Parenting the Right Way

By kittyface27

6.9K 217 41

After Katakuri adopts a little bundle of energy, he didn't expect for him to almost immediately be attacked b... More

A Little Ball of Sunshine
Vampire Attack
The Hospital and the Werewolf
Stress and Sadness
Blood Problems
The Inevitable Split
Completely Unexpected
Struggle With Control

The Birthday Boy

372 17 0
By kittyface27

The next day, the plans changed so Zoro would come to Luffy's house, and he tidied up all his toys and fluffed the pillows. Katakuri thought it was amusing. There wasn't much to clean up, so straightening the coasters was kind of the only thing he could do. When Zoro got there, Luffy heard the car and hurried to the door before there was a knocking on it.

The door opened, and the four year old and his friend a few months older reunited, both beaming and hugging. "I'm free! Shishishi," Luffy giggled. "Come see my toys!" he called. Zoro kicked his boots off and hurried after him, neither saying a thing to Katakuri, which he wasn't bothered about. He went into the study, and left the two boys to their own devices.

"You live in a nice place," Zoro commented, looking around. Luffy nodded, and he said he loved his house. "My house is smaller and there's no carpet," he said. "Though my dad isn't nearly 7 feet tall, so we don't need high ceilings."

"Shishishi, papa is super big but I'm still so small. But I'm a big boy now." Zoro asked what he meant. "I did all that training, I have to be a big boy, now!"

"Oh yeah, how are you handling being out?" Luffy said he was doing well, but hadn't really been around a lot of people to see how he did in public. "My dad made a whole back yard area for me, fenced in and all but still able to be outside. I haven't lashed out at my family like I did before. But don't tell anyone; I'm trying to turn into a wolf even on not full moon nights."

"Wow! But why?"

"To be stronger."

"But... why?"

"What you mean?"

"Why do you wanna be strong?"

"To be the best! To be strong in the unique way I can be. I know it will hurt, but I want to get past that and be the best I can be," he explained with conviction. Luffy asked what he'd do with that strength. "I don't know yet, but I just want to be able to do it," Zoro answered.

Luffy smiled, thinking he was really cool! "I missed you. I was lonely." Zoro looked guilty for leaving him behind. "It made me sad, but it's not your fault! And we get to see each other again!" Zoro grinned and nodded. They ended up playing tag, and then Katakuri hid things from them, and they saw who had better sense of smell to find it first.

Katakuri thought Zoro was entertaining. He had a better nose than Luffy, but Luffy had much better hearing. They had a lot of fun, and Zoro ended up sleeping over, on the beanbag chair for bed in Luffy's room. Katakuri read them both a short story about vampires and werewolves. Best friends, they were, so he thought it would be a good story for them, too. It was, and they fell asleep easily.


"Ready?" Katakuri asked in the car. Luffy was nervous, but nodded. Katakuri let him out, and picked him up, holding him to his chest securely. He had the harness on that was clipped to the father's belt. The leash was very sturdy, they wouldn't have it rip ever again. Katakuri walked out of the parking lot, and into the mall.

Luffy tensed immediately, but Katakuri had a secure grip on him. They had to see how he did actually in public, in busy places with a lot of humans. He started to tremble, and Katakuri walked them right back outside. The boy's fingers were dug so hard into Katakuri that he turned his shoulder into mochi to let him grip as hard as he could.

He set him on the front of the car. "Are you okay?" he asked. Luffy nodded, and his papa asked how he felt when he went inside.

"Really thirsty. They all smelled so good..." he said in shame.

"There's no need to be ashamed. We'll just have to practice being around large groups of people. We'll get past it, don't worry. Thank you for telling me the truth, I appreciate it." Luffy nodded, and looked at his fingers. He apologized for holding his shoulder too hard. "Being mochi can be useful sometimes, can't it?"

Luffy finally smiled and nodded. "Why don't we go get smoothies? This was a big deal so there has to be some reward, right?"

