Troublemaker | Station 19

De goonerscribblesox

345K 8.1K 1.8K

When the arrival of the youngest member of the Bishop family, Maddie, turns up at the station, skeletons come... Mai multe

{Cast & Characters}
1. Arrival at 19
2. Home sweet home
3. Exhaustion
4. Sour Mood
5. Escape Act
6. Grounded
7. Staying At The Houseboat
8. Risking It
9. Hero
10. PTSD
11. Oh Mother Dearest
12. Sick Day
13. Reunited
14. The World As We Know It Now
15. Our Fallen Hero
16. Tiger on the loose
17. Moving In
18. Bringing Up The Past
19. Probie Sullivan!
20. Victims
21. Wrongful Arrest
22. The Aftermath!
23. The Chase Is On
24. It's Too Early To Say Goodbye
25. Too Soft
26. Memorial Service
27. Unwanted Guest
28. Pushing Her Luck
29. Uncle Mason
30. Back To Italy
31. Hospital Trip
32. Confessions
33. Recovery Begins
34. Date Night
35. Unforgivable Actions
36. Unfamiliar Face
37. Anxiety
38. Leaving For Italy
39. Late Night Fears
40. Confrontation
41. Mood Swings
42. Reconnected
43. Teenage Trouble
44. It's Wedding Day!
45. Fallout Of Events
46. Happiness Doesn't Last Long
48. Awaiting News
49. Other Side
50. Awake
51. Nobody Likes Hospitals
52. Welcome To The Family
53. Wrapped Up In Cotton Wool
54. Recovery
55. Surprise Visitors
56. Show Some Respect
57. Back To School
58. Violence Doesn't Get You Anywhere
59. Birthday Wish
60. Who Doesn't Like Fireworks?
61. Rise From The Ashes
62. Celebrate!
63. Celebrate! pt.2
64. Fear
65. Truth Comes out
66. Seattle Heatwave
67. Maybe One Day
68. Are We Ready To Try This Again?
69. The Beginning Of A Downward Spiral
70. Sneaking Out, Again!
71. Testing The Limits!
72. The Calm Before The Storm
73. Devastation
74. Grief Stricken
75. Depression
76. Late Night Hospital Visit
77. Therapy
78. Feelings
79. As The Bells Ring, Blood Is Shed
80. Diagnosis
81. The Truth Hurts
82. Homophobic Slurs
83. Burnt Turkey
84. Accept That Its Over!
85. Actions!
86. Deep Trouble...
87. Rose Petals And Champagne, All Around!
88. Realisation
89. Christmas Is Just Around The Corner!
90. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, Well Kinda!
Book 2 Update!

47. Turmoil

3.1K 93 32
De goonerscribblesox

"Help! You need to help me!" The woman yelled as she ran over to the fire truck that arrived outside the house.

Maddox jumped out of the truck and adjusted his helmet on his head. "Hi, Ma'am. My name is Lieutenant Maddox. Can you tell me what's happened? Are you hurt?" He asked.

The woman shook her head as she still had her daughter in her arms. "No, I'm fine..." she said and pointed over to Maddie who was lay unconscious on the floor. "It's the teenage girl, she ran inside and rescued my daughter, she came back outside and she seemed fine, but she just collapsed and is now unconscious," she explained.

"Okay, don't worry we've got her," Maddox said as he saw the girl on the floor. "Is your daughter okay, ma'am?" He asked.

"Yeah, my daughters fine. Just please, help the girl out!" The women insisted in a panic.

"Don't worry we'll help her," Maddox reassured the women and looked at the team. "Guys we're gonna need a gurney over here, we've got a girl lay unconscious!" He yelled out.

Ruiz grabbed the gurney out of the aid car and headed over to Maddie on the floor, he gasped in shock and looked back at Maddox.

"What is it?" Maddox asked confused.

"Oh, man... Maddox, that's not just any kid," Ruiz said.

Maddox furrowed his brows further in confusion. "What, who is it?" He asked.

"It's Cap- Lieutenant Bishops' kid... Herrera, over here, quick!" Ruiz explained briefly and yelled over to Andy who was near the truck.

