
By essential_snow28

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A year after the birth of Hope Mikaelson and nine months before the twins were born, took place the birth of... More

I am pregnant?
Meeting the father
Season 7 sped through
Speeding through season 8 just so everyone is aware of what happened.
I was feeling Epic
Waking the Mikaelsons
Meeting the Family
Where you left your heart
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea of Ancestry
The scream
Sorrow in the Grave

Starting a new

116 0 1
By essential_snow28

(Im skipping lots of this season as it is lacking Isabelle scenes. If you are unaware of what happens in season four I am sorry, cuz I will be jumping around a lot)

Alaric, Freya, and the twins stayed back while the rest went. Caroline and Haley are carrying the girls in blankets as they hurry into the compound.

KLAUS: Our home. Once the pride of our family, now a flophouse.

Elijah: Indeed, the mighty have fallen.

Hayley: Where's Vincent? [gasps]

VINCENT: Right here. Kept my word. Now the only question is whether or not you guys are gonna keep yours. As soon as I'm finished healing your kid, you got to leave the city.

Klaus: Well, we're not gonna stay, are we? Your city has lost its charm.

Caroline gives Klaus a glare,

Hayley:  What he means to say is that we're very grateful, just... help her and we'll leave.

Elijah:  Just give us what we need, and we will do so, happily.

Vincent: Excuse me. [crow squawking] [whispers]: Okay... Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer...

Hope: [grunting]: Oh... Mom?

Isabelle: mmm

Vincent:- That's it. - Oh! - Your little girl's are purified.

Klaus:  - Thank you.

Vincent: Now look, the only gratitude I need from any of you is seeing you leave the city.

Haley looks at Hope: Go see your daddy.

Caroline looks at Isabelle and nods. Me and hope both go to walk over to him when...

[crow squawks nearby] [rumbling, squawking, hitting ground]

Klaus: What is this?

Vincent: I don't know.

Hope: [panting] Mom?

Caroline and Haley kneel in front of us concerned.

Isabelle: Can you hear that?

Hope: It's... whispers. Saying a name. Over and over. Kre Nah Han... Kre Nah Han...

Haley: Vincent, what... what is that?

Vincent: It's a nearly forgotten dialect. It's Creole. It means the Hollow. The Hollow is coming.

Later Isabelle and Hope have a slight fever and get some rest as everyone else deals with the problems.

Two weeks later much went down. Including Marcel being locked in the basement. A party, and Marcel helping out Isabelle and HOpe. A week prior to now, Caroline got word from Alaric that him and the twins are safely back at the school, and that all the students are back at school for the year. Caroline decides to stay and help out. Surprisingly during this time Hope still is hearing things at times, but Isabelle is being less and less affected.

Hope this morning got some message from the ancestors causing Klaus to call Alaric.

Alaric is at a gas station on the phone talking to Klaus

Alaric: You need to relax. I'm on my way to New Orleans right now. And I have good news. I went through the remains of the Lockwood estate, and I found you one creepy-ass, ancient finger bone.

Klaus(angrily): Your efforts are appreciated. Now, if you could only pick up the pace.

Alaric[chuckles]: Easy, Klaus. The only reason I'm heading your way is because I don't want you anywhere near Mystic Falls, and I need to check up on Isabelle. I don't want you here since things tend to get murder-y when you're around.

Klaus: Well, that's a fair point. Now, Alaric, if our pleasantries have run their course...

i'm Alaric cuts him off," Oh, hey, listen, one more thing. The Lockwoods, they didn't just safeguard the bone... They kept records with names, dates and locations. Turns out they had knowledge of other families that were charged with guarding the rest of the remains. Now, does the name Labonair mean anything to you?"

Klaus sighs, of course he knows it," - It's familiar, yeah."

Alaric," - Well, good. That might be a lead to help you find the rest of the remains. Which you'll have to do yourself, because my days of fighting monsters are over. Okay, so here's the deal... I will be at Jack's Bar-B-Q Shack off Route until 2 o'clock If you're not there by ten after, I chuck the bone and the records in a Dumpster and I'm gone. And then you can fish them out of the trash yourself."

