scream (1 2 3 4 5 6)

By hopper220

32.6K 488 62

this is what if sidney had a best friend since kindergarten jake Robertson was the only one she trusted as th... More

scream (1996)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
scream 2 (1997)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
scream 3 (2000)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter five
scream 4 (2011)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four/ending
scream (2022)
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three

chapter four

885 17 1
By hopper220

As Dewey Gale Jake and sidney got to sunrise studios to find out anything about Maureen Prescott's secret life

Dewey: that stairwell over there that's where one of the pictures was taken

Sidney: I can't believe she never mentioned any of this

(As Martha Meeks Randy's sister came out of a room where they were )

Martha: Dewey!

(As it scared the four)

Martha: sorry

Sidney: Martha

Martha: oh my God sidney Jake! Hi

(As Wallace and other officers come up thinking there's trouble)

Wallace: hold it right there

Martha: don't shoot I'm only seventeen

Jake: it's okay we know her

Gale: we do

(As Dewey hugs Martha as gale looks at sidney and Jake)

Gale: tell me that's his ex girlfriend I'll shoot myself

Sidney: it's Martha Meeks

Jake: Randy's sister

Gale: Randy's sister

Dewey: yeah can't you tell

Martha: we miss you in woodsboro

Sidney: Martha what are you doing here

Martha: (holding up a video tape) there's something you guys should see

(As the five go inside and play the video which is Randy before he was killed)

Randy: (on tv) told ya I'd make a movie someday huh

Sidney: oh my God

Randy: (on tv) if you're watching this tape it means as I feared I did not survive these killings here at Windsor College and that giving up my virginity to Karen kolchak at the video store was probably not a good idea

Jake: Karen kolchak really man

Randy: (on tv) yes Karen kolchak

Dewey: creepy Karen

Randy: (on tv) shut up!

(As Gale and Jake chuckled)

Randy: (on tv) she's a sweet person okay we were working late we were putting away some videos in the porno
Section and you know shit happens

(As Randy's roommate knocks on the door)

Paul: open the door Randy!

Randy: (on tv) fifteen minutes

Paul: it's my room too!

Randy: (on tv) Paul fifteen minutes I'm leaving my legacy

(Paul keeps knocking)

Randy: (on tv) fifteen minutes Paul!
Damn! (Looks back at the camera) anyway the reason I'm here Is to help you so that my death will not be in vain that my life's work will help save some other poor soul from getting mutilated if this killer does come back and he's for real there are a few things that you gotta remember is this simply another sequel well if it is same rules apply but here's the critical thing
If you find yourself dealing with an unexpected back story and a preponderance of exposition then the sequel rules do not apply because you're not dealing with the sequel
You are dealing with the concluding chapter of a trilogy

Dewey: trilogy

Randy: (on tv) that's right it's a rarity
In the horror field but it does exist
And it is a force to be reckoned with
Because true trilogies are about going back to the beginning and discovering something that wasn't true from the get go godfather Jedi all revealed something that we thought was true that wasn't true so if it is a trilogy you are dealing with here are some super trilogy rules

(As Dewey was writing it done as gale was recording it )

Randy: (on tv) one you've got a killer who's gonna be superhuman stabbing him won't work shooting him won't work basically in the third one you've gotta cryogenically freeze his head and decapitate him or blow him up
Number two anyone including the main character can die this means you sid and Jake I'm sorry it's the final chapter it could be fuckin reservoir dogs by the time this thing is through
Number three the past will come back to bite you in the ass whatever you think you know about the past forget it
The past is not at rest! Any sins you think were committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you
So in closing let me say good luck godspeed and for some of you I'll see you soon cause the rules say some of you ain't gonna make it I didn't not if you're watching this tape

(Then the video ends )

Cut to later as Dewey sidney and Jake were saying goodbye to Martha

Sidney: thank you you be careful say hi to your folks

(As she hugs her )

Martha: you be careful too sid and you too Jake (then looks at Dewey) bye Dewey come visit us soon

