Oleh Purplelove1998

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"Fading memories and a broken heart is what I'm getting for loving you. For trusting you when I was not even... Lebih Banyak

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Oleh Purplelove1998

" Is it me just making a misunderstanding or is Jimin actually taking another long break from school?"

It was Youngjae who started with a topic which most of them were avoiding actually.

It's not that they haven't noticed yet how Jimin has been missing from the classes for a few days now. They are sure that the boy is not even coming to school these days. But most of them chose to not acknowledge the fact. And their reasons were surely different.

But even though they have to do something about the concerned matter, they thought that maybe Jimin has a genuine reason for skipping school like this.

But it's already been several days and it's high time the matter needed to be looked into and they cannot still believe that Jimin is starting with the same nonsense again, after all the mess he got into at the end of last year.

" Couldn't he be a little more mature and responsible?", Jinyoung voiced out, showing his disagreement with the way the younger blonde has been acting.

Meanwhile Hoseok kept his mouth shut, rolling his eyes. He stared around the table, his mind drifting to that wretched day weeks ago. How he messed up everything and let the boy take control over him!

He kept his contempt for the boy in control though. He has gotten enough of everything that day. Now for days he has been struggling to keep everything to himself and not just let out something about Jimin to the rest of the boys.

Truth to be told, he really wants to do something about the matter, to at least have some peace for his riled up mind after it was messed up so badly by that manipulative bitch that day.

Hoseok is still enraged with him. He really wants to do something about the situation and make Jimin pay for what he has made him go through since everything has gone downhill weeks ago.

But the younger one has been absent from the school ever since that day. And Hoseok really has no idea what's happening with him. He had no idea about the younger's whereabouts.

None of them actually had his address even. They know that Yoongi and Jimin were neighbours in the past, but Jimin has already moved out of his old house which was near to Yoongi's and now even Yoongi has no idea where Jimin is living currently.

And there are a million times Hoseok was tempted to tell the secret to Yoongi not wanting to keep everything to himself. And Jimin being always out of their presence was also a plus point.

And Hoseok was actually hoping that maybe Jimin would never know about it if he were to disclose everything to Yoongi.

But he was still sceptical about that idea because what if things did not happen according to his plan?

And what will happen if when he tells Yoongi about it and his boyfriend does something stupid in his rage. But knowing Yoongi, Hoseok is not really sure if Jimin would be the one who would be blamed for everything that has been happening around.

Hoseok has already seen Taehyung a few times this week itself and that's something concerning. And he has no idea what this boy is actually planning to do with coming in contact with the crowd he seems to hate so much before.

And the irritated glare that Taehyung used to throw his way whenever their eyes met was still nothing compared to that calming silence of Park Jimin before the storm befall on him that day.

" I think it's more than a week since i've last seen him", Jin sighed, as he inhaled sharply his voice laced with concern for the younger.

Hoseok just sighed, done with their fake concern and tenderness. He rolled his eyes again, the discomfort rising but he hid well not wanting to get into another tough situation now.

And there are times he was getting concerned by feeling some strong gaze on him and whenever he turned around frantically searching for the source of his discomfort, not surprisingly he was often met with the piercing gaze of the red haired boy who was always assumed to be emotionless by everyone.

And he himself has believed it before.

But how could he still go on with that stupid idea after he has clearly witnessed it all right in front of his eyes?

After seeing the unusual appearance of the younger boy a few times in the cafeteria he has come to the conclusion that maybe the boy is just keeping an eye on him in the absence of his beloved boyfriend who has disappeared without any trace after shaking him up badly.

And by the looks of it he could tell that the younger is not very fond of him.

That day when the trio was trapped in a fateful loop, he saw Taehyung trying to get Jimin to stop what he was doing and he was thinking that he is not as bad as he thought.

But now seeing how the red haired boy's eyes held nothing short of strong dislike, he knows he was just misunderstanding things again.

Okay, it's natural for Taehyung to be like this, Hoseok knows. After all, how could he ever not dislike someone whom his boyfriend hates?

But what does Kim Taehyung have seen in Jimin that he is still staying by his side even when Jimin is just a controlling freak?

No, is he assuming things again? As far as he knows Jimin, that boy used to be so sweet.

Okay, he was always savage when it comes to fights, especially with Hyunjin. But now things are not the same anymore. He couldn't understand which Jimin was the real one.

The one they have started being friends with two years ago, or the boy who was able to send shivers down his spine even with his silence?

Hoseok doesn't know anymore, he doesn't want to know either. After the day, he was wondering how he was going to deal with the boy. But somehow Jimin made it easier for him by staying away from school.

Hoseok scoffed instantly, getting irritated all of a sudden.

Well Kim Taehyung, I know that you don't like me at all!

But we are on the same boat on this..I too don't like you.

He scoffed internally while making sure that he didn't show his annoyance outside.

But most of the time when he was looking around searching for the boy wanting to know if he was still looking at him, he couldn't find him anywhere.

The boy would have already faded away from his sight, god knows where, just like he usually does.

And if Hoseok knows that the red haired boy has been breaking his own rules and has come in the vicinity of others which is unlikely of him, he knows for whom he was there for and for whom he is doing this.

This is why Hoseok sometimes feels the whole thing even more petrifying. Jimin may be absent from their presence. But Hoseok could still feel his pervasive presence around him and it always shuddered him.

And sometimes, the funny part is when he starts looking around to meet Taehyung's gaze it's often Yoongi's eyes that his eyes meet.

And he has watched with surprise how the boy turns away whenever he gets caught in staring.

And honestly Hoseok feels nothing endearing in those creepy stares of the boy who claims to love him to the moon but still hurts him more than anyone else has done and maybe anyone else can do.

After the big fight in the dance studio and the fight that erupted between the two of them in the confines of Hoseok's home, he was thinking about breaking up with Yoongi. Because it's getting way more scary.

But he was still unable to make a decision. After all, who wouldn't be hesitant and indecisive when it comes to matters of the heart?

Blame it on his poor fragile heart that knows know bounds in loving him that even when he has been hurting him, he can't just leave him like that!

But the pain is getting stronger than ever and he is tired of the sickening silence that keeps on growing between them.

