Fairy Tail Adventures Await V...

Door Storyfanatic456

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Location: Fairy Tail Time: April X820 Mission: Locate the hooded figures. Learn their identities. Learn thei... Meer

Chapter 1: An Investigation Begins
Chapter 2: Family Dinner
Chapter 4: Once in a Blue Moon
Chapter 5: Danger! Danger!
Chapter 6: Recollections
Chapter 7: Flood of Memories
Chapter 8: It's All in Perspective
Chapter 9: Firing Blanks
Chapter 10: Do I Have the Right?
Chapter 11: Lost
Chapter 12: Stirring a Storm
Chapter 13: Two Truths and a Barrier of Lies
Chapter 14: Wake Up
Chapter 15: Promises to Keep
Chapter 16: Haunted Thoughts
Chapter 17: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 18: Questions!
Chapter 19: Unspoken
Chapter 20: Memories...of Water?
Chapter 21: Progress
Chapter 22: I Can Hear It
Chapter 23: I'm Drowning
Chapter 24: In These Past Years
Chapter 25: An Investigation Continues

Chapter 3: Tears are Wishes in Disguise

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Door Storyfanatic456

Eli gasped as he ran.

Every particle of dust and water registered in his mouth.

He saw the terror spread before him for at least a mile.

Buildings were wrecked.

Houses were reduced to rubble.

His feet ached as he parkoured.

Parts of the street were stained red.

His nostrils were flooded with the scent of blood.

Wizards lay around, weakly moaning for help.

Domus Flau roared in the distance.

The teenager rapidly shook his head.

He closed his eyes and focused on his hearing.

"I've had enough. Let's settle the score once and for all, Shadowy Slut!" a voice cried in the distance.

"You the same, Scarlet S***," a deeper feminite voice countered.

The Sun Mage opened his eyes to a flash of black light. As he ran, Eli felt an immense gravitational force pulling him towards his destination. Including the shadows.

Off in the distance, a sphere of darkness rapidly grew. Seconds later the teen was enveloped into complete darkness!

His mouth tasted normal.

He couldn't see his hand in front of his face.

His nose stopped smelling.

He could only hear basic movements.

"Callie!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

No response.



The mysterious gravitational force grew in strength.

"Oh no," he whispered, "Cal, did you open your Second Origin?"

He narrowed his eyes.

"No. It's probably Scarlet Witch."

Eli dug his feet into the earth and jogged forward.

"Cal, where are you!" he yelled again.

A flash of white light appeared in the distance. Seconds later he was thrown backwards!

Eli opened his eyes and looked down. He was kneeling on the ground with Cal's head in his hands. He removed one hand and saw it coated in crimson. Another glance forced him to see her hooked up to endless wires in the hospital. Flowers coated the edge of her bed.

"Calypso!" he cried.

Her pale face had death written all over it.

Bee-beep. Bee-beep. Bee-beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

"No! No! No! Calypso!"

Time: April 26th, X820 ~4am

Location: Sabertooth

Objective: To heal

"Calypso!" the eighteen-year-old yelled as he sat up.

Eli scanned the darkness.

He swung his long arms around. One hand collided with a pillow behind him. The other smoothed out sheets along his legs.

He leaned over to the right and tapped around. His shaky fingers pressed a button, illuminating the darkness.

The teenager took shaky deep breaths. He looked down at his sweaty bare chest and palms.

Cold tears trickled his face. Immediately, he wiped them away with his wrist.

Eli threw back the covers and swung his legs out of bed. He leaned his elbows on his knees with his head below his heart.

After several deep breaths, he slowly stood up. The room spun briefly before stopping. He swallowed as his legs walked him out of his room into the dark living area.

The young man turned left and shuffled to a closed door a few steps later.

"Cal? You awake?" he asked in a normal voice.

A few moments of silence passed.

Eli was about to turn away when he heard a loud yet stifled sob.

"Cal? What's wrong?" he asked.

Soft crying started.

A boulder sunk in Eli's stomach.