Andy heard her name called and headed over to the two male firefighters. "Ruiz, what's the problem," she questioned, not in the mood for any bullshit today and then gasped when she saw Maddie lay on the floor. "Oh my God, Ma-Maddie! What happened?!" she questioned.

"Apparently, she ran inside the house to rescue the kid and then collapsed on the ground outside," Maddox explained as he and Ruiz loaded Maddie onto the gurney.

"Damn it! We need to get her to Grey-Sloan, right now! Ruiz, let's go!" Andy said, taking over Maddox and rushing her back towards the aid car.

"On it, Herrera!" Ruiz responded.

Captain Aquino spotted Andy loading Maddie into the aid car and hopping in with her. "Woah, Herrera, where are you going? We still need to put the fire out. Leave the kid with Ruiz and Maddox, I need you to tackle the fire lieutenant!" He said firmly.

Andy sighed and looked at her new Captain. "All due respect Captain but 'that' kid you are on about is the closest thing I have to a niece," she told the man. "I don't trust Maddox's capability to take care of her as I'm sure you know who her mother is right? Please, Captain, she needs me right now, please?" she pleaded with her captain.

Aquino sighed and nodded. "Very well Herrera, go ahead!" He agreed.

"Thank you, Captain Aquino!" Andy said as she slammed the door of the aid car shut. "Ruiz, let's go!" She ordered in a panic.

"We're ten minutes out, Herrera," Ruiz called from the front of the aid car as he drove through the traffic as fast as he could. "How's she holding up back there?"

"She's unresponsive. I need to intubate, she's not able to breathe on your own..." Andy mumbled as she worked on her niece, she knew it probably wasn't best to do that, but she didn't trust any of the others yet and Ruiz was driving the aid car. "We've got you Mija. Don't worry you're going to be okay," she looked down and told the teenager who was still lay unconscious, but there was a pulse, nevertheless.

"Why would she run into a house?" Ruiz questioned.

Andy snorted and shook her head before she looked back down at her niece, "You clearly don't know Maddie that well. This isn't the first time that she's done something like this," She told him.

"Wait, she's done it before?" Ruiz asked surprised.

"Yeah, a couple of months back she ran into a house with Dean and my husband to help some girls out who had been kidnapped," Andy explained briefly as she held Maddie's hand even though the girl wasn't aware of it at all.

"What-" Ruiz was cut off by Andy alarmed.

"Oh, my God. I need to call Maya!" Andy said as she moved to grab her phone out of her pocket and call her best friend.

"I can't tell you how excited I am for your Chilli, Dean!" Maya exclaimed as she walked into the Beanery with Vic.

"It's what kept me going on our last call" Vic interjected, walking over to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water out.

"Well, you haven't got to wait too long for it," Dean stated as he stirred the pot.

"Maya, I think your phones going off," Travis pointed to her phone that was vibrating on the table.

Maya looked at her phone and noticed it lit up. "Oh, yeah it is. Oh hey, it's Andy," she said as she saw the caller ID.

"Oh, tell her we said hi!" Vic called over.

"Hey, Andy-" Maya spoke when she answered the phone but Andy cut her off straight away.

"Maya, you need to call Carina and you both need to meet me at Grey-Sloan," Andy said in a rush.

Maya was baffled, "What, why? Andy, I'm at work-" she started to say as Andy cut her off again.

"It's Maddie... Maddie's been hurt!" Andy exclaimed.

Maya's eyes went wide as she felt instant worry. "What? Oh, my God! What- What happened?" she stuttered out.

"We found her collapsed on the sidewalk outside a house," Andy explained.

"What? I thought she was at home," Maya asked in disbelief as she shot up from the table.

"Uh, everything okay?" Travis questioned concerned when he saw the look on Maya's face.

"You need to come to Grey-Sloan, right now! We're ten minutes out!" Andy told her best friend.

"How bad is it?" Maya wondered anxiously.

"Has something happened?" Jack continued to question, noticing the expression that Maya had.

"Maya-" Andy started.

Maya was quick to cut her off. "Please, Andy, I need to know!" she said in a panic.

Andy let out a sigh from the other side of the phone, "She's unresponsive, I've had to intubate in the aid car," she explained.

"Oh my God, okay, I'm on my way now!" Maya exclaimed.

"Maya, I know that you're worried but we've got her and she's gonna be okay," Andy told her best friend on the other end of the call.

