Always : Theodore Nott

By nighthawk223344

455K 9.3K 4.3K

"Tell me Jenkins, do you believe in soulmates?" he asks while looking deeply into her eyes. "No, never have a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 39

6.2K 139 93
By nighthawk223344

"I mean did she actually think I would close myself off to all other women because of her? I mean, it's pathetic really. Even just thinking about it,"Malfoy sneered.

The boys occupied one of the many lounges within Nott Manor. Theo resisted the urge to roll his eyes at Malfoy as he cradled his glass of Firewhiskey.

"Parkinson will never learn. No matter what you're smarmy arse does, she comes crawling right back. I can never understand it. I might throw a glance in another females directions, and BANG, Daphne won't talk to me for a week,"Blaise said shaking his head.

A few of the other boys laughed.

"Its the art of conditioning. Eventually they accept the treatment you provide them with because they'd rather that than none at all. As I said gents, pathetic,"Draco said with a sinister chuckle.

Nott bit the inside of his cheek. Draco had been annoying him since the day he arrived. Whether it be the way he spoke about women, boasting about Lucius and his family, or making it his business to convince everyone he was better than they were. Needless to say it boiled his blood.

"Astoria still believes she's the only one. I'm too good at what I do,"Riddle said with a grin.

Draco clicked his fingers and pointed at Mattheo.

"That's my boy. Rather that than get absolutely none at all. Isn't that right Nott?,"he said, turning his attention to Theo.

"Is what right Malfoy?,"Theo said with a glare.

Draco scoffed.

"Well considering we're all talking about women, and you're celibate arse is just sat there sulking, I thought I'd make an attempt to drag you into the conversation,"he said.

Theo took a breath to calm himself. He knew they'd keep pressing until he gave in, so he would rather give in sooner rather than later.

"Women?,"Theo breathed.

"Yes indeed, women. Now, tell about the minx that has had you in a choke hold since the beginning of this year. Seriously mate, humour us,"Blaise pushed.

If only they fucking knew.

He thought for a moment.

"She doesn't go to Hogwarts,"he said plainly.

Malfoy's brows spiked up with interest.

"Where then? She better not be a filthy mudblood,"he pushed.

All eyes were glued to him.

"Malfoy, unlike you, I don't divulge every aspect of my life to everyone. It's actually quite annoying, believe it or not we don't actually care where you stick it,"he said sharply.

He could see the eyes of the other boys eyes widening at his insult to Malfoy. He was, after all, the only one who ever stood up to him.

"So I was right then, you are getting fucking none. Pathetic,"Draco sneered.

Theo had enough.

"Malfoy, I could call you're fucking mother in here right now and have her sitting pretty on my lap in ten minutes. But I'm not going to do that because, not only do I not want that, I have no interest in entertaining you're stupid little game,"Theo shot lowly.

Malfoy's face turned a shed of red Theo had never seen before. He look enraged, that was of course until it relaxed and a sinister grin replaced his appalled expression.

"Well, you have me there. It's not as if I can call your mother in here. Cornelia would be all too happy to sit on my lap if she could, bless her poor dead soul. Maybe even do a bit more...,"Draco taunted.

Before Draco could say another word, he was hoisted into the air and pinned against the wall.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU FUCKING HALFWIT,"he shouted, struggling for air.

Nott stood wand pointed at the boy's throat as he tried to squirm his way free from the invisible rope that was squeezing his airway. Theo watched as he shrieked and kicked at the air beneath his feet. He almost took delight in the way the colour began to drain from his face.

"Theo stop, put him down,"Blaise pleaded.

They were all on their feet. Blaise attempted to reach for his wand but before he could, his wand, along with all the wands of the others, flew out of his pocket and crashed onto the floor at the other end of the room.

"Zabini try and stop me and I swear you're next,"Nott warned as he strode toward Draco.

"Nott seriously,"Draco said, struggling to breathe.

He looked up at the dangling boy for a moment or two before he let him fall onto the floor before him. Draco panted, as if his lungs would never get enough air ever again. It didn't take long before Nott grabbed the boy by the collar.

"Another fucking word about my mother Malfoy, and I'll kill you. Slowly. Understood?,"he asked calmly.

Draco's eyes were filled with one emotion as he looked up at Theo.

He nodded quickly.

"Speak,"Nott commanded.

Draco shivered.

"Al-alright. I won't,"he quivered.

Theo threw him across the room.

The next thing he heard were slow claps coming from the doorway.

He turned around to see who had clapped.

A horrified Lucius Malfoy stood at the doorway, along with his own father, who wore an almost proud grin.

"See Lucius, this is what I was talking about my friend. Our boys are alphas. And they will do our work for us. They'll fight for the top spot. And He will be so pleased,"Dorian, whispering the last part so that only Lucius would hear.

But Theo heard it too.

