All it took was meeting you...

By BlueAzure92

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Lynelle Celestine accepted her brother's request of her going on a vacation in the Galar region to take a bre... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2. pt. 1
Ch. 2. pt.2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4. pt. 1
Ch. 4. pt.2
Ch. 5
Ch. 6. pt. 2
Ch. 7. pt. 1
Ch. 7 pt. 2
Ch. 8 pt. 1
Ch. 8 pt. 2
Ch. 9
A Nightmare?
Quick A/N:
Ch. 10
A Quick Visit
Quick A/N #2
Ch. 11
Another Nightmare...?
A Quick A/N #3
Ch. 12
A Case of Sleepwalking
(A/N) Intermission #1
(A/N) Intermission #2
Ch. 13 pt. 1
Quick A/N #4
Ch. 13 pt. 2
Ch. 14
A Message... Or a New Mission?
Quick A/N #5
Quick A/N #5.5
Ch. 15
A Simple Purpose Really...
Unexpected Dynamaxing
Possible Danger...
Ch. 16 Pt. 1
Ch. 16 Pt. 2
Rusty Antique

Ch. 6. pt.1

748 18 4
By BlueAzure92

Lynelle was out in Wedgehurst buying some berries for both of her beloved Pokémon. "Kirlia, what berries do you want?" Kirlia happily points to the heart-shaped berries. "Alright, and you want the the Pinap berries as usual, Lu?" Lynelle faced Lucario who happily nodded. "Alrighty. Can I have 8 each of the Pinap and Pecha berries? Oh, and 6 Oran berries, please?" The berry vendor happily complied and then gave the bags with the berries the ravenette asked for. "That'll be $85.00 Pokédollars, Miss." Lynelle gave the vendor the money and thanked him.

The three of them sat on a nearby bench, away from the busy streets full of people. "Alright, here you go. One bag each with your berries in it." Both Pokémon happily grabbed the bags and began eating. 

Lynelle was pretty hungry as well since they were up early and she didn't get to eat breakfast properly. She took out the hash browns she bought earlier. One bite from it and she was already in bliss. "Holy... this is really good!" She exclaimed and then continue to eat the potato goodies.

As they ate, Lynelle heard clicking sounds getting closer and closer to them. She looked around until she saw a beautiful young woman walking to her direction. She had dark-brown skin and bright blue eyes that reminded her of the vast ocean. Her long black hair had streaks of blue and some were tied up in a bun. She wore a red blouse, white pants held tight with a black belt. She also wore open black high heels.

Lynelle stopped eating as she stared at the woman in awe. 'She's so pretty...I wonder who she is?' She wondered, not even realizing she was blushing. Lynelle quickly averted her gaze from the woman when she made eye contact with her. She hoped that the woman would just ignore her and walk by, but unfortunately, the woman stopped right in front of her.

"Hey, can I have a battle with you?" The woman asked. Lynelle almost choked on her hash brown from the sudden request and from the fact that the woman actually stopped right in front to her.

"O-oh, Uhm... r-right now?" Lynelle stuttered earning a smirk from the woman. "Right now." Lynelle felt a bit suspicious of the woman but her Lucario didn't seem to sense any ill intent from the woman. Seeing how her Lucario was calm, she felt a bit safe to doubt her suspicions.

"Well, alright. But can I know your name? I'm Lynelle, by the way. " As soon as Lynelle asked, the woman stiffened. A bead of sweat trickled down on the side of her head due to nervousness. "Uhmm... my name's.... Carissa! Yeah, Carissa." 'Carissa' nervously laughs. Lynelle took note of Carissa's delay to answer but ignored it for now.


Both of them took a spot parallel to the other in a clearing not far from the bench. Both of them held a Pokéball with the Pokémon of their choice.

"Alright... Let the battle start!"

"Go for it, Lu!"

"Go, Drednaw!

Both Pokéballs were thrown in the air and released a beam of light. "RAAGH!" Lucario grunted as he faced his opponent, one which was unfamiliar to both him and his trainer.

The unfamiliar Pokémon looked like a big turtle. It had a rough, brown shell and rough blue skins. It's sharp jaws looked strong enough to chomp down anything, possibly even metal, and its yellow horn looked like a cleaver without the handle.

