Slowly Decreasing Mental Heal...

By KokoroHamasaki

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An x reader with the infamous Korekiyo Shinguji the Ultimate Anthropologist. Hope you enjoy this story comple... More

Part 1: We don't talk about Korekiyo
Part 2: Killing Butterflies
Part 3: Pleasing The Dead
Part 4: Panic Room
Part 5: Overthinking Romance
Part 7: Lunch with a Homicidal Maniac
Part 8: Amendments Unmade
âœĻ🌈 Pride Month Special 🌈âœĻ
Part 9: Realization Over Pie
Part 10 (Finale(SIKE)): Deep Thoughts
Part 11: Seal it with a Kiss
Part 12(Finale) Slowly Increasing Affections
Comment what you want to see next
I want you guys to make a decision

Part 6: Sister Sister Complex

810 22 18
By KokoroHamasaki

At lunch the next day

The more and more I spoke of what Korekiyo explained, the more people came over to hear the truth. I think I gained him a few more allies. Kaito seems to be an ally and so does Kokichi. Maki seems to be warming up but still needs a bit of pushing before officially adding Korekiyo as a friend. Tsumugi, Ryota, Angie, and Keebo seemed like allies as well. Though I need to talk to Miu and Kaede personally.

I looked around and saw Kaede drinking a juice, while reading. I walked up to her, "Uhm excuse me?" I said, getting her attention. "Yes?" Akamatsu asked for m response. "Hey, if you don't remember, I'm Y/N L/N the Ultimate Psychologist. I swore to you guys on my first day that I will help Korekiyo by counseling him." I said, sitting down with her as I spoke. Kaede closed up her book and thought. "Yes, I remember you! Though I don't think we officially met. I am Kaede Akamatsu the Ultimate Pianist. I'm uhm guessing that you have something to say about Korekiyo?" I nodded. "He told me what happened and of course you told me your point of view. I really think you should talk to him, he didn't mean to put down your feelings for your crush at all. I think he was simply trying to explain a "maybe they like you" but it ended up sounding like he meant otherwise." I explained.

Kaede still looked unconvinced so I added "And as a psychologist and friend, I suggest if you still like them, go for it! And if they don't like you back.. then we can go out for food and shopping! How does that sound?" She smiled and laughed. "Sounds like a nice time. I'll talk to him in class tonight!" She said with a smile. I was about to get up and say my farewells when someone beat me to saying something first. "You should go for the one you like too!" "Uhm, when I find one I like, I definitely will." I said, leaving with a wave. I wonder what she meant by that.. Does she mean Korekiyo?

I walked from where Kaede was sitting to where, who I am absolutely sure of, Miu Iruma was sitting. "What do you want? I didn't even confess to you yet.. Unless you want me but sorry I'm not into you." The loud blond said. Okay then.. First of all ouch. I don't want you either but jeez what's wrong with me?? "That's sort of on the topic I want to talk to you about." I said sitting beside her. "Ehh?? What are you getting at? .. Ohh you're that tall freak's girlfriend! What? He told you what he told me?? I know no human likes me, I don't need to hear it from you." She assumed. "I- First of all, Korekiyo. His name is Korekiyo Shinguji. Not Tall Freak, Not Stupid Tree, Not Woman Killer but Ko - Reh - Key - Yo!" I said to Miu.

"Yeah yeah, sorry for disrespecting your boo or whatever." Miu said rolling her eyes. "And he's not my boo! Where would you get that information?!" I asked the inventor. "Rumors have it, that he goes into your room at night and you guys... Do "It". Plus you guys always hang out and you're helping him more than any "friend" actually would. Even if you aren't together, you must at least have a big fat crush on the freak." Miu said with the fattest smirk on her face. I could feel how hot my cheeks were. I must be the color of a raspberry by now.. I can't believe people misunderstood the relationship like this. I don't have a crush on him! I simply just wanted to help! "You have been mislead by a lot! I just care a lot for the well-being of people, is that a crime? I mean sure he's tall and has pretty eyes and long beautiful hair and a voice so- I'm getting off track! The point is I am not in a relationship with Korekiyo. We are just friends." I explained, hoping to get through to her.

