Rise of a Ranger Power Ranger...

By Everything_Guy456

32.3K 612 408

Michael Cruger was just your average Reefside student who loved writing music and playing until his life tur... More

Introduction to Micheal
Day of the Dino Part 1
Day of the Dino Part 2
Back in Black
Diva in Distress
Micheal's New Bio
Game On
Golden Boy
Frank Cruger's Bio
Beneath the Surface
Ocean Alert
White Thunder Part 1
White Thunder Part 2
White Thunder Part 3
Rangers Hang Out
Truth and Consequences
Leader of the Whack
Burning at Both Ends
The Missing Bone
The End and The Future.

Wave Goodbye

2.3K 38 14
By Everything_Guy456

Kira's point of view:

I was in Hayley's Cyberspace waiting for Connor, i tried convincing Michael, but he was of course a Stubborn Prick about it.

Flashback start:

School had finally ended and Ethan told Connor and i about a place called Hayley's Cyberspace, but i felt obliged to tell Michael about it since i know for a fact Connor and Ethan aren't gonna tell him, but he's as much part of this team as we are. I got out of the School and saw Michael was about to leave until i showed up from behind him and said."

Kira: "Michael."

I saw him whisper something then he turned around and said.

Michael: "What do you want, Ford?"

Kira: "We're going to go meet Ethan at Hayley's Cyberspace, wanna come?"

I saw that he tensed up a bit when i asked him, but he seemed to regain composure and said.

Michael: "Why would i. It's obvious that your idiotic friends don't like me, so why do you want me to join?"

Kira: "Because you are apart of this group Michael and i wanted you to open up more."

Michael: "About what exactly?"

Kira: "In general, you know, have some friends."

Michael: "Didn't you say i wasn't able to change. What's with the sudden change in attitude?"

Kira: " I did, but when we were knocked down by that robot thing, you showed up and tried to help. It made me think what if there is more to Michael Cruger than meets the eyes."

Michael: "Did you seriously just use a Transformers reference on me?"

Kira: "Maybe, But my second reason of changing my outlook at you is that i know you are lying."

Michael: "Lying about?"

Kira: "When you said "I was trying to save my own skin, i was afraid you idiots wouldn't be able to save the world." You were lying, you wanted to help didn't you?"

I even tried to do his voice to prove my point to him.

Michael: "No i didn't, because helping people only ever gets you into trouble, why bother. Look i really ain't in the mood, so please could you buzz off."

Kira: "Fine, at least i told you about our plan, so you wouldn't go back home thinking we left you out."

Michael: "Don't care, go have fun with your clubhouse group, see you around  Britney Spears."

Then he was starting to leave and i did the same and now i was making my exit and was heading to Hayley's Cyberspace.

'Why is he such a pain in the body.'

Flashback end:

I was snapped back to reality when i saw Connor finally show up.

Kira: "Connor!"

Connor: "Ethan call you, too?"

Kira: "Yeah, said it was super important. What is this place anyways?"

Connor: "No clue."

???: "It's literal written in front of you guys, what are you blind?"

We turned around and we saw that it was Michael who said that.

Connor: "How do you know about this place, Ethan certainly didn't call you."

'No comment.'

Michael: "I had an Anonymous number telling me to show up here and I'm here to confront the stalker who got my number."

Kira: "At least all of us are here. Let's check it out."

The three of us went inside and when we opened the doors, we saw the place packin.

Connor: "Wow."

Michael: "Yeah, yeah, good looking place now where's the stalker."

Kira: "Michael, can you just for once not ruin a mood?"

Michael: "Not when i have a stalker in hand."

Then he went around the place to look for his so called stalker.

'That guy i swear to god.'

Connor: "You think he lives here?"

Kira: "I think he wishes he lived here."

We saw that Ethan was approaching us and said.

Ethan: "There they are. My brother and sister in crime or at least crime fighting. Welcome to my world. what do you think?"

Now we were walking around the place and Connor replied.

Connor: "Yeah, i guess it's kind of cool in a techno retro dorky sort of way."

Ethan: "You can do anything here. Game, chat online, listen to music, eat, drink."

Then a recognizable voice answered Ethan from afar.

Michael: "And stalking teenagers as if they are Michael Myers!"