Hoseok was again zoning out but it went unnoticed by all, but before anyone could see how lost he was someone just mentioned a name that was enough to snap him out of his muffling thoughts.

" Maybe it's because he could get notes from Areum", Kai was suggesting his idea on the long absence of the blonde from the school.

And that seems to be something possible but still not enough to give a complete picture.

Most of them frowned at the suggestion.

" Why would he just take leave just to get notes from Areum?", Hoseok asked, clearly confused. " I don't think Jimin is that desperate", he said.

And when he has such a handsome boyfriend, he wanted to complete it.

But he's no fool to do something as dumb as that.

But not everyone knows about it so it's natural that they come up with the most ridiculous assumptions.

Kai shakes his head vigorously, a horrified expression displaying on his face.

" That's not what I meant guys", he blurted out. " I was telling maybe it's because he could still get the notes from her that he is being so smug and not attending the school", he tried to explain.

And everyone nodded, agreeing with what was said. That was something possible after seeing how Jimin has been so carefree about the situation.

If he has a friend who makes sure that doesn't miss out on anything, it's only natural to be daring like this.

" But I never knew for real that he was acquainted with that nerdy girl, '' Namjoon said suddenly, scoffing. " That was so not like him", he said.

No one said anything, probably agreeing with it wordlessly. But not everyone felt the same and he was not someone who kept his opinions to himself.

" That's not really nice coming from you, Namjoon '', said the youngest all of a sudden, startling the rest. And everyone who hadn't actually noticed his silence before, now turned to the boy completely confused.

And Namjoon unimpressively raised his brow, not sure what Jungkook actually meant by that phrase.

" What are you implying?"He folded his arms across his chest, showing his displeasure.

Jungkook chuckled dryly imitating his posture.

He leaned forward slightly, his gaze fixed on the offended boy.

" Why are you trying to portray her as a nerd when you practically die when you lose just a point in the exams?", he asked, his voice coated with sarcasm.

" And why are you calling her a nerd when practically we all are working just the same as her when it comes to grades?"

Everyone gasped hearing the words. But they couldn't pinpoint what the ravenette is getting at. They could all see without any doubt how confusing the younger is these days. And they cannot completely understand what's wrong with him either.

They already have experienced many instances of the younger storming out of their group in the middle of a conversation. And they couldn't still pinpoint what this is about.

" What are you saying now, Jungkook?"Namjoon looked at him irritated. " I'm not someone who spent their entire time drowning in books", he scowled.

But the younger ravenette just let out a scoff before looking away, declaring his disinterest in the conversation.

The table grew silent after the sudden argument between the two boys which surely shocked all of them. Now they should really be concerned about their youngest because the boy has been snapping out at all of them a lot these days and they are still uncertain about the reason.

It's not that he was really respectful towards the rest in the past, but this is something clearly alarming.

Because in the past, they could understand the factors which had gotten him angry and sometimes they intentionally avoided certain topics just because they didn't want to irritate the ill-tempered boy.

But now what are they supposed to do when the younger is becoming annoyingly unpredictable?

" Anyway", Jin started, attempting to change the mood. " I think that there is really something going on between the two", he said, thinking about the possibility of the same.

" What are you getting at now?", Youngjae asked, suddenly getting interested, they all soon forgot what happened prior.

" I don't think so", Yoongi said, disagreeing with the others. " After all, Jimin is acquainted with almost half of the school. And they could be just friends. They necessarily didn't have to be lovers", he shrugged somewhat sure of his own observation.

" But that is still a possibility even though I'm not sure if Jimin is really straight or not", Jin said, holding on to his point.

" And I'm sure that Jimin has a thing for pretty girls considering the times I have heard him complimenting a lot of girls on how pretty they are!", he said as a matter of fact.

" And Areum is not really ugly!" he added.

" Then I should say that Jimin is more interested in Eunhae. Because whenever she is around he couldn't hold himself back from keeping on complimenting her", Jackson said suddenly, pointing out the obvious.

Hoseok rolled his eyes, his mind drifting to that day weeks ago.

Not pretty girls but a pretty boy!

Jin chuckled softly. " That is also true", he nodded, remembering the times that actually happened.

But just when they thought they were getting out of the awful atmosphere that had been surrounding the table, it was again the youngest who was at it again.

" I thought that you don't like to talk about people when they are not really present among us", it was Jungkook and the boy seemed to be the least pleased as kept his icy gaze fixed on his cousin this time.

And Jin was looking at him with a bewildered look unable to comprehend what was happening. If he was not feeling worried about the sudden shift in his cousin's behaviour, he surely is now.

And Jin couldn't help but wonder what has gotten into his cousin now he is acting mean even with him.

Hoseok shakes his head, rolling his eyes somewhat surprised and amused. Good! Now they know what it is to feel like being at the receiving end of the younger's domineering gaze.

" I'm not talking behind his back", Jin huffed, denying the unreasonable accusation.

And Jungkook just shot him a scoff. " Of course you are not", he taunted, an unamused look gracing his face and then he looked away.

" Why are you talking Jimin's side now?", Hoseok asked, unable to handle it anymore.

At first he was really enjoying the way the younger kept on snapping out at others. But now he doesn't feel the same after he sees how Jungkook kept on taking Jimin's side. He even stood up for Areum today, which was unprecedented and this is not at all like Jungkook.

And God knows when he would start defending Taehyung too.

" What?"Jungkook scoffed at him. " I'm not taking anyone's side", he gritted out, his cold eyes training on the interrogator, and his face displaying sheer annoyance.

Hoseok sighed softly, looking at the boy who was looking at him with raised brows.

" Why do you care, anyways?" Jungkook asked Hoseok, furrowing his eyebrows questioningly.

But before Hoseok could think of something he was stopped by Yoongi.

" Stop it, Hoseok!", Yoongi told him, his voice laced with annoyance.

It might be because they all kept on attacking his childhood best friend. And the thought that Yoongi again defended Jimin after brutally ignoring him for weeks straight was enough to annoy Hoseok to the core.

" You don't tell me what to do" he snarled at his boyfriend, who was now looking at him, taken aback by the sudden outburst.

