So Little Time: Dean Winchest...

By justsochelsea

20.6K 191 24

Dean Winchester always wanted a family but he never admits it. After finally discovering the family business... More

Meet the Winchesters!
Ava Age Throughout the Seasons.
Chapter 1: Secrets
Chapter 2: The Truth
Chapter 3: The Family Business
Chapter 4: Ava's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 5: Dean's Back from Hell
Chapter 6: Teenage Hunters
Chapter 7: Together, A Family
Chapter 8: You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home
Chapter 9: It's In My Blood
Chapter 10: Hunting Solo
Chapter 11: The Outsiders
Chapter 12: Let's Talk About Racism
Chapter 13: Family Doesn't End In Blood
Chapter 14: A Normal Apple Pie Life
Chapter 15: Slumber Party Over
Chapter 16: Being a Hunter's Daughter
Chapter 17: My Special Valentine
Chapter 18: Trust
Chapter 19: First Day of Senior Year
Chapter 20: Ava Ran Away from Home
Chapter 21: Back To The Future
Chapter 22: I'm Pregnant
Chapter 23: Patience
Chapter 24: Babysitting Chuck
Chapter 25: Wayward Sisters
Chapter 26: College Secrets
Chapter 27: Ava Scoobynatural Adventure
Chapter 28: Cassie's Journal
Chapter 29: Grandpa Switch
Chapter 30: Sneaking Out Is Hard To Do
Chapter 31: Uncle Sam Saved My Life
Chapter 32: The Terrible Twos
Chapter 33: Switching Places
Chapter 34: Ava Meets Charlie for the First Time
Chapter 36: Supernatural Book
Chapter 37: Supernatural Convention
Chapter 38: Ava Meets Her Cousin
Chapter 39: Ava's Sick Days
Chapter 40: Ava's First Date
Chapter 41: Mama Knows Best
Chapter 42: Dean's Past Mistake
Chapter 43: Because I stole shoes???
Chapter 44: Dress Code
Chapter 45: Token?
Chapter 46: Juneteeth
Chapter 47: Do It With A Sore Butt
Chapter 48: Hide and Seek Trouble
Finale 49: {Part 1}
Finale 49: {Part 2}
Finale 49: {Part 3}
Finale 49: {Part 4}
Finale 49: {Part 5 }
To Be Continued... (For Sequel to A Change In Time)

Chapter 35: Ava Meets Kevin

141 1 0
By justsochelsea

Chapter 35: Ava Meets Kevin

Base on season 8 the final.

Ava comes out of her room after being called to the map table. She founds her dad, uncle and a boy who looked the same age as she is but technically he was older.

Ava: yeah dad
???: dad?
Dean: Kevin Tran, meet my daughter Ava. Ava this is the prophet Kevin. He will be staying with us until further noticed
Ava: why?
Dean: because we just abducted him from Crowley. He will be safe here
Ava: well, at least I'm not the only kid here *cross arm*
Kevin: where have you been all this time I've been traveling with the boys
Ava: what? *gives them look*
Dean: it's not what you think! We had to rescue him and his mom
Ava: oh cause you two wouldn't dare sent someone else kid to fight along with you guys when you wouldn't even let me. So where will he be staying, defiantly not my room
Dean: Ava we have plenty of room here for everyone
Ava: whatever, just stay out of my way, kay kid and we won't have a problem here
Kevin: your calling me a kid? You do realize Im a college student right at least I was supposed to
Ava: yeah and?
Sam: Ava is more advance then kids her own age
Kevin: but she's related to Dean
Dean: hey!
Ava: my mom use to be vice principal at my old school so I would always get good grades in school plus Uncle Sam also helps a little which is why my brain is more advance then other kids
Kevin: prove it
Ava: huh?
Kevin: did I strutter? Prove it. If you think your better than me show me
Sam: he's challenging you to a quiz game honey
Ava: bring it on white boy, let the game begin
Kevin: for your information I'm Chinese
Ava: Chinese is not a race it's an ethnicity, so basically you're white
Kevin: *looks at Sam and Dean*
Sam: told you she was complicated
Ava: *cross arm* well you ready for this Kevin Tran
Kevin: bring it on Ava Winchester
Ava: Uncle Sam, you're going to be our quiz master
Dean: come on Ava, is this really necessary. Are you really going to challenge everyone who is smarter than you
Ava: *gasp* father how dare you think people are smart than me
Dean: I'm sorry princess I did not mean it like that
Kevin: *gives her intimidating glare* don't worry Dean, I can take her
Dean: *sighs* it's the spelling bee all over again
Kevin: what happened in the spelling bee?
Dean: Ava had to go up against one of the toughest kid in her grade in order to move up. That kid thought he was better than everyone
Kevin: was he?
Dean: yeah, but still lost. Never challenge Vice Principal's daughter
Ava: and you know it
Kevin: alright, I'll challenge you to a spelling bee. Will see who's smarter
Sam: alright
Dean: Kevin... I wouldn't
Kevin: don't worry Dean I can handle her