I saw that Ethan groan about his comment, but i tried to change the topic by asking him.

Kira: "Who came up with the idea for this?"

Ethan: "That would be Hayley. She's a techno legend. M.I.T. Grad programming genius got tired of working for big technology and decided to open up this place."

Kira: "Good thing for you."

Ethan: "No lie."

I saw that Michael finally decided to stop looking for his stalker and said.

Michael: "What a waste, not even smart people can make living."

Connor: "Anyway, so, What's so important?"

Ethan: "I just figured, hey, if we're going to be saving the world together, i wanted you guys to see what i'm about. Except you Michael, i didn't want you to be here."

Michael: "What was that, i can't hear you from up here."

Ethan: "I'm not that short douchbag."

Michael: "What?"

Ethan: "You'll take any moment just to make fun of my height aren't you?"

Then i saw Michael give a grin that confirmed what Ethan said.

Kira: "Michael, can you quit it?"

Michael: "Your not my mom sweetheart and know that you three are definitely never gonna be on my friends list, so keep that in mind."

Ethan: "Do you even have a friends list?"

Michael: "Yeah, your mom's in it."

Ethan was about to punch him, but i grabbed him and told him.

Kira: "Ethan, ignore him, he has a brain of a two year old."

Then i looked at him and gave him a taste of his own medicine.

Michael: "Oh, you just didn't do that, but i liked it."

Then Connor started chuckling and said.

Connor: "Okay, whatever, dude."

We then saw someone approaching us and she asked.

???: "Hey, guys, what can i get you?"

Kira: "I'll just have an apple juice."

Then i heard Michael from behind me whisper.

Michael: "Wuss."

Then she took me with her while the others followed from behind and she told me.

???: "Oh, that's easy. Kira, right?"

Kira: "Yeah, how'd you know?"

???: "Oh, i'm all about information. It's my business. Now you sing, don't you?"

Michael: "Very horribly wrong, i'll say that."

I gave him a stren look, but i decided to ignore his comment and said.

Kira: "Yeah, i do."

???: "Great. How about this friday you and your band play here? We'll call it an audition."

Kira: "Well, yeah, i mean, that would be great."

???: "All right, see you then."

Then she left us while i said with excitement with my voice.

Kira: "Okay, i love her."

Ethan: "That's Hayley, there's not one kid in here she hasn't helped out somehow."

Connor: "Hasn't helped me."

Michael: "I don't need help from her midget, so i'm good."

Then she showed up with my drink and gave it to me while saying to Connor.

Hayley: "Connor Mcknight, the soccer player. I'm surprised you're not at the open tryouts for the Reefside wave."

Connor: "Open tryouts?"

Hayley: "Yeah, at their practice field right now."

Connor: "You're kidding, right?"

Hayley: "No."

Ethan: "You were saying?"

Then Connor began running to the tryout while Ethan said.

Ethan: "Good luck, bro."

Michael: "He's probably gonna screw it up."

Hayley: "And you must be Michael Cruger, i see that you got my message."

Michael: "So you were the stalker. How did you get my number lady?"

Hayley: "A woman never reveals her secret, so how are your parents?"

Ethan and i saw Michael suddenly tensed up by mentioning his parents.

'Did something happen between them?'

Michael: "How do you know this lady? Spill!"

Hayley: "Can't say, just take care of yourself."

Then Michael was about to punch her until he stopped and was putting his hand in his heart and immediately left the area and probably went home while Hayley already left us.

Kira: "Ethan, you saw how he acted didn't you?"

Ethan: "Yeah, but i honestly could care less about that Douch of a human being."

Kira: "Ethan come on, at least let us try to give him a chance."

Ethan: "Why do you say that Kira?"

KIra: "I just feel like there's something about Michael, just a hunch."

Ethan: "Well i don't trust that hunch of yours and believe that he was just born a jerk."

Kira: "Whatever you say, I gotta go. I need to put a set list together and restring my guitar."

I gave him my drink and left him while saying.

Kira: "Here, bye."

I started to leave and wanted to figure out why Michael tensed up when Hayley mentioned his parents.

Michael's point of view:

I was driving back home with one arm on the wheel and my other hand in my heart trying to hold onto the intense feeling i've been having ever since i touched that freaking gem.

