Mob Psycho Male Reader X Miss...

By SuperSodaPie

387K 10.9K 8.8K

A office worker and programmer by the name of Kobayashi had a normal life by herself, until one day she took... More

Season 1 Chapter 1: The Strongest Maid in History, Tohru!
Season 1 Chapter 2 : Second Dragon, Kanna!
Season 1 Chapter 3 : Start of a New Life!
Season 1 Chapter 4 : An Invitation to a Meeting!
Season 1 Chapter 5 : The Guide to Psychic Powers
Season 1 Chapter 6 : Summer's Staples!
Season 1 Chapter 7 : New Dragon, Elma!
Season 1 Chapter 8 : Ochimusha! Psychic Powers and Me!
Season 1 Chapter 9 : Sports Festival!
Season 1 Chapter 10 : Troupe Dragon, On Stage!
Season 1 Chapter 11 : Year End, New Year!
Season 1 Chapter 12 : The Meeting of Kobayashi and Shigeo!
Upcoming Q&A
Sesaon 1 Chapter 13 (Finale) : Emperor of of Demise Arrives!
Season 1 Chapter 14 (OVA) : Valentines and Hot Springs!
Season 2 Chapter 1 : New Dragon, Ilulu!
Season 2 Chapter 2 : Shigeo Takes a Stand!
Season 2 Chapter 3 : Extracurricular Activities
Mob Psycho X Maid Dragon Q&A
Season 2 Chapter 4 : One Danger After Another
April Fools
Mob Psycho X Dragon Maid Short : The L Word
Season 2 Chapter 6 : Inside a Evil Spirit
April Fools
Season 2 Chapter 7: Choices

Season 2 Chapter 5 : When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do

12K 349 269
By SuperSodaPie

The scene opens to Kobayashi's apartment where Kanna and Ilulu were watching a commercial about an amusement park on the TV.

Kanna : I want to go to an amusement park!

Kobayahsi : Huh? I never did understand what was so fun about amusement parks.

Kanna : *pouting* Mrr!

Tohru : *drying dishes* Have you never been to one, Miss Kobayashi?

Tohru was spot on since it was true that Kobayashi has never went to an amusement park ever in her life.

Tohru : If so, we can go and tell you what it's like.

Kobayashi : ( A dragon's going to teach me something about this world? No. )

Suddenly, Shigeo's room door opens as Shigeo himself walks out and heads to the kitchen.

Tohru : Oh, hello Shigeo. What's the matter?

Shigeo : I'm just a bit thirsty.

Tohru : I'll get a glass for you.

Kobayashi then looks over at Shigeo and saw that he had the same expressionless face. She was then reminded of the event at the haunted spot a few days back. She then gets up from the couch and goes over to Kanna as she also pats her head.

Kobayashi : Oh, well! I'll take you to one since I know them so well!This is an exception, though!

Kanna & Ilulu : *raises hands* Yay!

Kanna : Can I invite Saikawa, too?

Kobayashi : Sure.

While Ilulu and Kanna were excited about the amusement park, Kobayashi looks over to Shigeo who was drinking a glass of milk.

Kobayashi : Let's all go to the amusement park together, Shigeo.

Shigeo : Amusement park?

Shigeo started to have mixed feeling about going since he had some things on his mind, however, Ilulu quickly goes over to Shigeo and clung to his arm happily.

Ilulu : We're gonna have tons of fun! Let's go, Shigeo!

Shigeo then gives Ilulu a smile as he agreed to go to the amusement park with everyone else.


It was the weekend and the Kobayashi resident's and Saikawa currently arrived at the amusement park, Parkour Land.

Kobayashi : We're here.

Tohru : What is this place? It's hard to believe we're still in the same country.

Kobayashi : Right? So this is the kind of place it is.

Tohru : Huh?

Kobayashi : No, it's nothing!

Suddenly from behind the two they hear a very familiar voice as it was also a bit muffled.

Georgie : The unusual... The fact you encounter things you can only find here creates memories and things you interact with let you forget your daily life.

Shigeo : That voice.

Kobayashi : Georgie-- Huh?!

The three then turn around and expected to see Georgie in her normal attire, however instead they see Georgie in a mascot costume.

Georgie : Yes, I am your guide to this world of dreams. This too could be considered a top of a parlor maid.

Kobayashi : Isn't that too broad an interpretation? Part-time job?

Georgie : My father's acquaintance runs this park, so I'm helping him out. *showing map* Oh, right, there's a café I think you'd like here in this area, Miss Kobayashi.

Kobayashi : Oh? We'll go try it.

After Georgie finished talking with the three she immediately walks over to the next guests of the amusement park and cheerfully greets them.

Kobayashi : I can feel the passion.

Suddenly, Kobayashi feels her hoodie being tugged and turns around to see Kanna, Ilulu, and Saikawa behind her.