"Yeah! I want the pineapple strawberry one!" Luffy said, and was able to clip himself in the car seat by observing how it was done closely. Katakuri was glad Luffy was honest about how he felt around other people. Though there was no way he'd be able to handle school like this. So they went and got a smoothie, and Luffy asked if he should mix the blood with the smoothie.

"Why not just enjoy the smoothie with no blood?"

"Okay!" and Luffy wandered back to the living room to drink his fruity drink. Katakuri looked at him sadly from the kitchen, with his back to his father. Luffy used to love going out. Now he couldn't handle it at all. The boy said he wanted to go to school, but seemed resigned to knowing he couldn't. Not yet.

Zoro was able to. His bloodlust had disappeared completely. He'd said before he went to the rehab, he'd attacked two people, not even in his wolf form. In a way, Katakuri had a feeling he and Luffy would possible be life long friends. They went through shared troubles. Zoro had been there for Luffy when he needed him, and showed on multiple occasions that Luffy being a vampire was no big deal. Even being attacked didn't push him away.

Katakuri didn't necessarily see Zoro as a positive influence in a way, but he wouldn't break them up. Zoro was there for Luffy when he couldn't be. They fit like two peas in an uncommon and "supernatural" pod. Hopefully Coby wouldn't get jealous or discouraged. He and Zoro were very different, so Luffy could be with both of them for different reasons, which was less likely to break either of his relationships if both fulfilled different friendship needs.

When Luffy was done with his smoothie, he was sleepy. It was near lunch, so he had him eat before he took his scheduled and necessary nap. Since being a vampire and werewolf were considered medical conditions, Luffy would be able to take naps once he did go to school. But Katakuri would only let him go to a school that catered to his needs.

He walked past Luffy's bedroom door, and heard him crying. It broke his heart. He entered the room, and sat next to the bed. Luffy latched onto him, and finally started to cry about how impacted he was by this. Katakuri rubbed his back and let him cry, saying nothing but giving physical comfort.

He eventually cried himself to sleep, and Katakuri tucked him in, going to get Karina, and plopped her in the bed next to him, curling up and joining him in his nap. He left the room, feeling useless. There really was no quick fix or way for him to help him personally. Luffy was the one who needed to defeat this problem. But Katakuri would be there to assist him, even if it took going out every day, just to be in a crowd for a minute before leaving.

Sitting in the study, he opened his laptop, and made a video conference request with his boss, knowing this was a time she wouldn't have anything really to do. Usually at this time, all of them were booked with a client. So she did answer. Whitey looked surprised at seeing him. He made sure the study door was closed, but knew that Luffy, if he was awake, could be able to hear him if he paid attention.

Though Luffy hadn't eavesdropped since he got home a week ago. On phone calls, he'd mind his own business and be distracted, not hearing who was on the other line, though he said he could if he wanted. But "papa had personal things, so he would be a good boy."

"Katakuri. What's wrong?"

"I was wondering if I can start working at home. Luffy needs more help, and is unable to attend kindergarten."

"You have a clear space, don't you? Well, we have a few clients who are terminally ill and can't leave the hospital. If you're willing to conquer that issue, working from home over video conference would be the same if you were in the office. I'll have the second newest one go to you."

"Thank you so much."

"You've been working under me for ten years. Besides, no promotion will definitely give you a ton of parental leave. Sorry about that." Katakuri had kept the same position for the last decade, even if his pay was very high. He smiled and thanked her again for being so understanding. "Of course! I support all of my team when they have parenting problems. I've had four kids, after all. And Luffy's situation does need a lot of attention. So yes, you can definitely work from home for as long as you need to, as long as you do good by your clients."

"I promise I will. And once Luffy is able, I'll introduce him to everyone," Katakuri said, feeling a complete flood of relief. He could spend most of his time taking care of his child since nobody else could unless it was a private babysitter. And even then, finding one who would fit would be difficult.