Michael: "Darn it, i can't hold this pain any longer."

My whole body was feeling numb and that i was about to pass out, but thankfully i was able to get home and parked my car and tried as fast as i can to get back inside, but when i closed the door i felt my body fail on me and everything started turning to black.

Ethan's point of view:

I was with Dr. O who called me to help him with something in the forest.

Dr. Oliver: "After the Island exploded, some of my experiments were scattered all throughout this area. There."

We found three eggs that had our ranger colors.

Ethan: "What are they?"

Dr. Oliver: "Eggs."

Ethan: "Oh, it's cool, Doctor. I just had lunch a couple hours ago."

Dr. Oliver: "No, we're not going to eat em. We're going to hatch em then you're going to ride em."

Ethan: "Maybe it's all this quiet out here that's got me hearing things, but i thought you just said we're going to ride these.

Dr. Oliver: "I did. Trust me, Ethan, when these things are ready, they're going to be a big help to us."

Ethan: "Alright, whatever you say."

The both of us were insepcting the eggs until.

Dr. Oliver: "Careful."

Then we both heard something in the woods.

Dr. Oliver&Ethan: "Huh?"

Ethan: "You saw that, right?"

Dr. Oliver: "We have to protect the eggs, no matter what."

Ethan: "Who'd want to hurt them?"

Then we both found a lady standing next to a tree who said.

???: "I would."

Then the same robot guy from before was here as well.

???: "And i. I'm starting to have my doubts about your intelligence, Dr. Oliver."

Then i saw a goon sneak up in Dr. O and was trying to take the bag with the eggs.

???: "Attack!"

Dr. O and i were now fighting against the hordes of enemies and at the same time try to prevent them from taking the bag. Two of those dinosaurs were trying to push me back, but i was able to push one of them while Dr. O kicked the other one away from me. One of them then jumped at Dr. O and tried to get the bag while i elbowed pucnhed another one and almost got punched, but i grabbed the punch and threw him to the ground. Dr. O blocked an incoming attack and threw him while he tried to keep the bag safe.

Dr. Oliver: "Hands off."

I jumped in front of the goon and kicked him off away. We were both trying to hold them off, until i heard Dr. O yell.

Dr. Oliver: "Ethan! Call the others!"

I took out the freak in front of me and used my Morpher to contact the others.

Ethan: "Guys!"

A good then kicked me into a tree while i continued calling the others.

Ethan: "We could use some dino help out here."

I was then thrown into the ground then i got myself back up and said.

Ethan: "You asked for this, not me."

Then i summoned my morpher and yelled.

Ethan: "Dino Thunder, Power Up."

Now i was transformed and i got my Thundermax Saber out and used it to block an attack, but i was kicked back and when they were about to attack, Kira and Connor showed up to help me in their Ranger forms.

Connor: "You guys couldn't have done this another day?"

Ethan: "Don't tell me, tell them!"

Connor: "Let's make it quick! Tyranno Staff!"

Kira: "Ptera Grips, baby!"

Ethan: "Tricera Shield!"

The three of us summoned our respective weapons and charged against the horde of enemies. I was using Tricera Shield to attack the enemy in front of me then kicked another one to the ground.

Ethan: "Yeah!"

Then i turned around to see three more of those freaks ready to attack. I used my shield to block all three of their attacks.

Ethan: "Outta my face!"

I pushed them away from me and even more of them were starting to show up, so i did a sweep kick on one of them and hit another one with my shield then i jumped kicked two of them and now we were continuing fighting them until it was over and now we made it to Dr. O's location and saw the robot and the lady.

Ethan: "You really like these odds? Cause you look busted to me."

Elsa: "We're not through with you, Power Rangers!"

Zeltrax: "Nor you, Dr. Oliver."

They then teleported away and Kira commented.

Kira: "They're a pleasure couple."

Ethan: "Kira, did you take that from Michael."

KIra: "No, if Michael was here, he would have told them. Those two are one ugly looking frankeistan couple."

Connor: "At least you got the personality right."

Dr. Oliver: "We better get these bacl to my place."

Kira: "What are they?"

Ethan: "We're going to ride them."