Kanna : Kobayashi, I'm going to go play with Saikawa and Ilulu.

Kobayashi : All right. Meet back at the Ferris wheel at four.

Ilulu : Shigeo, come with us!

Shigeo looks over at Kobayashi as she gives him a nod.

Kobayashi : Make sure to watch over them.

Shigeo nods in response as Kanna and Saikawa hurries over to the first attraction while Ilulu holds Shigeo's hand and follows them with Dimple following them.

Kobayashi : Now, what shall we do?

Tohru : *happily* It's just the two of us adults now, isn't it?

While Tohru slides over next to Kobayashi happily, Kobayashi pulls out a security buzzer for her own safety.

Tohru : Why are you readying a security buzzer?


Currently with Kobayashi and Tohru they both walked around the amusement park and decided to go in their first attraction which was a Mirror House. Tohru looks around a bit amazed as she sees a bunch of mirrors all over the place.

Tohru : Wow, a room lined with mirrors, huh?

Kobayashi : There are so many reflections of me.

Tohru : Why do they have all these mirrors here for?

Kobayashi : To reexamine and reevaluate yourself.

Tohru : I see. I have to accept that I'm in human form right now.

Tohru smoothly walks through the mirror maze while Kobayashi follows her.

Kobayashi : I have to say, you're progressing rather quickly, Tohru.

Tohru : I can generally tell the way from the echoes of sound.

Kobayashi : You're like a bat.


The scene then changes to a dark space where Shigeo, Ilulu, Kanna, and Saikawa were walking through. For their first attraction they went into a haunted house. As they were walking everyone except for Saikawa were walking normally and were unafraid.

Suddenly out from the shadows, Georgie who was dressed like a ghost comes out and scares her own little sister.

Georgie : Curse you!

Saikawa : * scared* I'm scared of the props!

Kanna : Calm down, Saikawa. I'll protect you.

Ilulu : Shigeo will exorcise any ghosts if you were actually in danger.

Shigeo : The ones in here aren't real, so I can't exorcise them.

Georgie then gets closer to Saikawa and then pushes her towards Kanna which resulted in her cheek pressing against hers.

Unable to keep the happiness inside, Saikawa shouts happily as the people outside of the haunted house heard her as well.


Back with Kobayashi and Tohru, they were currently riding on the spinning tea cups which Kobayashi actually knew about the ride.

Kobayashi : ( I know this one. )

Kobayashi then grabs the metal plate in the middle and starts to spin it as the teacup they were riding on starts to spin as well. As they were spinning, Tohru was trying to figure out how this ride was fun while Kobayashi was actually have a bit fun on it.

Tohru : What makes this fun?

Kobayashi : Uh, centrifugal force?

Tohru : You mean humans try to experience a stronger rotational force to make themselves aware they're under sway of the planet's rotation?

Kobayashi : Centrifugal force and rotational force are-- No, let's go with that!

Tohru : Let's go with that? Can I try spinning it, too?

Kobayashi : Go ahead.

Tohru : There!

Tohru, with one spin makes the tea cup they were on spin faster than the others while Kobayashi couldn't handle the speed and started to feel her head spin.


Back with the kids, Ilulu, Saikawa, and Kanna were currently inside of a giant inflatable ball that was floating on top of the water while Shigeo was sitting on a bench watching them.

Ilulu : What is this? How do you play with it?

Suddenly, out from the water comes out a shark that surprises the three. The shark then starts to push the inflatable ball that they were in which causes them to roll around on each other.

As Saikawa was being squished by Kanna and Ilulu she couldn't hold in her happiness any longer and shouts out of cuteness, loudly. The shark stopped pushing the water ball and went back into the water while Ilulu and Kanna were covering their ears from Saikawa's cuteness overload.

Saikawa : *happily* Sorry, I did it again.

Ilulu : You're so funny, Saikawa.

The shark that was pushing the water then pops out of the water and as its mouth opened, it revealed that it was Georgie who was wearing a shark suit.

Georgie : This, too, is a maid's duty.

When the three were finished with the water attraction they all returned to Shigeo and started heading to the next one. While they were walking they stumble upon another mascot that was handing out snacks.

Mascot : Have a snack.

Ilulu : Lucky!

Kanna & Saikawa : Thank you.

The three then each received a snack from the mascot and Shigeo thought it would be a good time to sit down and have a break while the three ate their snack. As they sat down at a table, the three happily eat their snack while Shigeo was glad that they were enjoying their time.

Kanna : Saikawa, is yours yummy, too?

Saikawa : Yeah. Oh, sorry, though. I ate all of it.

Kanna then sees that on Saikawa's cheek was a crumb of her snack that she had eaten.

Kanna : That one tastes yummy, too.

