何とか Somehow

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Another horribly loud and obnoxious sneeze emanated from my mouth and nostrils.

I groaned in frustration and agony as my face contorted in disgust while I wiped my bright, red nose. I coughed into the white sheet a couple of times to rid myself of the dry, itchy feeling in the lower parts of my throat and gingerly threw the tissue into a wastebin near my bed.

Gods, was it GREAT to be back home.

I gave a hefty sigh (Not a good idea. My throat went right back to painfully burning from the action) and limply fell onto the pillow set out behind me.

I stared at the ceiling idly and gave a few sniffles- the silence, besides my own illness making a ruckus, being my only company for the morning.

After the final bus ride home, I was set off to go to school tomorrow. Unfortunately enough, it was a more-than-chilly morning when the team exited the bus- and I was without a jacket.

I pouted at this memory.

I was really fine being cold at first. When I walked an opposite direction to take the train home, I reassured the players offering up their thin jackets for my journey home by showing that I wasn't bothered by the frigid weather at all.
Not even 6 minutes later, the cold and newly emerged wind became unbearable as I was chattering my teeth off and waddling in place like a penguin during a snowstorm.

Thankfully, I made it to the train without falling over from hypothermia and tried to retain all of the heat from inside the vehicle as much as I could for another walk to my house.

The sneeze throwing me upwards distracted me from my train of thought as I sniffled in bitterness and rubbed my nose accordingly.

And then, this happened.

My eyes drooped as I continued facing the gray ceiling above me. Boy, would Amari-san be angry right about now- knowing that I took an 'extra break'- as she called it.

I'll see you soon enough... All of you.

I wished hopefully as I mustered a weak smile and heaved my boneless body onto my side ungraciously.

I huffed and snorted congestion out of my nose, to make it a little more bearable to at least rest my eyes a bit without having to worry about suffocating from this damned cold.

The idea in itself didn't last very long- as I heard the gentle creak of our front door opening. My heavy black orbs shifted like a huge stone being pushed to the opposite side- now gazing at my bedroom door.

Maybe Mom? Would she come home early to care for me? Wait, could she have brought cold medicine from the drugstore?

I smiled in contempt and relaxed every muscle in my body. Oooh, what if she got the ones that knock you out and force you to sleep? Those would be great right about now....

As I heard footsteps making their way up the door, I cleared my throat as much as I could (Painful. Too painful) and mustered a weak 'Welcome back!'- hoping my door didn't block out the statement.

"Glad to be back!"

A cheerful, young boy's voice emerged before I had time to react to the action- him opening the door widely and stepping inside in a grand motion.

My droopy eyes widened and perked up as I shot up- everything aching from the sudden action. I clutched the bedsheets in mild pain as I cursed myself for moving so carelessly....


"Yū-kun?! What are you doing here? How did you even get in?!"

I demanded, attempting to assert the concern and surprise in my voice, but failing because of the dry coughs that heaved out of my mouth unpleasantly afterwards.

ため野矢の: Because of NoyaWhere stories live. Discover now