"Eli...help...," Cal whimpered.

She had one hand over her mouth and the other clutching her stomach. Cold tears streamed across her face as she curled up in the bed.

Cal sobbed and shuddered.

'Will I be able to bear it this time?' she wondered.

She heard her door open, saw her light turn on, and felt something warm wrap around her shoulders and sit her up. The Moon mage leaned forward until her forehead met the Sun mage's bare chest.

Eli wrapped his arms around her back and hugged her tightly.

"Shh shh. It's okay. I'm here. We'll get through this together. Just like the countless other times it's happened," Eli said in a soft voice.

He buried his nose into her thin neck.

"Every...damn...month. I hate this," Cal muttered through her tears.

"How much have I missed?" Eli inquired.

"Twenty minutes," she groaned.

Her best friend bit his lip.

He rubbed her back, feeling ribs through the thick nightgown.

A moment later, he raised his head.

He gently let go of his best friend and laid her down.

"Hold on, dear. I'll be back."

He pecked her on the head and darted back into his room.

Eli snatched his lacrima phone and activated it. The numbers 4, 0, 5 flashed on the screen. He rapidly navigated to contacts and hit the call button.

The phone rang as he paced the room.

"Please wake up. Please wake up," he whispered.

The call went to voicemail.

Eli immediately called again.






" Hullo? " a sleepy voice groaned.

"Oh thank goodness, you're awake!"

" Tch. More like you woke me up. Who is this? "

"Eli. I need a huge favor."

" Can it wait for a few hours? "

"No. It can't."

" Why? "

"It's about Calypso. Her health is in serious jeopardy right now."

" How so? "

" I need you to wake Wendy and Skyler Conbolt and bring them here. Please, Reiki ," Eli pleaded.

Reiki groaned.

He stretched his arms and yawned.

" Can you hear me? "

"Yes, I can hear you, Eli! Mavis, you're obnoxious."

" Please. Cal needs their help. Normally she can tough things out but this time is different. "

"I'm very confused. What's going on?"

" <sigh> She got her period not too long ago. You've never been here so you wouldn't know. They're atrocious. She throws up and she's in constant excruciating pain for three or four days straight. She barely sleeps, eating is a lost cause, and she is physically and mentally drained by the time it's done. "

Reiki winced.

"I'm confused why you want Skyler and Wendy if this has happened before."

" I'm presuming your sleepiness is fogging your memory. Saiya. "

"Ohhh, yes. That makes sense. She was definitely not her snarky self two days ago."

" Yes. And right now she needs serious medical help! Reiki, I don't think you understand so let me spell it out! She's malnourished, dehydrated, and sleep-deprived. She was already trying to play catch-up and now her body is demanding twice its normal energy, which she doesn't have! " Eli cried.

"Can't you take her to the hospital? They've recently made the liquid transfers available across most of Fiore," Reiki suggested.

" Are you an idiot?! No way! She was just there! That place freaks her out, and if she goes, I'm not sure how much more Rogue and Selene can take! They might end up in the same position as her! " Eli screeched.

Reiki sighed and stared at his ceiling.

Suddenly he heard sobbing.

"Eli?" he asked.

"P-please, Reiki. I c-can't lose h-her! I almost l-l-lost her once, I don't w-want it to h-happen again!"

Eli collapsed onto the edge of his bed.

He buried his face in his right hand with his elbow on his knee.

Reiki sighed on the other end.

" I'll see what I can do ."

"Thank you! Tell them that if they want payment, then I'll pay them! Anything! I have the money! You know I do!"

" I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, please calm down and help your girlfriend out. Her magic allows her to hear everything during the night, right? I presume she's heard the conversation. "

"M-most likely...and how d-did you know that we are d-dating?"

" Wait, you are? Ha ha, that was a lucky guess. Well, I mean, she kissed you at Blue Pegasus. You comforted her while Saiya was being healed. And you two are hardly without each other. Oh, and right now you're calling me at 4:11am to get her medical help. If you weren't dating I'd be questioning your choices. "

"I can't tell if I'm impressed or horrified."