Saikawa was about to shout from Kanna's cuteness, but she was able to hold it in.

Ilulu : Oh, she held it back.

Saikawa : I can do it when it counts!

Ilulu : Really?

Ilulu then licks Saikawa's cheek while Kanna also does the same by licking her cheek once more.

Unable to withstand it any longer, Saikawa overloads from the two dragons cuteness as she shouts outload while the people nearby look over to the four confused.


Back with Kobayashi and Tohru who finished riding the merry-go-round , they were currently walking towards the café that Georgie recommended to Kobayashi.

Tohru : *happily walking* That was fun!

Kobayashi : You sure complained quite a bit, though.

Tohru : As long as I'm with you, even the depths of the abyss where light never reaches would be fun!

Kobayashi : I wouldn't have fun there. Though, I suppose you're right about it being fun because we're together.

Tohru : You had fun, too, didn't you, Miss Kobayashi?

Kobayashi : The café Georgie mentioned should be around here.

The two then finally arrived to the café and when they entered they saw that the café was a victorian styled café

Tohru : I know that. That's the Victorian style you mentioned once before.

Tohru then looks over to Kobayashi who was shedding tears of joy from the sight that she was seeing before her.

Tohru : The best smile she's had at any place we went today?!

Kobayashi : Thank you. Thank you, Georgie.

The two than sat down at a table and had a cup tea.

Kobayashi : The taste is average. Who to drink it with, huh?

Tohru : You'll drink it with me, right?


Back with Ilulu, Kanna, Saikawa, and Shigeo, they were walking around trying to decide what they were going to ride on next. The four then arrive at a roller coaster ride which caught Kanna's and Ilulu's attention as their eyes were filled with excitement.

Kanna : I wanna ride on that one!

Ilulu : That looks like a ton of fun!

Shigeo : You three can go ahead and ride it. I'll wait right here for you.

Saikawa : Are you sure you don't want to ride?

Ilulu : Yeah Shigeo, come on it will be fun! Let's ride it together.

Shigeo : I just need to take a little breather. So don't worry and go on ahead.

Kanna : Okay, then we'll be right back.

Saikawa and Kanna then start to walk over to the line while Ilulu stands still.

Kanna : Ilulu, what's wrong?

Saikawa : Don't you want to go on the ride?

Clearly, Ilulu wanted to go on the ride with Kanna and Saikawa but something was stopping her to do so.

Shigeo : Ilulu?

Ilulu : You two go on ahead. I'm going to stay with, Shigeo.

Kanna : Are you sure?

Ilulu : Yeah.

Kanna and Saikawa who were wondering why Ilulu didn't want to go on the ride decided to respect her decision and headed to the ride without her.

Shigeo and Ilulu then walk over to a nearby bench and satdown as they waited for Kanna and Saikawa. Ilulu then moves closer to Shigeo while the esper wondered why Ilulu didn't go on the ride.

Shigeo : Ilulu, don't you want to go on the ride?

Ilulu : I do, but I would rather be with you.

Shigeo : You don't have to worry about me. Go on ahead.

Ilulu : It's okay, just sitting here with you is fun enough for me. Also, I want you to have fun too...

Shigeo : Huh?

Ilulu : You seem like you were thinking about something instead of having fun with us ever since we got here. I thought if we went on a lot of rides you would start having fun, but you weren't...

Ilulu looks down on the ground a bit sadden but she suddenly feels something on her head and sees that Shigeo was petting her head.

Shigeo : I'm sorry, Ilulu. I am having fun with you three. I've just have something on my mind for a couple of days.

Ilulu : What is it?

Shigeo remained silent for a moment but began to speak, telling Ilulu what has been on his mind .

Shigeo : I just don't understand why people act so differently when they encounter something they don't understand.

Dimple : ( He must be still thinking about the ghost family from a couple days back. )

Ilulu : What do you mean?

Shigeo : Even if the unknown isn't doing anything wrong, why do people want them to disappear? Why do they feel better if they see it disappear? If the unknown were actual people it would be different, they wouldn't be scared. I just don't understand why people act so differently about one thing and the other.

Ilulu : Mmm, that's kind of hard to understand...

Shigeo : Sorry, Ilulu. It's okay you don't have to worry--

Ilulu : But who cares what those kind of people think! You're strong just like a dragon so you don't have to worry about that kind of stuff! You should just think what you want to think.

Shigeo slightly jumped from Ilulu raising her voice while the dragon gives him a heartwarming smile, and encouraging words.

Ilulu : The protagonist of your own life is you, right?

Shigeo's eyes start to widen as he heard Ilulu throw the words that he has said to her when they first met. His worries then soon fade away as he felt reassured with Ilulu. The two then start to have a fun conversation as they waited for Kanna and Saikawa to return.