Klaus sighs,"Well, I'm afraid I'll be otherwise occupied, so you'll be meeting Elijah. And if perchance, he's running late, I suggest you exercise some patience and have yourself a beer. Otherwise, you'll have a few more monsters to worry about, and let's not forget all of these concerns Isabelle as well as her sister, my daughters."

When Klaus gets off the phone he informs Elijah of his task, and then goes off to find Haley and Caroline where they will meet with the ancestors.

They enter the church and Haley says, " It's quiet."

Klaus snarkily replies,"Of course it's quiet. It's a trap."

Haley calmly responds,"- We don't know that"

Caroline," Haleys right, lets not assume the worst but just have our guards up"

Klaus sighs," No offense to you love but you don't have much ground when it comes to what goes down in this city. - New Orleans witches have hated my family for three centuries. Of course it's a trap. "

Haleys sighs," The coven protects their own. Hope's one of them now, and Isabelle should be as well. they are a part of their legacy."

Klaus," Hope and Isabelle are a far cry from a French Quarter fortune-teller. And while we're on the subject, their seven and six. If anyone wants to talk to them, they should ask my permission."

Caroline hides a smile, she loves seeing this side of Klaus.

Haley," You're gonna be a lot of fun when she starts dating."

Klaus smirks,"I'm gonna be a perfect gentleman. And should any of her suitors fail to meet my expectations, I'll compel them to the priesthood."

Caroline chuckles

They all here people enter the room. They turn and see four teenage girls.

Klaus smiles," Oh, look, Harvest Girls. I assume you speak on behalf of your Ancestors."

One of the girls says," Provided that you've come in peace."

Klaus," Well, that depends on you, doesn't it?"

Caroline steps in," We are here to see what you have to say."

The same girl," We don't want a fight. We're here to offer a deal. Although your brother did m*rder all four of us, so let's not pretend we're friends."

Klaus smirks though you can tell he is annoyed," Please consider all pretense of friendship dropped. Where are the Ancestors?"

As they have that conversation Elijah meets with Marcel, who was previously talking to his girlfriend when interrupted.

Marcel annoyed," Make it quick."

Elijah cordially says," I need your help. Meeting an expert shortly. He'll be coming by way of Mystic Falls, carrying one of the bones and the means to find another. Between the three of us, we should have those remains by sundown."

Marcel stands his ground and says," Why should I trust you? For that matter, why would you trust me?"

Elijah says," I don't. But why should we let old grievances hinder our common goal? Here's a proposal. You come with me, I surrender the only weapon that can take your life.

Back at the church, the ancestors" We need your blood."

klaus who is sitting on the steps caroline and haley are standing to the side.

Klaus smirks," That's funny, I didn't hear you say "please.""

Havest girl," If you want answers, we have to guide you to the Ancestors. - But since you aren't witches... -."

Caroline," We need to bend the rules- How?"

Havest girl," - Simple loophole. Klaus and Haley, you are both bound by blood to a New Orleans witch. We can use the link to your child to cast a spell and link you to an audience with the dead."

Caroline," What about me."

Harvest Girl, " Isabelle was not born here, so she is not connected to the ancestors. So you are useless for this."

Haley bites into her arm to draw blood, letting itdrip into a bowl. She hands it to Klaus and he does the same

Klaus frowns," Why do I get the feeling there's something you're not mentioning? "

Harvest girl smiles,"Just one thing... This is gonna hurt."

They start doing their majic, and the two of them experience much pain, while Caroline stands off to the side unable to help. [whooshing, groaning] [groaning] [gasps] [panting]

Klaus and Haley wake up in the ancestral land without the witches or caroline.

Klaus stands," Now can I be angry at them?:

Haley sighs and stands as well," Get angry later.We're here now. We may as well get some answers."

Klaus," So are we to wander around this dreary purgatory in search of lost souls? [electrical buzzing] "

A witch enters in all black, tight outfit," I wasn't sure you were gonna show up."