" Wait, how long have you been dating? "

"Three years in July."

" Only three? "

"Yes. How long did you think it was?"

" Oh, like five or so. "

"Are you nuts?!"

" I mean, you two hardly ever leave each other's side. "

Eli dropped his head.

"You're a social idiot. Just because two people are always together doesn't mean they're in love. Look at Sting and Rogue!"

" You can't tell me they don't express gay tendencies. "

"Um, well, yeah they do occasionally. But they've both got kids! And my dad's married!"

" How does that express their true feelings? Rogue isn't married. And how much time do they spend with each other versus their families? "

"How should I know that answer?! Anyways, a better example is either you and Nashi or you and Cris. Although you act like you're dating both of them, you're not. And I never see you without them."

No response.

Reiki's cheeks turned the color of his hair.

" Anyways, will you please wake up Wendy and Skyler? "

Reiki yawned and sat up.

"Yes. I'll let you know as soon as I have an answer. In the meantime, get back to Cal. I doubt her pain has subsided."

" Thank you so much, Reiki! We owe you one! "

"Mhm. Later."

The scarlet teenager hung up and groaned. He crawled out from under his covers and stretched.

'Dang. I had just fallen asleep an hour ago. '

He requipped into his normal outfit and snuck outside.

He shivered in the April twilight as his bare feet made haste along the chilly cobblestone streets. Suddenly, he stopped.

' Where does Skyler live? '

He sighed and let his arms droop.

' I don't want to wake either Nashi or Cris. They both need their sleep .'

Reiki bit his lip.

' Then again. Eli sounded terrified for Cal's health. How can he talk about that stuff so casually anyways? '

The teenager slapped his cheeks.

' Focus. I have an idea on how to make this quick and easy .'


Reiki hung on the wall of Fairy Hills thanks to a grappling hook from Requip. He carefully knocked on the Dragon Slayer's window.

No answer.

So he knocked louder.

After another minute or so, he saw the light turn on and the window crack open.

"Huh? Whaddaya want, Ice Breath?" she seethed.

Her sleeping attire consisted of an old t-shirt and loose pants.

"Uh, that's not me. He's still sleeping. Listen, I have a favor to ask you, Nashi," Reiki said with a nervous smile.

"Later," she mumbled.

Nashi started to shut the window. Reiki put his foot in between the window and the sill just in time. He bit his tongue to ease the pain.

"No. This is urgent," he stated.

Nashi rolled her eyes and lifted the window again.

"Then what is it? I don't like being up before the sun, Mr. Bedhead," she snarled.

' Bedhead? Is that what I look like right now? ' he wondered.

"Apparently Cal needs serious medical help. Eli just called me and asked for me to get Skyler and Wendy for him. However, I have no idea where they live. Would you please use Canes Venatici?" he explained.

Nashi snarled.

"What do I get in return?" she grumbled.

"Um, I'll take you out to dinner," he suggested without hesitation.

"Just the two of us?" she questioned.

Reiki blushed.

"Urk. Um, if that's what you want, then, sure? I guess?" he replied.

Nashi narrowed her eyes..

"If you want Cris to tag along, too, that's fine!" Reiki quickly added.

His pink-haired friend continued to think.

"Nah. Just the two of us," she said.

Reiki blushed harder.

"Uh, okay. Are you sure?" he inquired.

Nashi sighed and crossed her arms under her boobs, popping them up.

"If you're not going to agree then why did you ask in the first place?" she half-snarled.

He bit his lip.

"Because, uh, well it was the first thing that popped into my head."

Nashi sighed again and rolled her eyes.

"I want a nice steak and fire dinner before the end of this year. Just the two of us. No interference. Got it?" she declared.

Reiki nodded.

His best friend turned around and headed to her dresser. She summoned the hunting dogs, and Venatici gave her the Conbolt's address.