[ Time Skip ]

After the kids rode more rides and had a ton of fun time goes by as the sky was now a beautiful orange color. Currently, Shigeo, Ilulu, Kanna, and Saikawa were at the Ferris wheel where they were waiting on Kobayashi and Tohru.

Ilulu : *looking around* Where are they?

Shigeo : I'm sure they'll be here soon.

While Ilulu continues to look around for Kobayashi and Tohru, Kanna was checking on Saikawa who had a tissue in her nose to stop the nosebleed from her cuteness overload.

Kanna : Saikawa, are you okay?

Saikawa : I-I'm fine. I'm just a little too happy.

Suddenly, the two then hear a camera shot, and as they look over to where the sound came from they see Georgie taking a photo of them with her phone.

Saikawa : Georgie.

Georgie : You young ladies look like you're having fun. I took very nice photos of you all.

Kanna : Oh, show me, show me!

As Kanna walks up to Georgie to see the photos that she took, Kobayashi and Tohru came running towards them.

Ilulu : Ah, Kobayashi, you're late!

Kobayashi : Sorry, sorry. I stayed there too long... Shall we ride the Ferris wheel, then?

Everyone except for Georgie then went on the Ferris wheel and as they were going higher and higher Saikawa was showing the pictures that Georgie took of them to Kobayashi.

Kobayashi : Did Georgie take those photos?

Kanna : We all screamed and had fun.

Ilulu : I'd love to live in a place this fun with Shigeo.

Kobayashi : Sorry that my place is ordinary and boring.

Kobayashi then looks over at Shigeo who was looking out of the cart window and saw that he still had his usual emotionless expression.

Kobayashi : Did you have fun today, Shigeo?

Shigeo then looks over to Kobayashi with a small smile as he felt that he got a lot of things off his chest by talking to Ilulu from before.

Shigeo : Yeah, today was fun.

Kobayashi then smiles and was happy to know that Shigeo was feeling much better, and was able to get passed the event that had happened with the family of ghosts.

Kobayashi then looks over to Tohru who was a bit quiet and seemed to have something on her mind.

Kobayashi : What's the matter, Tohru?

Tohru : Nothing, I've just been thinking. These rides make very sharp turns and rocks up and down. Then there's the buildings with detailed designs and mascot costumes modeled after fantastical beasts.

Kobayashi : ( Is she feeling nostalgic? )

Tohru : This... is a facility to simulate riding a dragon, isn't it?!

Kobayashi : Huh?

Tohru : I can't believe they'd make these things just because they can't ride dragons themselves. Humans are so despicable!

Kobayashi : How did you even jump to that interpretation?!

Tohru : In other words, if you rode me you could experience an amusement park every day!

Kobayashi : You only have roller coasters! ( Still, something like this every now and then isn't so bad. It is bad for my hips, though. )


[ Time Skip ]

In the evening on a weekday where Kobayashi was still at work and Shigeo and Kanna were out doing their own things, Ilulu was in the apartment laying on the living room floor reading manga and eating potato chips, spending another lazy day.

Ilulu starts to yawn and stretches as she became a bit bored from reading manga. She then starts to roll around on the floor until she hits the living room table as the manga books fall on top of her.

The dragon then starts to fall asleep but she suddenly wakes up as she feels a gaze on her. Ilulu then looks up and sees Tohru looking down at her with killing intent.

Tohru : I'm going to kill you.

Ilulu then sits up quickly, confused, as she puts her hand out in defense.

Ilulu : Huh?!

Tohru : Day after day you laze about! Why don't you go work a bit?!

Ilulu : I've been thinking about my future. Just give me another century.

Tohru : Don't think about it on a dragon's scale!

Ilulu : *sighs* I'll help you with your work for now, then.

Tohru : What?! There's no way you could handle the work of a maid! Please don't underestimate maids!

Ilulu : That's what Kobayashi is always saying to you. Though... Work, huh? Shigeo and Kobayashi do that, right?

Tohru : That's right. Miss Kobayashi is earning money for your food costs and Shigeo works after he finishes his day at school.

Ilulu : School? I thought you had to be a child for that?

Tohru : Shigeo goes to high school which is a place for older kids.

Ilulu : Then I will go to high school!

Tohru : Absolutely not. That is a place for learning and you would only cause Shigeo trouble.

Ilulu : Fine... Then I will work at the same place where Shigeo or Kobayashi go to work.

Tohru : *furious* I will erase you!

Ilulu : What? You're scaring me.

Tohru : *furious* I'll erase Elma, too!

Ilulu : Why are you bringing Elma up?!

Tohru : *sighs* Would you like to search for a place that'll employ you, then? Using our PC or reading the classifieds?

Ilulu : No. I'll look and decide for myself.


Looking for a place where Ilulu could work, the two dragons headed out to the nearby shopping district to see if there was something she was interested in.