"Grragh..." The Pokémon growled.

Despite being the same height as an average adult's knees, Lynelle could tell that it was a strong Pokémon. She needed more information on the Pokémon so she pulled out the Rotom Dex Sonia gave her.

"Drednaw, the bite Pokémon. A water and rock type. This Pokémon rapidly extends its retractable neck to sink its sharp fangs into distant enemies to take them down." The male-robotic voice informed her.

'It can extend its neck? I definitely need to watch out for that.' Lynelle reminds herself as she puts away her Rotom Dex. Kirlia suddenly popped up behind Lucario, feeling excited and clearly wanting to join in.

Lynelle laughed at the psychic type before picking her up from Lucario's shoulders. "No, no, Kirlia. Lets just watch Lucario for now, 'kay?" Lynelle softly says but Kirlia tilted her head in confusion. The ravenette just laughs and placed the psychic type on her shoulders.

"Okay, are you ready?" Carissa shouted. "Yeah! Sorry about that!" Lynelle shouted back earning an affirmative nod from Carissa. "Alright. Drednaw, use razor shell!" The turtle Pokémon grunted and summoned a blade of water from its jaws.

"GRRAAGH!" Its neck suddenly extended and was closing fast to Lucario. 

"Block it!" Lucario shielded himself with his arms just in time for the attack to hit him. "Now use Bone Rush!" the ravenette shouted. Lucario summoned a long bone and hit his opponent at the side of its head followed by another, harder hit, knocking its head back and making it retract its neck.

"Nice, now Aura Sphere!" Lucario began charging up his aura sphere and then launching to his opponent. "Use Stone Edge!" Drednaw followed the command stomped the ground, creating a wall of sharp rocks just in time to block Lucario's attack.

Dust envelops the arena and a long pause followed. Lucario's senses were heightened and braced himself for any incoming attack.

"Jaw Lock!" The now familiar head of the Drednaw popped out of the dust and bit the fighting type hard. Lucario yelped in pain as he tries to pry away his arm but to no avail, the Drednaw had no intention of letting go.

"Jaw Lock huh? That's new." Lynelle hummed. Even if the move "Jaw lock" was new to her, she had a rough idea of what it does. 'It seems that move doesn't let the target go. If that's the case, then... ' Lynelle she thought for a moment before a light bulb light up in her head. "Okay, use Extreme Speed, Lu!" Lynelle shouted while doing a spinning gesture with her fingers.

Lucario caught on his trainer's plan and ran as fast as the speed of light. The opposing Drednaw had a hard time standing as firm as possible, but when Lucario pulled his bitten arm towards himself, the turtle Pokémon was pulled up from the ground.

"G-GRAAH?!" The Drednaw yelped as it was lifted in the air, flying in circles like kid flying his kite. It kept going for a bit until the Drednaw got a little sick, his grip on Lucario faltering. When Lucario felt his arm free from the jaws of his opponent, he stopped running and kicked the Drednaw away from him. "Yes! Now use Stone Edge!" Lynelle shouted.

"Use Stone Edge too!" Carissa shouted. Both Pokémon slammed the ground at the same time, creating pillars of sharp rocks heading to each other. Just after both attacks collided, Lucario leaped out of the rocks with a charged up Aura Sphere on his paw. 

"It was a diversion?!" Carissa exclaimed.

"Now use Aura Sphere!" Lucario launched his attack and landed a direct hit on the Drednaw, making it faint and earning Lynelle the win.

'We won.' Lynelle breathe out of relief knowing she won. "You were amazing. You manage to understood my plan in an instant. Guess our 'signals' training really paid off." Lynelle petted Lucario which he enjoyed. She then felt light taps on her forehead from the psychic type on her shoulders. Lynelle giggled as she knows what Kirlia wants. "Lucario was amazing, don't you agree? Kirlia?" The ravenette asks as she pets the psychic type.

"Kiyaa!" Kirlia nodded profusely and happily floated around Lucario before standing on his shoulders.

Lynelle looked over to where Carissa and her Drednaw were. She saw her pet her Pokémon who leaned into her touch. "You did great today Drednaw, get a good rest." Before Carissa could return Drednaw into its Pokéball, she saw Lynelle kneeled down next to her with a small bag on her hands. 