They were down to a few words it was going back and forth a bit it was tied between them and Sam was looking up a new word.

Sam: alright last one. If you spell this word correctly Ava. You win
Ava: *smiles* yay. Get ready to lose.
Kevin: not a chance
Dean: *drinking his beer* why am I still here?
Sam: Ava spell the word Microaggression
Ava: m-i-c-r-o-grassion
Dean: *stands up* wooo!!! That's my girl!
Sam: uh... I'm sorry Ava that is incorrect
Ava: *glares at him* what do you mean not correct
Kevin: because it's spelled M-i-c-r-o-A-G-g-r-A-s-s-i-o-n
Ava: are you kidding me!
Dean: oh here we go *hides*
Ava: All the sudden there's a silence e. I hate this! *grabs the dictionary from Sam and throws it across the room and storms off*

The boys jumped surprised by her action and Dean said.

Dean: where's my belt
Sam: Dean, don't worry I got this
Dean: yeah you better handle her before I do myself

Sam founds Ava in her bedroom, Sam knocks on the door and Ava said.

Ava: come in Uncle Sam
Sam: how did you know its me?
Ava: dad doesn't knock, he's a pig
Sam: sounds like Dean. We need to talk
Ava: I know, I acted like a sore loser
Sam: why is that?
Ava: I just wanted you guys to be proud of me
Sam: honey we are proud of. You're one of the smartest kids we know
Ava: not anymore
Sam: just because we have another smart kid in the house doesn't make you any less special. We will love you no matter what, especially your dad
Ava: I'm sorry Uncle Sam, I didn't mean to be disrespectful like that *hugs him*
Sam: I know honey. But I'm surprised you knew so many words I didn't even think you knew
Ava: well I have been on the road with you guys a lot so when there's nothing to do I normally read or learn the dictionary. Dad did always say if I didn't know any words to look it up in the dictionary
Sam: see what happens when you put your mind to something you will accomplish great things
Ava: I know Uncle Sam, thanks for our pep talk
Sam: anytime squirt *ruffles hair*

Sam and Ava left her room and went back out to find Dean and Kevin and Dean said.

Dean: well young lady
Ava: dad... I'm sorry for my outburst it wont happened again
Dean: *puts arm out* come here

Ava smiles and walks into her dad arms and hugs him and he kiss her forehead before smacking her on the butt.

Ava: ow! *reach hand back to rubbed*
Dean: don't ever do that again or their will be consequences next time
Ava: yes sir *to Kevin* and I'm sorry Kevin, I get carried away sometimes and I need to control it better
Kevin: it's alright. I get a little competitive too

Dean gets a call from Crowley about them killing another friend of theirs and Dean and Sam had it with him killing everyone they knew so they put a stop to it.

Its been a few days since Sam and Dean left home, and Sam and Dean gave Kevin and Ava a bunch of stuff to do. Ava had chores to do at home and Dean told her to help Kevin with getting back to normal with things so Kevin can live a normal life like she can or so he thought.