Ilulu : It's my first time passing through here. I always went over the roofs.

Tohru : You're like a cat. Are you sure you wouldn't be better off living in the wild? Well, I will admit that you have been putting in effort lately. You did learn perception blocking... And at some point you managed to form proper hands. You have worked hard.

Ilulu : I kind of like you like this. I like you.

Hearing this from Ilulu, Tohru looks away from her with a slight blush from her cheeks as she seemed a bit happy from those words.

Tohru : Hmph, don't say such things so suddenly.

Ilulu : But I still like Shigeo the most.

Tohru : Why, you...! Jeez, come on now. Have you found something you'd like to try doing?

Ilulu : Hmm...

Ilulu then starts to look around and sees various type of store that were in the shopping district.

Ilulu : Meat and fish make me want to devour them.

Tohru : As expected from a fellow chaos dragon.

Ilulu : Flowers make me want to trample them.

Tohru : It is our destiny to destroy. It's forbidden to do all those things here, though.

Ilulu : Right... I hate those kind of instinctual things.

Tohru : Well, we're here because we denied them.

Ilulu : You can do that?

Tohru : Of course! That means there's nowhere you can work, though.

While Tohru was still speaking, Ilulu looks forward and sees two kids a few feet away from her and then immediately goes over to them.

Ilulu : Hey! Let's play!

Little Girl #1 : Sure, let's play!

Little Girl #2 : Want to go together?

Ilulu : Go where?

Little Girl #1 : Shopping!

Ilulu : Let's go!

Ilulu and Tohru then follow the two girls to their destination which was a shop called the "Oboro Shop". As they arrive in front of the shop they see that Saikawa and Kanna who seemed to be waiting for someone.

Little Girl #1 : Yoohoo! Kanna, Saikawa!

Saikawa : Oh, you're here.

Kanna : Lady Tohru, Ilulu.

Saikawa : Huh? What brings you here?

Tohru : That's my question. Why are you here?

Kanna : This is our hangout.

Little Girl #2 : So these ladies are friends of yours, Kanna?

Tohru : I'm Tohru. This is Ilulu.

Ilulu then starts to walk into the store and sees all kinds of snacks that she's never seen before as well as a lot of kids. As she continues to look around an old woman that was sitting at the counter starts to talk to the dragon.

Aida: I haven't seen you before. Are you the maid's little sister?

Tohru : So this is your shop, Ms. Aida? Ilulu, this is Ms. Aida. We've met often at the neighborhood association meetings.

Tohru then looks down an Aida's leg and sees that she was wearing a cast.

Tohru : Oh, what happened to your leg?

Aida : Oh, I messed it up while jogging. I'm getting old now, so I've been thinking of closing up shop.

Kids : No way!

Aida : But as you can see, I just can't.

Ilulu : *looking around* There are a lot of kids here.

Aida : That's because we're a candy shop. Different children have been coming for decades now.

As Ilulu hears theses words from Aida her eyes slightly widen as she decided what job she wanted to do.

Ilulu : Could I work here?!

Aida : How old are you?

Tohru : She's the same age as me.

Aida : *slightly surprised* The same as you? Hmm, what should I do? I was thinking of letting my grandson run the shop, but I guess it would be better to have someone enthusiastic about it than someone reluctant to do it.

Tohru : *bows* I would ask you to let her, as well.

Tohru then raises her head and puts her hand on Ilulu's head, letting her know to bow. Ilulu does so by bowing which surprised Aida as she saw how much Ilulu wanted to work at the candy shop.

Aida then starts to chuckle which causes Ilulu to look up as she sees Aida giving her an okay sign.

Aida : Okay!


[ Time Skip ]

It was the end of the day and over at the Kobayashi residence Ilulu has just told Kobayashi and Shigeo that she got a job at the candy store.

Shigeo : So, you're going to be working at the candy shop.

Kanna : It's Oboro Shop. Do you know about it?

Kobayashi : It's at the end of the shopping district, right?

Tohru : She got hired thanks to my voice of authority.

Ilulu : She displayed firm command of her emotions, and I thought she was terrifying.

Tohru : Praise me more.

Kobayashi : Is that really praise?

Ilulu then starts to look down as she became a bit worried about working at the candy shop.

Ilulu : Will it all be okay?

Dimple : She must be worried. I wouldn't blame her though. The thought of a dragon working at a normal candy shop, there's so many ways it can go wrong.

Shigeo : You chose it because you were interested in it, right?

Ilulu then nods to answer Shigeo's question as the esper walks up to the dragon and starts to pat her head.

Shigeo : *smiles* Then you will be all right. I think that's a great way to start work.

Ilulu glances over to Shigeo with a slight blush as the esper's words touched her heart once more. Ilulu then looks back down happily as well as slightly embarrassed, while she presses her fingers together.