"Here, some couple of Oran berries for your Pokémon." She handed the bag of berries to Carissa who gratefully accepts. "Thank you." Carissa thanked her as she fed her Pokémon the Oran berries.

The berries took effect and gave Drednaw the strength to stand up. "Heh... seems like Drednaw here already likes you." Carissa giggled Lynelle looked at Carissa's Drednaw who kept glancing back and forth at her hand and then her face.

"Is it alright?" Lynelle turned to the woman beside her who just nodded in approval. Lynelle smiled as she petted the Drednaw who seemed to lean in her touch.

'Wow... She's kind, caring, not to mention, a strong and skilled trainer too. Sonia was right, she's pretty cool.' 'Carissa' thought as she watches Lynelle happily petting her Drednaw, the said Pokémon being all relaxed in her touch.

Carissa smiles, satisfied of what she saw then frowning when she felt her phone ringing. She stood up, ignored the call and grabbed her Pokémon's Pokéball. "Alright, it's time to go now, Drednaw. Return." Drednaw was enveloped into a red light before going into its Pokéball.

"Thank you for letting us battle you. I had fun." Carissa smiled and offered Lynelle a handshake. "I had fun battling with you too." The ravenette smiled back as she shook her hand.


Both women jumped when they heard a phone ringing. Carissa clicked her tongue in annoyance and ignored the incoming call again. "*sigh* I have to go, sorry. Work is calling me. Thanks again for the battle, I'll see you again soon!" Carissa waved goodbye and hurriedly ran towards the Wedgehurst station. Lynelle waved goodbye and then she froze when something crossed her mind.

"What does she meant by "see you again soon"?" She thought about it for a bit before disregarding it as her just overthinking things.



"Wah! Hey buddy!"

The moment Lynelle entered her house, she was greeted with a tackle from Sonia's cute little partner, Yamper "Haha! This is actually the first time we met in a while. Can't believe you still remember me-Ah! S-stop! That tickles! Ahahaha!" Lynelle laughs as she tries to pry away the small electric type from licking her face. The little guy got the message but it didn't stop him from letting his final lick to be a long one.

"Gah! Okay, okay. I missed you too, you little rascal. Now, where's Sonia?" Yamper barked before running towards the living room. There, Lynelle saw a stressed out Sonia pacing back and forth, mumbling about something.

"Bowark!" Yamper barked to get his trainer's attention, but it only resulted with the peachette ignoring him. Yamper barked again but Sonia just turned her back from him. "Not now, Yamper..." She said, clearly not in a good mood for talking. Lynelle and Yamper looked at each other, worried for the woman. "Sonia? Are you okay?" Lynelle broke the silence in the air.

Sonia jumped from the ravenette's voice. Making it clear for Lynelle that her peach-haired friend was not in fact okay if she didn't notice her standing on the doorway. "O-oh! Lyn'! sorry I... didn't see you there, hehe... W-what are you doing here?" Sonia nervously asks and tried to played it off to cover the fact that she was hiding something.

"...Just here to grab my stuff right over there..." Lynelle points to her bag on the couch, Sonia glances at it. "... and it's clear that you're not okay. Something is bothering you." Lynelle said concerned.

"What? Pffftt no, nothing's bothering me. Everything's just fine!" She says as her right eye twitches. 'your eye says otherwise.' She deadpanned. "If there's something wrong, I'll help you in any way I can." Lynelle softly said, voice filled with sincerity.

Sonia paused, taking in her ravenette friend's words. "...Even if I do, which I don't, you don't have to help me. You're a tourist here, you should go out and see the region's popular stops, enjoying meals, and-"

"Even if I'm a tourist, I am your friend. I'll be there to help you with any problems you have, whether big or small." Lynelle cuts her off. 

Sonia was taken aback again from the ravenette's words. "Besides, I've done errands way harder than an average person can do. I handled being under pressure hundreds of times, oh! And rescued over a 1,000 Pokémon from Pokémon hunters and abusive Pokémon trainers. Not bragging about it, and I never will, just saying that I can handle anything." Sonia stayed quiet as Lynelle smiles softly. "I just... wanted to return the favor for everything that you've done for me. It's the least I can do." Lynelle places her hand on where her heart was, showing Sonia that she was being genuine.