When he was done with the call, he was glad to see Luffy was still sleeping. He had wet the bed at the rehab only a handful of times, and seemed to be greatly improving, so that was something to proud of. He'd definitely point that out to him when he woke up.

He'd put as much work and time and focus into helping Luffy be able to attend school as needed. He might miss kindergarten, which was very unfortunate, but no way was Katakuri going to have him miss first grade.


"Papa, let's go try again!" Luffy said the next morning. So they did. And when Luffy had the same reaction as before, they left, Luffy cried a bit and then went to nap at home.

That night, he said, "I don't like it, but I have to keep doing it to get better. Let's go again tomorrow."

Katakuri was in awe at this young child acting so mature and determined. So they went back the next morning, and the next, and the next. Zero improvement for the moment, but every failure just made Luffy more determined. He would be able to go out in public soon. At dinner, he asked if Luffy wanted to go every day.

"Yeah! I'm not gonna let my vampire stuff ruin my life! I'm a big boy, but I still gotta grow up like other little boys and girls. Shishishi, I'm more interesting though! Neehee!"

"Very true. You're a very interesting kid, Luffy." He beamed, and took a big gulp of his blood bottle.

"Shishishi, I can drink blood, it makes me even more special and ooneek!" Katakuri assumed he meant unique, and that was a great way to describe him. He felt Luffy would do great things in his life, even if it was just to bring others happiness, like he did for both of his good friends.


"I met someone else who is quirkless, too!" Coby said over the phone. Luffy had tried every day for the last two months, but still could not handle being around crowds. His deadline he made for himself had passed. Kindergarten had started and Luffy couldn't attend. He was sad about it, but it didn't make him want to stop trying to get better.

Luffy was sad, but wasn't showing it in his voice. He didn't like being sad, but he really didn't like making others sad. "What's he like?"

"He's really shy, and everyone were mean at him for being quirkless. I tried to avoid everything and keep to myself," he replied. "I don't know why everyone knew, anyways. We aren't allowed to use our quirks, so doesn't that mean everyone should look quirkless?" Coby wondered. It was clear he was eating something from the crunching between dialogue.

The vampire boy asked if he would be friends with the quirkless boy. "He seemed like he cried a lot. I don't like when others cry." Coby was uncomfortable when others cried around him. Even his siblings or Luffy. He had admitted it reminded him of how he was treated when he cried by his dad, who still had no visitation rights and hadn't made any notion that he wanted to see his children. Which was just fine for all of them.

"Even if I went to your school, though, I couldn't know how he feels," Luffy said, eating some blueberries coated in vanilla greek yogurt that had been frozen to now taste like healthy candy. He still didn't eat anything that was bad for him. His desserts now, instead of sugary drinks, were small servings of AB negative blood. Which was good for him. Blood was the most healthy thing he'd ever consume.

"I wonder how it would be if you were there and they knew you were a vampire..."

While that's what everyone said, Katakuri was annoyed with the title. Luffy had vampirism, not being a vampire. It just wasn't the modern or considerate way to address him. Though he didn't fight being called that, and referred to himself that way, too. Saying vampire was easier than what his papa wanted said.

There was knock on the door, and he heard it was uncle Oven. "Oven is here, so I gotta go!" Luffy said brightly, glad to see his family. Coby said he'd talk to him later, and Luffy wished him luck and to make friends at school the next day.

"I... I'll try," he said, and the call was over. Luffy zoomed to the front door and opened it. "Oven!" he cried happily. The tall man scooped him up.

"Happy Birthday!" he cheered. He had a huge present behind him. Too big to fit through the door easily. Only one family member was allowed there at once because it overwhelmed Luffy. But Oven was a safe bet because he didn't smell tasty at all. So Luffy never worried about his behavior around him.

