Oneshot book

By GamingTiger15

6.9K 298 371

Radiodust fan? Jump into my oneshot book! Image does not belong to me. It belongs to unpacked_chaos on Twitt... More

I Alastor [Android AU]
New teacher [College AU]
Angel au
AU #4
You are worth it
medieval AU
Android AU (Take two)
Elf AU
Android AU (pt. 2)
Are you afraid to love people?
Part 13
Christmas Special~
Medieval AU
The deal for freedom

Android AU part 3

130 10 13
By GamingTiger15

"Build a sentient robot?" The professor scoffed. He continued to write something on the board.

Behind him stood a young blonde. Wearing a pink hoodie and some black jeans. A piercing in his ear and his hair tied back into a ponytail. His brows wrinkled, green eyes watching the board. "Well yeh that's what I just said." He answered calmly, holding his books a little tighter. "I dink it's possible. Ain't like it hasn't been done before."

The professor laughed. "Anthony my boy," he set the chalk down. The old geezer turning to face him. He adjusted his glasses. "Free will is just an illusion that we program into machines. Robots don't really have free will. It's just another order their made to follow. If they want something it's because we told it to want. If they like or hate something it's because we told it to do that too."

His eyes narrowed, as he looked the man square in the eyes. "Well I don't agree witcha." World known professor having built plenty of robots. Robots and androids weren't anything different to their world. But one with a will of it's own now that was something new.

He shook his head, placing a hand on Anthony's shoulder. The blond eyed it with annoyance. "You've always been a dreamer my boy, with your head up in the clouds. But what I am telling you is just simply not possible."

He shrugged the hand off. "Says da guy whose defied what ain't possible ba'fore."

"You'll understand one day." He said, turning his back. "Now if that's all I have my next class coming in soon so please, run along."

Anthony scoffed, once the mans back was turned he threw him the bird. Before ushering himself out of the classroom muttering a string of curses under his breath.

They could be sentient. They had...had to go beyond their programming. That was all.

But how?

What if it was all just a waste of his life?

He was a coder. He could barely build a working robot. How could he manage to get one to have free will without simulating it?

That was the fleeting thought.

Because just like that he found himself startled awake. Back into the world of reality.

He blinked, only taking a minute to register the warmth around him. The softness of the blanket and the pillow tucked under his head. He looked at it curiously and then to his living room. Wait..when did he get here? How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was working on some new code in his basem-er-lab.

So how-

"Good morning."

"AH!" He fell off the couch with a loud thumb yelping in the process. With his head now against the floor and his feet hanging off the cushions, the blanket somewhere in between. He now noticed the six foot tall deer man android standing behind the couch. It's head only tilting a fraction, at a perfect angle. As it looked at him with what was the closest thing to bewilderment it could get to. Yet without being too expressive.

"It seems you have fallen." It stated obviously.

Angel deadpanned. "No shit sherlock." He snapped, sitting up.

"My registered name is Alastor. Would you like to change it to Sherlock?" It spoke in a mono-tone.

"What? No-ugh." Angel dragged a hand down his face. "Look just...what time is it?" He could already see the sun was up even behind the blinds. And that there were a lot less pizza boxes and noodle cups laying about. Did Alastor clean up?

"It is 8:00AM. The weather is partially sunny with a 10% chance of afternoon sh-"

"Okay okay-thanks you can stop now." The android immediately fell quiet. Angel frowned. It felt weird. Having the thing he was working on for years finally be up and about. Talking to him and walking around like...well, like a person. It would be nice if it acted like one instead of a walking phone. With a sigh, he stood up from the floor. He eyed the android who was standing with its arms at it's side. Like a statue. "Um, thank you. For the time."

Without faltering it replied in the same tone, "you are welcome."

Angel didn't look pleased. It was too early for this shit. He disregarded this for the time and looked to his home instead. "I'm assuming you carried me 'ere?" He said pointing to the couch. "And cleaned up da place, cause it wasn't like dis when I last left it."

"Yes." It confirmed. "Does that displease you?"

"Wh-no why would it?" Anthony took a breath, bringing his hands together and pressing them against his mouth. Deep breath. He had to be patient. He had taken so long for Alastor to be up and working. Who knew how long it would take to get it to act like a person let alone think for itself. Free will. That was the end goal. "So how was your night? Did you sleep at all? Or didja just spend the entire time watching me." He asked the android, now picking up the blanket and setting it back on the couch.

"I do not require sleep." It said, instead of answering the first question.

"...Right. Forgot." He scratched the back of his neck. Eyeing the android. "Well uh, you look like your functioning a lot betta."

It blinked. "Yes. All systems are optimonal."

Anthony walked around the android and stepped into the kitchen. "Well dats good. Least you ain't gotta stay chained up in the basement." He opened the fridge, " there any pizza in here." He muttered to himself.

"Pizza is unhealthy for your diet. I recommend more vegetables and dairy."

As the android said that the blonde poked his head up from the fridge door. Munching on a cold slice of pizza with mushrooms on it. "I got all my veggies on 'ere." He took another bite. "Sides, I don't rememba programming you 't worry bout food." He said, raising a curious brow.

"I was programmed to assist you. However that may be." It simply stated.

Now that he thought about it, he didn't really install any specific programs into the android database. Expect to be more of a lab assistant than anything. But that was only so it would cooperate with any tests. He hadn't expected it to suddenly turn into a caretaker.

"Well danks," he closed the fridge door. "But I'm good."

He opened his mouth to take another bite as his teeth clasped shut he shuttered as they collided together. Angel blinked at his hand in confusion to find the cold slice missing. He looked over at the android expectantly only to find it dropping the slice into the trash. "I must insist against this."