"Okay Okay! Jeez simps are so sensitive.." she said, mumbling the last sentence. I sighed "And plus, I wanted to tell you that you misheard what Korekiyo was telling you that time. He was trying to say keep your eyes open to more than just humans." I said looking at a robot who was talking with some big guy who reminds me of that one movie... Tarzan?? "Ya mean Keebo? Oh no no no.. Ya think??" She said staring at me dead straight in the face. "What's more cute than a robot and an inventor!? Plus he's the most humane robot I've ever seen. Personally I canonically ship it." I said smiling. "Whatever.. It's not as cute as a psychopath and their psychologist." She said gently elbowing me. I sighed, smiling at this new friendship.

"I guess I'll go say so-.. say sorrrrr... Apolo-... Ugh, I can't even say it my own self.. I'll say that I misunderstood his intentions. How's that?" She said, looking at me. "That's good. Mind if I chill with you here til my class?" I asked. "Mehh why not. You can watch my brilliant mind come up with a new spectacular invention that'll sweep the nation. I'm the best there is at making stuff! Practically a queen." Miu bragged. This is the reason why you haven't caught yourself a human. If I acted like her, I'd have better chances with the table than anyone else..

Next week in the Library

After class, I walked to the library where I would have an almost 2 hour session with Korekiyo. As I walked in, Korekiyo was already there, on the ground, seemingly upset. I sat beside him and gently pat his back. "Hey, Korekiyo? What's wrong?" I calmly said. He took a breath and spoke.       " I'm afraid.. You reassured that you wouldn't dislike me, but she-.." She?? Has someone been making him feel as if I would leave him?? I wonder if that has any reason to when he tried to kill me and why he couldn't do it til he pulled his mask down. "Korekiyo," I said sternly, grabbing his attention. "You are the closest person to me. I would never just leave you. Now tell me. Who is she? Tell me everything.. please.."

He took a deep breath. "I'll explain everything, Y/N." I smiled and grabbed his hands. "It all started when my parents passed away. I was too young at the time to remember them, so their passing didn't affect me very much. I still played outside with some of the children in my neighborhood. Until one day, my sister called out for me. I later found out that she was very sick. I had no choice but to stay inside and help her. She said she.. grew feelings for me.." Korekiyo said pausing at the end, expecting me to interrupt him. I squeezed his hands and smiled, giving him a nonverbal cue to continue. "I had feelings for her as well. I knew it was unorthodox but the love we had wasn't something anyone could change. We did everything normal couples would do.. For years. That is until she passed away due to the illness. I was hurt and pained by her passing. So I took up anthropology in her honor, her favorite thing in the whole world. Yet I still yearned for her. So, I looked for a spell that would let me have Sister again. Which is why I have this mask. The spell put her soul inside of mine. Now she is apart of me. The only thing that keeps us separate is this mask." He said gesturing to the mask upon his face.

"She told me to keep my hair long, like hers. She picked my outfit before school. She told me to give her 100 friends.. I have 99 so far. You were about to be 100 that day, but you were such a beautiful butterfly. You're done so much for me and everyday since I started to question my sister, my love. She said you were a bad influence on me and that it would be better for me if you were her friend instead. Everytime I can't do it, I refused her. She says she is disappointed and that I hurt her. I don't want to kill anymore butterflies, but I don't want to lose my sister either." He said, getting choked up at the end of his story.

I gave him a hug, trying to comfort him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, seemingly afraid to let me go. That is a lot to process.. This must've been why he wanted to move times for the meeting.. We may have to skip class.. And why he was afraid I'd hate him. My guess would be that his sister "possessing" him is a coping mechanism. Poor Korekiyo.. He really killed 99 people to please his sister?? He sounded so in love so I get why he'd panic making decisions that involved me. His sister on the other hand.. Sounds like a case of mental abuse on her part. Must've started him out young just so she could get him how he wanted.. But Korekiyo doesn't want me to change him so I think I shouldn't tell him quite yet. Timing has to be perfect.. Wait how long have we been hugging?