Klaus smirks ," Well, I'm full of surprises. I hope you intend to make our trip worth the effort."

Davina then reveals herself as the ancestor surprising Klaus and Haley ," As a matter of fact, I do. And you are gonna listen to every single word I have to say, because right now, I'm the only thing standing between you and the Hollow. How is Kol? Can't see anything here except New Orleans."

Klaus snarkily responds,"I believe he's currently traipsing through the French Riviera, though I'm sure he'll return once I tell him how lovely you remain. - Death becomes you.

Haley sighs<" - Stop talking."

Klaus smirks," Gladly... once she tells us something that could be of help, because, as I recall, when Freya kicked her into this drab shadowland, her brethren wanted to tear her apart."

Davina angerly but under a calm composure says," You want to defeat the Hollow. So do I. So do the Ancestors. But first you need to know what you're up against. It begins a thousand years before the city was founded. Two rival tribes decided to combine their power.They thought that by uniting in peace, they would enter a new age of harmony. A marriage was arranged. Two powerful witches joined together to create a unified coven."

HAYLEY," A ceremonial wedding. Like the one Jack and I had to unite our packs."

Klaus says," Let me guess. Something went wrong. "

Davina,"The marriage bore a child. For nine months, the tribe elders visited the mother, using magic to grant the child great power in hopes that the newborn would become a symbol of prosperity. But they had no idea what they were bringing into the world. She was named Inadu. Soon it was clear that she was stronger than anyone could imagine. And that she had a terrible hunger for more power still. And that's how the Hollow was born. "

Klaus says," Well, this is all frightening fodder for campfire tales, but how do we k*ll her?"

Davina enunciates," You don't understand. You can't."

she said of which was confusing and scaring the two of them.

While they ponder that news, Elijah and Marcel pull up to the bbq shack in Marcels fancy car.

Elijah,: Good thing we brought the German sports car."

Marcel annoyingly chuckles,"Says the man in the $5,000 , suit."

Elijah," Nine... if we're counting. I'm not a barbarian."

Marcel," All right, look, your expert better pay off. Otherwise, we're wasting time that we don't have."

Elijah stays composed," See, that's so very hurtful, Marcellus, and here I thought we were having a marvelous galactic adventure together."

Marcel says annoyed," You think you're really cute, don't you? Yeah, the only reason that you invited me on on this little road trip is so you could play bodyguard."

Elijah corrects," - Baby-sitter."

Marcel continues,"Keep my power from falling into the hands of the Hollow, right? Now, see, you're always working some angle to protect your family. At least Klaus is up front about it, but not you with your manners and your suits and your handkerchiefs."

Elijah interrupts," What do you want me to do? [whispering]: We're under threat."

Marcel," I know that, and I know how you handle threats. You made that clear when you tore my heart out five years ago. And just so we're clear now, there's no way I will ever forgive you for that."

Elijah," I don't expect you to. I certainly never forgave myself."

with alaric
rock music playing on radio] [loud static] [silence] [engine clicking] [sighs]

Marcels girlfriend Sofya stands in middle of road,"Car trouble?"

Alaric who is out of car now laughs, knowing she is dangerous," Yeah, it's the damndest thing. Just died on me. "

Sofya," Unless you want to follow suit... give me the bone."

Alaric casually says," Yeah. Sorry.Some other guy called dibs. And he's a real jerk."

Alaric shoots an arrow at her, but she catches it. Her eyes glow blue signalling the hollow is in her. Magic is used throwing Alaric to the ground where he starts to chuckle.

Sofya/hollow," Why are you laughing?"

She walks to the car

Alaric smiles," 'Cause I know something that you don't. [laughs] "

Sofya/Hollow," And what's that?"

Alaric pulls out a gun," I packed that trunk full of C- ."

He shoots it, making the truck blow up along with her.

Back in the ancestral real

Haley," If this thing is so powerful it can't be destroyed, why bring us here? Why tell us all of this?"

Davina says," The Ancestors needed you to know."

