Chapter Six - Mournful

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The next day, Ross and I accompanied Caroline to visit her Uncle's grave that had it's new headstone in place. She replaced her old flowers with news ones as we watched on in silence. Standing up she turned her attention to us.

"It seems like a lifetime ago since I married Dwight yet it's barely been a month." she commented crumpling the dead flowers

"He'll be home soon." I offered the turned back to Ross "Won't he?" Ross didn't say anything. We made our way back.

"When will you announce your marriage?" Ross wondered as he slipped his arm around my waist.

"I've been thinking it might see disrespectful to Uncle Ray if it were known that I'd married Dwight in secret. So when he returns, perhaps a small visit to the church." I chuckle impressed at her thinking.

"Where there will seem to be a wedding." Ross summarised

"Followed by a lavish celebration at Killewarren." Caroline added

"No one will be any the wiser." I chime "Excellent thinking."

"It's the seemly thing to do, out of respect for Uncle Ray." We walked the cliffs and continued to talk.

"What of you and your pregnancy? How do you fair?" she inquired

"Better than my last. I have many suspicions but I will not say anything and if I am right well no one will hear the end of it." I jest making them chuckle


I briefly return home and saddle Buttercup and brought the children out for their riding lesson. Then later on we met up with Ross to go on a stroll.

"Francis and I used to play here when we were boys." he commented

"Now our children do the same. Perhaps Geoffrey Charles will with Valentine. You fear for him?" I wonder

"Who." I gave him a pointed look "Left to the tender mercies of George, how can I not. He was right. Now he has a son, everything will change."

"Not for us. As long as we keep our distance, all will be well. Now I think the children wish their Papa chase them" I nudge him as the children call after the Papa. He claps his hands and runs off to their screams of their delight.


i kneed the dough for the bread when Demelza and Prudie return with fruit and vegetables,from the field.

"Lord have mercy on that poor Valentine christened this day a Warleggan." Prudie voices

"Must you say everything that comes into your head? Not everything that is obvious needs to be voiced." Demelza scolds as I wince holding my stomach "Are you alright, is the child giving you trouble?" she questions

"Yeah. it's fine though." I sigh in relief as the uncomfortableness passes. When Ross returned and while the bread was baking we tended to the garden. The church bells began to ring and we all stopped.

"Verity and Caroline with be there at the christening." I comment. Ross' pause ends as he carries on. The peace wasn't to last long when a horror stricken Verity and Caroline showed up with the news that Several ships has fallen a mystery fate and two of them happened to be Dwight and Captain Blamey's.

"Oh, my...Is it certain?" I ask

"Nothing's certain. I must sent to falmouth to the naval officers. As wife of Captain Blamey I'm well known in the town. I hope someone can enlighten us." Verity stresses and Caroline sits down in shock

"Ross is a the mine, Demelza! Demleza! she comes out of the kitchen and I go into the study taking out a paper and quill quickly writing.

"Take this to Ross and tell him to make haste to Truro." I had her the note and she runs off. The three of us wait for news. Demelza returns and assured us Ross rode off like the wind. It was nightfall before he returned

"Truro yielded little news, most of it vague and not to be relied upon. But there are rumours that the merchant ship is the Esmerelda." I cover my mouth in shock, Ross wrapped his arms around his cousin.

"She appears to be missing." Ross continued

"And the Travail?" Caroline asked

"Lost of the French Coast." he informed. Caroline broke into tears in m arms "There's no way of knowing if any came ashore or if she perished with all hands aboard." Ross concluded My heart broke for the two as I had rooms made up for them and Little Andrew sent for.


Daybreak came and so did the afternoon. None of us had left Nampara. Caroline rose to her feet

"I think i must return to Killewarren. There's little I can do here an Ross will bring me news the minute he has any." Caroline went to retrieve her coat

"Then I will return to Trenwith. Elizabeth must think me unconscionably rude." Verity adds

"I understand, but keep where the two of you ended up discreet. The last thing we want or need is another uprising in discontentment between the two families. Would you give this to Geoffrey." I hand him a book "With my love."

"I will." I give them both hugs and they leave.

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