"There ya have it. Now I'm going back to sleep. Good luck, Mr. Oblivious," she grumbled.

She shut the window and turned the light off.

' Just how red is my face right now? ' he wondered.

Reiki shook his head. He Requipped the grappling hook away and Meteored to his destination.


Reiki took a deep breath.

' At 4:23am, this is going to be anything but enjoyable for either of us. However, Eli's panic is new to me, so it must be serious. '

He knocked on the door. It was a quaint square house with only two floors in the middle of town. In fact, it was one block away from Lucy's old apartment.

Nobody answered.

Reiki knocked three more times.

Romeo opened the door. Besides a nasty look on his face, he wore a t-shirt and boxers.

"What do you want!" he snapped.

Reiki gulped and nervously explained the situation at Sabertooth before asking for his wife and daughter's help.

"Hell no ya creep!" was Romeo's response.

"Romeo, what's going on?" Wendy asked through a yawn.

She was wearing a simple nightgown and her long blue hair was ruffled up.

"Reiki! What's going on!"

The scarlet wizard gave another brief summary and a request for help.

"Ah I see. Yes, I'll come," Wendy answered.

"Wendy! Why?! The sun hasn't even risen!" Romeo scolded.

"And emergencies happen. If Cal's health is in jeopardy then why wait? I'm sure there's a valid reason she isn't being taken to the hospital, however, I'll determine that when I get there," Wendy stated.

"Tch. You need to start getting paid for this nonsense," Romeo commented.

"Excuse me, but Eli did say he was willing to pay anything. And he has the money," Reiki interjected.

The Rainbow Fire mage grunted in disgust.

"I'll take Skyler with me, too. She could get some experience," his wife stated.

Romeo scolded her even more. However, his wife ignored him and went inside the house to change and wake their daughter.

The tired man slammed the door in Reiki's face.

The teenager simply waited. He shifted his feet to keep them warm against the chilly cobblestones.

Reiki looked up at the stars.

' It's a full moon tonight. A blue one, too. '


Reiki knocked only once. The Sun Mage opened the door and turned on the outside light.

Eli was wearing a pair of boxers and his spiky hair was unruly. His green eyes were bloodshot. The light reflected every last bead of sweat.

"Hey! I've brought Wendy and Skyler. This is Mest Gryder, by the way. He uses Teleportation Magic. Don't worry, he's a Fairy Tail member," the Heavenly Body mage introduced.

Eli immediately got onto his hands and knees.

"Please, Mrs. Wendy, Miss Skyler, I beg of you. If you can heal my best friend then do so! I'll pay you anything! You know I have the money!" he cried.

Tears began to stream off his face.

Wendy smiled and helped him to his feet.

"Don't worry about that right now. We'll do what we can. Reiki already told us what's going on," the Sky Dragon Slayer said with a smile.

Her daughter nodded in agreement.

Eli showed the two women to Cal's room before joining the other two men outside. He sat cross-legged on his apartment's doorstep. His elbows rested on his knees and his face buried itself in his hands. Silent tears ran through his fingers.

Mest and Reiki looked everywhere else.

Cal heaved as she lay on her back and gripped her black bed sheets tightly. The tears dripped out of the corners of her eyes and she was sweating profusely.

Her covers were pulled to the end of the bed.

The dark, long-sleeved, knee-length nightgown barely hid her condition.

"Oh Mavis, you are severely malnourished, dehydrated and sleep-deprived!" Skyler exclaimed.

"Cal, you appear as if you're in labor even though I'm sure you're not pregnant!" Wendy half-joked.

She examined the teenager and confirmed no other life form was within her.

' That's not funny. This is excruciating enough. I'm terrified to think what giving birth to a child would feel like, ' Cal hissed to herself.

"Mom, I can use a numbing spell on her abdomen in order to relax her. And then you can regenerate her sleep cycle. After that we can quench at least her thirst," Skyler said.

Her mother nodded.

"That's exactly what I was thinking. If we have enough magic left then we'll ease the malnourishment as well."