Klaus annoyed," Please inform the Ancestors that they're a colossal waste of my time. I've been alive a thousand years. I've never met anything I couldn't k*ll. We will defeat this pathetic phantom, as well."

HAYLEY interjects," It was her tribe that turned her into this thing. Her family should have stopped it."

Davina scoffs," You don't think they tried? All they wanted was to undue what their magic did. But that was the beginning of the end. Over time, she grew and craved more power. Inadu channeled life in all its forms. Her hunger was insatiable. She loved the fear she inspired in others. Her people knew her as ruthless, unfeeling, empty. Until that became her defining quality. So they began to refer to her by that single trait... The Hollow. She killed them all. Not because they hurt her or were unkind. She did it for fun"

. KLAUs smirks,"Well, to be fair, we all have our bad days. "

Davina,"- You think this is a joke,"

Klaus," - No, but it is a trifle tedious. Perhaps you could get to the bit of the story that might be of some use. "

Davina affirmingly says,"You want to defeat the Hollow? She only has one weakness. "

Klaus,"You have my undivided attention. What is it?"

Davina looks at Haley," You. You're the one chance we have."

Klaus," What the hell does that mean?"

Davina says," I'm done talking to you. "

She disappears, along with Haley.

Klaus," Davina? Davina?!" [panting]

Back to Alaric, who sees Marcels car pulling up next to his smoking truck as he limps on over

Alaric smiles," Oh, thanks for coming. Would have been a long walk back to Mystic Falls."

Marcel scoffs unimpressed,"Don't tell me this is your expert. So what happened?"

Alaric," Well, aside for forfeiting,my lease, I blew up one of those vampire-witch combos when she tried to take the bone."

Elijah," What did she look like?"

Alaric sighs," Oh. Brunette, gorgeous, lace top. Black jacket, glowing blue eyes."

Marcel gets upset" Sofya.The Hollow's inside Sofya, probably using her."

Elijah says," Or using all of us."

Marcel sighs," Oh, we got to find a way to save her."

Elijah rebuttles," Or put her out of her misery."

Marcel gets upset," I'm sorry. What? Did I hear that right? Oh, that's right. That is the Mikaelson way, isn't it? I mean, why try to save someone when you can just k*ll 'em?"

Alaric intervenes," Hey, I love a good grudge just as much as the next guy, but do you want to stand around whining about a missing finger bone, or do you want to talk about a ledger that points us to where the other bones might be? I studied the records, and I got a family name... Del Robles. Bloodline ends ten years ago, and according to the Lockwood records, somebody in that family is buried with one of those mystical bones."

Elijah questions," Where?"

Alaric responds," Black Clay Cemetery in the Treme."

Elijah starts to walk to the car,"- Well, Sofya has a head start. "

Marcel stops him,"- Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait. That cemetery was redeployed. Too much flooding. Now the bodies were moved to two separate locales... The Haves and the Have Nots."

Elijah," Del Robles were aristocracy."

Marcel starts to walk to car with everyone else," Okay, it means their crypt was moved to St. Ailbhe Cemetery."

Alaric limps and says," Yeah, that sounds like fun, but on the way, can you drop me off at the ER?"

Back at the church, Haley wakes back up in normal reality with Davian and the Harvest witches. Klaus is asleep on the floor and Caroline is off to the side a concerned expression plastered in her face.

Haley,"What the hell is all this?"

Davina goes on to explain the hollow back story, and how in her death she placed the werewolf curse on her people. She tells Haley that she was a crescent wolf, so they are in the same lineage, so the hollow is hunting the labonair bloodline. While this is happening Marcel and Elijah are fighting off Sofya, and Davina explains to Klaus her plan to kill him. Caroline goes off and finds Isabelle to make sure she is still safe. Later as Davina is trying to kill Klaus, Hope and Isabelle walk in and fight her off while holding each others hands.

Back at the compound Hope and Isabelle are looking at artifacts while Alaric stands near them.

Hope looks at him," My dad said you study this stuff."

Isabelle smiles," Yeah, he's pretty awesome like that."