Kira: "Huh?"

Connor: "Look, i have to go back to tryouts. Can you guys handle this?"

Dr. Oliver: "Yeah, go ahead Connor. They can fill you in later."

Connor: "Thanls, good luck!"

He started running back while we followed Dr. O.

Dr. Oliver: "Come on."

Connor's point of view:

I was trying as fast as i could to return to the tryouts and saw the Coach was putting the ball back in the bag.

Connor: "Hey."

Coach: "Hmm. Mcknight."

Connor: "Yeah?"

Coach: "I Got You Down As a Dnf. Did not finish."

Connor: "Look, i'm sorry. I had something really important to take care of."

Coach: "Son, if there's anything more important to you than soccer, this isn't the place for you."

Connor: "There is nothing more important."

Coach: "Well, thanks for trying out."

The Coach started to leave while i said to myself.

Connor: "Oh, man."

A ball then was passed to me and i saw a little girl with her mother and the little girl  yelled.

Little girl: "Kick it!"

I had a smile on my face then i passed it to her and she stopped it.

Connor: "Good stop."

Little girl: "Thanks."

She started to leave with her mother while i was a disappointed that i wasn't able to get in.

Michael's point of view:

I woke up to find myself lying on the ground and now i was trying to get back up.

Michael: "Son of. That freaking gem hurts like a bullet. I need to go head to Hayley's planet pizza or whatever it's called."

I went to grab the gem from the table that i left it on then i saw a frame of Mom, Dad and baby me, the both of them were smiling while i was crying like the brat that i was.

Michael: "Heh, they're probably disappointed at me right now."

I took the gem and went to my car started to make my way to the place and force the others to help me with my predicament.

Michael: "Looks like i made it."

I grabbed my heart now after feeling an immense amount of pain from it.

Michael: "Scrap, not now."

Then i felt it go away, but i'm sure it's gonna come back then i went inside and saw Midget and Britney Spears sitting down together probably doing some research together about dinosaurs or whatetever and i was about to approach them then Ms. Ford's words started to come back in my head again which stopped me in my tracks.

Kira: ""Look Michael, I don't know why you're like this, but antagonizing everyone won't get you any friends and instead it pushes them away."

Her words came back to bite me on my backside, I wanted to talk to them so they could help me from this stupid gem, but what Kira said to me that day kept replying in my head then i decided to leave.

'Why should i go ask for their help when all i did was antagonize them, It's not like they will help me in return, I should probably do this alone.'

Before they could see me, i went out of the door and a Latino looking guy walked passed me, but i ignored him and started making my way to my car and said to myself.

Michael: "Wow, i really suck at this don't i."

I sighed to myself and continued my way to my car and got in and said to myself.

Michael: "Face it Michael, your probably gonna die alone because of this stupid gem!"

I turned the engines on and started playing Killswitch Engage When Darkness Falls from their album disc and left the area to go get myself a cup of coffee in order to relax myself hopefully.

Kira's point of view:

I was now with Ethan who was on his laptop playing his video games until i noticed Michael show up and he wanted to approach us, but he stopped on his tracks and i saw a weird expression on his face, as if he was ashamed to talk to us then suddenly he decided to leave, he probably thought we didn't notice him,but i did and wanted to go after him and find out what's going on with him, but Ethan started talking and i didn't want him to notice that Michael was here.

Ethan: "Man, Dr. O is into some weird and funky stuff. I don't even want to thinl about what he's hatching down in that cave right now."

Kira: "I have a feeling we won't have to wait too long to find out."

Then i turned my head around to see a really handsome guy appear.

Kira: "Woah. Who is that?"

Ethan: "I don't know. Hello? Anyone in there?"

Kira: "He's really. wow isn't he."

Ethan: "Can i get you a glass of water, maybe an oxygen mask?"

Kira: "Quiet, he's coming 0ver here."

Then i decided to focus on my laptop to try and avoid him.

???: "Hey, I'm looking for Hayley? I'm supposed to start work today."

Ethan: "She's around here somewhere. Haven't i seen you at Reefside?"

???: "Yeah, i just moved here last week. My name's Trent."

Ethan: "I'm Ethan. This is Kira."

Trent: "Hey."

