ため野矢の: Because of Noya

By MoonlessNights

211K 7.6K 3.7K

Nishinoya Yuu x OC. Kameko Nakemura is a 2nd year transfer at Karasuno High. Not used to the atmosphere, cur... More

モノクロ Monochrome
弐拾八 28
インパクト Impact
驚き Surprise
感心する Admire
屈する Give in
何? What?
誤解する Misunderstand
真実 Truth
触れる Touch
粘り強い Tenacious
辛抱する Persevere
話す Talk
反対 Opposite
タイミング Timing
憂鬱 Melancholy
気が進まない Reluctant
違い Difference
てこ Pry
現実 Actuality
視点 Perspective
手順 Steps
笑顔 Smile
落ちる Fall
ハンズ Hands
引き受ける Assume
希望 Hope
何とか Somehow
戦い Fight
色 Colors
ヒーロー Hero
ためノヤの Because of Noya

献身 Dedication

3.7K 177 67
By MoonlessNights

"Waaah!~ Kameko-chan, you should have told me earlier if it happened already! Geez! (_')ゞ"

I gazed at the screen of my flip phone and unconsciously smiled at the quirky little message Amari-san sent.

"Well, at least you know now, Amari-san. (^^)"

The clacking of my fingers pressing the buttons of my phone were nothing but faint compared to the liveliness of the scene around me.

"But I knew it! You WERE going to fall in love with Yū-chan! (^^)"

My face tainted a slight shade of pink as the keychain on the side of the pastel pink phone jingled along with the speed bumps of the road below the tires of the bus.

"Stop! It's still really embarrassing to think and talk about. (-_-)"

I replied with a pout adoring my face. Amari-san always made fun of me for how much I look like I'm having a real life conversation whenever I text. She says people don't show emotion to their phone during a conversation- so that put me in a position to keep a poker face on when I typed.
And it obviously failed.

"Hmmm~ the mystery now is to figure out if Yū-chan likes you back ☆〜(ゝ。∂)!"

I sighed. I did have a few regrets about telling Amari-san about the whole ordeal. It was during dusk when the whole team boarded the bus back home- and that's where, to keep myself occupied during the long ride, I decided to tell my closest friend everything that's happened since she wasn't updated.
And boy, was I kept up so unbelievably late with a bombardment of questions from one simple text. All of the 'whens' and 'where's' and 'hows' and 'whys' were included accordingly during the long conversation about my crush on the Karasuno libero.
Amari-san was absolutely enthralled by the whole ordeal- like a small child at a festival for the first time.
Although, I accepted this loveable nature of hers and went along with her excitement (though not shown much through the cellular device).

"I wouldn't know."

I stated simply. He promised me he was going to fall in love with somebody else- but I have no clue who the libero could fall for.

My brows furrowed in concentration. There were many attractive girls at Karasuno.. He should fall for one easily when he returns to school. But would I find it in my heart to be happy for him?
After what happened last time...

I clutched my fist tightly into a small ball at the memory. No, my own selfishness wouldn't get in the way this time. I mean, this is what really loving someone is, right? No matter what the consequences?

"Eeeeeh? Why so hesitant and blunt?"

Amari-san demanded.

"It's his choice. I wouldn't want to force him into doing anything he wasn't comfortable with- regardless of what he wants."

"Gah, you're so straightforward, Kameko-chan! I guess you could say in a good way, because it's easier to tell how you feel (^_−)−"

Well, your honesty is was fuels that, Amari-san.

Easier to tell how I feel, hm?

I take a short moment to glance at the libero sitting in the front of the bus with his second-year friend.

To my surprise, a pair of hazel orbs landed on mine just as I preformed the supposedly discreet action.

Under the returned gaze, every muscle in my body tensed. Of course, except for my eyes, which flew down to my phone screen to save myself from the extremely unpredicted encounter.

My mouth was practically agape as I stared at my phone and nothing else- gluing my eyes to the surface to affirm that I wasn't going to look back up again.

What was that? Yū-kun never looked at me back when I took glances at him! Anywhere! I made sure it was always unexpected so he would never notice!