"I-I need to call Carina and I will meet you at the hospital," Maya stuttered out and ended the phone call.

"Everything okay, Maya?" Ben asked concerned.

"I-It's Maddie, she's been found unconscious on a sidewalk," Maya explained as she felt all the anxiety build up inside.

"What?" Vic asked shocked.

"I'm sorry guys, I need to go... I need to be with my daughter!" Maya said as she tried to rush out of the beanery.

"Of course. Keep us updated!" Travis yelled out as Maya ran out and down the stairs, straight out of the doors of reception. "

"Bishop, where you off? The shift isn't over until tomorrow." Beckett questioned, peering out of his office to see the blonde running out.

Maya inwardly cursed and backtracked to speak to her Captain. "Yes sir I know, I'm sorry Captain but my daughter's been hurt-" she said as Beckett cut her off.

"So, what? Can't your partner not deal with a scraped knee? I thought she was a doctor," Beckett chuckled.

Maya tried to keep her temper in check with him, the last she needed was to step out of line with this man in charge. "Sir, my daughters' injuries are severe. I need to go and be with her in the ER please," she told the man.

Beckett's amused look faltered as he realized it was somewhat serious. "Okay. Very well, take the next 48 hours off." He told her.

"Thank you, Captain," Maya said gratefully that he somewhat understood.

"Oh, Bishop-" Beckett called out, stopping for Maya for walking out of reception again.

"Sir?" Maya questioned.

"Keep me updated, if you need extra time off then you just let me know," Beckett said.

"Thank you, Captain," Maya said, she wasn't sure what this change of heart the man had but she was grateful that he had allowed her to leave. Running outside to her car, she unlocked it and climbed in, fumbling with her phone as she dialled her wife's number, "Come on Car, pick up, pick up please!" she mumbled to herself frantically.

"Hi, Bella-" Carina spoke, but Maya was quick to cut her off in worriedly.

"I hope that Maddie isn't too upset you're not home with her," Amelia said as she stood operating on her patient's brain while Carina was in there to watch the fetus monitor for any distress.

Carina sighed and nodded, "Oh I'm sure that I have a lot of making up to do, she's upset because neither Maya nor I am at home a lot at the moment so it's difficult..." she explained to her friend.

"Yeah. That must be tough for her," Amelia said, she knew herself how difficult it was to juggle being a mom and a full-time career as well. "I am grateful you're helping me out though," she added.

Their conversation was interrupted by Carina's phone going off. "Dr DeLuca, your phone's going off," she said.

Carina looked over at the resident, "Okay. Who is it?" she wondered.

The resident briefly looked at the screen. "I think it's your wife. Do you want me to answer it for you," they offered.

"Si, can you put it on loudspeaker please," Carina said.

"Okay," The resident agreed.

"Hi, Bella-" Carina started to say as Maya was quick to cut her off.

"Carina, Maddie's on her way to the hospital with Andy in the aid car," Maya blurted out on the other side of the phone. "Can you meet me at the hospital?" she asked.

"Somebody page me, Wilson, right now," Amelia called out to an intern who was in the OR, overhearing the conversation. "Go, Carina, we've got this," she told her friend.

Carina took the phone out of the intern's hand, she avoided the look of the doctors, especially Amelia who was worried for her friend.

"Are you already at the hospital?" Maya questioned, overhearing Amelia in the background.

"Si. Amelia asked me to come in and help with an emergency patient. I'm making my way to the ER now," Carina explained, she forgot to scrub out as she was so worried about her daughter's welfare right now. "Are you on your way?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm in my car now," Maya told her.

Carina began to pace down to the ER, hitting the button to the elevator several times in hopes that it would speed up. "I will find the chief and meet you in the ER!" she said.

"Okay," Maya said as her voice trembled. "I'll see you when I get there," she said as she ended the call.

As soon as Carina reached the ER, she searched around for Bailey. "Bailey?! Chief?!" she questioned.

"Carina? Hey, Is everything okay?" Bailey asked, walking over to the brunette woman who was flustered and worked up. "We've got an incoming trauma with a teenager was found unconscious," she began to say.

"No, not at all," Carina said as she started to cry openly. "It's Maddie, she's the one who's injured!" she exclaimed.