If only he knew how Hoseok has been holding himself back from doing this before even when he was being pushed further to the breaking point, and now as he nearing the edge he couldn't keep himself from doing it anymore.

Hoseok couldn't help but let out another scoff seeing how Yoongi was looking at him with a shocked expression. He was not thinking straight anymore and didn't bother to hide anything to cover up their strained interaction.

But Yoongi who soon recovered from the shock instantly looked away letting out an awkward cough hoping no one had noticed the tension.

But it was clearly visible and it would have been a miracle if the rest didn't notice the awkward tension between the two which was surely suspicious.

" What's with you two?", Namjoon asked, his eyes glancing between the two who were now ignoring each other. They were all puzzled to see the awkwardness between the two.

" He has been ignoring me", Hoseok blurted out, sighing in annoyance.

And Yoongi snapped his head towards him, clearly not expecting the other to act this way. He couldn't understand what Hoseok is up to now.

" Maybe it's because you have done something wrong", Jungkook interjected, snapping them out of their unhelpful situation. But it was only making it worse.

" Apologise properly and confess what it was about!", he said, more demanding, making Hoseok fidget in his seat.

He was thinking that they have left the incident behind for good and he is safe now. But he seems to be wrong seeing how Jungkook is bringing up the incident which Hoseok wants to remember no more.

" I don't know what you are talking about", he muttered slowly, feeling uncomfortable with the sudden attention.

But just when he thought that he would be forced to lie again, Jungkook let out a scoff, shooting him an annoyed look.

" Okay, go on", he scowled. " I don't care what you do", he dismissed, a sigh leaving his lips.

Hoseok gulped, a sickening feeling rushing through his veins. He couldn't understand what was wrong with him. Why is he being like this? Why is he letting everyone just walk over him?

But as he was again skipping into his own entrancing thoughts and mixed feelings towards the ones who have been messing with his mind lately he heard Jin interfering.

" Stop it", Jin let out annoyedly. " Why are y'all fighting now?", he sighed, tired of the situation and giving his annoying cousin a stern look.

But the boy glared at him before turning away and Jin could see that Jungkook is really not in his best mood now. It's too evident and it's better if he keeps him out of this. So he didn't press it further, instantly sinking back into his own seat.

Meanwhile Hoseok glanced at Yoongi sadly and saw him looking away. And now he regrets snapping at him earlier.

A part of him was appreciating him for standing up for himself for at least once instead of cowering away like he usually does.

But the other part of him couldn't help the regret that was eating him up after seeing that shocked expression on his boyfriend's face. He didn't know what he should do now.

" I haven't seen Yura and Taehyung together in a while", Youngjae suddenly said in a whisper as he glanced at the said girl walking into the room followed by her friends.

Just like that everyone was swayed away from the current situation again while Jin could only sigh seeing the same thing happening again and again. He subtly glanced at his cousin who has been getting lost in his thoughts a way too much these days.

And like always, he wondered what had gotten his thoughts so preoccupied with.

And he was hoping that Jungkook wouldn't start another argument after that ended just now. But seeing his sour mood it's not very promising and it would be better if they stayed away from topics that could trigger him.

" Did they break up?", Kai chuckled, smiling at the thought while they all kept their subtle glance on the table that is now occupied by Yura and her friends.

" To be honest, I haven't even seen him these few days. It's been days since he stepped into any of the classes", he said, gaining the attention of the whole table.

And not all of them were happy to see how they are lingering on the same topic about a certain boy who is intriguing enough to all of them.

" But are they even dating?", Namjoon asked, not understanding how they are being so sure when nothing screams a couple has been seen between the two.

" Are they not?", Kai blinked, now looking at Namjoon. Because he was so sure of it till now. After all, if they were not dating for real, then why are they seen together all the time?

And if the rumours were not real, then why haven't both of them or any of those related to them denied it yet?

So it's the only possible explanation for all the questions, at least that's what he thought.

Hoseok gritted his teeth. He was really hoping not to get indulged in their conversation and remain passive throughout. Because that's the better decision for him now.

But now seeing them dwelling on the discussion about the one who only brings back the worst memories to him and all those things that happened between them, he was feeling more annoyed.

He was trying to keep it in when they start with their interesting discussion about the said boy who was actually taken, but not by the one they are assuming to be.

But by someone who is actually too familiar with all of them.

And he could feel himself getting more and more agitated with each minute.

" I don't know what he has even seen in her", Kai murmured, with a huff.

" I'm really hurt to see him together with her everytime we get to have at least a glimpse of him", he said with a sigh.

And it was enough for something to be clicked inside the one who was already done with everything.

" Stop it! Can you?", Hoseok snarled, completely losing it.

" Don't you have anything better to talk about?" he seethed, while the last time he saw the red haired boy with the blonde still flashing through his mind.

Jungkook whipped his gaze towards him instantly, his eyes focused on the boy. And his face was clearly displaying his discomposure.

" Now you have a problem with him too?", he asked, his scrutinising eyes lingering on him.

And Hoseok turned to him puzzled, his anxiousness suddenly rising inside. He was looking at the ravenette baffled by the sudden shift. He could feel his suspicious thoughts acting up again.

But he couldn't still just believe it. It's not yet certain. He could only hope this is not anything he is thinking of.

As the others just looked on, as confused as Hoseok, the ravenette just let out another scoff.

" All you do is just..", he stopped suddenly, not completing what he was saying.

He sighed heavily, before standing up from his seat eventually getting the attention from the nearby tables as well.

" And I'm not going to be part of it", he gritted out before turning around and walking away from them.

The rest of the boys stayed quiet, their minds fully conflicted and muddled. They didn't know what was their fault for the younger to get mad at them this much.

They were trying to tolerate his insolent behaviour and were trying their best to be patient with him thinking that he may be going through something rough. But now they have no idea about what this is about.

And Jin was looking at the retreating back of his younger worriedly, while possible reasons gushing into his mind.

He laid back on his back, as his eyes were fixed in the ceiling, his mind full of muddled thoughts and his feelings getting messier each day.

He couldn't understand how things are going to end up if this is how things are going.