Ah! Oh, gods, could it still be that he was bothered by yesterday? Does he think I'm overly impulsive and touchy-feely? Great going, Kameko! You made him so uncomfortable he had to watch you to make sure, right?

"OI! Were you even reading anything I sent?! (`∧')"

The vibration of a text message distracted me from my concentrated mind and tightly squeezed eyes, as I realized my conversation with Amari-san was still open and running this whole time.

"Ah, sorry. I was just daydreaming for a bit and got distracted. ^_^;"

Yeah, Amari-san. So straightforward and pure. But I mean, it's not fully a lie, right? I even put an emoticon to make it all better!

"Suuuure, Kameko-chan -_-. Anyways, grandpa's calling me to help with the gardening outside. Keep me updated with more loooove later! ~ ♪('ε )"

I huffed and grumbled in embarrassment as I turned my phone off and flipped it closed- the keychain still jingling along with my movements.

I carefully leaned my back against my bus seat and sighed as I lethargically turned my head towards the window. I guess having a seat all to yourself had its benefits- you wouldn't have to feel self-conscience about whatever you do, and you get the window seat all the time.

It's only dawn...

I groaned internally as I saw the sun setting below the dark green horizons ever so painfully slowly.

It's really unfair how time seems to drag on during moments like this- almost mocking my boredom as a minute feels like an hour.

Maybe I should read? No, my head always hurts after a scan over a page or two. My phone is nearly dead from all of the messages Amari-san and I shared- and I wouldn't want to go over my parent's data plan.

I guess I'll sleep.

I chuckled to myself at the impossible idea as I just closed my eyes out of amusement. Like this outcome was going to work out in my favor, too.

I exhaled a hefty sigh as I tried to rid my mind of any consuming thoughts. Maybe this will just help me to rest for a while- even if sleeping proved to be hard.

Inhale. Exhale.

Inhale. Exhale.



And stop breathing all together.


My eyes shot open immediately at the sound of the volleyball player so close to me. No way! Did he ditch Tanaka-san all the way up there to see me over here? No, he must have a good reason.

"Ryū fell asleep on me. A lot of the others did too, so I guess I got bored."

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as he turned towards the front of the bus- where a faintly snoring, bald-headed volleyball player slept. I noticed that he was in fact telling the truth, and decided to look around a bit more at the sleeping backs of many Karasuno athletes.

"Yeah.. Most did."

I mumbled when my eyes landed on the three upperclassmen wide awake, but occupied with something else at the moment- possibly to make them sleep too. I anxiously stared a bit more at Sugawara-senpai to make absolutely sure he wasn't witnessing any of this.

"Mind if I sit next to you?"

He asked- almost as if something inside of him forced it out. It caused me to rip my attention from the gray-haired setter listening to music to the libero before me.

"A-Ah, sure."

I replied before I could just stare in surprise at the spikey-haired teen. I hastily shifted more towards the window and removed my bags from the seat next to me.

Yū-kun sat himself down and leaned back with an exaggerated huff. I kept my eyes glued to my shoes as I twiddled my thumbs in anticipation for him to say anything- something.

"The trip was really fun, huh?"

He casually begins with a nostalgic smile- even though we left just hours ago.

"Yeah. I'm sure everyone had a nice time. I did too."

I state simply as swallow the nervous lump in my throat, while forcing the butterflies in my stomach to settle down.

It was quiet for a long while- us both staring at anything but each other. I could hear my own heart beating wildly in my ears as I hoped it didn't reach Yū-kun's line of hearing.


He broke the hefty silence.

"Do you still feel bad about me and Kiyoko-san?"

He inquired curiously as he turned to look at my side profile.

I clutched the fabric of my skirt as I heaved. Talking about it was like remembering hell all over again.

"I can't say I am, but I can't say I'm not. If it was what made you happy, then I would try my best to support you."

I say as I returned his gaze with all honesty.

He smiled, pleased with my response.

"Good! 'Cause I was worried you might be weird about it! I'm still jittery remembering that!"

He said with a huge grin adorning his face.

"Nope. You can count on that."

I said confidently with a small smile to rival his huge one.