The middle-aged woman moved herself to the head of the bed.

Wendy placed either of her hands on Cal's temples while Skyler rested hers on Cal's hips.

The sweaty, messy black hair hid most of Cal's pale face and dull eyes.

' At this point I don't have a treatment preference. Just please relieve this damn pain! That'll stop Eli from crying as well. '

"How often does this happen?" Mest questioned.

"Every month since she was thirteen. It's literal hell for her. And me," Eli croaked.

"Why you?" Reiki questioned.

Eli sighed.

"Fernandes, you're so dense. Have you ever actually watched someone you love dearly writhe and groan in pain for days and there's not a damn thing you can do about it?" he growled.

Reiki shook his head.

"I have not."

Eli looked up at him with deadly eyes.

"Well in that case let me tell you what it's like! You feel helpless, hurt, and sometimes horrendous because all you can do is sit there and watch! And it feels like no matter what you do you're not helping!" he yelled.

The redhead winced.

Eli sighed and lowered his gaze back to the ground.

"Eli, how do you and, uh, Cal, know each other?" Mest inquired.

"We're best friends. Dating to be specific, but more importantly best friends. I've known her since I was eight. Well, we didn't get especially close until she was thirteen. We had gone on quests together since we were ten, but there wasn't a real personal connection. Strangely, I got to know her better by helping her cope with the pain. The irony," Eli replied.

He smiled to himself.

"How so?" Reiki asked.

"Oh, you know, I would bring her favorite flavor of ice cream, watch her favorite movie or play her favorite game with her. I would also make her favorite snacks even though she would throw them up. One time I helped her parents cook her favorite meal. I would also cuddle her and give her massages in places where she needed it the most," the Sun mage said casually.

Reiki and Mest both raised their eyebrows.

"Specifically her neck, shoulders and back. She's always stressed so she's very tense in those areas. Sometimes a foot massage helps her, too. She doesn't allow me to massage the front of her torso or her legs. She told me those have to wait for later," Eli added.

The other two sighed lightly with relief.

"So what is her favorite of, uh, everything?" Reiki inquired.

"Ice cream flavor is brownie or cookies 'n cream, depending on what's available. And her favorite movie is A Night of Falling Stars. Game is Monopoly. Her favorite snack is nacho chips and cheese. And she loves a rare steak with roasted vegetables," Eli replied without hesitation.

Reiki and Mest nodded asynchronously.

Cal smiled to herself.

' I remember the very first time I met you, best friend. '

May X810, Calypso's head

I wasn't born anywhere near the Sabertooth guild. As a matter of fact, I have know idea where it occurred. My earliest memory of the guild was when my father first brought me there when I was four and declared it was my home. I had no recollection about my mother. Not her magic, face, or even her name.

My next earliest memory of Sabertooth would be when I was six, and I remember Minerva. Minerva took care of me most of the time. She was always a great cook and even taught my dad how to properly prepare meals! At the time I wondered why she and dad never married because they looked so happy together.

Once Selene was brought to the guild, Minerva stopped talking to my dad. Luckily she continued to watch over me while I was at the guild hall. At one point Minerva mentioned a boy named Eli, but the name meant nothing to me.

As a matter of fact, the only things that mattered to me when I was six were my father, Minerva, and the whispers. Every time I would go outside, I could feel their stares drilling into me. I would hold onto my father's hand tightly with one and squeeze Frosch with the other as we would walk together every morning and evening.

I was enrolled in the town's primary school for a year and five months. Then the whispers were too overwhelming and I ran away to the guild hall multiple times. Out of concern for my mental health, my father pulled me out for homeschooling. At the time he didn't have enough money to send me to a magic school.

I would hear people whispering about how Rogue Cheney was mysterious and untrustworthy. I didn't understand since he was one of the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth. They would also talk about me and how strange I looked. I was angered because I could clearly see that I didn't have my father's red eyes, which I thought looked scarier. For some reason, I could hear them better in the evening as the sun was leaving the sky.