Ilulu : *happily* I see.

Shigeo : I'll pick you up when I finish my part time job tomorrow.

Ilulu : Really? Thanks!

While Tohru was looking at the two she quickly stands up from her seat and goes over to Kobayashi.

Tohru : I'm a maid because I was interested in it, too, and it's very fulfilling! So please pet me, Miss Kobayashi!

Miss Kobayashi ignores Tohru and looks over to Ilulu as she gave her some advice.

Kobayashi : Ilulu. Make sure you listen to others and learn your tasks properly. Don't let yourself be like this maid.

Ilulu nods at Kobayashi's advice while Tohru started to have a fit while Shigeo starts to pat Tohru's head instead of Kobayashi, trying to make her feel better.


It was the next day and school was over for students as they all started to head home. In the streets, two male students were walking with one of them carrying a paper bag as he starts to sigh.

Male Student #1 : What's wrong, Take?

Taketo : My grandma hurt her leg.

Male Student #1 : So you're stuck helping out?

Taketo : No. Apparently she hired someone, so she just asked me to support them to start.

Male Student #1 : Huh. That stubborn old woman hired someone outside the family.

Taketo : I'm taking a uniform over today, but get a look at this.

Taketo then pulls out a large shirt from the paper bag he was holding and showed it to his friend.

Taketo : It's sized for an adult man.

Male Student #1 : So she hired a guy?

Taketo : I have no idea where she met him. If he's some weirdo, I'm chasing him out.

Male Student #1 : *teasing* So cool, Taketo.

Taketo : Shut up.

After parting ways with his friend, Taketo finally arrived at his grandmothers candy shop and walks inside as he wonder what kind of person his grandmother hired.

Taketo : ( Jeez. What the heck are they like? )

He then immediately sees Ilulu who was behind the counter and was caught off guard as he sees that she was a girl and the size of her chest.

Taketo : ( A-Adult size! Crazy! )

After snapping back to reality, Taketo explains to Ilulu that he was the shop owners grandson.

Ilulu : Aida's grandson?

Taketo : I'm Taketo Aida.

Ilulu : I'm Ilulu. I'm 16. ( That's what we're telling people. )

Taketo : The same age? Going by the name... you're a foreigner? How'd you meet Grandma?

Ilulu : I met her here, asker her to let me work, and she hired me.

Taketo : ( That was decided way too easily. This is suspicious. She has to have some ulterior motive for suddenly wanting to work here like this. )

Ilulu : So what are you here for?

Taketo : Oh, yeah, your uniform. An apron and a white shirt.

Ilulu : Stuff to wear? Got it.

Ilulu then stands up and starts to take off her clothes which causes Taketo's face to go completely red as well as having a nose bleed.

Taketo : Pfft! Hey! A pervert?! Are you a pervert?!

Ilulu : Oh, right. Shame. I forgot. Naughty boy.

Ilulu then continues to take off her clothes but Taketo quickly stops her while his face was still red.

Taketo : Don't act ashamed while rolling up your shirt! Go change in back! In back!

Ilulu : Oh, that's how it is.

Ilulu then goes in the back to change as Taketo closes the door while still a bit flustered.

Taketo : ( What was that? Does she come from a country with that kind of culture? I want to go there! )

Ilulu then opens the door changed into her work clothes but there was a slight problem with it.

Ilulu : Hey, Taketo?

Taketo : Just Take's fine. *turns around* What's wrong?

Ilulu : I can't get the buttons on this closed.

Taketo then quickly looks away trying to hold his nose bleed from the sight of Ilulu chest once again.

Taketo : Y-You'll be fine like that.

Ilulu : Okay, then. You're a pervert, aren't you?

Taketo : Huh?! What are you saying?!

Ilulu : *holding chest* You're staring.

Taketo : *looking away* I'm not staring!

Taketo then takes his shoes off and then enters the room in the back as he tells Ilulu that if she needed any help just call him.

Taketo : I'll be back here, so ask if there's anything you don't understand.

Ilulu then gives Taketo a nod as the high school boy shuts the sliding door with a small gap so he can keep an eye on her.

Taketo : ( She's a weirdo in a different way! I'm surprised Grandma decided to hire such a mysterious person. She makes less sense than someone with ulterior motives and it's scary. Can she even do the work? )

As time goes by, Taketo sees that Ilulu was doing her job properly as she was helping and interacting with the kids who came to the shop. On top of that, he saw that Ilulu was also enjoying her job.

Taketo : ( She's actually trying to do an honest job. Wait. Even more so than I would, huh? Is that why Grandma hired her? )

Meanwhile, with Ilulu, she was currently sitting at the counter as a little girl was standing in front of her amazed by the size of her chest.

Little Girl : Wow! Why do you have such big breasts?