"You don't really have to... but thanks, Lyn'. I really appreciated it." Sonia hugged Lynelle tight, happy to know that the ravenette actually sees her as a friend and willing to help with anything. The fact that she wanted to help was enough for Sonia to tell her problem, and her genuine reason for doing so was sure enough for her to trust her ravenette friend to help her deal with her annoying problem.

"Alright, I'll tell you. I needed to buy a few things today, but then I realized that I had business to do in Circhester. Gran' needed me there and it could take me a while... and I don't know if I would ever have enough time to buy stuff after that." Lynelle nodded in understanding, making sure to take in every word. "I can go and buy the stuff you need no problem. So, when do you need it?" Lynelle confidently smiles.

"Heh, you seem confident. That's reassuring. I need it by tomorrow." Sonia gave Lynelle a long piece of paper with list of items she needed and a small red handbag. "This handbag has enough Pokédollars needed for all the items listed in the paper." Lynelle grabbed the handbag and read the contents of the paper which was written in neat writing. Other than that, it seemed that most of the items were related to camping materials. 

"Huh, are you going out camping or something?" Lynelle blurted out.

Sonia was silent for a moment before rubbing her neck sheepishly. "Hehe... I'll tell you later, don't worry." Lynelle became a tad bit suspicious but decided to ignore it. 

"Alright, where is the best place to get these items?"


"Oh wow... she wasn't lying..."

Lynelle felt slightly overwhelmed by the incredible size of the City of Motostoke. She has been to Motostoke before, but she still gets overwhelmed. Lynelle shook the nervousness off when she remembered what she was here for.

"Well... no use in standing idly by, let's see where to start." Before she could take a step, Lucario and Kirlia both came out of their Pokéballs. "Ah... Why did you guys come out?" Lynelle asked confused. Both Pokémon looked at each other and then nodded. Lucario points to the paper in Lynelle's hand.

Lynelle had to look back and forth before realizing what the fighting type meant. "Are you guys saying... you want to help me?" Both of them smiled and nodded at the same time.

Lynelle felt an arrow shot her heart from the kindness her Pokémon showed. Even when she didn't ask, they still offered to help. She felt thankful that she decided to treat them with sweets as soon as they're done with this.


Time passed by and sure enough, the trio manage to have no problem finding most of the items on the list... well... all thanks to Kirlia, who is surprisingly very erceptive and keen to her surroundings. That, or that she has some sort of psychic ability that allows her to quickly identify what the items Lynelle needed and highlight them out to make things easier for them. Either way, it saved them a great deal of time of endless searching.

"Whew! There's only one more item left. You guys still good for one more stop?" Lynelle looked at her Lucario holding five bags, not even fazed by the weight of all of them with Kirlia standing on his shoulders. 'As expected, this is no problem for you, Lu.' She smiled at them and then checked the list.

She was almost relieved that there was only one more left. Hopefully she can find the shop without asking for directions anymore. Even if she seemed calm and reserved in a stranger's eyes, she felt like dying inside whenever she asked a person for directions. But she sucked it up for it's her chance of returning Sonia a favor.

Kirlia noticed that every time her trainer talked to another person, she would feel her trainer's anxiousness. She closed her eyes and used her psychic abilities to find the last shop they needed to go to.

Her eyes shot open when she found it. She floated away from Lucario's shoulders and gestured him to follow. Lucario wasn't sure what the psychic type was indicating. Kirlia pouted when she sees that Lucario wasn't going to follow and floated away from him.


Lynelle heard her partner's alarmed yelp and looked over to see Kirlia flying away from them. "Wha- Kirlia! Wait!" She adjusted her bags and ran after Kirlia, Lucario followed suit.


Just as Kirlia turned to a corner, she bumped into something hard it made her fall down. She looked up to see a man towering over her. "Huh? What the... a Kirlia? a shiny one at that. Where did you... "

"Ah! Kirlia! Are you alright?"

Kirlia smiled at the sound of her trainer's voice, happy to know that they followed her. Lynelle picked Kirlia up and held her in her arms, not even bothering to put down the bags. "Don't float away like that, okay?" Lynelle lightly scolded Kirlia which made her feel slightly guilty.