I still tried to ignore him, but my mind kept thinking back onto Michael's face, he really looked ashamed and that even though he's a grade A douchbag, that expression proves to me that deep down, he does have a heart.

Trent: "Are you okay?"

Ethan: "She doesn't speak. We've been trying for years, but we just can't get through."

Then i looked at Trent and gave him a smile and told him.

Kira: "I'm fine. it's nice to meet you."

Then i glared at Ethan for that piss poor excuse and now Hayley showed up.

Hayley: "Trent, good timing. Come with me, and i'll get you started."

Trent: "Cool. I'll see you guys later."

Then they both of them left while Ethan commented.

Ethan: "Isn't he just so wow?"

I stomped his foot for that stupid remark of his.

Ethan: "Ow!"

Then Connor showed up and Ethan asked him.

Ethan: "Hey, how'd it go?"

Connor: "How'd it go? it's over. The Coach basically said forget it and who can blame him. I mean, i left in the middle of practice."

Kira: "Well, it's not like you didn't have a good excuse."

Connor: "Right. Well maybe next time i will bring a note from our teacher. Sorry, Connor couldn't make it to practice today. He was busy fighting Freaky looking dinosaurs things in the forest."

Ethan and i then got up and went next to him and shushed him about exposing our secret to everyone and grabbed his arms and dragged him into the couch.

Ethan: "I bet he's never heard that excuse before."

Connor: "Whatever"

Then we sat down and he continued ranting.

Connor: "Look, the point is. What was i supposed to say? Man, this whole saving the world deal is seriously starting to bum me out. I need to talk to Dr. Oliver."

Kira: "Uh, i think he may be kind of busy. He's got this whole new project."

Connor: "Too Bad. I was busy today. That didn't stop him from messing up my life."

He stood up and started to leave to Dr. O's lair.

Ethan: "Wait. We'll go with you."

Kira: "Yeah."

We stood up and we were going after him.

Michael's point of view:

I just got my cup of coffee and was just driving around to relax.

Michael: "I should have never investigated that darn gem."

Then i started to remember what happened after i touched the gem.

Flashback start:

I felt the pain go away after touching that gem and now i was analyzing it.

Michael: "Why is it grey? Looks like double A battery, i could probably sell this on Ebay and get some quick cash or an auction site."

I decided to grab the gem and take it home with me. I made it to my car and was driving back home until suddenly i felt the same pain appear in my heart so i used my right hand to grab my heart while my other hand was driving the wheel.

Michael: "Crud, what's with this excruciating pain."

Then i decided to punch my heart to at least decrease the pain and it supposedly work, i hope it doesn't happen again."

Flashback end:

My most logical choice right now is just go tell the old man about it, but i know for a fact that they will accuse me of stealing it or working with bad guys then my phone started to ring and i answered it.

Michael: "What!"

Ms. Ford: "Michael where are you?"

Michael: "How did you get my number!"

Ms. Ford: "I got it from Hayley."

Michael: "Good for you, now what do you want Avril Lavigne!"

Ms. Ford: "We're looking for Connor, have you seen him?"

Michael: "As if i'm friends with any of you."

Ms. Ford: "Cut it out with Attitude Michael, now do you know where Connor might be "

Michael: "Yeah, it's called buzz off and don't call back!"

Then i closed on her face and continued driving to calm myself down while having a good sip of coffee.

Connor's point of view:

We e made it to Dr.O's lair and we heard roaring and he yelled.

Dr. Oliver: "Don't come in! It's not safe!"

We saw him thrown away to the ground.

Kira: "We kind of got that."

Then he was thrown in front of us.

Ethan: "Is that what was in those eggs?"

Dr. Oliver: "Yeah. I'm trying to train them."

Ethan: "How's it coming?"

Then he was able to stand up and said.

Dr. Oliver: "Slowly."

He ducked down before the tail was able to hit him.

Dr. Oliver: "Very slowly."

Connor: "Look, i can see that you're busy with well whatever, but i need to talk."

Then the tail pushed Dr. O out of the cave.

Ethan: "Whoa."

Then the doors started to close and Dr. O said.

Dr. Oliver: "I guess i could take a break."

Ethan gave him a hand to help him stand up.

