Love in Cornwall

By TashaAmy1803

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Love, Loss, Heartbreak and Reconciliation happens on the land of Nampara. More

Chapter One - A Fresh Start
Chapter Two - Demise of Father Carne
Chapter Three - Dr and Mrs Enys
Chapter Four - A new Birth
Chapter Five - New Friends Break Bread
Chapter Six - Mournful
Chapter Seven - Injustice
Chapter Eight - Sir Francis Basset
Chapter Nine - Social Gathering
Chapter Ten - While Ross is away
Chapter Eleven - Worry
Chapter Twelve - As a Poldark
Chapter Thirteen - Strength
Chapter Fourteen - New Poldarks
Chapter Fifteen - Family
Chapter Seventeen - Donations for a good cause.
Chapter Eighteen - Consequences
Chapter Nineteen - Best laid plans
Chapter Twenty - Strength to all
Chapter Twenty One - White Lies
Chapter Twenty Two - Reluctant Party Guest
Chapter Twenty Three - Cheap Shots
Chapter Twenty Four - Return
Chapter Twenty Five - Trying Normal
Chapter Twenty Six - Life of Poldarks

Chapter Sixteen - A chilling Christmastide

21 1 0
By TashaAmy1803

Back at home celebrations were in full swing. I now had Emily who had just been fed as Caroline had a turn with Isaac.

"Cheery little things." Henshaw complimented

"Sometimes." I chuckled rocking Emily back to sleep.

"How've they been?" he wondered

"Just fine.  given who there parents are. I don't think the world is ready for the next generation of Poldarks."  we laughed, Then the subject moved onto the war and Dwight.

"Unwin assures me it's only a matter of time before Dr Enys will be released  and the meantime he receives the best possible treatment." Caroline conversed as I saw a gloomy Ross stalking past me. I give a faint smile in response to my friend.


"It's good news about Dwight." I voice to Ross

"If it's true. You forget I've been a prisoner of war myself." he replied having another drink.

"Surely he will be treated well because of his Doctor Status." I hoped as we watched on over Caroline cradling our infant son. She was conversing with Henshaw.

"Let's hope so."

"She hates to feel useless." I sighed before sitting myself down and having something to eat.

"Geoffrey Charles has some spirit. I'm impressed he disobeyed your cousin. Which reminds me. Aunt Agatha never replied." Ross stated

"Perhaps she never receive the note. Geoffrey and I are smart on how we exchange, presume you went the normal route." I responded laying Emily down for her sleep.

"Then there is only one thing for it. I shall go there her myself."

"They'll never admit you. They'll shoot on sight." I exclaim as he prepares to get ready.

"No if i'm with him." Caroline offers handing me Isaac.

"We shan't be long." He and Caroline left


We had brought the table in from the kitchen as we had more guests in Sam, Drake and Caroline joining us. We sang and was merry as Prudie brought in the turkey.

"I wonder how Dwight will spend Christmas this year?" Caroline wondered

"As long as he spends his next with you, that's all that matters." I  reply. Once we were finished with our meal a few of us went into the village to hand out bread.

"Here you go sweetheart." I had the roll over and gave a sad smile to the mother.  I moved on to the next and stood up.

"Starvation breeds desperate men." Ross commented joining me

"I never knew it to be this bad. It's like they could tear us to pieces as their next feast." I add looking a the cold and starving villagers

"Humanity have brought this on itself. Have sinned and must pay the price." Sam forbade his wisdom during this time

"What sin? These are good hard working people, who work their backs off to try and provide." I snap at him.

"Let all examine their conscience to check they are without blemish." I curse in French and walk away.

"Abigail!" Ross called and I heard his quick footsteps catch me up

"There must be something we can do Ross, anything i can't bare to see them like this." he shushes me and brings me into his embrace.


Now back in the warmth, Ross had come up with a plan, we were to call upon the local gentry, for help. Reinforcements had been called in of those we most trusted

"So that's my proposal. We cannot feed all Cornwall. So we must keep between ourselves. It's risky. It requires each and every one of us to play our part and we may fall at the first hurdle. But unless we do something...."

"I'm with you. We all are." Henshaw spot and we nodded in agreement

"Where do we start?" I ask

"With an old friend." He answered


Caroline and I stood in front of the mirror giving ourselves the once over. I was dressed in my finest clothing for the day as a respectable and charitable lady about to take as much money as I could with my friend.

"What would Dwight make of us now? Do we look the part?" Caroline inquired

"The most exquisite highway women you'd ever see. With our looks and charm men would be idiotic not to part with their guineas. Shall we." I hold out my arm and she takes it.

"We shall." The two of us left for our first port of call Sir John.

"To put it simply, Sir John, our mission is this: to raise enough fund to help the poor hereabouts and survive the worst winter in living memory." I began after the pleasantries

"Our own households have begun by pledging 50 guineas a piece. I've also made a large donation in my uncle's name." Caroline continued

"And we'd feel sure you'll not be wanting in your own generosity." Sir John nodded and brought out 20 guineas. "Thank you kindly."

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