"Oh, so you're its trainer? You really need to keep a close eye on your Pokémon." Lynelle looked up to see who was the owner of the male voice.

The man was insanely taller than her. He had black hair covered in his orange beanie that exposed the back of his head. He had dark skin and teal green eyes. He was wearing a dark blue hoodie with the sleeves end just under the elbows. The hood was lined up with a sharp teeth-like pattern, the laces were colored white with sharp ends, and the front of the hoodie having a design similar to the underbelly of a reptile. He also wore dark blue shorts that ends just above the knee and high-cut sneakers that were probably custom made to match his outfit.

Lynelle had to admit, the man was quite attractive. She didn't notice that the man was smirking when she was observing his features. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." The man voiced out, making Lynelle blushed with the realization. "I-I'm sorry." The ravenette bowed apologetically .

"Oh, I don't mind it really, especially when it's a pretty lady like you." The man laughs. Lynelle blushed again, now realizing that the man was flirting with her.

Lynelle chuckled at the man's attempt at swooning her. She was never a fan of someone flirting with her because the ones she gets flirted with, always force themselves on her. That would happen if she wasn't impressed by their flirting or that she was feeling uncomfortable. 

Needless to say, the said men who flirted with her in an unflattering matter, would always end up on the floor, crying from the pain in their middle parts as Lynelle walks away with disgust evident on her face.

But this time, she felt that the man was flirting with her in a joking way. It still felt like flirting, but for once, she didn't felt uncomfortable. The man just gives off a friendly feeling, like he's someone who knows how to have a good time, has a lot of charisma, a flirt but in a fun and joking way.

Realizing that she had something else to do, she quickly changed the subject. "Hey can I ask a question?"

"Hmm? Oh, of course! How could I forget? Hold on a moment." Lynelle became confused when the stranger grabbed some large card and a marker from his hoodie pockets. "Alright. what's your name, love?" Lynelle slightly blushed at the new nickname. "... It's... Lynelle."

The man paused for a moment, seemingly trying to register what he just heard. 'Wait... that Lynelle?' He thought and then saw her Lucario behind her, wearing a bicep guard on one of its arms. Then he carefully observed Lynelle's facial features. 'Black hair, blue eyes, light-skinned... and... a keystone on a weird-looking necklace... it really is her.'

Lynelle noticed the halted movements from the stranger and got slightly concerned but even more confused. "Uhm, sir? Are you alright?" Lynelle ask only to receive laughter from the tall man.

"I'm quite alright, thanks for asking. Lynelle, right? Well, what a lovely name, fitting for a beauty like yourself. Here you go." He stopped writing on the card and handed it to Lynelle. To her surprise, it was his league card with his signature and her name written on it. What caught her eye was the name "Raihan" on the card. 'Huh... why does that name seem familiar.' She thought for a bit but decided to ignore it for now.

"Uhm... thank you, but I was going to ask if you know the directions of a store named: Kaare Goh?" Lynelle asks with a subconscious thought of how silly the name sounds. The stranger looked at her in both surprise and shock. Not exactly the reaction he had in mind, but he was intrigued either way. "Oh? That's a popular store. A bit weird that someone doesn't know where it is." He stuttered.

"Well...I'm not exactly from here, so..."

"Really? Your accent pretty much hides it but I could already tell. Just take a right there and then take the first right. It's the store with the most obnoxious lights you'll ever see, you won't miss it." He says as he points to the direction she needed to go.

"Okay, gotcha. Thanks a bunch!" Lynelle waved him goodbye and gestured her Pokémon to follow.

Raihan just stood there, still a bit stunned on how the ravenette didn't recognize him. More than that, he still was surprised to meet the very person his purple-haired friend kept talking about. "Didn't think I'd meet her this early." He hums in amusement.

"Well, time to make a call."


"Alright! That's the last one. Time to head back." She said as she adjusts the Eco bags she bought on her arms. Throughout her time in the shop, she couldn't stop thinking about her earlier conversation with the tall man, who she now realizes why the name "Raihan" seemed so familiar to her.

"Who would've thought I'd get to meet the Hammerlocke Gym leader Raihan in this place... and even had some small talk with him... and also receiving his league card... with my name on it." She muttered, not knowing if she should be shocked or not.