He was not really happy about the recent turn of events, his mind is already going crazy and he has no idea if he is making the right choice.

But does he even have a choice?

His mind is uncertain. He is scared. But still he is choosing to do this.

He could feel tears pricking in his eyes and he didn't do anything to wipe it off. He lay there looking at the ceiling blankly. He is in his home, in his room where no one knows what he's doing.

At a place where his secrets lie. Where everything started. The place responsible for what he has grown to become. The place which is the reason for his life that's getting out of control each day.

It's already past 3 in the morning. He could see the moon shining so bright in the sky through his window.

But still he is lying on his bed, wide awake unable to get some sleep.

But what could he do when his mind is not able to find peace and rest.

The things happening on these days were a bit too much for his own liking. He is already tired. And it's better if he tries to stop right now.

Maybe he could avoid the upcoming disaster that's sure to befall him if he continues with what he is doing right now.

He hates it here, to be at a place where his least favourite memories lie even though the ones responsible are no more around. How thankful he is for that!

But how much he tried to run away, how much he tried to shut out those voices, he knew it's no use. Because this is the reality.

And he should accept it. But why can't he just let it happen? Just like he did in the past? Because things have changed and he has found something that was able to haunt his memories than the memories of his scary past.

He sat up slowly, carding his fingers through his messed up raven locks. The smooth locks his fingers are running through made him remember the boy he missed so much again.

He chuckled softly, as he shifted back and made himself comfortable as he leaned his back on the headboard and looked at the pretty moon, his mind already making him remember his precious angel with the most pretty smile he has ever seen.

He sighed heavily, weirded by his own thoughts. What is he even thinking?

He stared at the moon with a frown in his face, his mind already a haywire of whirling thoughts.

He was not happy about anything happening around him anymore. And he doesn't like it either when his own friends keep on talking ill about someone whom he cares for. So much.

He couldn't stand it but he couldn't even make them stop without raising suspicions and he doesn't want anyone to know not before the right time.

Everything has a right time and the wrong timing could make a big difference. It would surely blow up his plans and hopes.

But these days he has been finding it even more difficult to stick to his plan. Because the one who is the entire reason or the prime centre of all that his mind is focused on is the one who is making him doubt his resolutions now.

He feels his chest aching, the pain swelling up. He doesn't know if he is sad or mad right now.

Why is everything going wrong for him? Why couldn't he be happy even for a moment?

But what was he thinking when he was expecting so much?

It's his fault that he is being more and more sad now.


A name he has started to loathe, only because he knows what this particular person means to the red haired boy who had been invading his thoughts a way more than it should these past months.

Of course, Tae has told him that this is his best friend. But the ravenette does not know if he could even believe it, after everything he was forced to witness.

Because he has noticed without failure how everytime this unknown person is brought up, the younger's whole mood lightening up and some sort of unique warmness spreading his features.

And it has without any doubt irritated the raven haired like nothing else.

So that day when he was sure that the red haired boy was going to meet this particular best friend of his, he wanted to follow him badly and see who it was, the one who could make the younger so happy in the blink of a second.

So if he really did follow him that day, he could have found out who is the one Tae adores so much. But yet he didn't do that. He let go of the opportunity without a second thought and stayed behind.

The idea was so tempting and promising, but Jungkook knew better than to actually consider it. It wasn't something that he was supposed to do.

In the past, he has actually gone against his conscience and eavesdropped on the conversation between Tae and his friend when the two were carelessly arguing in the garden. But he had only good intentions in his mind when he did that.

And he knows very well that he is never going to do anything with it to hurt the younger, as people around the red haired have been assuming.

He would be the least pleased if he ever got confirmation on this matter, he was sure of it.

Who are they to ask Tae to keep his distance from him? What were they thinking when they were warning the younger against the ravenette?

How could they assume things like that when he hasn't even done something that could hurt him after he starts interacting with the boy?

Still they don't know anything about him.

They don't know who Jeon Jungkook is. They don't know him and they don't know how his thoughts are working.

They only know him as a person he wants them to see him as.

So they don't know what he was thinking every time his eyes land on the new attraction in Bangtan. They don't know how his heart has already grown feelings he shouldn't have developed for him.

If he had any kind of intentions to hurt the boy, he himself would have stayed away. He did that once already when Tae questioned him of his intentions and when he himself was uncertain about his thoughts.

But now he is sure about everything and he has no intention to do something that could hurt the red haired.

He sighed heavily, sensing the anger raising and his thoughts overwhelming.

He chuckled softly as the thoughts kept rushing in.

He could never hurt Tae, he knew. He never wants to be the source of pain or hurt for the red haired boy he grew to adore so much.

A sweet smile formed in his lips as the thoughts about his new friend kept flashing on his mind.

Is he starting to fall for the supposedly cold emotionless boy?

Jungkook scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. Is he seriously questioning himself when the answer is so obvious to avoid or ignore?

No, he is not going to ignore the feelings that have been growing more stronger with each day passing by.

Because his mind has never been more conflicted than during the last break when the thoughts about those foreign feelings kept messing up with his mind.

He couldn't get it all out of his head and kept on struggling till he finally accepted everything with his whole heart.

And the moment he knew his mind had finally accepted what his heart had been desiring all along, he couldn't be more happier and proud.

But still as much as he is happy to get to see the younger unexpectedly at the football court and the almost empty garden, he is really getting concerned about his carelessness which is really not good for him.

This is actually the second time, if he remembers correctly, that he gets an opportunity to uncover the secrets that lay bare behind the cold obnoxious facade of the boy.

Both times, Jungkook was so close to finding out what Tae has been hiding meticulously, even though his careless behaviour almost gave it away at times.

Even though he was sure that nothing of the sort of action which could hurt the pretty boy would happen from his side, he can't guarantee that it is the same case with the rest of Bangtan.

What if someone else was in his place both the times Tae nearly endangered himself? Would they really let it slide after having a glimpse of what the real Kim Taehyung is like?

Would they just leave him alone respecting his privacy and will?

Would they really hold themselves back from using it against the boy or using it for their own benefits, eventually hurting him?

He is not sure about anything. He is already tired with his thoughts, already conflicting him enough. And he could get another headache if keep on pushing his mind like this.