Alaric smiles," There are a lot of amazing things in the world to study. And some of them are even things that don't want to hurt you. And what do you have there?"

He looks at the toys in Hopes hands, as Isabelle watches her.

Hope picks them up one at a time,"These are for serenity. And this one is for stillness. They'll keep the flowers in bloom."

Alaric looks impressed,"Now, did you teach yourself all that?"

Hope smiles slightly," Well, I did read about it in one of my Aunt Freya's books."

Isabelle," Yeah dad, She's helping us learn even more, but some stuff I figured out on my own."

Alaric looks at them," Mm. Well... that is all very impressive."

Haley enters with a tray of cookies," She's an impressive young lady."

Alaric looks at them," It's good meeting you, mini Mikaelson. I'll be seeing you around. Bye Isabelle, I will see you soon"

Isabelle goes and hugs Alaric, and he takes her out of the room talking to her and smiling softly before handing her off to caroline.

Isabelle goes and eats dinner with everyone else, before falling fast asleep.

(I really can't write this season, so I am doing a quick speed through)

things are not looking good for Elijah's future. The Hollow, through Sofya, has taken Elijah to the woods. He is slowly dying from Marcel's venom in the rose thorns.

While he is dying in the magical circle, The Hollow starts explaining her plan to him. His family will come looking for him, and The Hollow will offer them a deal. The final bone for Elijah's life. Only, Elijah will never be able to survive the poison in his system. So, when he dies The Hollow can still use it as a sacrifice.

It does not take long for the rest of the family to notice that Elijah is nowhere to be found. Soon after, Vincent arrives at the Mikaelson compound to inform everyone of what is really going on with Elijah. See, while Vincent was cleaning up the church from an attack by The Hollow's supports, Sofya arrived with a message she wanted passed to the Mikaelsons. Bring her the bone, or Elijah dies.

Vincent realizes that Elijah is as good as dead anyway. And the sacrifice of an Original is required by the ancestors to lock The Hollow back up, so why not use Elijah seeing ad he is already knocking on death's door.

Needless to say no one is on board with this plan and they insist on trying to find another way to save Elijah. Vincent and Freya look in Esther's grimoires to find any sort of solution. When that appears to be a dead end, Vincent lashes out at Freya saying that Elijah has lived long enough. Him dying now to save the world from a much greater evil.

This rant reminds Freya of the pendant Freya used to hold Finn's spirit years ago. The theory is that Elijah's spirit can live on in the pendant, and eventually, Fraya will bring him back. His death can still be used to trap The Hollow, but he could come back.

The only problem is that Elijah maybe too weak to survive a transfer to the necklace. Instead, Klaus offers himself up as a sacrifice. Vincent will sacrifice Klaus, while Marcel uses Hayley's blood to weaken The Hollow.

But, the plan soon hits a sang. While Vincent is preparing to sacrifice Klaus, a few of The Hollow's witch supporters arrive and ruin everything by burning the poison rose thorns. With no way to kill Klaus anymore, that part of the plan is useless.

On the bright side, Marcel manages to stab The Hollow. But without Klaus, The Hollow's spirit comes back with a vengeance, vowing to destroy New Orleans. On the bright side, The Hollow leaves Sofya's body.

Freya uses magic to locate Elijah, and when the find him, he is in rough shape, but Freya has the cure for the poison. Or she did before The Hollow arrives and smashes it. The she begins to sacrifice Elijah.

Freya tries desperately to get Elijah into the pendant, but it appears to not work as the pendant breaks and Elijah dies. Back at home, Freya tries to see if Elijah's spirit is in the pendant as Klaus screams at her in grief over loosing his brother. Freya can't hear anything until Hope and Isabelle walks into the room. The she touches her aunt's shoulder, they see a flash of Elijah. So, there is cause to believe in his return.

Elijah's death, even if it ends up being temporary, means that The Hollow will get her body back. Vincent is so terrified, he is sending the witches out of harms way. He also asks for his The Hollow notebook (the one he asked Marcel to kill him over if he ever asked for it back). Vincent needs more power to face The Hollow and this is the only way Vincent knows how to get it.