"Wait! But she did tell me something!"

He declared with a finger hanging in the air for emphasis.

"What might that be?"

He giggled and continued on.

"She told me someone else likes me!"

He whispers- desperately trying to keep his voice low amongst the stuffy bus's aroma.

I could feel every hair stand on end. I blush 10 different shades of red at the statement as I duck my head down in a horrible attempt to hide it. Oh, you sly woman, Kiyoko!

"She said I can't ask who! Kiyoko-san told me I would have to find out myself, 'cause that's what men do!"

Yū-kun triumphantly sticks a thumb to his chest.

"But, I'll wait for that girl!"

I jerk my head up in surprise at the sudden confession. I stared at the libero with wide eyes, only marveling at what he has to say next.

"For hundreds of years! No, thousands!"

He says with no ounce of lying in his tone. With such an exaggeration- it would seem nearly impossible.


I ask quizzically- almost testing his loyalty.

"'Cause I respect someone who would want to spend their time to being with me! And would want to buy me little presents, and go out to eat with me, and all kinds of other stuff! I respect that dedication more than anything! They're really cool!"

My expression softens by the minute as I gaze at Yū-kun passionately describing this. Little does he know, I'm dedicating more and more of myself even when he's just speaking.

"She would be really lucky to have you."

I whisper as my heart fills with affection.

"Mhm! She might be cooler than me."

He declares jokingly and chuckles.

"Ah! I almost forgot!"

He sits up suddenly.

"Kameko-chan, remember the promise we made at the beginning of the trip?"

He asked, hoping for a good outcome to the question.

"Hm? Of course."

I reply, with a smile still lingering on my face.


He leans in considerably close to me in anticipation- making my heart and emotions go absolutely wild.


I thought as I shifted under his strong gaze- through those huge, hazel eyes I could get lost in forever.

"..I do..."

I gulp.

"I do see you as a man, now, Yū-kun."

I believe I have ever since the trip even started.

He literally lit up at the confession and pumped a fist in the air.

"RYOSHA! I knew I could do it!"

He victoriously declared in between joyous giggles.

I shushed the excited libero as I motioned towards all of his sleeping teammates.

He mouthed an apologetic 'sorry' as we both grinned widely.

"I'm really happy, Kameko!"

He whispered jubilantly.

"Well, it's the truth."

I assure him as my face hurts from the continuous smiling.

"Hey, remember when we sat next to each other on the bus?"

He moves onto the next topic quickly.

"Yeah. What about it?"

That's weird. Why would he bring that up now?

"That's 'cause I had a weird dream! I dreamed that I fell asleep on your lap and stuff!"

His face tainted a bit with a flushed red color as he bashfully looked away.



"Yeah! And you started, you know, stroking my hair and stuff, and my f-"


I interrupted before I was about to explode. He gazed at me curiously through wide eyes at the sudden raise in my tone.

At that time, I would really like to apologize to everyone on the bus for the ironic act I just committed.

"I didn't think you'd be that surprised! Oh, well."

Yū-kun gave a long yawn and put a hand over his mouth to politely cover it as he stretched with the other.

"I thought it would be good to bring it up now, 'cause I'm tired and all, y'know? It just made me think of that."

He gave a sleepy half-grin as he rubbed his eye with a small, closed fist.

"It was interesting."

I say simply to save myself from anything that would put me in any danger.

"Is it okay if I just sleep here?"

The libero asks through a sleepy tone and two half-lidded eyes.

I gawk at the adorable sight. Times like this is where I would love-hate Yū-kun.

I gulp and nod my head hesitantly.

His impish smile returned in a 'thank you!' before the second year turned his head forward and closed his eyes.

I sighed as I glanced through my peripheral vision at the resting face of such an energetic boy.

Watching him sleep put me at more ease than anticipated.

Was I even getting sleepy as well?

I chuckled as I could feel my own eyes getting heavy with the thought.

I can't believe he can even influence me like this. What a character.

I decided to drift off into the dreaming world myself through a tired heave.

And that night,

Maybe I would dream about falling asleep on Yū-kun's lap too.

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