Luffy turned five that day. He ran back inside, and helped Oven drag the box inside. "Shishishi! I can get it by myself!"

"Hoh? Show me," Oven said, no doubt or disbelief in his voice. Luffy took the box, which was easily the weight of multiple Luffy's, and picked it up above his head. But he lost balance, and fell into the wall, the big box leaving a large hole. They both stood there, silent for a moment before Luffy started crying in guilt. "Don't worry, Luffy. Papa can plug the wall until it can be fixed. Besides, it was a complete accident." Luffy was still feeling guilty and sniffled.

"I wanted to seem cool! And I bro-broke the wall!" he cried, losing the small amount of composure he had. Oven brought the box further into the entry way, and found plywood in the garage. He got duct tape and taped the plywood over the hole. Then he got long pieces of paper and draped them over the wood.

To anyone that wasn't Luffy, it would not be a temporary fix. But to Luffy, it was great camouflage and he felt it could be kept a secret for a bit. He didn't know Oven texted his brother to not be upset when he got back into the house. He was working outside on the broken sprinkler system, determined to fix it himself.

But he got the warning, and when Luffy went into the living room - the shades drawn for now since it was noon, and the sun started to cause him more problems on days he was sleepy, they kept the curtains down at this time of the day - he plopped on to the couch, looking troubled. Oven knew what to do, and went to the fridge, and warmed up some AB negative, which had a shelf of its own, and brought it to Luffy.

He forgot about the issue and happily had his treat. When Katakuri did come into the living room, it was through the hallway. He'd gone inside through the back doors in the master bedroom and changed into clothes that weren't covered in dirt. He hadn't managed to fix the sprinklers, but just broke one even worse. He had to call someone to fix it.

"Papa..." Luffy muttered in worry and guilt. "I broke the wall."

"How?" Katakuri asked, feigning ignorance. The boy explained he'd lost balance with the big box and it broke the wall. Katakuri shot an annoyed look to Oven for letting him to such a thing, but then the father said, "Well, I broke the sprinklers. Looks like we both had an accident. But both can be fixed up, just not by you and me personally."

Luffy was so relieved by his reaction, and beamed, nodding in agreement. The offender box was in front of the fireplace, and he had no idea what was so big. The three of them had chocolate cake that Katakuri bought from the grocery store, and then Luffy opened his presents that had been delivered via the mail or in person by their family who weren't able to make it to his first birthday in the family. The presents were all normal ones for normal birthdays. Nothing had to do wit the vampirism.

He loved all his presents, and three of his aunts and uncles were video calling with him. He was happy to be with them even if it wasn't all in person. Even when eating the cake, they were on the call. Pudding made her own cake to eat along with them. Daifuku had a stomach issue at the moment so he just pretended to eat a cake off camera. Smoothie drank a hot chocolate.

Once the call was over, and Luffy was stuffed with cake, the first he'd ever had in that house, Oven finally gave him permission to open the huge box that dented in the wall. Luffy tore the paper off, which was quite the feat, even for his strength. Because, even after what it was came into sight, he had to rip all the paper off.

Katakuri was shocked at the present his brother bought. It was a bounce house. Like, a real one that was at kid parties and everything. Luffy had no idea what it was before Katakuri brought up a video of kids jumping on it. Then Luffy screamed in shock, and happiness, begging to blow it up soon.

For the whole two hours it was inflating, the air pump there and everything, Luffy watched with rapt attention, wondering aloud how many jumps he could manage, and how excited he was for his friends to come over.

"I can't believe you bought a whole bounce house," Katakuri said under his breath.

"It was either this or a trampoline," Oven replied. "I assumed you'd rather this one. Enclosed and puffy. No broken bones on this if Luffy doesn't do anything reckless." Once the air was all pumped, Luffy lunged through the opening and bounced around, laughing manically. The neighbors could probably hear, and they lived a good hundred yards away from their house.