Dewey: I will Martha thank you

(Then he hugs her then she leaves )

Gale: I've got an idea I'll hook up with you guys later

Dewey: want us to come with you

Gale: I work better alone you try and figure out where those pictures were taken

(As Gale walks off )

Sidney: I can see nothing's changed

Dewey: nah

Jake: nope

Cut to later as Jake sees sidney walking out of the bathroom as he approached her

Jake: hey

Sidney: hi

Jake: why are you holding a hairbrush

Sidney: a girl who was in the bathroom dropped it I was hoping to give to her um Angelina I think was her name

Jake: yeah I know her

Sidney: (a little bit of jealously) really

Jake: not like that she was with me Dewey and Gale Last night when the house blew up

Sidney: are you okay

Jake: that depends on what you're asking how I almost died last night or how you ditched me

Sidney: Jake look I'm so sorry but I left to protect you because every time someone puts this fucking mask on they always come after me and you are always caught up in it and what if you were killed like Randy I couldn't look in the mirror knowing it was my fault

Jake: did you ever think about talking to me about this before running out
And it's because I was with you I always survived

(As they both stopped as they were a little traumatized looking at the set of stab 3 seeing everything from stu's house as they saw that they even got sidney's old bedroom as it brought back flashbacks to that night as they sat on the bed together as they heard a noise as they didn't see anyone as the door shut by itself as sidney took out pepper spray as her and Jake walks towards the door opens it then props it open three inches with the closet door as the two back away as all of a sudden
Ghostface pops up and grabs sidney at the window and pulls her out)

Jake: sid!

As Jake jumped out of the window and tried to help sidney as he punches Ghostface as he and sidney run back to the front door of the set of sidney's old house as they both go inside As Ghostface pops out of the other door as they both run upstairs as sidney throws a fake flower pot at him as Jake then throws a staff kart at him as they try to go into another room but they find that the door leads to a drop to sidney's old bedroom set as Jake pulled sidney back in as they heard Ghostface coming as they tricked him as they push him out as he lands on the bed )

Sidney: Dewey! (Crying)

(As Jake holds her in comfort)

As they both hear someone's voice as it was the voice of the dead Maureen Prescott

Maureen: sidney I'm in here over here
Yes mother will protect you from the bogeyman come into the bedroom hide in mommy's bed

(As sidney and Jake followed the voice into sidney's parents old room set as it was covered in blood with a body on the floor with a blanket over it and the phone on the floor)

Maureen: I lied sidney I can't protect you at all you don't deserve to be protected! You didn't protect me!

(As they headed Billy's voice now )

Billy: you did your mom a favor that woman was a slutbag whore who flashed her shit all over town like she was Sharon stone

(Then stu's voice)

Stu: cause let's face it sidney your mother was no Sharon stone

(Then Billy's voice again)

Billy: sidney's mother was fucking my father

(Then from outside they heard Dewey's voice)

Dewey: sid Jake where are you guys

Jake: Dewey!

Sidney: Dewey! Help us

(As they heard Maureen's voice again)

Maureen: sidney give mommy a kiss and we'll make up

(As the body with the blanket still on it got up was walking towards them )

Sidney: no!

Maureen: sidney!

(As Jake and sidney jumped out the window and landed on the ground together as the lights came on and Dewey detective Kincaid's partner came in )

Dewey: sid! Jake!

(As Jake holds her as she was crying in fear )

Dewey: guys are you both okay

Jake: the killer's in the house Dewey he's upstairs

Sidney: and my mother (crying)

Wallace: let's go let's go

(As Wallace and a few officers went in the house to see )

Sidney: I heard her voice I saw her Dewey

Jake: sid that wasn't her this sick motherfucker is messing with your head okay it's okay you're safe

Dewey: (looking at sidney) you weren't supposed to go in that house it's all set up for the murder scene I'm sorry you had to see that

Sidney: he was in there he was in there
I swear I swear

Dewey: you know I believe you

(Then detective Kincaid came in)