Anyone could do anything if met with such an interesting situation and this boy is really dumb for being so oblivious about what's going on around him.

And he has no idea what he should do inorder to ensure his well being. Should he muster all his courage and go directly to the younger and tell him that he is being a lot stupid for being so careless and ask him to be more careful and check his surroundings before doing something that could land him in a tough spot.

And he could already imagine the results if he ever got the courage to actually make that move.

And that's the only reason he has been staying in his line and not telling anything of the sort to the hot headed red haired.

He doesn't even know if he was in a position to do something like that with the boy. And he doesn't know if the younger would even listen to him.

The only thing that is likely to happen would be him ruining his own chances.

He could only hope that Tae is not really careless and clumsy all the time and wouldn't get into trouble with all these stalkers lurking around.

He let out another sigh. It's already four in the morning and he is still sitting here thinking about someone who doesn't seem to have even a slight idea about what he feels for him.

He chuckled softly, shaking his head. Most probably he is going to skip school. No way he is going to let them see him in this condition.

He leaned his back on the headboard while his eyes were again drifting off to the moon outside his window. It was an enchanting sight and he couldn't help but admire it more, just like how he does to the only one who ever caught his attention.

But is he just wishing upon a moon all along?

He looked away from it now staring at the wall before him blankly. He couldn't help it. He doesn't want to make this all worse. And he has no idea where all this is going to lead him to.

Just when he thought he could get a little sleep before dawn, his mind was again working on its own and like that his thoughts were moving to that incident in the cafeteria last day.

He was being so unreasonable. But what could he do when they kept on pushing his limits and when they finally started talking ill about someone he cares so much about, he couldn't just stay quiet anymore.

And if he had stayed any longer he would have surely done something regrettable. That's the reason he left.

He chuckled softly thinking about all what they were talking about.

Tae and Yura are dating?

What a joke!

Because he knows better than to believe all that show staged by the two whenever they show up together. And the thing he couldn't understand is how all these stupid people in his school are failing to notice how fake it is.

He doesn't care how Yura has been acting around the boy trying to show the rest how compatible they are. But he is the least concerned about it and he doesn't see any threat with her seen with Tae all the time.

Because he knows for sure where her interest lies. And that's just popularity.

Kim Taehyung for her is nothing but just a means to gain more attention as if she was deprived of it now.

And now with Tae already joining the football team and his popularity increasing even more, she would surely cling to him like a leech she is.

He scoffed suddenly feeling irritated. Why is he still thinking about her now?

And now he is feeling irritated at himself for feeling sorry for her in the past.

He was feeling somewhat relieved when he heard she is not getting bullied as she was at one point of time.

And he knows exactly when the bullying stopped. It was after Yura had started hanging around Tae soon after him joining Bangtan. And students stopped troubling her all of a sudden just because they don't want to look bad in the eyes of the pretty boy.

But now Jungkook is feeling his anger projected at her and it's not without reasons. He despises her now because she is the one preferred by Tae even more than his own reputation.

He doesn't care if people would see him in a different light as long as he lets her devious presence near him. But he seems to even care for her a lot.

And Jungkook doesn't like it even a bit.

He sighed, exasperated.

But why is Tae so adamant on letting her stay beside him even after Jungkook revealing her true intentions for approaching him? Why didn't Tae care even slightly to push her away after he told him in clear words that this is all just nothing but a game for her?


Jungkook gasped loudly, leaning forward instinctively, a sudden thought creeping into his mind conflicting him even more.

Of course, Yura would never fall for Tae or anyone else. That's an impossible thing. But it's not true that maybe Tae has something for her. Right?

He felt an inevitable pang in his chest, the thought really taking a toll on him.

That's really a possibility. Even if Yura is someone who wouldn't fall for anyone so easily. But that's not the case with Tae.

It's not still possible that he has taken a liking towards her. Right?

Or is it possible? But how? Yura is one of the most annoying people anyone could come across.

But still why is Tae tolerating her even when he has such a low tolerance level? Is it perhaps that he is falling for her bewitching acts?

But it's not true. Right?

The questions kept on gushing in making him feel more down. He covered his face with his palms and groaned loudly, unable to contain the frustration.

But now that he is putting more thoughts into the details, he clearly remembers Tae's reaction when he told him about Yura's motives.

And now that he's thinking about it, Tae's reaction doesn't seem normal to Jungkook anymore. He was being paler than usual and was getting uncomfortable.

But he ignored it thinking that the other had something else going on in his mind. But how could he really neglect such an important thing?

He sighed heavily thinking of it.

Is it really the case? He wondered. Was Tae getting upset because he had come to learn that he was just being played all along?

He shakes his head annoyed by everything that's kept on messing up with his mind.

But there is one thing he knew for sure that is he couldn't even imagine the day the two of them actually ends up together.

He sighed as he looked outside his window, but there was no more the moon adorning the sky. And he could only see the crimson hues of a new day spreading the vast horizon.

He chuckled dryly. " Kang Yura, you won't ever let me stop hating you. Right?"

If it's said that the days were passing away in a blur, it would be a lie. At least in the case of Tae. Because for the boy, each day passing by felt like a million years.

And these days he has been doing nothing, just skipping classes as if it's nothing and spacing out a lot on either the rooftop or in the football court.

Tae has been missing the boy who has taken a break from the school without bothering about the consequences. And he was not happy with how things had turned out.

Tae was getting concerned about Jimin who has been moody again just when he thought things are getting better. And the blonde seems to be out of touch even though it has been almost three weeks after the whole fight in the dance room.

But Jimin is still stuck on the same thing and he still refused to come back to school saying he needs time to process everything. And Tae knew very well that he couldn't even say anything about it.

Tae has tried numerous times to make the blonde talk about it. But Jimin was adamant on refusing to engage in any kind of conversation with him concerning the topic. He won't even pick up the calls when Tae tries to reach him.

And the last time Tae has sent him messages after getting tired of calling him without any response, Jimin has replied that he would reach out to him when it's the right time.

And Tae doesn't know when the right time is going to arrive.