Ethan: "Here."

He was now standing up and asked.

Dr. Oliver: "All right, what's up?"

Connor: "You gotta find someone to replace me."

Kira: "What are you talking about?"

Ethan: "You're talking crazy."

Dr. Oliver: "All right, settle down you two. What's the problem?"

Connor: "Look, I'm a soccer player. That's all i've ever wanted to do. You know every moment of my life has led up to playing for a pro team and i get the greatest chance of my life and i blow it."

Dr. Oliver: "I understand and you're right."

Ethan: "You're agreeing with him?""

Dr. Oliver: "Connor, i know how you feel cause i felt that way before, but i want you to think about this before you do anything."

Kira: "Look, i've got things i want to do, but i'm here. I'm dealing."

Connor: "Good for you. I guess i'm just different. Just go ask Michael to take my place, he'll probably get a kick out of this one."

I started to leave them, but i heard Ethan say.

Ethan: "Whoa. And i thought the red guy was supposed to be the leader."

Now i was making my way out of that cave and went to soccer field to practice

Mesogog's point of view:

I was with Zeltrex and Elsa explaining to them why Oliver should not train the creatures he found.

Mesogog: "If Oliver trains those creatures, he will be able to use them against us and I hat will be disastrous. The time has come for Dr. Oliver to become a student instead of a teacher. Initiate The Geno Randomizer."

Elsa and Zeltrax  did as they were told and were activating the machine.

Zeltrax: "Entering DNA code."

Elsa: "Engaging."

Elsa: "Genetic mutation complete."

Mesogog: "Excellent."

Then i saw my monster coming out from the machine.

Zeltrax: "Excellent."

Then i let out a roar and now i was sure victory would be mine.

Michael's point of view:

I was driving around until i stopped my car to see people running away from something and saw that there was a birl like monster. I could just continue going away, but innocent people are gonna get hurt.

Michael: "No Michael no! Don't go be a good guy, i'll get nothing out of it!"

Then i saw that kids were also in the area along with their parents and now i was being conflicted about what i should do, but in the end my better judgment took over me after a long time and i went to try and help those people. I parked my car and got out and went to pickup a wooden plank i found and yelled to the monster.

Michael: "Hey ugly!"

Then it loomed at me while i was charging at it.

Michael: "Mama's gonna knock out!"

I hit it with the plank, but the plank was destroyed.

Michael: "Well would you look at that?"

Then it roared at me and tried to attack me with it's staff and itpushed me to the ground, but i quickly regained composure ans saw that it wanted to hit me with his staff. Thankfully i was able to crawl back and spread my legs and it crashed its staff at the ground and it was real close into my future decedents.

Michael: "Hey! Not the jewels, didn't your father teach some human decency little birdy."

Then it got its staff out, but i kicked it away from and stood back up and saw that most of the civilians were able to escape. Now i was prepared to distract it some more until suddenly i felt the pain from before come back and now i was grabbing my heart.

'No, not now! Darn.'

Connor's point of view:

I was practicing my shots in the field until
i heard the Coach call my name.

Coach: "Mcknight."

Connor: "Coach. What are you doing here?"

Coach: "I got a call from one of your teachers. He tells me that it was his fault yoy had to leave today."

Connor: "Does that mean i have a shot?"

Coach: "You always had a shot, son. You sure you really want this? Are you willing to give up everything?"

Connor: "Yeah, i am."

Coach: "All right, I'll let you know."

He then left while io Heard Ethan's voice from behind me say.

Ethan: "Hey, bro."

Then i turned around to see him and Kira together and i said to him.

Connor: "Hey."

Kira: "Things okay with the coach?"

Connor: "Yeah, i think so. Listen, i'm sorry you guys. You gotta understand."

Kira: "Yeah, we do."

Ethan: "She does more than me, but if it's what you really want."

Suddenly we heard Dr. O's voice on our braces and he told us.

Dr. Oliver: "Guys, we have a situation. There's a monster attack in the city. People are in danger."

Connor: "Okay, but this is the last time. Ready."

Ethan&Kira: "Ready."

The three of us: "Dino Thunder, Power Up!"

Then we showed up to the monster's area and we saw Michael standing there grabbing his chest as if he's gasping for air.