Taketo : ( Whoa! An elementary schooler's blazing fastball of innocent sexual harassment! How will you divert it? )

Ilulu : These are my flame sacs. They're big so they can hold fire.

Little Girl : I see.

Taketo : ( What kind of nonsense deflection is that?! )

Little Girl : Are they heavy? Do they make your shoulders stiff?

Ilulu : Hmm, would you like to hold them?

Unable to watch any further, Taketo opens the sliding door and tries to stop Ilulu.

Taketo : Wait! Wait! Wait! Hey, don't do anything weird!

As Taketo tries to put on his shoes he accidentally loses his footing and starts to fall towards Ilulu who was now facing him. Taketo's head then falls onto Ilulu's chest cushioning his fall.

Ilulu : Are you okay, Take?

Taketo then quickly stands back up with his face all red and looks away trying to hold in his nose bleed.

Taketo : S-S-Sorry!

Ilulu : Oh, right. Naughty boy.

Taketo : Why's your reaction so delayed?!

[ Time Skip ]

It was the end of the day which meant it was also time to close up the candy shop. Ilulu was outside saying goodbye to the last customers of the day as they waved goodbye and started heading home.

Ilulu : *waving* Later!

Taketo then walks outside from the shop and stands next to her as the two see the kids off.

Ilulu : You know, I like kids. I like playing with them. But I can't play while I'm working. So I wanted to work somewhere where children have fun.

Taketo : It's time to close up shop.

Ilulu : Yeah.

Taketo : Want to play for a bit?

Ilulu : Really? Yeah! I want to know how those spinning things work! I'll bring it over!

Ilulu then walks back into the shop to get the spinning tops she saw the kids were playing earlier at the shop while Takeda looks at her with a reassured smile.

Taketo : ( She's a nice girl. Looks like I won't have to worry about Grandma. )

Before Ilulu enters the shop, she looks back at Taketo.

Ilulu : Take, I like you.

Taketo : What? That's my line.

Ilulu : Second to Shigeo.

Taketo : Who's Shigeo.

??? : Good evening.

Taketo then looks towards the unknown voice and sees Shigeo himself was standing a few feet away from him. Taketo gets scared by this as he didn't notice Shigeo at all.

Taketo : What the?!

Ilulu : Shigeo, you're here!

Ilulu who came out from the shop after hearing Shigeo's voice, happily walks over to him as she was holding the spinning tops she was going to play with.

Meanwhile, Taketo was looking at the two but was mostly focusing on Shigeo since Ilulu had just mentioned him.

Taketo : ( This is the person she likes? He's so plain. I didn't even know how long he was standing there for. )

Taketo then got a better look at Shigeo's school uniform and then realized it was the same as his. Meaning, that the two went to the same school.

Shigeo : *to Ilulu* As promised, I came to pick you up.

Ilulu : Hold on, before we go home I want to play with these spinning things. Oh, and that boy over there is Take, the shop owners grandson. *smiling mischievously* He's a pretty naughty boy.

Taketo : *blushing* I told you, I'm not!

Shigeo only looks at Taketo with his usual blank expression as he starts to think about what Ilulu had said. Shigeo who didn't fully understand what Ilulu meant when she said "naughty boy" misunderstood her as he thought that naughty boy meant a dangerous person.

Shigeo then becomes worried of Taketo as he pulls Ilulu away from him, trying to protect her.

Shigeo : *worried* Don't get too close, Ilulu. He's dangerous to be around...

Taketo : I told you that I'm not!

After Taketo explained the confusion to Shigeo he showed the esper boy and Ilulu how to spin tops.


It was the next day and currently at Salt High School all students were eating lunch with their friends enjoying their lunch break. Currently walking through the halls was Taketo who had his lunch in his hand and was walking to his friend's classroom.

As he continues walking, Taketo walks by the stairs that was connected up to the rooftop of the school and suddenly hears a voice he has heard before coming from above. Not being able to remember who the owner of the voice he decides to walk up the stairs to see who it was.

When he finally goes up the stair he then see Shigeo who was sitting at the top, eating his lunch by himself. Shigeo who heard the foot steps walking up the stairs looks down and sees that it was Taketo.

Shigeo : Oh, you're the person from yesterday.

Taketo : Yeah, Taketo Aida. And your name is Shigeo, right?

Shigeo nods to his question while Taketo looks around and tries to see who Shigeo was talking to.

Taketo : Who were you talking to just a second ago?

Shigeo : The ghost that's haunting me.

Taketo : Ghost?

Taketo start to think that Shigeo and Ilulu had the same level of weirdness and thought that's why she liked them.

Taketo : Don't you eat lunch with your friends?

Shigeo : I don't have many friends, so no.