Tae was feeling unhappy about being ignored like this by the one who has promised to stay by his side forever. But if Jimin is asking him to give him the space that he deserves, Tae has to respect it no matter what.

And how can he even complain about his loneliness when he knows how much distress Jimin is going through right now?

Because he knows how much of a significance the incident has in Jimin's life. And this was something which shouldn't have taken place at all. But unfortunately it did.

Jimin was supposed to end the highschool with Yoongi not knowing about the fact that Jimin knows about his Secret rendezvous with Hoseok.

Jimin didn't want Yoongi to know. At least till they lose contact after highschool. That was the plan but it all got ruined by someone who has barged in their comfort zone when they least expect it.

They were doing just fine. Tae was hoping everything is turning out for the best. He thought that maybe they could make it out of here without too much regrets or pain.

But everything changed for the worse in a split second and now Jimin is suffering and struggling on his own without even letting Tae anywhere near him. And Tae doesn't know whom to blame for it.

Was it their fault for being careless and letting Hoseok walk on them seeing the way they are when no one else was there? Or was it Hoseok who couldn't somehow stop being nosey about their relationship?

Tae doesn't know anything. He has no idea why Jimin did what he has done. And he has no idea why Hoseok compiled without thinking twice.

And he has no idea what is running through the minds of the two boys when making a deal out of nowhere without making any further negotiations or discussions. Tae has no idea how they came to make the deal too soon.

One second Hoseok was in front of him threatening to expose their secrets and blurting out nonsense all along. But within seconds tables turned and Jimin, who has the upper hand, suggested a deal which was kind of unreasonable.

But yet they strike the deal and Tae was left alone after Jimin has rushed after Hoseok. He has been waiting till he receives Jimin's message asking him to go home and rest. And sadly that was the last time he saw Jimin.

And he couldn't even understand what was happening between the three boys. He doesn't know why Jimin is so sure about the existence of another significant reason for the two lovers to keep their relationship a secret.

And Tae doesn't know why Jimin is so sure about the whole thing. Maybe it's because he has known Yoongi for years now. He may be able to tell what's happening from the elder's actions.

Even though Tae has a lot of doubts about the situation, he still trusts Jimin's intuitions and decisions. But still anything could happen especially when it involves big risks.

And he now only hopes that the plan wouldn't backfire and they are not the ones ending up hurt in this.

They have already suffered a lot this past year. And Tae doesn't want another reason for being sad again.

And another thing Tae was upset and curious about was whether Jimin actually regrets the path he has chosen to save themselves out of the situation.

Maybe they could have just let Hoseok reveal their friendship to everyone. Because Tae doesn't see any threat in doing that.

Maybe both Hyunjin and Jimin's so-called group of friends would get mad about it. But it would have ended there. And maybe Jimin may get estranged from his friends. Knowing them, that's not even something impossible.

But still no one would have tried to separate them or ask them to forget their friendship. Right? That is just a far- fetching thing to even think about.

Because whatever happens or wherever their loyalty was supposed to lie, they are their own people. And at the end of the day it's their choices that matter.

And if they chose each other, then that's the end of the discussion. No one has the right to meddle in their business how close that person may be with them.

But Jimin chose to hide their friendship instead of letting it be made known to the rest of Bangtan. And Tae really has no idea why he has done that.

Maybe Jimin knows better and may have already planned something because the way he acted instinctively as if he knows what he is doing, tells the same.

But Tae couldn't still ignore the ugly feeling churning inside him. He wonders whether Jimin is actually regretting his choice of revealing such a big secret to Hoseok inorder to protect their friendship.

Is it perhaps the reason that he is now shutting Tae out like this?

Tae groaned internally as he put his face into his palms before leaning back on his seat again. He let out another long sigh feeling even more bitter as the thoughts kept running through his mind, giving him a pounding headache.

He looked around the place as his eyes wandered around the empty field.

He let out yet another sigh. He couldn't help it. It's happening again and again and it seems his mind does not have a chance to be at peace anytime soon.

And how did he end up spacing out in the bleachers of the football court again? That's another story and Tae is officially done with this hide and seek game he had been playing with too many people than he ever wanted.

And this is not even anything that he wants in the first place.

He was making his way to the rooftop again after wasting enough time in the library doing particularly nothing. But that's when he comes across Yura who seemed to be on her way to the library just to make him more annoyed as usual.

But thankfully Yura hadn't yet noticed him when he saw her talking with one of her minions.

And before she could spot him frozen on his feet, he turned around and walked in the opposite direction hoping she wouldn't notice till he got out of her sight.

Things were already too tense between them and he doesn't want to run into her and make things even more awkward than it already was.

Even if he was just trying to get away from her at the moment, as if his feet had a mind of its own he ended up in the place he found solace only after their hideout on the rooftop.

After seeing where he reached unknowingly, he didn't bother to go back. Mainly he doesn't want to take the risk of bumping into the girl. And secondly he was just tired for another long stride to the rooftop even though he has been doing nothing in particular throughout the day.

So he settled on the bleachers trying to take his mind away from everything that has been happening around him lately and making him even more frustrated.

But the opposite was what happened. Despite his yearning to forget everything, the memories and regrets kept invading his mind, successfully making him even more confounded and angry.

And about Yura there was something that he had noticed from the times when he was practically forced to interact with her during the past few days.

Tae could tell clearly that she doesn't have the faintest idea that he knows about her interest in him. And she is just trying to act just like the way they were used to before.

He has already seen how she was trying to hide her crush on him, despite being known as one of the most daring people in Bangtan.

Anyway this piece of knowledge was just like a breath of fresh air for Tae.

He was happy that she was keeping herself constrained instead of throwing herself upon him during all the chances she got to make her wish come true.

Maybe he could just make it out of Bangtan without another stupid confession thrown at him. This is what he has been hoping against all odds.

" Oh! Here you are! I was wondering if you are even present in the school" A voice said, nearly startling him.

And Tae is not even surprised anymore. Maybe he could just get used to this recurring phenomena.

He sighed softly, fixing his gaze on the field, deciding it's better to ignore the ravenette since he is already too tired and worn out.

So he thought that it would be better if he remained silent, because he doesn't want to make his mood even worse by fighting with the latter now.