Theo felt the blood than resided in his veins run cold. His brows furrowed.

"What is he talking about father?,"Draco asked quietly as he scrambled to his feet.

Lucius' face was twisted up in disgust.

"Draco you will shut your mouth and stay silent! None of you need know nothing. It is not yours to know. Now, excuse us. We have business to discuss. Dorian, if you would,"Lucius bellowed before gesturing towards the other room.

"Indeed we do,"Dorian said darkly.

After they left, all the boys shared the same worrying look.

"What were they talking about?,"Crabbe asked.

Theo breathed deeply.

"Nothing, just forget it. More than likely doesn't even concern us,"he said sharply before wandlessly re-organising the bookshelf Malfoy had crashed into.

Theo gave Draco one last glare before he stormed out of the lounge and made his way up to his room. He scrambled at the top button of his white shirt that felt as though it were suffocating him.

""Silencio,"he whispered, and the door locked.

He took a deep breath as he braved himself against the mantelpiece of the fire.

"FUCKKKK,"he screamed, sending all of the books on his bookshelf all over the floor.

His breaths were shallow, and fast. His heart felt as though it was about to hop out of his chest.

An eerie feeling of dread had settle in his stomach. He scratched the back of his head in worry as he paced around the room back and forth.

What did it mean?

He will be so pleased?

Were his worst nightmares coming true. He prayed to every god he could think of that they weren't. Before he could topple into a state of complete and utter panic, he heard a light tapping at his window.

As he opened it, Lennox flew in carrying a letter. He snatched it from the bird almost instantly. He ripped it open and began to read.


As predicted, this year George was the unlucky half. Christmas hasn't felt like it normally does here either if I'm being honest. The thought of Malfoy sends the urge to use an unforgivable into my mind. Oh, I also miss Snape very much. I especially miss his perfect sense of humour and overall radiating personality.

As for your reasons for writing, I suppose my reasons for writing back are much the same. I don't miss you either, at all.......

Anyway, I'll see you in a few days. Happy Christmas slytherin.



He couldn't help the smile that graced his lips.

Only a few more days, he told himself.


Aurora lay awake, Christmas Day had been tiring. Of course, Fred and George had been up at the crack of dawn reeking havoc on the entire household in an attempt to get them all out of bed for presents.

Aurora was extremely tired. Dinner was delicious, but after all, it always was if Molly was cooking. Her father had sent her a book written by Gilderoy Lockhart, more than likely a token he had picked up carelessly on his way to work. Generic, but it's the thought that counted. Molly had made her a beautiful deep green sweater with the letter A on it. She loved those sweaters.

But, after all the festivities of the day she was exhausted. Yet she lay awake as Fred and George snored their brains out alongside her on the other bed.

Aurora thought about Nott. She wondered how he was. Did he miss her? Was he feeling her absence as much as she was feeling his? Probably not. Anyway, she still missed him. She hoped he had an okay Christmas. Couldn't have been easy with his father, never mind the Malfoy's and the rest of the war-criminals and their evil spawn.

A light tapping on the window caused her head to jerk to the diff to investigate the noise. Her brows furrowed as she saw the outline of an owl at the window. Crawling out of bed, she tiptoed towards the window. She opened it quietly to find a beautiful owl perched on the windowsill. He was holding a black latter enclosed by a green seal. She turned her head to make sure the twins were sound asleep before taking it from the bird. She petter it thankfully before it flew off into the night.

Crawling back into bed, she tore it open. She smiled at the sight of his ornate handwriting.


I hope you and the Weasels are having a good Christmas. Let me know which one of them got the worse of their identical presents. Christmas here is like always, absolutely splendid. Malfoy is doing my bloody head in. But one of the few things keeping me sane is realising I only have a few more days until I can see Professor Snape again, I miss him so dearly. Merlin, how I love potions.

Anyway Jenkins, that's all from me. I definitely do not have a reason for writing to you. And that reason is absolutely not because I may or may not miss you an absolutely minuscule amount.

Happy Christmas.



Her heart bloomed. So he had been missing her. Her cheeks felt warm as she fumbled around her nightstand for a quill, ink and parchment. She scribbled effortlessly onto the page. Folding the letter she made her way back to the window, about to whistle for Errol.

But to her surprise, the marvellous brown owl was before had come back, as though he expected to get a reply from her. The bird took the letter from her gently before bowing its head.

Aurora nodded back and watched as the bird flew off once again.

Crawling back into bed, Aurora could wipe the grin from her face. She couldn't wait to see him. She fished in her trunk under her bed until she pulled out a silver chain. She had originally wanted to give it to him before they left Hogwarts, but she decided when they got back would be better.

She smiled and put it back into her trunk.

She closed her eyes, and drifted off peacefully to the thought of him.

That always seemed to put her to sleep.

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