Sometimes I would stay in the guildhall until after dark when Minerva was out and Dad was working late in the office. That was when I could really hear things. At the time, even the other guild members didn't trust me fully.

One night, when I was eight, I heard a wizard say that I might be the product of my father mating with a Dark Mage. I ran out of the guildhall crying, scared and alone. I refused to believe my kind-hearted father would do such a thing. I don't remember where I ran, but before I knew it, I was lost.

I sat against a building and cried into my elbows and knees. People walked past, recognized me, and started whispering about me, which made it worse.

"Hey are you okay?" a voice asked.

I lifted my head and saw a boy with blond hair and green eyes standing there. He was in dark blue and white pajamas.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Well, I heard you outside through the window, so I decided to see who it was. I'm supposed to be in bed, but your crying kept me awake. Normally I sleep through that stuff but I couldn't this time," he replied.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I just...got lost, that's all," I muttered. I stood up and brushed the dirt off of my dark skirt. I hadn't realized how dirty my black turtleneck or shoes had gotten. I also noticed that he was shorter than me.

"Do you want to come inside?" he offered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, I mean, we could call your Mommy and then she could come and pick you up!" he said with a smile. I hung my head and grabbed my skirt. I couldn't tell him that I didn't have one. While Minerva was certainly a wonderful caretaker, she wasn't my true mother. That's what I believed at the time.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"...Where's your mom?" I asked coldly.

"Inside. Like I said I snuck out. But the only way I can get back in is through the front door. Come one! Let's get you home!" he said cheerfully.

He grabbed my wrist and brought me inside. Thankfully, his mother was a kind woman with light blue hair and brown eyes. She somehow recognized me and rushed to the guild hall, leaving us in the hands of his aunt. She was originally suspicious of me, but quickly warmed up once the boy explained the situation.

"By the way, what's your name?" he asked through a mouthful of cereal.

"Hm? Oh, uh, um, I-I'm Calypso," I replied.

"Cool! I'm Eli. That's my Auntie Sorano. And my mom just left! My dad's out on a quest right now."

"Eleodoro! Do not talk with your mouth full!" Sorano scolded.

"Oh yeah. Sorry about that," he said.

I chuckled.

He looked at me in surprise.

"I-I'm sorry. I sh-shouldn't laugh," I mumbled.

"No, I think it's great that you laughed! Most people just think I'm gross," Eli replied.

I stared at him.

"What's goin' on here?" a voice grumbled.

An older boy slumped down the stairs. He had silver hair, brown eyes, and he wore a dark blue t-shirt over gray shorts.

"Tch. Diamond, this is Calypso. Calypso, this is my stupid cousin, Diamond," Eli snarled.

The boy called Diamond grunted.

"You should really get to bed," he growled.

"You as well, precious," Sorano stated.

"Oh come on, Mom! I'm twelve! I don't need a bedtime!" he argued.

"Yes, you do! Upstairs, now. Both of you. Or you'll both get eaten by my angels!" Sorano threatened.

Diamond rolled his eyes and stomped up the stairs.

Eli put his dishes in the sink and followed.

"Well, I gotta go now. But hey, it was nice meeting you!" he said through a yawn.

I nodded.

A few minutes later, the door opened and my father and Frosch entered!

Daddy carried me home that night. As he walked with Frosch beside him, I told him what had happened.

Instead of getting mad, Dad hugged me tighter.

"Callie, let me assure you of two things," he whispered, "1) Your mother was not and never will be a Dark Mage. 2) No matter what people say, I'll always love and care for you."

"Fro thinks so, too!"

The next morning was the same. Daddy, Frosch, and I got up, got ready, and walked to the guild hall. Then he would go into the office with the same man: a blond-haired, blue-eyed one — apparently the guild master — named Sting and an Exceed named Lector. After they left, I sat in the corner and hugged my knees to my chest.

"Hey! I remember you!" a voice said.