In fact he was purposefully avoiding any kind of interactions with the boy. Things had already gone out of control and he doesn't have to complicate it more by adding another problem to those already existing.

But it seems like the ravenette always found his way to him. And Tae is just going to let things pass as they way it flows. He is tired of fighting and watching out.

Just as Tae got lost in his own thoughts, the ravenette kept his gaze fixed on the boy. And he couldn't help but narrow his eyes seeing how Tae is spacing out again.

He raised his hands slowly reaching out to the latter and slowly patting the red haired boy's head causing him to snap out of his reverie at the sudden disruption.

Tae looked at him puzzled, not understanding what the other was up to now. But the ravenette just chuckled, continuing to run his fingers through the soft red locks.

" Where are you lost again?", he asked, now staring back at the other.

" If you keep on zoning out in the court like this, you might do the same in the game as well. Then it would be a big mess", he said with a chuckle.

Tae furrowed his eyebrows at the other. But without caring to make a retort like he usually would, he just leaned back on his seat just wanting to push away all the negative thoughts.

Retrieving his hands slowly, Jungkook too took a seat next to the other. Once settled in his spot and putting away his backpack, he slowly turned to face the younger.

" You know, you don't have to pretend around me", he said simply, which instantly got the younger's attention.

" Pretend?" Tae looked at him, his eyes widening.

But Jungkook just offered him a small smile.

" I know that you are not so cold just like you show others. I have had my doubts from the beginning. But now I know for sure that you are just trying to be someone that you are not. So I'm just saying that you could drop your act around me and be yourself", he said, his words surprisingly feeling more sincere for the red haired.

Tae turned to him, looking at the other skeptically. He frowned, not understanding the entirely different side of Jeon Jungkook.

It was the first time they have managed to maintain a peaceful conversation this much longer. And the ravenette seems to be unexceptionally calm and quiet today. And it certainly didn't sit well with Tae.

And the suggestion put forward by the other, Tae sighed softly before looking away from the soft gaze of the older. If it was anyone else other than the one actually offering it now, he may have considered it.

In fact he remembers how happy he was when Jimin proposed the same thing to him back then after they started hanging out with each other.

But this is Jeon Jungkook. Someone whom he shouldn't trust at any point of time.

He chuckled dryly. " Then you could use that against me?", he asked in a soft voice, but the sarcasm underlying that question didn't go unnoticed by the ravenette who frowned at it.

Jungkook who was not pleased to hear the younger's words remained silent for a while not bothering to respond. And Tae glanced at him with a frown remembering something of the same which had happened last year.

That day too Jungkook didn't deny his accusations and left him alone for a while before of course coming back soon and started annoying him again.

So he thought maybe he didn't need to do anything specific to get rid of the boy since that was seemingly going to be done by Jungkook himself.

Jungkook, who was already observing how Tae was zoning out again, sighed before slowly turning to the other.

" Tae", he called, his voice was strained and he was trying to keep his growing frustration in control.

" I already told you many times. And I'll say it again. I'm not trying to hurt you. Please stop listening to those who are trying to make you hate me", he said genuinely.

Tae looked at him, frowning not yet wanting to listen to the ravenette. But he could tell it from the look on his face and the voice that he used, the boy was not faking it. But still Tae was not sure.

Maybe he needs to doubt his own instincts now.

" No one is trying to turn me against you", he said. " It's just that I don't want to trust anyone too soon", he said truthfully.

Jungkook looked at him with widened eyes. But soon he let out a chuckle before turning to the other side.

Tae tilted his head wondering if he had offended him anyway. He was just telling the truth.

A few minutes later, the ravenette again turned to him. He let out a sigh. " We have known each other for a good while now. Yet you have been suspecting me all along?", he asked.

Tae let out a puff of air, followed by a sigh. He was already tired enough and he doesn't even want to add more to his exhaustion.

" Okay, what should I say?", he mused, facing the ravenette who had been looking at him already.

" I don't have anything against you, but I still can't be careless around you", he said, hoping the other would get what he is trying to say.

" It's true that I have people who used to ask me to stay away from you. But now no one is particularly asking me to keep the distance with you anymore. And they don't even know that I'm still talking with you after the project", he said, making the other raise his eyebrows questioningly.

" But even if they come to know about it and ask me to stay away, I won't do that just because they asked me to. I'm just choosing to stay away because I couldn't just brush off a certain intuition of my own", he added hoping that the other would get the message.

The other didn't reply but just gave a nod in response. But Tae could see clearly that Jungkook was not really easy about the situation.

He sighed, stealing glances at the boy who is now leaning forward in his seat, his elbows resting on his knees and his gaze focused on forward.

Tae could tell that the other was thinking about something deeply seeing the way various emotions kept flashing on his face and Tae wondered whether the older was thinking about what he just said.

Maybe it's better. Now Jungkook would hopefully leave him alone.

But just when Tae thought it was better to make a move and leave him alone there, the other suddenly turned towards him, sitting straight and facing him completely.

" When you said there were people warning you about me, it's your cousins and Yura. Right?"

Tae looked at him quizzically, somewhat surprised by the question. His thoughts immediately wandered off to Jimin remembering the times Jimin has strictly prohibited him from interacting with Jungkook.

But no way he is going to tell him that.

So Tae simply nodded, even though the hesitation only evoked a suspicious gaze from the other boy.

" Maybe you are right", he said simply.

" But even if Hyunjin comes to know about us being acquaintances, he wouldn't do anything to oppose it. Even if he did, I could convince him easily. After all, you are just innocent in the whole rivalry between the two groups. It's not even you who started everything", Tae said, shrugging.

Jungkook looked at him puzzled, eyes widening in surprise remembering something so similar being spoken to him in the past.

He gasped slightly. " I heard the same from someone before!", he furrowed his eyebrows. " But I don't remember who?"

Tae tilted his head in confusion. " What?"

Jungkook squinted his eyes. " That I'm not the one responsible for all the rivalry with Hyunjin?", he said, which came more as a question.

" But I don't know for real", he mused his gaze fixed on the red haired boy who was looking at him with a frown. " But who is the one who told this to me before?", he scratched his chin trying to recall, looking away.