After a really long hug

I let go and looked at him. "Are you going to say that I'm not really in love with her, or she didn't possess me like I say? Cause if so-" Korekiyo said before I put my hand on his cheek. "Listen. I would never. You feel how you feel and I can't change that. And we are still friends, close ones at that. But here's what I want you to do. Forget what your sister would want. Forget about what you think I want. What do you want?" I said, waiting for an answer. He seemed to think on that thought for about a minute. "I want to be surrounded by the people I love and care for deeply." He said honestly. "That's great. What do you like to do with the people you love?" I asked with a sincere smile on my face. "It doesn't matter as long as I'm with them. And it doesn't involve "pop culture". I don't understand the popularity of it's music and style of clothing." He said, disgusted.

His expression made me laugh. "So you don't like anything current age?" I asked him. He shook his head no. "How about air conditioning??" I said in curiosity. "Air conditioning?! What's wrong with a fan?? The fresh outdoor breeze. I can get cool without those.. things!" I couldn't help but burst out in euphoria. "Why are you laughing? What is so comical? If you want warmth, make a fire. If you want breeze, buy a fan. Why use that noisy expensive cut rank piece of junk?"

Somewhere an Ultimate Affluent Progeny sneezed

Eventually my laugh got a laugh out of Korekiyo and the whole library was filled with our laughter. When the laughter died down, I spoke up. "Hey.. Where do you see yourself next week? Like.. How do you envision your future week?" I asked him. "Hm? I never put any thought into it. I'm going to say I'll be with you at our next session." Korekiyo responded. " When you think about the people you love, they always appear in your future. I just want you to think on that." I said. Korekiyo nodded then said, "So if you're in my future, am I in yours?" I felt my face flush hot and red when he asked that.

"Well.. yeah. I can see you and me at our next meetings." I said honestly. Korekiyo smiled. "I love you too, Y/N" He said that so casually.. No, Really why can't you think in emojis?? I have a few that'll express how I feel.. "You know, we have been doing this for a while. You have made more friends and opened up to me a lot more.. How would you like if we ate lunch together in the commons area?" I asked, praying he would agree. This would be a huge step in helping Korekiyo! Come on Kiyo.. "Uhm, I am not so sure about lunch.." he said timidly. "I'll stay by your side the whole time! You can leave whenever you feel uncomfortable, and you don't have to take your mask off to eat!" I said trying to convince him. "Well.. I can bring my meal mask." He said agreeing to coming to lunch."Yay! You won't regret it Kiyo!" I said giving him a hug. He hugged me back. "With you there, I know I won't."

Kokichis POV

I CAN'T BELIEVE I NEED A STUPID BOOK TO BE AN ULTIMATE SUPREME LEADER!! This stupid government class will be the death of me.. I walked into the library and searched for "Leadership: How to lead when the pressures are on". I turned into the aisle that had that kind of book when a sight unholy to my eyes was bestowed on me. Korekiyo holding Y/N on the floor of the library. We even made eye contact, Korekiyo and I! We kept eye contact as I grabbed my book. "Nice catch, Y/N! Can you get me a tall sexy man too?? I wanna make out in the library!!" I said smiling and giggling. Y/N rose quickly up from Korekiyo. "Shut up, Kokichi!!" They ran at me and suddenly it was a high speed library chase. Y/N after me and Korekiyo trying to stop Y/N. Neeheehee~ I get dibs on flower girl at the wedding.

(Hey hey heyyyyy guys! I hope you enjoy this one!! I'm surprised I finished it so quick. Thank you for all the love for this series! This is also the longest part lolol. Stay tuned for the next part! Bye bye!)

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