But Luffy had a great time. While Oven watched over him, Katakuri called for someone to fix the wall, and the sprinklers that started going off and got Oven soaked. But he just heated his body up and the water evaporated. Rain had never bothered him. Luffy acted as if he was trapped in the bounce house from the sprinklers.

He pretended he was in jail, but continued to bounce. Oven was more that fine to play along, and say the sprinklers would only free him if he paid his debt. "Debt?"

"Money you can't pay off but just builds."

"What am I debt of?" Luffy asked, panting from the constant jumping.

"Hmmm. Oi, Katakuri, what's Luffy in debt of?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm in jail, papa!" The father looked pointedly to his brother, who said Luffy started it. Katakuri finally played along, and said he was in debt of his cracker box that he didn't put in the recycling bin. Luffy braved the sprinklers and fixed it. But he was mindful enough to take off his muddy shoes so he didn't track it all over the house.

It was a fun birthday. Oven was the best!


"She smells yummy, he smelled yummy. The baby smells yummy. But they're not food. They are people and not food, and I won't attack them or bite them," Luffy muttered to himself, standing in the middle of the mall. He had the leash on tightly, connected closely to Katakuri. Luffy had made this mantra, and so far, saying it had kept him calm. He was looking around, his body tense, but he didn't make any suspicious move.

Katakuri was sitting next to him on the nearest bench. He had a hand on Luffy's shoulder. A show to him that he could restrain the boy if necessary. But his grasp was light and not restrictive. Luffy just about turned to smile at Katakuri before a woman with a baby started yelling at them, surprising both of them.

"How dare you put that child on a leash, you monster!" Luffy was baffled into confused silence, and Katakuri was deeply annoyed.

"This is my son. If he constantly wanders away, it makes sense for him to have a harness. Please stop disturbing us," he said, his voice deep and annoyed. But she didn't listen, and just got angrier.

"I should call the authorities on you! Abusing a child like that! I see you holding him that way, with your huge hands! Do you think he enjoys that?" Katakuri was confused by her behavior. Luffy wasn't a baby, and could hear everything hey were saying, even if he was not knowing what to do in a situation that had never happened before.

"Ma'am, your disturbing every person in this area. Children are here, other than my own." She got angrier, and the baby in the stroller started to wail at the noise.

"Now look what you've done!" This felt like it had to be a prank of some sort. But he knew it wasn't. It just had never happened to them before.

"Luffy, why don't we go get some snacks?"

"Uh... yeah," he said, and hid from the woman behind his leg. When he stood up, towering over the short woman, she grew fearful, and started to accuse him as threatening her. Katakuri picked Luffy up, and they walked away. "Why was she mean like that? We didn't do anything to her!"

Katakuri said, "Some people are just unreasonable. In a situation like that, it's best to keep calm. Be the bigger person. That means be the one in the right, the more responsible and mature one."

"Oh, okay. I don't wanna be like that. The baby is still crying, and now she's yelling at the others sitting there! They seem annoyed," Luffy explained. What an annoying situation. But Luffy had stopped his mantra, lost his focus, yet he was perfectly fine and not showing any signs of discomfort. Probably because he was distracted. He did not point this out, wanting to let it last as long as possible.

They went to the pretzel shop and shared an unsalted one. He ha a good handle on the leash of the harness, near the base so it wouldn't rip at all. Luffy happily ate the pretzel, and asked if they could go home. He was getting tired and thirsty and didn't like drinking in public or around anyone he didn't trust. So Katakuri walked them out the exit, and he beamed down at his son, surprising him. "Do you know what you just did?" he asked, Luffy looked up curiously.

Luffy gasped. "I did it! I did it! I wasn't thirsty at all, I forgot!" he shouted excitedly, and Katakuri congratulated him. "Let's try again tomorrow!"

"After my appointment. Then we can come. I'm so proud of you." Luffy was bashful but smiled brightly.

Yes, they were approached by a Karen.

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