As the episode comes to a close, The Hollow emerges from a tree, in her original body.

The hour opens far away from New Orleans. Specifically, at a night club somewhere in the French Riviera. This is where Kol and Rebekah are having some fun with a bunch of other vampires. That is until a bunch of vampires start dying. People flee in panic, while Kol and Rebekah quickly realize what has happened. Elijah is dead, and now his entire sire line is dying too. So, it is time for Kol and Rebekah to return home.

Back in New Orleans, Freya thinks she has a plan to save Elijah. She will enter the shattered pendant and put Elijah's broken mind back together. All she has to do is figure out which memory Elijah is hiding out in. Simple, except there are over 1000 years of memories for her to search through.

Needless to say, Klaus is not confident in this plan and combined with his grief, he is lashing out at Freya. So, Hayley tells him to leave and go do something else. That turns out to be going after The Hollow, and expressing his grief by killing people. And Rebekah and Kol are on board to help him.

Their first order of business is to track down and destroy all the weapons that can kill an Original. But Klaus' siblings will be distracted from this mission by their past romantic relationships.

First up is Kol. While torturing one of The Hollow's followers, the witch lets slip that the connection to the ancestors has been reestablished. Kol lashes out at Klaus for not telling him that there is a way he could speak to Davina again. And then he is good to go

So now it is just Klaus and Rebekah working together, but Marcel is about to cause some problems.

He is on a mission to save Sofya from the after effects of playing host to The Hollow. The only thing that can save her is The Hollows' blood. So, Marcel stupidly confronts the all-powerful evil witch alone. The meeting doesn't go well, and Marcel ends up passed out on the floor. This is where Rebekah and Klaus find him.

After they explain what they are trying to do, Marcel believes that the thorn weapons hold the key to saving Sofya, thus putting him at odds with Klaus who wants all the weapons destroyed as soon as possible. At first, Rebekah sides with her brother, but after hearing why Marcel wants the weapon, she lets him leave with it, much to Klaus' horror. Marcel clearly loves Sofya and will do whatever it takes to save her.

Rebekah recognizes this as he once would have gone to such lengths to save her. And given Rebekah's look of hurt on her face as she realizes, Marcel loves someone else, a love triangle appears to be in The Originals' future.

But fist, there is a brother to save and an evil, newly reborn witch to stop. Back on the save Elijah front, Freya's venture into his mind is not going well. It is taking too much power to both keep up the spell and search Elijah's mind. Freya is also getting a front seat to some of the most violent memories from Elijah's past.

But that is nothing compared to what Hayley is about to see. Hayley offers to be the one to bring Elijah back so that Freya can focus on powering the spell. To be more successful, Freya needs to channel the power of another Mikaelson witch, a.k.a., seven-year-old Hope and six year old Isabelle .And it ends up being a good thing that the two of them is around.

Hayley's first stop in Elijah's mind is their emotional reunion from the season 4 premiere. When that doesn't work, Hayley realizes where Elijah is hiding. Behind the dreaded red door. Way back in season 2, it was revealed that Elijah keeps the worst memories of his monstrous vampire behavior hidden behind a locked red door. That way he can go about his life was the horrible, suit-wearing Mikaelson brother unburdened by the guilt of his past actions.

Behind the red door, Hayley finds a Viking-era Elijah slaughtering innocent people with no idea who she is, making Hayley his next target. Hayley starts running away, but Elijah catches her and attacks. Seeing her Mom in trouble, Hope gives up on the spell and offers to do whatever is needed to save Hayley. This means sending Hope in Elijah's mind to Bring her mother back safely. The plan works as hearing Hope saves Hayley and brings repairs Elijah's mind.

But Hayley is shaken by the darkness she saw in Elijah behind the red door. It is a heart-to-heart with Klaus that seems to help. Klaus points out that Elijah is the Mikaelson who has always done his best to hide the monster inside.

Hayley will have some time to sort out her feelings before having to deal with facing Elijah again. In order to get his soul back into his body, Freya required a massive sacrifice. Either The Hollow's death or Marcel's.