"Excuse me, Lynelle?"

Lynelle turned behind her to see a man wearing a shady attire. Dark blue hoodie, black pants, sneakers, a hat, sunglasses and a face mask. Lynelle could easily tell that the guy was trying to hide his identity and it shows. 'A bit surprising and concerning that he managed to go through security.' She thought as she braced herself for any suspicious movement.

"Who are you?" She asked harshly, making the man back up a bit out of fear of what the woman was going to do. "I-it's me, Leon." Leon says as he showed her his face as proof.

"Wha- Leon!? What are you-"


Unfortunately, the people near them happen to heard her.

"Wait the unbeatable Champion is here?!


"Did you say Leon?! Where is he?!"

Leon started to panic, not knowing if he should bolt out of there or reveal himself to save Lynelle the trouble but he doesn't know if both of them are either good or bad ideas.

Seeing how he was slightly panicking, Lynelle had to make the most convincing excuse she could think of. 

"S-sorry! I meant my friend Leee... Leonardo here, heh. I call him Leon all the time so... Sorry for the misunderstanding!" she quickly bowed apologetically.

"Oh, too bad."

"She should've known better, screaming the Champion's name and all."

"What an attention seeker."

Lynelle felt a little annoyed with their comments but decided to completely ignore them. "*Sigh*, sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that. So uhh... what's up?"

"It's fine. I'm really sorry to put you in that tight spot. Remember our promised battle...? Unless you're busy, that's understandable with the bags you're carrying. Uh-here, let me help." Lynelle appreciated his kind gesture and gave one eco bag for him to hold. "Thanks... Of course I've never forgotten about it. So, you're free this whole afternoon?" Lynelle asks.

"Hah... yeah I managed to convince my uh..."Boss" to give me a break for a while." Lynelle felt a bit worried of what excuse he had in mind when he convinced his boss. She thought of a couple possible reasons, but she felt like asking how he convinced his boss a bit weird and personal "...Wouldn't you get in trouble for this?" She asked a bit worried for him.

"Probably. But I don't mind it, really." Lynelle was taken aback on how calm he was being. But then again, he is the Champion so he can probably get out of trouble pretty easily. Not only that, he took away his free time just to battle her. Lynelle wasn't even sure if she'll be free after this and she didn't want his hard work from convincing his boss be all for nothing.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt... okay, I accept your challenge. Champion Leon." Lynelle smiles at him and started walking with Leon beside her, both of her Pokémon followed behind them.

"Aww, you already knew?" He laughs, a bit flustered at how she addressed him. "I mean, you're literally the hot topic everywhere I go... Oh right! How'd you know where I was? There's no way you just happen to find me here, even wearing something that hides your identity in the shadiest way possible." Lynelle laughs, making Leon flustered even more. "Hey, I did my best okay?" He rubbed his neck in embarrassment until an idea popped up in his head.

"Well it was Raihan who told me you were here. You happened to bumped into him and you, in his words: "Stared at him hard it made you speechless"?" He said in a teasing way, making Lynelle blush hard. 

"H-hey! I didn't knew who he was and I was just uh... t-taking in what he looked like. Yeah! that's it." Lynelle nervously her reason as she tried to hide her embarrassed face.

"Oh really? Somehow, I don't believe you. Not with how you were stuttering in your words."


"Heh, I win." Leon smugly says, feeling proud of winning his little game he had somehow created while Lynelle clicked her tongue in annoyance for not expecting that comeback.

She fell quiet before a question popped up in her mind. "Hey, is it fine if I request this battle to be a one-on-one?"

"Of course, I was planning our battle to be a one-on-one." Leon replied instantly.

"Great! Wait, hold on." Leon looked at the ravenette beside him questioningly. "What would happen if I win? Wouldn't I become crowned as the new Champion?" Lynelle smirked.

"Pfft! As if you can defeat the undefeated Champion of the Galar Region!" Leon retorted, puffing his chest proudly. Lynelle just giggled at him for being prideful, like a male Pyroar showing off his mane.

"You seem pretty confident, but we'll see. So, where do we battle?" As soon as Lynelle asks, Leon froze on the spot. His face turned from happy to nervous to slight panic. The body language was enough for Lynelle to know that he didn't think this through. A moment of silence passed and Leon started to move again when something come in mind.