Michael: "Oh, it's the magic number themselves, what took you so long?"

Connor: "Get out of here Michael. It's too dangerous for you"

Michael: "I was doing your job you imbeciles, it's your fault for not making it in time."

Then he left us while we prepared ourselves to fight this freak.

Connor: "Let's do it!"

Then each one of us began trying to attack this thing then it pushed Ethan and i to the ground while Kira continued to fight the monster until it pushed her away which gave Ethan and i the chance to charge at it and fire our Thunder Max at it.

Ethan: "Hey, Bird Brain! Thunder Max"

The both of us shot it to push it away from Kira.

Kira: "Thanks, guys."

Connor: "You okay?"

Kira: "Yeah."

Then we helped her get back on her feet then i pointed my Thunder Max at it.

Connor: "Give up?"

???: "Catch me if you can!"

It started to get away and Kira yelled.

Kira: "He's getting away!"

Connor: "We'll never catch him."

We heard beeping from our Morphers and Dr. O said.

Dr. Oliver: "You can, meet the raptor riders."

Then we looked behind us to see our respective colored raptors approaching us.

Connor: "Oh, yeah! Woah!"

I jumped on my raptor and told Dr.O.

Connor: "Got him."

Ethan: "Yeah, baby!"

Kira: "They're great."

The three of us: "Go, Raptor Riders!"

We foundb the bird thing flying and we were making pursuit.

Kira: "There he goes!"

Ethan: "On it!"

I was making chase to the bird thing until i saw the same little girl from the soccer field and yelled.

Connor: "No. I'll help the girl! You follow that freak!"

Kira: "Right, on it!"

She went after the bird freak while Ethan said.

Ethan: "I've got your back."

The both of us than jumped out of our Raptors and i kicked the goon away from the girl and asked her.

Connor: "You okay?"

Little Girl: "Mhhmm"

Then her mother showed up to get her and i told her.

Connor: "She's safe now.

Then i made it back to my Raptor and caught up with Kira and Ethan to the Bird freak with our respective weapons.

The three of us: "Raptor Riders!"

Then Kira and Ethan jumped into my Raptor and we formed the Z Rex Blaster to finish that thing off.

Connor: "Z Rex Blaster! Firing!"

Then we fired the blast at it and we were able to destroy it then we got out of our raptors and Ethan said.

Ethan: "That goose is cooked!'

We were cheering at our victory, but we spoke too soon when we saw that the monster has now come back bigger than before.

Connor: "Dr. O, we may have a problem on our hands."

Dr. Oliver: "Let me guess, the thirty story version of that guy you were fighting?"

Ethan: "You've done this before, haven't you?"

Dr. Oliver: "Once or twice. I'm sending The Dino Zords."

Then we saw the Dino Zords emerge and i yelled.

Connor: "Bring it on! Ready?"

Kira: "Oh, yeah."

We jumped into our respective zord and transformed into the Thunder Zord Megazord.

The three of us: "Thunder Zord Megazord"

The monster than fired an attack at us which caused damage to us then Kira said.

Kira: "I;ve got an idea! Pterarang!"

We threw the Pterarang at the monster to distract it, so that we were able to jump and use the drill to destroy him for good and now it was exploding.

Kira: "Now, that's what i call monster busting."

We now got out of our zords and landed to the ground and saw the little girl from before alomg with her mother and i waved to them and yelled.

Connor: "Hey!"

I saw her that she was coming after me and i came towards her to check up on her and she said to me.

Little Girl: "Thank You."

Then she hugged me and i told her.

Connor: "Anytime."

Then i started to think about my decision of being Ranger.

Connor: "Anytime."

Ethans point of view:

We were in Hayley's Cyberspace where i saw Kira getting ready to perform then Trent came and gave her drink and told her.

Trent: "Good luck, Kira."

Kira: "Thanks."

Then i saw Connor show up and i said to him.

Ethan: "Hey. I didn't expect to see you here."

Connor: "Why not? We're partners in crime fighting, right?"

Ethan: "Are we?"

Connor: "Yeah, we are."

Ethan: "Hey, what happened with the wave?"

Now i was taking him to a place we can sit down while he said.