"What?" Bailey asked in shock.

"Maddie's in the aid car with Andy, she's been injured!" Carina said upset.

Bailey's eyes widened in shock. "Oh, my God! That poor child!" she said worriedly.

"Andy!" Carina called out, seeing 23's Aid Car arrive as Andy jumped out the back and Ruiz helped pull the gurney with Maddie lay on it unconscious.

"Carina!" Andy exclaimed as she saw her best friends' wife. "I was on the scene when 23 found her, she has severe smoke inhalation and third degree-burns," she explained and looked at Bailey. "I had to intubate in the aid car since she was struggling to breathe on her own," she said.

"Oh my God, our poor Bambina!" Carina said worriedly.

"Okay, let's get her into Trauma room 1. Somebody page Hayes, Shepherd, Hunt and Pierce! I want my best team of doctors working on this child. Let's move!" Bailey ordered to the nearest resident, which just so happened to be Levi Schmitt.

"Bailey, please-" Carina said, fearful of the worst happening right now.

"Don't worry, okay? We've got her now, Carina." Bailey said to try reassure Carina, who she knew was probably freaking out right now. "I know you're scared but you need to let us treat her, she's in safe hands!" she added.

"Bailey, please..." Carina pleaded.

"It's okay Bailey, I've got her. I'll stay with her until Maya arrives," Andy stepped in and told the women.

"Okay," Bailey agreed, heading inside the hospital.

"She's tachycardic!" Schmitt yelled out.

"Okay, let's push more of Epi! Schmitt, get me a portable x-ray! Come on sweetheart! Where is my damn staff?!" Bailey questioned, working to do everything that she could for the girl that she had a soft spot for.

"What happened?" Carina asked confused on how Maddie was found lay unconscious. "She was supposed to be at home," she mumbled.

"Carina, we found out that Maddie ran into a house to rescue a child." Andy explained.

"What, she ran into another fire?" Carina asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, she was just trying to save a kid and be brave Carina," Andy continued to explain as they waited for Maya to arrive.

"Carina!" Maya shouted as she ran over to them still in her uniform as she bothered to not change and was determined to just get to the hospital without crashing.

"Bella!" Carina exclaimed, seeing her wife running towards them.

"Okay, good, you're here!" Andy exclaimed as she saw her best friend.

"Wha- Whe- Where's Maddie?" Maya asked worriedly in a panic, unable to see her daughter.

"They've got her in Trauma 1, they're working on her Bella," Carina told her wife who wanted nothing more than to run inside and be with her daughter.

"I-I want to see her," Maya said as she headed into the hospital.

Carina grabbed her hand and stopped her from going further, "We can't, not yet Bella," she said.

"I want to see my daughter," Maya insisted.

"No Maya, you can't just yet, you need to let them work on her," Andy told her best friend, she knew this was hard on her but she couldn't just run in there.

"Why not?" Maya asked vividly upset. "I need to see my daughter!" she continued to insist.

"Bailey's got a team of the best doctors working on your girl, you just need to stay here and wait," Andy told her best friend. "You know you can trust Bailey, she will do everything she can to make sure Maddie is okay," she added.

Carina could see her wife getting upset and pulled her close towards her. "Bella, come here!" she said.

"Carina, I- I can't lose her! We can't lose our daughter!" Maya said as she collapsed in her wife's arms and cried.

"Shh Bella, it's going to be okay; we're not going to lose her!" Carina said as she tried to calm her wife down. "Andy's right, Bailey has all the best doctors working on our Bambina," she said.

"Maya, Carina," Bailey stepped outside of the trauma room, she was assisted by several doctors including Hunt, Pierce and Hayes and a Neurosurgeon that none of them recognised. "We need to take your daughter into surgery," she explained. Andy had to run back to 23 to grab her stuff but she was going to come back as fast as she could.

"Wha- What?" Maya asked confused and worried.

"Okay so Maddie has a subdural haematoma, so Nelson is going to need to do a craniotomy-" Bailey explained, but Carina cut her off.

"No." The Italian woman stated.

"No?" Bailey questioned confused. Maya was equally as confused, she didn't know what her wife was thinking right now.

"I don't want Nelson to do it," Carina stated.

"Can I ask why?" Bailey asked curiously.