"I know a place."


"Thank you for letting us use your gym, Ms. Opal." Leon thanked the old woman named Ms. Opal in front of him.

She was tall, had short white hair and wrinkles were very prominent on her face, along with a long nose. Teal eyes and purple eyeshadow. She wore a long dress that reached her ankles with pink and teal in a swirl pattern. She also had a huge purple fur lining on the collar part of the dress with three white cotton balls sticking out from it. She also wore a teal hat with black circles circling around it, three bracelets on her left arm, the first and third bracelets were pink while the second was teal. She also had a Dynamax band on her right wrist and a glove with the index finger and the palm in black while the rest of the fingers were pink. She also had an umbrella with the same design as her outfit.

"Oh its no big deal. I'd like to watch your battle, if you don't mind." Ms. Opal looked at Lynelle, expecting her to be the one to answer. "O-oh! We don't mind it at all!" Lynelle squeaked and then eyed at Leon when she heard him snicker.

"Well then, let's not dally any longer. Follow me."

The three of them walked through a long, gray hallway. When they reached the end of the tunnel, the bright lights blinded Lynelle for a bit. When she opened her eyes, she couldn't believe the sheer size of the stadium from the inside. The ground having flower patterns was a nice surprise for Lynelle and the number of audience seats around the stadium was more than that of the gyms back in Hoenn.

"Wow... this place is huge! Are the other gyms like this?" Leon chuckled at how curious the ravenette was. "Yeah, even Wyndon stadium." He answered.

"That's so amazing... This place is so amazing. " She blurted out loud. "Oho ho ho, Thank you, dear. Well then, I'll be on the stands then. Good luck to you both on your battle." Both Lynelle and Leon nodded, thankful for the old gym leader for allowing them to borrow her gym.

"Hey, I got a quick question. Is it true that there some sort of barrier that protects the audience from Pokémon moves? Especially when Dynamaxing." Lynelle asked when she remembers some of the videos Sonia showed her.

"Yep, check it out. Come out, Charizard and use flamethrower at that spot right there!" Leon threw a Pokéball and out comes his Charizard.

"What? W-wait hold on!"

"RROOAAR!" Charizard roared valiantly before firing off a strong flamethrower at the designated spot. The flamethrower made contact with an invisible force field that seemed to show purple hexagons when being hit.

Lynelle felt both relieved and amazed at the same time. Relieved that the stands didn't get hit and amazed at the invisible force field. "...Oh wow... You can't see it but it's right there. That's really convenient." She hummed.

'It's a bit weird how other gyms in different regions never thought of this.' She sweatdropped at the realization.


"Oh? I didn't expect you to be here, Raihan."

Opal greeted the tall dragon expert just as he appeared behind her. The said man just laughed and sat two seats away from her. "Yeah, trust me, I didn't want to come here either. But, I just wanna see who that woman is and why Leon was so insistent on battling her."

"Oh? Perhaps both of us have the same mind after all." Opal laughs.

"Yeah, No, we don't." He quickly retorted.


"Okay first of all, since you don't have a Dynamax band, I won't use Dynamaxing in our match." Leon said as he fixes his hair back to his original hairstyle.

"Hmm... well if you insist, then I won't use mega evolution as well. We'll have the traditional, old-school Pokémon battle." The ravenette suggested.

"Really? Are you sure about that?" Leon asked, a bit surprised at her proposed handicap. "Hey, I want a fair and square match." Lynelle said as she crosses her arms, showing that she was serious.

Leon laughs and then became serious. "Alright, that settles the rules. Now then, I challenge you to a battle!" He points towards Lynelle with a fiery expression.

Now that they were done with shopping, and then leaving them in her hotel room, along with the handbag, there was nothing left to think about other than to accept.

Seeing how excited her opponents was, she couldn't help but play along and shared his excitement.

"I accept!"


A/N: Hello, it's been a while. A lot happened but basically, I couldn't get any signal and electricity these past few days and I couldn't update. but everything's fine now, signal is back up, still a bit slow but doable. electricity isn't back yet but I'm pretty okay for the time being. 

I'm so sorry for the delayed update!

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