Angel would be mad if this was any normal person or a roommate. Taking his pizza away. But instead, he was intrigued. Smiling as he crossed his arms and looked at the android almost proud. "Are you defying my order?" He said lightheartedly with hope.

It stared; "no." It stated. "I am simply following the necessary steps in order to achieve my goal in the most optimal way."

His smile faltered. His arms unraveling and falling to his sides. "..And what is dat goal?"

It blinked at him almost innocently. "To look after your well being of course."

If he had said it any less monotone Anthony would have felt touched. Okay maybe he was just a tiny bit. The only other person to really ever want to look after him was his family. Minus his father of course. But he was a grown man he didn't need to be looked after. "No thanks. I'm good." He pulled open the fridge door only to have it closed with a red hand. He looked up now a little annoyed at the android.

"I must insist." It stated not showing any emotion. It's face remaining neutral...

Anthony groaned loudly as he dragged a hand down his face. "Fiiiiiiiine." He shuffled away from the fridge and trudged to the coffee machine. He pressed the button on the side. Warming up some old coffee that had been in there since yesterday.

"Coffee is not recommended daily." The android narrated from behind.

"Everyone's gotta die of somethin'." Anthony muttered, pouring the coffee into a mug. "Since ya feel like taking away my breakfast pizza. Why dontcha try an' cook somethin?" Took a sip of the coffee, shuttering a little at how weak it tasted. "It be a good way 't test your capabilities outside of da lab." He eyed the coffee. Eh, screw it. He took another sip.

The android remained standing still like a statue. Not moving its body unless needed. "Very well." It spoke. "What would you like?"

Anthony made a mental note that despite the mono-toned voice. The android seemed to be taking up proper speech in it's vocabulary. Over all the months and everything in between he couldn't remember if he programmed that. He would have to look back at his notes... "Uh." Wait what did he even have in his fridge? "Surprise me."


God, he really needed to expand his vocabulary past formalities.

He moved aside, leaning against the counter and sipping the day old coffee. Observing as the android walked to the fridge. It didn't walk like a tin man. It moved like it had joins which, it did. But it's arms remained at its side. Only one came out to open the fridge, it leaned down to peek inside. Anthony counted five seconds before the android pulled out a carton of eggs. And closed the door. It must have scanned the inside and decided what it would make in that small time frame.

As he continued to sip his coffee he watched.

The android looked around the kitchen, it didn't ask him like he expected. Not for a bowl, instead it blinked and walked directly over a cupboard. Knelt down, opened it and grabbed a small bowl out. Like it had already decided which one to take. Then it grabbed a small pan and a spatula. All without asking him for the location.

So the x-ray feature was working. He noted.

Alastor set the items down on the counter delecectly. Not humming nor making any sort of sound. Doing it all quietly.

Perfect. That's how he would describe the android's actions. Everything calculated. Not a single shell was broken as it perfectly cracked the egg with only one gentle hit against the corner of a bowl. Then whisked it perfectly with a whisk for exactly ten seconds - yes he counted - it was for his research. Everything else seemed to be step by step. Timed and maintained in an orderly fashion.

It was the most boring thing he ever witnessed.

He continued to watch, making mental notes. But beginning to space out.

The android didn't add any sort of oil or butter into the pan. Instead, simply turn up the heat just enough to cook the egg. It sizzled lightly as it lay into the pan.

"How do ya know I like scrambled eggs?" Anthony tested. Setting his mug down.

"I do not." The android replied in less than a second. "I am following your order: Surprise you." It explained.

Of course. "Do you like scrambled eggs?"

"I do not have a preference because I do not require food."

Saw that coming. "Okay but if you had to choose which one would you choose?" He paused, his brows raising when the android didn't immediately answer. Instead, quietly moving the eggs around the pan.

After a whole minute the android answered. "If I were a human. I would consume a boiled egg as it is the most nutritious option for this food item. Consuming the healthiest options would be optional and increase my lifespan."

Angel rolled his eyes. Well at least he was given an answer at all. "Yeah, maybe. But if ya just live life tryna do everything perfectly then it'd be a pretty boring life." He argued. Turning and setting his mug in the sink.

"Then including some activities to boost your mood would improve your depleted mood." It argued back. With a soft metal clank it moved the now scrambled eggs to a plate. "Your breakfast is complete."

Anthony turned to look at the plate sitting on the counter. He took a moment to actually inspect the eggs. Because this was a test for the android. As his green eyes looked over them, he noted that they were cooked perfectly yellow. Nice and fluffy and didn't seem too hot. Side-eyeing the android he picked up a form and poked at one of the egg stubs. He placed it between his lips and bit down.

It was soft, and melted in his mouth. But...

"Bleh.." He stuck his tongue out, having the egg flop out and back onto the plate. Partially chewed in the process. "It's so..bland."

The android tilted it's head. "You do not like it?"

"Eh.." Angel shuttered. "It's cooked perfectly, but..ya could do with a few spices y'know?"

"This is the healthiest option for scrambled eggs."

Anthony shook his head. He opened a cabinet a bit higher, revealing a small tray of spices tucked away. He picked up the pepper from it and sprinkled some on the eggs. "I got a lot to teach you." He said, sprinkling some pepper on the eggs. As he took a bite once more, he sighed in relief. "Betta.."

"I do not understand." Alastor simply stated.

Anthony stared down at the eggs, poking at them. "Yeah I know," he took another bite. "But you will, eventually." Hopefully. 

Saw you guys seemed to like this AU so I decided to add some more onto it. I dunno if I'll ever make this into a book just because I don't think it has enough milage. But if I did end up making a book out of it, what would you guys want from it? Anyway hope you guys liked this even if it was short. Thank you for reading!

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