Black and White || owen joyne...

By rosesforowen

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In which a girl meets a boy at a theme park More



250 15 3
By rosesforowen

I had no idea what I was going to wear today. I was going out with Owen today.

I wanna say it's a date, but it's not. I wanna wear something comfortable for the trampoline park but I wanna make sure it looks cute.

"Sam, did you want to stream with me today?" Andrew asked walking into my room.

Mason was out with Camila, he was going to ask her out today.

I was excited to see what she was going to say. But I knew she was going to say yes.

"I would love to mate, but I'm going out with Owen." I frown towards him.

He had his jaw dropped towards me. "Like on a date?" Andrew asked towards me.

There was shock laced on his voice. I wish it was date honestly.

During the past month and a half of knowing him, I've been gaining feelings for him.

But no one knows. Not even the boys. "It's not a date. It's just two friends hanging out." I reassure him.

He looked like he didn't believe me. "Where are you going?" He asked leaning against my wall.

"Trampoline park and then a movie." I tell him. He shook his head toward me.

"That's a date." He tried to tell me. I just groan and pull out a shirt from my closet.

It was a band tee so I think it'll go well with some leggings. "Andrew, piss off. It's not a date." I try to tell him.

"Do you want it to be a date?" He asked teasing me. That's the one thing the two have in common.

They never fail to try to make fun or playfully tease me.

"Piss off. Let me change." He just laughs as he walks out of my room.

I shut the door and lock it. I quickly get ready so I can pick up Owen.

We had an hour to get to the trampoline park and then three and a half hours until the movie starts.

We were going to watch the new suicide squad movie. I comb through my hair and do everything I need to.

I spray perfume on before walking downstairs. "I'm leaving!" I yell to Andrew.

I couldn't hear him so I went to his room to see he's streaming.

He saw me come up behind him on his screen so he turned to me, taking his headphones off.

"I'm leaving mate." I tell him with a smile. "Have fun on your date. Tell Owen I said hi." He cheekily smiled.

I make sure to flip him off and I walked away. I text Owen to let him know I was on the way.

I was going to get coffee before hand so I went to Starbucks. I got an iced venti caramel macchiato with hazelnut syrup and whipped cream.

When I get it and pay, I head to his flat. I text him when I get here and he comes jogging out to me a minute later.

He had a big smile on his his face when he climbed into my car.

He had on a black shirt and light blue joggers. "Well hey, stud." I smile when he buckled up.

I started to back up as we made small talk. I'll be honest, he looks really good right now.

He looks good in anything though. As I drove, he gasped causing me to get scared.

I look to see he was looking at my drink. "You went to Starbucks and didn't get anything for me?" I knew he would react this way.

"I forgot I'm sorry." I laugh a little bit. He takes it in his hand and looks at it.

"I'll just have to drink some of it." He pressed the straw to his lips and drank some of it.

He pulled it away and looked at it confused. "That's a new flavor." He said it just like he did in the show.

I glance at him with confusion on his face. He was reading the paper that had everything in the drink.

I could hear him gasp again. "Sam! This has hazelnut in it!" He yelled. I could tell he was worried about something.

"I'm allergic, you asshole." I know he didn't mean the asshole part because he was laughing when he said it.

I looked at him with worry on my face. I could tell he was serious. "Fuck. Do you have an Epipen?" I ask with worry all over my voice.

Of course this would happen. I'm not even surprised. He zips open his Fanny pack and pulls it out. I could see his hands start to shake a little bit.

I have no idea how bad his reactions get. He jabbed it into his leg which made me cringe.

The thought of the needle going into his skin made it crawl.

"Are you okay, Owen?" I ask as he puts it back in his Fanny pack.

I always wondered why he kept that thing with him whenever he went out.

"Yeah, it should work in a few minutes. We're good." He smiled towards me.

I felt really bad about it. "I'm so sorry, O. I had no idea." I apologize.

He shook his head towards me. "It's okay. You didn't know." He was so calm about this.

I was trying to remain calm but I was freaking out on the inside.

"Should I take you to the doctor?" I ask keeping my eyes on the road.

I didn't know what I should do and I didn't know how severe his reaction is.

He shook his head no. I started rambling how I think I should take him to the doctor, just in case as I drove.

"Sam!" He yelled overtop of me. I look over at him with a soft expression.

"I'll be okay. I've been dealing with this my whole life. I'll tell you if I need to go to the doctor." He softly explains.

I don'tw know how he calmed me down. Hell, I don't know how he's so calm right now.

"If it makes you feel better, Dani did the same exact thing a couple years ago." I couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

"Wait, really?" I asked in shock. He's never told me this story before.

"Yeah, some crack bitch put six shots of toffee nut into coffee and she told me to try it." He explained.

We get to the trampoline park so we park the car. "Did you know it was in it?" I ask wanting to know more.

He gave me a look like I was stupid. "She told me so I chugged the whole thing." He told me sarcastically when we walk in.

I roll my eyes as we go to the front desk. "That's it, if your throat closes up, I'm not taking you to the hospital." I threatened.

He shakes his head while looking down at me. "By the way you acted in the car, you wouldn't do that." He did have a point.

I let my guard down with him and showed him how much I care and worry about him.

We pay to jump around for an hour and a half. And I could wait. Right when we got everything done, we ran to start jumping.

We started out by showing off everything we could do. Backflips, front flips, anything.

And then we got bored so we started doing flips into the foam pit.

That was until we got in trouble and said we couldn't.

We played dodgeball and just had a good time. It was nice to get out and do something.

The boys usually want to drink or film so I don't get much days to just have fun.

When we got done here, I was wore out. But I still wanted to see suicide squad.

Pete Davidson is in it so he's the reason why I wanna watch it. When we get to the movies, we payed for our tickets, well Owen payed.

I tried to tell him I could but he denied every time. We still had about ten minutes until the movie started so we got different snacks.

Owen got sour patch kids while I got skittles. We sat in our seats and got comfortable.

"It's nice to have this alone time. You and Charlie together are a little bit too chaotic." I whisper to him.

He looks at me playfully with his green eyes. "I can be chaotic if you want." He shrugged nonchalantly.

I just roll my eyes while looking at the screen. Shortly after, the previews started playing.

We got quiet so we could watch. This did feel like a date, hang out and then go watch a movie.

Hell, I haven't seen a movie alone with Charlie. It's different with Andrew and Mason since we grew up with each other.

The movie started and so we made sure to stay quiet. It was a wild movie honestly. Very chaotic.

I'm just happy to have this alone time with him knowing we don't get it much, even though he almost died.

As we watch, I could feel his arm inch closer to mine very slowly. It's like he wanted to hold my hand.

When I look down, our arms were pressed together. I smiled a little bit and gain courage.

I grab onto his hand and lace our fingers together. He gave me a little squeeze which made me smile to myself.

What is he doing to me?

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