I'm sorry. If you lead me out of this crazy house, I promise I'll be better God I promise. Please give me a sign or send someone to rescue me. I know he's my father and all, but he's crazy!"

I'd actually rather be with prodigy right now.
I shook my head.
This whole entire day has been hell. Getting taken by that Ray dude, and then this!
"Just lead me to safety God.." I whispered.

Danielle had finally settled down and she was no longer throwing a temper tantrum.

She's going to understand that she's not going to talk to me like I'm one of her friends. I know I have personal issues, but she will not take advantage of that.

"Maybe she just has to get used to me." I said to myself. "It's her first night with her long lost father, she knows nothing about me. Maybe I was too harsh."

I then got up from the couch, jogging up the stairs.

But I heard something.

I stopped in mid step of the stairs and frowned, listening.

It sounded like a song.

I backed up off of the stairs and followed the song.

I think it was a ringtone.

I walked until I heard it coming from under the table I had pushed over earlier.

Picking the table up, I could see Danielle's phone on the floor ringing.

I picked it up and saw "Dad." on the color ID and a picture of prodigy.

I slid the acceptance log across the screen, placing the phone to my ear. "Hello.."

"Danielle?" He spoke through the Phone.

"What's up prodigy." I smirked.

"Who the fuck is this? Is this that jaquez boy?! Where the fuck is my daughter!" He yelled through the phone.

"Oh this isn't one of her little boy toys. This is her REAL father..."

It was silent on the line for a while.

I just smiled to myself.

"Chresanto?" He said lowly.

"Yes nigga, it's Chresanto. Now I appreciate the little time you had with my daughter, watching after her and shit, but she's with me now."

"What! How did you get her? I thought you were-"

"No nigga I'm here and breathing." I cut him off.

"What the fuck! That shit is not normal man! How the fuck are you even-"

"Shut the fuck up prodigy. She's with me now. Don't bother trying to look for her either or I'm going to start wrecking shit." I quickly said, hanging the phone up in his face and throwing the phone down.
I stomped on it until it was no longer useable.

I hope that nigga doesn't think he can take her, he's not even her biological father.

"Fuck nigga." I muttered and then jogged up the stairs, going straight towards the closet.

I unlocked the door and swung it open. "Alright baby girl you-"


"Danielle!" I yelled out running into the empty closet.

How did she get out?

I was worried, but angry at the same time.

I looked around the whole closet until I figured it out.

She had climbed through the vent in the wall.
"That leads to.." I trailed off. "The basement!"

She couldn't be down there, she'll really see me differently when she finds out what's down there.

I quickly sprinted out of the closet and down the hallway, towards the basement door.

"Danielle!" I yelled, bursting through the door, stumbling  and slipping down a couple stairs harshly but quickly caught myself.

I paused at the bottom of the staircase, seeing her looking around with widened eyes.

I sighed. "Look, Danielle. I can explain."

"That's kieshia right?" She said lowly, looking around at multiple pictures I had hanging around of kieshia at the worst moments.

The moments when I hurt her, if you know what I mean...

"You did this to her?" She gasped, grabbing a picture off of the wall.

It was a picture of kieshia the time I had beaten her until she was out cold.

I kept the pictures for memories.
Even though they were bad memories, they were the moments I spent with kieshia, but I kept them down here in the basement in a private place because I wasn't proud of those moments.

"Yea, but-"

"You're fucking sick!" She yelled, throwing the picture at me. "You were a kidnapper! You kidnapped my biological mother!"

I sighed in defeat.

"You need help Chresanto and I'm serious. You have a mental problem." She shook her head, giving me a disgusted look.

"I don't have a problem Danielle..." I said lowly.

"Yes you do! And I bet you were going to do your own child like that too right?"

"No! Never!" I defended myself. "And I don't have a damn problem ok!"

"Oh really?" She rose her eyebrows. "Locking me in the closet for hours? Being bipolar? Acting delusional? Oh that's no sign of a problem at all."

I clenched my jaws. "Look, call it what you want ok? But I know what the fuck I have and it's not a problem."

"Tuh!" She hissed. "Oh wait, let me not say anything else before you abuse me!" She gasped in a sarcastic way, holding her chest.

I clenched my jaw, keeping my calm. "I know I didn't have the best first impression on you, but I'm sorry."

She rolled her eyes and kept silent.

"But you're not leaving.." I gave her a dead ass serious stare.

"I'm not staying here with you nigga!" She yelled, about to walk past me, but I grabbed her wrist yanking her back.

She quickly snatched her arm away, frowning at me. "Don't touch me."

She attempted to walk off again but I grabbed her around the waist and picked her up.

She began to kick around, hitting my arms. "Let go!"

I kept silent and walked up the stairs and out of the basement, making my way back to the closet.

"You'll learn one way or another." I whispered into her ear and threw her into the closet.

Before I could even close the door, she kicked her leg up, getting me right in the stomach. "Ah! Fuck!" I groaned falling to my knees.

She quickly hopped up and ran past me, but I reached up and grabbed her ankle, causing her to fall flat on her stomach.

I groaned as I dragged her back towards me.

I slowly crawled on top of her while she tried pushing and kicking me. "Get off!!"

"You shouldn't have done that." I laughed, stroking the side of her face.

She turned her face, slapping my hand away. "Don't-"

I cut her off by placing my hand over her mouth and nose, pressing down.

"Mmmm!!!" She screamed Into my hand as I cut her source of air off.

I smiled at her as I watched her wiggle around under me, loosing oxygen. "Shhh shhhh." I hushed her.

She was clawing at my hand, but that little pain wasn't shit.

She kept kicking for a while and then her motions eventually stopped until she didn't move at all.
"That a girl.." I smiled as her eyes closed. "It's ok..."

I slowly got off of her and dusted my pants off.

That was the only way to calm her down.

She'll be fine, she's just unconscious.

I kneeled down and picked her up, and walked back down to the living room.

I sat on the couch and held her in my arms, rubbing her hair.

"Daddy loves you. You just have to learn the hard way."

I then kissed her on the four head.
"I can see her smile, you have been a wild, child for awhile baby." I sang to her, rocking her back and fourth.

She'll learn ....

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