Ava: you know how to do laundry?
Kevin: no, my mom use to do it
Ava: *dumps the laundry on the floor in front him* lucky for you my mom and uncle showed me. The whites goes in that corner, the blacks goes in that corner and the the dark and light colors are also separate it as well. To prevent the colors from fading or changing
Kevin: *starts sorting the clothes* is this all you do as your normal?
Ava: *starts sorting the clothes with him* well I don't go to regular school anymore if I want to travel on the road with the boys
Kevin: why do you want to travel with them
Ava: because I like to help people. If they won't let me be apart of their life than I'm going to go to college and become a lawyer so I can help people
Kevin: you're pretty amazing you know that
Ava: *blush* thanks, so have you had a relationship with someone
Kevin: I did... but Crowley killed her just like he killed everyone I loved
Ava: if it helps, Crowley almost killed me and my mom if it wasn't for my dad and Cas. We are a lot alike you know that huh
Kevin: yeah *smiles*
Ava: *smiles back*

Ava and Kevin looked at one another before slowly moving in to kiss, but just as they did Dean and Cas poof in and Ava and Kevin immediately broke apart and separated when they appeared.

Dean: I told you not to do that anymore!
Cas: sorry
Ava: dad, Cas? What are you two doing here. Weren't you on a case
Dean: we need to talk to Kevin, alone... *looks between them* what's been going on here?
Ava/Kevin: n-nothing
Dean: *raise eyebrow* doesn't look like nothing
Ava: he's just helping me with laundry sir. Is that a crime?
Dean: no... not at all just suspicious that's all. Kevin a word please, you young lady continue your chores
Ava: yes sir

Kevin sits up and Dean and Cas kept them up to date with their plan.

Kevin, Dean and Castiel look at the angel tablet that is sitting on a table.

Kevin: Is this a joke?

Castiel: No. It's the word of God.

Kevin looks up slightly at Castiel and chuckles.

Kevin: What?
Dean: It's a tablet. All right, translate. That's what you do.

Kevin: (Chuckles) Okay. Um, it's the Angel Tablet, which I've never laid eyes on in my life. You want a translation in like six hours when it took me six months and a dead mom to translate a piece of the Demon Tablet?

Kevin chuckles and pours a drink of alcohol into a small glass.

Kevin: And according to your own words this morning...

Kevin then sits down with the glass in his hand.

Kevin: ...this is not what I do. It's what I did. You told me I was out, Dean.
Dean: Yeah, well –

Kevin: and if this is gonna be the "guys like us are never out" speech, save it.

Castiel grabs Kevin up by his sweater and yanks him up sharply causing his glass to crash to the floor.

Castiel: Dean's right.
Dean: Cas!

Castiel holds Kevin close to his face as he speaks him.

Castiel: There is no out. Only duty.
Kevin: Get the hell off me.
Castiel: You are a Prophet of the Lord, always and forever... ...until the day you cease to exist, and then another Prophet takes your place. Now, are you clear as to the task before you?

Kevin nods.

Castiel: Then do it, and let's go.

Castiel and Dean disappear from the Bunker leaving Kevin to do as told.

Angel wings rustling. Ava noticed the close was clear and sees Kevin looking frustrated. She felt bad for the kid, he has so much pressure on him. Maybe Kevin is right she was very lucky kid.


Ava spots Kevin trying to leave.

Ava: Kevin?
Kevin: *turns around* what
Ava: where are you going?
Kevin: home
Ava: you can't leave
Kevin: I don't care, I'm not staying here
Ava: its not safe for you, where ever you go people are going to find you, and by people I mean angels and demons
Kevin: whatever
Ava: if you go, I'll go with you. It's a package deal
Kevin: then you'll get in trouble with the boys
Ava: I don't care, I'm not risking your life. We are in this together *takes pinky figure out* I'll even help you. Are we in this together or not
Kevin: *thinks about it and puts backpack down* fine *cross finger with her*

Just then the bunker alarm goes off and they both looks around as machines inside the bunker start turning on by themselves lighting up. More machines turn on inside the bunker and buttons light up.

Alarm blaring inside the liar. Kevin and Ava looks around confused and sees a table map on the level below him that has spots on it that start to light up indicating things happening in those areas around the world.

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