Detective Kincaid: what happened

Wallace: Kincaid hey there's nobody up here

(As both Dewey and Jake helped sidney up )

Jake: come on

Dewey: come on

(As they walked out of the set building as they stood by detective Kincaid's car)

Sidney: I know he was there I am not dreaming I am not crazy

Jake: she's telling the truth detective I was there with her

Sidney: he was there in woodsboro

Detective Kincaid: that's not woodsboro Sidney

Jake: okay the woodsboro set then but we swear he was there he or she or whoever this is

Detective Kincaid: we're gonna take you both back to the station keep you both under watch put in both in a safe house whatever it takes

(As sidney got into the passenger seat and Jake got into the back)

Dewey: it's all right guys we all believe you

Detective Kincaid: he's watching and now he wants both of you

(As he drives them back to the station)

Cut to later as Jake and sidney are in detective Kincaid's office

Sidney: what do you know about trilogies

Jake: me

Sidney: oh come on next to Randy you were a movie freak

Jake: (chuckles) actually the term is movie buff but Randy pretty much told us everything all bets are off

Sidney: so I got to ask why did detective Kincaid go to you first and not Gale

Jake: honestly I don't know

(As detective Kincaid walks in )

Detective Kincaid: here's the deal I'm off to search the set I think what you both saw is real that's the good news

Sidney: how is that good news

Detective Kincaid: because that means We're dealing with an ordinary flesh and blood killer I know how to handle guys like that

Jake: oh yeah how

Detective Kincaid: catch him or kill him

(As detective Kincaid leaves his office)

Jake: (chuckles)

Sidney: what

Jake: I just know noticed your still wearing the necklace I gave you

Sidney: I always wear this (sighs) it will always remind me of my best friend who Is also the man I'm deeply in love with

Jake: he sounds like a catch

Sidney: he is but I made a stupid mistake even tho I was trying to protect him I ended up abandoning him

Jake: (get closer to sidney than whispers) if it's any consultation I forgive you and I'm still deeply in love with you too

(As they start kissing each other as it turns into making out )

Cut to later as Jake and sidney found sidney's file as they looked through it as it was filled with old newspaper articles and pictures of sidney and some of her and Jake together as sidney's phone started ringing as she answered it)

Sidney: hello (As her echo just came through the phone) who is this um who's calling Gale Dewey whoever call me back I can only here myself

Ghostface: I only hear you too sidney

Sidney: (whispers to Jake) it's him

(As Jake put his ear up to the phone to listen too )

Sidney: who is this

Ghostface: the question isn't who I am
The question is who's with me

(Then they heard Dewey and Gale's voices through the phone)

Dewey: sidney Jake stay away

Gale: guys

Ghostface: Don't do it if you or your bitch of a boyfriend do one thing to attract attention to yourselves one thing I'll kill them both now do you have somewhere we all can be alone

Jake: yes

Ghostface: yeah go there

(As sidney and Jake go into detective Wallace's office next door)

Ghostface: oh it's hard being Friends with you Sidney when you're friends with sidney you die well these Friends don't have to sidney Jacob it's up to the both of you

Sidney: how do we know their voices are

Ghostface: are real how do you know you're not hearing things how do you know I'm not someone in your head somewhere you know

Dewey: don't come here sidney Jake

(As they heard a hit )

Gale: Dewey!

Ghostface: or do you

Jake: you're dead

Ghostface: I don't want them I want you both of you it's simple you show yourselves either of you run they die

(As they heard a slash as he cut either Dewey or Gale)

Gale: oh God

Ghostface: Don't you wanna know sidney who killed her don't you want to know who killed your mother

Sidney: where

Ghostface: she'd have been so happy sidney to know we'd be together

Jake: where!

Ghostface: I'll call you when you're on your way (As he hangs up)

Sidney: shit shit

Jake: hey look at me we are going to get them back and this time we are going to kill this fucker together

Sidney: damn right

(As they grab Wallace's car keys and take his gun and leave the station )

The end of chapter four
Let me know what you guys think in the comments

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