Speaking of The Hollow, she now has control over one of the Originals, Kol. In addition to being able to make plants die by just walking past them, she can bring people back from the dead. The Hollow has brought Davina back and linked their lives. If Kol wants to keep Davina alive, he must help The Hollow. Specifically by keeping her alive.

The Mikaelson family is always talking about how important it is they stay together "always and forever." Except the saying only really applies to the siblings Klaus wants around, usually Elijah and Rebecakah.

When Kol is faced with a choice between keeping the woman he loves and lost alive, or betraying his family, there's really no doubt about which direction Kol will choose. Siding with The Hollow against his family is a price he's willing to pay to save Davina.

But before Kol can spend any real quality time with his newly resurrected girlfriend, The Hollow has a task for her newest follower. Now that she's mortal and has a body that can be killed, The Hollow is using a a totem to make herself even more powerful. She wants Kol to protect this totem, a job that will pit Kol against the rest of his family.

In order to destroy The Hollow, the Mikaelsons will first need to get rid of the totem. And seeing as Elijah's soul can't survive for very long in the pendant — it's falling apart again — The Hollow needs to die soon, as in that night.

Freya and Hayley, armed with knives with Hope's blood on them, go after The Hollow herself. (Hope, as the last living Lebonair, is the key to destroying The Hollow, the first Lebonair.) Meanwhile, Rebekah is tasked with destroying the totem.

Kol is supposed to be helping Rebekah, but instead he traps his sister and Marcel in the abandoned house where The Hollow was stashing the totem. Kol then runs off to spend some time with Davina. She encourages him to let her go to avoid pissing off Klaus. But Kol has another idea. Get Hope to break the spell linking Davina to The Hollow so that the pair can stay together.

But now Kol's got another problem: a very angry Klaus. He learns from Rebekah and Marcel about Kol's betrayal. Klaus confronts his little brother back at the Mikaelson compound. They get into a big fight and Klaus is about to dagger Kol, again. Kol then brings up Cami and asks Klaus what he would do to have her back.

Klaus destroys the totem and allows Kol to leave. After saying goodbye to Josh, Davina and Kol drive out of New Orleans. A well-deserved break for Davina after she once again almost dying during this episode.

Freya and Hayley overcome The Hollow's mind games to kill her, luckily just after Hope managed to break the link with Davina. But to get to The Hollow, Freya had to confront visions of a dying Keelin, while Hayley got lectured by Jackson about what a monster Elijah truly is.

And even though The Hollow was destroyed, there are still more to come. So this was only really the beginning of the problems coming The Mikaelsson's way. The biggest one is that The Hollow managed to jump into Hope's body.

Also, the visions of Jackson have Hayley thinking it may be time to take Hope and get away from the Mikaelsons. Even if that means leaving a newly revived Elijah. Elsewhere on the relationship front, Rebekah and Marcel spend most of the hour fighting, before sharing a kiss.

The next day ISabelle and Hope are in their room coloring when Halye enters.

Haley sits down on bed,"Hey, girls, drawing something?"

Hope looks straight ahead and in a monotone voice says," Yes."

HAYLEY: What's that supposed to be? A snowstorm? [laughs] So... now that all this trouble's behind us, I thought that we could have a chat about what happens next. I know that you want to have a normal life with friends and school and art and sports and... Hey. You okay?

Isabelle looks at them confused with whats wrong with hope.

Hope monotonley," I'm fine. "

Haleys rubs her back,"Hope, if you're worried about the Hollow, don't be. Everything's okay now, I promise."

Hope looks down," Can I go back to my drawing?"

Haley," Sure, yeah."

SHe frowns and leaves the room.

Isabelle looks at hope," what wrong with you, why were you so rude to aunt Haley."

Hope looks at her,, her eyes turn blue" Mind your own business little girl."

Isabelle looks at her confused and slightly scared," Your not hope."

Hope looks at her, lifts her hand and Isabelle collapses on the ground asleep.

Hope/Inadu with a straight lip face says," What a shame, you were just to smart for a child."