"Carina," Maya said confused.

Carina shook her head and looked at Bailey. "If anyone's going to do the surgery, it needs to be Amelia," she insisted.

"Carina, Amelia's unavailable," Bailey told the taller women.

"No, Nelson è un idiota! Non mi fido di lui! Stupido, amico!" Carina ranted off in Italian, which Bailey had no idea what she was saying but Maya had some gist, hearing the word 'Idiot and stupid' mentioned.

"Carina," Maya said as she held her wife's hand to try and calm her down thinking to herself oh how the roles had reversed.

"I know," Carina said to Maya and then looked back at Bailey. "Please Bailey, I trust Amelia, it needs to be her not Nelson," she insisted.

"Carina-" Bailey let out a loud sigh.

"Bailey, please..." Carina pleaded with the chief. "Please," she said weakly, she needed her daughter to be okay, she couldn't lose her too.

Bailey let out a sigh and nodded. "Very well. I will page her now," she finally agreed and quickly paged the women.

"Si. Thank you, Bailey!" Carina said appreciatively.

"Thank you, Bailey!" Maya piped in.

"Okay, we need to get her to the OR right now. Once Shepherd is done, I will come and speak to you!" Bailey told the two women, she turned to head to the OR to join the team of doctors.

"Bailey?" Maya called out, stopping the woman in her tracks.

"Yes, Bishop?" Bailey questioned.

"It's DeLuca-Bishop," Maya quickly corrected the women.

Bailey nodded her head in understanding. "Right, sorry, my apologies," she said.

"Ju-Just make sure that you stay with our daughter, please," Maya said as she begged frantically.

"Of course, it might be a while so why don't you guys go grab a cup of coffee and wait for news," Bailey suggested.

Carina nodded and guided Maya back over towards the seats. "Sì, va bene. Grazie Bailey," she said.

"Come on Bella," Carina gestured Maya to follow her.

"Where are we going?" Maya questioned, cocking her head in confusion.

"Somewhere that we both really need to be right now," Carina said as she lead Maya towards the chapel.

"The chapel?" Maya asked surprised, they hadn't been here in a while.

"Si," Carina agreed with a nod.

"Why are we here?" Maya questioned.

The two women walked inside the doors of the chapel and walked over to the bench to sit down. "Well, this is the place that we come to when something happens, and we both really need it right now," Carina said.

"We haven't been here since-" Maya started.

"Not since Maddie had her last operation... an- and Andrea..." Carina stumbled over her words, the memories flooded back of the night they spent here waiting on news about Andrea, she hoped to god they didn't have a situation like this again.

"Yeah," Maya said as her smile falters. "We should light some candles," she suggested.

Carina nodded her head in agreement. "Bene, Bella, she is going to be okay," she tried to reassure her wife the best she could however she wasn't exactly feeling full of confidence herself right now.

"You don't know that," Maya mumbled as she grabbed the matches and lit the candles.

Carina nodded in agreement and sighed. "Well, no, you're right, I don't know that for sure but Bella, it will be okay," she repeated if anything to help herself feel less anxious.

"Whatever happened for her to be found outside unconscious?" Maya asked confused once she had sat down on the bench again.

Carina furrowed her eyebrow. "Andy didn't tell you on the phone?" she asked.

"No," Maya said and ran her hand through her hair. "All I know is that she was found outside a house unconscious," she mumbled confusedly.

"Bella, she ran into a house that was on fire," Carina explained to her wife who looked shocked and cursed under her breath.

"What? Why would she run into a fire again," Maya said in disbelief that her daughter would do that again. "God, did she not learn after what happened last time?" she groaned.

"Bella there isn't any point in getting upset over it now. We just need to be strong for Maddie and wait to hear any news," Carina said as she held her wife's hand in comfort.

Maya let out a sigh and nodded. "I know, I know, I am just- God, we can't lose her, Car! We can't lose our daughter!" she exclaimed worriedly.

Carina held onto her wife's hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "We're not going to, Bella. Those doctors that are working on her are brilliant, they're the best and they will make sure that we don't lose our daughter!" she said doing her best to give her wife the reassurance she needed, despite her own feelings of worry, she hoped to god that their daughter would be okay and pull through.

Another update,

Let me know what you guys think!

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