Connor: "I had to make a choice. That little girl made me realize there's nothing more important than what we're doing."

We both were now sitting down then Hayley showed up with drinks and told Connor.

Hayley: "Hey Connor. Sorry you didn't make the team."

Connor: "Uh. Yeah."

Hayley: "These are on the house. Let's hope your special friend received my message."

Then she left us while i didn't even want to know what she ment by that last sentence then Connor asked me.

Connor: "How does she do that?"

Ethan: "Hayley knows all, man and i'm sorry too."

Connor: "Yeah, look, you know i'd still would've chosen you guys, right?"

Ethan: "Yeah, i know."

Then we heard Hayley announce on the microphone in front of her.

Hayley: "Thanks, guys. Tonight we've got something really special for you. A young woman with a lot to say. Ladies and gentlemen, Kira Ford!"

Then everyone started clapping for her while she came in front of the microphone while i yelled.

Ethan: "Yeah! Whoo!"

Kira's point of view:

I was standing in front of everyone preparing to perfom then i began playing with my guitar and sang.

Kira: "And it goes like this. Yeah, yeah, Yeah, yeah, Yeah, yeah. I can't tell you why, but i can't stop thinking about you baby. Oh, Yeah, Don't you think it's time. I walked around every word you're saying? Oh, yeah. I'm trying hard to figure out tell me what it's all about because i don't want to freak you out. Freak you out, freak you out. I want to know Know where you're at I'm at the front, but you're still at the back."

Tommy's point of view:

I was trying to make my way to Kira's performance until suddenly Mesogog's goons showed up and i looked behing me and saw Zeltrax then two of those goons grab tboth of my arms. I tried fighting back, but i was overwhelmed and i teleported with them.

Kira's point of view:

I continued playing the rest of the song and when i was done everyone started to cheer for me which made me feel happy that i was able to do this, but i noticed that Dr. O wasn't here and when i kept looking, i saw Michael out of all people standing with a sly smirk, it made me smile because it proves to me thatbhe has a heart then he started to leave and now it was my chance to talk to him alone, so i left my guitar on the stage and started going after him and now i caught up with him before he went to his car and said to him.

Kira: "Michael."

Then he stopped walking and turned around to face me, but i noticed that he had his hand on his heart.

Michael: "Yeah?"

Kira: "Why did you come to my show just now, didn't you hate my singing?"

Michael: "I had someone send me a text about your performing here, but i could have just stayed home instead i decided to see your show Britney Spears and you weren't half bad."

Kira: "So now you believe that i could be a musician?"

Michael: "Nope."

Kira: "That's on me, i set the bar too low for you. Anyways i wanted to ask you, what is up with you?"

Michael: "Me?"

Kira: "No i'm talking about Connor, yeah i'm talking about you. When Hayley mentioned your parents your body tensed up, everytime you do something good in your life, you rectify it with one of your stupid comments. I saw you Michael, when you were trying to reach out to Ethan and i, But you had this guilt ridden face all over you and you just left, so don't lie your way out of this one, What is up with you?"

Then he sighed and then told me.

Michael: "Look, Ford, I left you guys to be because what's the point, you said it yourself. I just keep pushing people away and as if you guys would have helped me."

Kira: "I wanted to go help you that day, but i know for a fact Ethan doesn't like you and i didn't want to expose you, but truth be told i never hated you, you may be the world's greatest douchbag, but you're still a human being with a heart."

I saw that his eyes widen up a bit and now he told me in a soft spoken voice."

Michael: "How can you be sure of that?"

Kira: "Did you ever hear the phrase action speaks louder than words?"

Michael: "No, Look whatever you trying to be or what you're trying to do, just give it up, I'm undeserving of that. so just leave me be and live your own life."

Then he started to go to his cat, but stopped and said to me.

Michael: "The song was kind of catchy not gonna lie."

Then he went to his car and turned it on and left.

'I don't know how to get through him, but at least i was able to make some progress. I just hope you're alright Michael and if anything happens to you, i'll always try to help even when you don't want it.'

That ends that, i hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, now we've gotten to know a bit more about Michael and turns out, he has a supportive friend from none other than Kira Ford. Anyways have a nice day, stay safe and take care of yourself. Peace out.

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