Chapter Fifteen - Family

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I had sent word to Caroline that I had given birth and she wasted no time in coming to see me. All of us sat around the table. Ross, Henry and Rebekah Grace were eating while Isaac slept soundly in the crib next to me and I cradled Emily.

" I have a letter from our celebrated Member of parliament , Unwin Trevaunance." she held such a letter up to show.

"Whom you jilted." Ross commented

"I may have encouraged him to think he had another chance." she smiled coyly

"In return for." Ross wondered

"Information on a certain naval officer." she handed the letter over.

"And?"  I wonder

"According to this letter, he's brought his influence to bear at the Admiralty. They have everything in hand." she summarised.

"Have they?" Ross read over the correspondence.

"Our people are speaking to theirs and shortly all the officers will be realised." Caroline continued elatedly

"In time for Christmas?" I hoped

"Or shortly after. So Unwin has his uses after all." Isaac wakes up and I hand Emily to her Papa, but I did not miss the downcast look of his as I did so.


Henry and Rebekah Grace were playing, Isaac and Emily were sleeping. Ross was writing a letter to Agatha.

"I would ask if thats wise, but even with the promise to stay away from all things Trenwith, I sneak a letter to Geoffrey Charles when i can." I sigh resting my hand on his shoulder.

"Agatha is not 'all things Trenwith'" he replied

"Don't we know it." he chuckled as he continued writing

"George has brought Leisure to its knees. I'll be damned if he'll do the same to Agatha So why shouldn't she come to my son and daughters christening?" he inquired. I hummed and walked away.


The bells tolled for the twins christening day. Dressed in our best Ross carried Isaac while holding Rebekah Grace's hand. I carried Emily while holding onto Henry's hand. Our family and friend gathered in the family churched as Isaac and Emily were baptised

"My husband is here in spirit." Caroline commented

"And is godfather in absentia." Ross replied, Just as the closed doors to the church opened. To our surprise Geffrey Charles and Morwenna stepped through. My nephew removed his hat and took a spot in a open pew with my cousin in tow. I gave him a small wink and he beamed. Once the service was over and we all congregated outside the church. I couldn't resist.

"Aunt Abigail!" he cheered. I  opened my free arms and lifted him up.

"Dearest Nephew. Oh you've grown how much since we last met." I twirled him around and let him down. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I hope you'll forgive our intrusion." Morwenna apologised

"It's no intrusion, you are family. Will you join our celebrations at Nampara?" Ross invited

"Oh please do, cousin. I haven't seen you since we were children. Elizabeth has had you all to herself, aside from my nephew but that's acceptable."

"I don't think we can. We're leaving for Truro. Indeed we're already late." she replied

"But maybe just for half an hour?" Drake hoped. I shared a look with Ross.

"I fear we cannot, as much as we liked to." Morwenna denied making Geoffrey sigh in discontent. I glance to Demleza and tilted my head to my cousin. I would do it but I think it would be better coming from her not me.

"You'll spend christmas in Truro?" Ross asked I let go off my nephew and take ahold of Isaac, we join the others which included Caroline holding Emily.

"More's the pity! Uncle George is no Saint Nicholas. And poor Aunt Agatha will be all on her own." he replied

"Worry not, you'll be back with your cousins soon enough."  I try to assure him as he spends the few minutes he has left with his cousins.

"Geoffrey Charles, we must go, we're already late." Morwenna instead

"Oh, i left my hat on the pew, hold on."

"I'll get it." Morwenna went back inside and Drake followed her. When she came out she was downcast. her  and my nephew left.

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