I looked up and saw the same boy with blond hair and green eyes. He wore a huge smile on his face and a yellow t-shirt over light brown shorts.

Immediately my eyes darted everywhere but his face.

"You're part of Sabertooth as well?!" he asked excitedly.

I nodded silently.

"Cool! What are you doing right now?"

"M-M-Minerva is, uh, supposed to, um, start m-my les-sons."

"Are you homeschooled here?"

I nodded silently.

"Interesting! My stupid cousin goes to the local school. Have you ever gone there?"

I hesitantly bobbed my head.

"Oh. Then why are you here?"

I bit my lip and stared at the floor.

"Never mind that! Do you want to play together? I don't really have anyone since all the kids in my neighborhood think I'm weird. And there's no chance of me getting along with my stupid cousin. Plus, all the adults just want to drink or go on quests," Eli asked.

I nodded again.

I felt my mouth twitch up. Weird. It never did that.

Without warning, he grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

Away from the dark corner, where my sorrows and loneliness kept me company.

We went outside, and for the first time I appreciated the warmth of the sun.

Eli looked back with a bright grin.

"Then let's have some fun alright?" Eli asked.

I couldn't help it. The edges of my mouth turned up so far that my cheeks felt like they would burst.

"Mhm!" I agreed.

It was the first of many times that he would make me smile.

That he would show me places other than the comforting cloak of darkness.

I preferred hiding in the shadows, yet Eli was always there when I needed a little light.

Present Day, April X820, General Perspective

"There! All done! How do you feel?" Wendy asked.

Cal opened her dull green-brown eyes.

' I feel...painless! And well rested! ' she thought.

She swallowed a lump of saliva.

' And I don't need a drink! '

Her stomach growled slightly.

The Moon mage slowly sat up in bed.

Skyler and Wendy stood on either side of her, grinning.

"We did it Mom!" Skyler exclaimed.

"Yes, we did Skyler!"

The mother-daughter duo embraced each other.

Cal nodded and smiled.

"Thank you," she said in her usual monotone.

She climbed out of bed, grabbed her cloak, and wrapped it around herself.

"Where are you going?" Skyler asked.

"There's someone else who needs healing," Cal replied without hesitation.

She didn't bother putting on her shoes before opening up the front door. She looked down and saw her best friend, bare-chested and bent over.

Cal knelt down and wrapped her cold yet covered arms around his warm torso. Then she rested her chin on his shoulder.

Eli gasped. A moment later his whole body relaxed.

She leaned over and kissed his cheek for a few seconds.

Wendy and Skyler watched from inside.

"I'm okay now," Cal whispered. He smiled and nodded.

Cal stood up, pulling her boyfriend with her.

Mest gaped at the feat of strength.

Wendy and Skyler's eyes widened.

Reiki smiled.

"I think we should all get back to bed now," Cal stated.

Nobody disagreed.

Eli negotiated 300,000 jewels ($3000).

The Fairy Tail wizards were about to leave when Cal stopped them.

"Reiki, would you please stay here? I have a few things I want to discuss," she stated.

"How is he going to get back?" Skyler asked.

"Don't worry, I have Meteor! And I know the way home from here," Reiki replied.

"Are you sure about this?" Wendy asked.

The scarlet teenager nodded.

"I'll be back before the sun fully rises," he stated.

"Very well. We'll be off then," Mest mumbled.

He teleported away with the two Conbolts.

Reiki turned to the Twins.

"What's up?" he asked.

' Quite frankly I am very tired and want to go back to sleep as soon as possible. ' he grumbled in his head.

Eli looked at Cal.

"First, Reiki please wait on the loveseat while we get dressed," the Moon Mage ordered.

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100K 1.9K 30
What if there was a next generation of Fairy Tail? What if they all had gone back to the past? What will the future parents do? How can the next gen...
202K 4K 23
โ•ฐโ”ˆโžคโ”†(๐˜/๐) (๐‹/๐) is one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet. She looks more innocent than mirajane. But behind that sweet smile is a butt kicki...