Later Haley and Caroline enter the room, knowing that the hollow is in Hope. Caroline is terrified knowing Isabelle is in their.

Haley smiles," Hey... sweetie. Why don't you... take that chess set downstairs and we can play together. You want to find a spot and I'll fix us a snack?"

Isabelle lays on the bed and caroline carefully eyes her, and hope says nothing at all.

haley has enough and says," I want my daughter back. I don't care how long it takes or what I have to do, I will get my daughter back." [low crackling]

Inadu says," You won't. Hope is still fighting, but she'll give in soon. Once this is complete, I'll be in her body permanently."

Caroline rushes at her along with Haley but Hope repels them [groaning] [panting]

The hollow,"You won't hurt me. I'm your daughter. - You can't."

Freys enterss the room and throws a smoke bomb at her, which puts her to sleep. Haley rushes to hope and caroline to Isabelle.

While solving the hope situation, they try to figure out what is wrong with Isabelle.

They learn that their is a sleeping curse, that places no harm on her. Caroline makes the decision to keep her carefully asleep while they wait till they deal with hope, and then they will figure out how to awake her.

The Mikaelsons, Vincent, Marcel, Haley,a nd Caroline work hard to figure out a solution. They learn that if the hollow is out of hope, than the curse on Isabelle will lift. The Mikaelsons decide to all take part of the hollow into themselves, that way the hollow cant do no harm. The only problem is that they are unable to see hope or each other, as being in close proximity will strengthen the hollow.

As they perform the spell transferring the spell, both Hope and Isabelle wake up in their moms arms.

Isabelle," Mm what happened."

Caroline hugs her," your okay."

Both hope and ISabelle look around and see their dad standing their.

Hope: Dad? Whats happening.

Klaus looks at them sadly," Isabelle and Hope, I love you."

He vamp speeds off and both Isabelle and Hope sit up alertly.

Isabele: Daddy?

Hope" Dad!

Hope: Dad!

We then see a depressed Elijah who asks vincent and elijah to wipe all of his memories.

Rebecah is in a tower meeting Freya

FREYA: Rebekah, you all right?

Rebecah: You mean besides harboring an ancient malignant spirit that continues to rattle around inside my skull?

Freya: That will subside... when you leave the city, once you're on you own. Then I better not dally.

Rebecah chuckles: You know, I spent eight glorious months covered in spit-up, changing dirty diapers and reading bedtime stories to that sweet girl. Please give this to her.( A mikaelson necklace) This one is for Isabelle, it was our mothers and then mine for century

Rebecah: And tell them that their Auntie Bex loves her.

Freya hugs her," Sister, I will fix this. The Hollow was born on this land, and if I stay and study its power..."

Rebecah smiles," You are such a Mikaelson. Stubborn until the end. - [chuckles] I'm gonna give you some advice that took me way too long to learn. Family is sacred, but so is love. What you have with Keelin, don't lose that."

Later Rebecah meets up with Marcel, and they decide to go off together. Kol goes and buys an engagement ring for Davina.

That night Caroline and Isabelle drive back to Mysic Falls, the salvatore boarding school.

Haley and Hope come down a week later to observe it.

Hope is playing in the school grounds while Haley smiles of to the side

ALaric approaches her,"Looks like she's fitting right in."

Haley smiles,"She's adaptable. And honestly, I think this is what she's always wanted. A normal life, friends her own age."

ALaric smiles,"Well, the kids here are pretty great, and I am not just saying that because I am headmaster and my daughters go here. You know, they're accepting, eager to learn. You know, we just try to keep up. Teach them discipline, compassion... ethics."

Haley smirks," Magical potions, spell-casting, broomstick riding."

Alaric - [chuckles] - ,"Yeah, well, there is some of that. - [chuckles] I've just spent a lot of time with supernatural people who were never comfortable in who they were. These kids... These kids will be better."

Hope looks over at Haley and waves, Haley smiles and waves back before she sees Isabelle run-up to Hope to drag her by the arm to see Lizzie and Josie.

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