Being caught off guard by Shigeo's answer, Taketo didn't know what to say to the esper boy as a few seconds of silence goes by. Taketo then made a decision and sat next to Shigeo as he opens his his bento box while confusing the esper.

Shigeo : What are you doing?

Taketo : I'm going to eat my lunch here.

Shigeo : Don't you have your friends to eat with?

Taketo : It's fine. I can have lunch with them any other time. Besides, after hearing that you eat alone mostly everyday I can't just walk away.

Shigeo : I'm sorry.

Taketo then takes out his chopstick and then starts to eat his food as he starts a conversation with Shigeo.

Taketo : Don't worry about it. So, what class are you in?

Shigeo : I'm in class 2-3.

Taketo then soon chokes on his food but was able to scarf it down as he was shocked to find out that Shigeo was one year older than him.

Taketo : You're a second year?! *bows* Sorry for being rude!

Shigeo : Oh, you don't have to worry about underclassmen and upperclassmen relation. I don't care about it.

Taketo : Oh, Uhhh, thanks...

Shigeo : So you're a first year, Taketo?

Taketo : Yeah, and you can just call me Take.

Shigeo : *nods* Okay, Take.

Taketo : So, what's the relation between you and Ilulu?

Shigeo puts his hand on his chin as he starts to think hard about this as he didn't know what to say at first.

Taketo : ( Why is he thinking so hard about it...? )

Shigeo then looks back at Taketo with a bit of an contemplated look as he gives him an answer.

Shigeo : Relatives?

Taketo : Why's your answer a question...?

Shigeo : We're not related but we live in the same house.

Taketo : Just the two of you?!

Shigeo : No. With my guardian and other relatives.

Suddenly, the two hear footsteps walking up the stairs and as they look down at the bottom of the stairs they see Elma who was holding a bento box.

Elma : Oh, Shigeo, you're eating lunch with someone else? That's rare.

Shigeo : Elma. I thought you were in a teachers meeting?

Elma : It finished early thank I expected so I thought I'd see if you were still here and eat lunch together. Whose this next to you?

Shigeo : This is Take, he's the grandson of the shop owner where Ilulu is working at.

Elma : *to Taketo* Hello, I'm the teacher in charge of class 2-3. It's nice to meet you.

Taketo : O-Oh, it's nice to meet you too.

Taketo had a slight blush as he heard rumors about Elma and how she was one of the most beautiful teachers in the school.

Elma : Do you mind if I eat my lunch with you two?

Shigeo : Not at all.

Taketo : *surprised* Oh, uh, I don't mind either.

Elma then sits next to Shigeo and opens her bento box as she was excited to eat her lunch.

Taketo : ( It's kind of rare to see a teacher eating lunch with a student. It's even more rare for a beauty like her to eat with this guy... )

Shigeo : You made your own lunch today?

Elma : That's right, I thought I should try and make my own since some of the other teachers do it. Would you like to try some?

Elma then takes her chopsticks and grabs a miniature meatball as she offered to feed (Y/N). Shigeo without any hesitation or thought ate the meatball that Elma fed him which greatly shocked Taketo as he started to blush from the sight.

Taketo : ( What the heck is going on?! This situation is not normal! A normal student and teacher wouldn't do that! )

Elma : *to Shigeo* Oh, by the way, when I went to the shopping district I saw that they were doing a lottery, and the grand prize was a trip to the hot springs that we went to.

Taketo's face was soon completely red when hearing Elma's words as he was confused about Shigeo and Elma's relationship.

Taketo : ( They went to the hot springs together?! I don't know what's going on anymore...! )

The flustered boy then had a sudden realization as he thought there could be only one explanation about Shigeo and Elma's relationship.

Taketo : ( Wait a minute... Feeding each other lunch, trip to the hot springs...? Are these two... in a forbidden love relationship?! )

While Taketo's face was still all red from the misunderstanding thought of Shigeo and Elma's relationship, Shigeo looks over to him wondering if he was all right.

Shigeo : Take, are you okay? You're face is all red.

Taketo : Huh?! What?! No it isn't! A-Anyways I just remembered I had to be somewhere, s-so I'm sorry for interrupting both of your time!

Taketo then runs down the stairs in a panic while Shigeo and Elma were a bit confused.

Elma : I wonder what's wrong with him?

Shigeo : I'm not sure.

(A/N) : Hello! Yes, yes, I know it's been a while and I apologize for that. There are a lot of reasons why I haven't been publishing chapters, but the main reasons are Elden Ring, writing/art block, and just me wanting to take a break.

Buuuut, hopefully that's over, maybe... I've realized I'm not great at keeping promises, so I'm not going to promise you all when the next chapters will be out anymore unless I know for sure lol. I've purchased a new keyboard which makes the writing experience so so so much better, so it's been helping fight me writers block.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will see you all in the next one!

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