And that's when Tae realized what he did, his eyes widening in shock. He glanced over at the ravenette bewildered not wanting to believe that he actually messed up. He bit his lips nervously seeing the other trying his best to recall that.

But as soon he thought Jungkook was turning to him he looked away, scrunching his nose not wanting to let the other see his reaction.

Tae somehow managed to calm himself enough before immediately turning to his companion.

" Hey, just forget it", he faked a smile.

" You don't have to stress about it. That must be just a rumour. I too must have heard it from somewhere else", he managed to say without stuttering even though he was just freaking out inside helplessly.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes. " From Hyunjin?"he asked, uncertain.

Tae looked at him, wanting to find some way out of this stupid self made up trap. " I don't know?" He smiled at him awkwardly.

Jungkook looked at him with a smile spreading across his face, making Tae narrow his eyes in confusion.

The ravenette chuckled softly. " Don't bother to overwork your brain to find out about it", he smiled. " I don't care anyways", he said softly before looking away.

And Tae was in utter confusion now.

But even though he wants to know what it's about he decided to stay quiet not wanting to mess up again.

But the silence engulfing them was soon interrupted by the ringing of Tae's phone, who immediately took it out of his pocket in anticipation. While Jungkook looked at him confused by the smile spreading on his face.

As soon as Tae saw the caller ID he sighed softly before accepting the call and bringing it to his ear.

Meanwhile Jungkook kept his gaze on the red haired boy who was listening to the other side with a nervous smile and it made him frown.

Soon Tae ended the call with a wide grin on his face and released the breath he had been holding in all the while.

Jungkook looked on unimpressed by the way the other was acting and the wide smile on his face which he was sure is the after effect of the phone call just ended.

Jungkook sighed. " What was that?", he asked, trying not to sound too bitter.

Tae, who was unaware of the ravenette's sour mood, smiled sweetly at him. " Nothing", he breathed out. " Just some good news".

Jungkook scoffed, running his fingers through his hair, looking forward. It surely didn't feel like nothing to him.

" Whatever you say!" He shrugged but his annoyance was clearly shown in his face but Tae who was in such a good mood missed it again.

Tae leaned back on his seat heaving another sigh. But he was smiling and happy to get some positive response after a long while.

Jungkook couldn't tear his gaze away from the red hair even though he badly wanted to do that seeing the other's face lightening up because of someone else. And he was not at all happy.

" Who is this person who could make you so much happier within just seconds?", he asked carefully, not wanting to give away his bitterness.

Tae turned to him, narrowing his eyes.

" Don't even say anything negative about it", he said, sighing.

" I have been waiting for just this call for two long weeks", he chuckled softly.

" But now I finally got it, I'm becoming more nervous", he sighed again, rubbing his nape.

Jungkook scoffed looking away. " Do you have to tell that to me?"he muttered unhappily.

Tae, who almost caught up with the words, looked at him surprised. " What did you say?", he asked, tilting his head trying to see the other's face.

But Jungkook turned his face away from the boy. " Nothing!"

Tae smiled softly before standing up. " I'm going", he said.

Jungkook looked back at him instantly, a puzzled expression painting his face.

" Where?", he asked. " To class?", he was looking at the other's happy smile sceptically.

Tae shakes his head taking his bag from the adjacent seat where he put it earlier.

" Nope. I'm going home" he shrugged. " I'm bored here!"

Jungkook looked at him annoyed.

" You are saying that I'm boring?", he asked, his voice now anything but soft and calm.

Tae chuckled softly, somewhat surprised by the sudden cold tone.

" I didn't mean that", he denied. " Anyway there are just ten more minutes till the lunch break. So you will also be going. Right?", He asked, trying to coax the pissed off boy.

Jungkook immediately glanced at his own watch realising that the other is not wrong. But it still didn't make him feel any better.

" I could have stayed if you want", he mumbled carelessly.

" What?", Tae shot him an inquiry look, really missing the words this time.

Jungkook shakes his head while waving his hands dismissively. He was not going to repeat what he just blurted out.

He was sincere about his offer. But that doesn't matter anyways. Because the red haired is not going to stay.

But then he looked at him with a frown upon realising something. " Why are you going home though? It's not even the lunch break. You could stay here if you want", he said, voicing his thoughts out.

Tae just shrugged. " I'm bored here!"

Jungkook scoffed, feeling bitter again.

" Whatever!"

Tae smiled ruffling the ravenette's soft looks before walking out to the exit. " Bye", he waved.

Jungkook who was startled by the sudden action is now frozen on his spot.

" What the hell!", he yelled, turning to look at the smiling boy who was already nearing the exit.

He huffed turning back and leaning on his seat and running his fingers through his hair trying to smooth the messed up hair.

" You are lucky that I like you!", he muttered as a fond smile spread on his face.

But soon the smile on his face faltered as he leaned back on his seat looking forward.

He sighed in annoyance as his thoughts wandered off to all things that happened earlier and the one who ruined his happy moment with his love interest.

" Good that I found you here", he mumbled something clicking in his mind. " Otherwise I would have gone there to find you", he sighed softly.


To all my lovely readers who are actually taking their precious time to read this story,

Actually after seeing the way you are responding to this story, I'm getting mixed feelings.

As you all are aware, there is practically no votes or comments on this story and I'm really feeling conflicted.

I really wanted to continue with the story, and I'll do my best to keep going.

But it's really confusing to see how you are responding to my efforts.

If you are not actually aware, all of my chapters are really long ones and this chapter itself contains over 10k words and it's not just a little effort I'm putting into it.

But after everything, if this is how you are feeling about this story which I'm putting my efforts and time into, I don't know if I should keep updating.

I'm not saying that I won't update or discontinue the story. I wouldn't do that.

But honestly speaking I'm feeling really disheartened.

And I'm not really asking you to vote for the story. I wouldn't force you to do that when you don't feel like doing it. But at least, can you tell me what you think about this story.

Really guys, I need to know your opinion to keep going.

If you don't feel like commenting on the chapters, at least you can DM your opinions.

I hope you understand what I'm saying and please don't get offended. Because that is not what I was aiming to do.

Thank you.

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