Luca/Alberto x Reader One Sho...

By AlyssaTrancy002

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I am in love with this film, I watched it with my girlfriend and my God ;-; I thought I would do a one shot... More

Hiccups (Alberto x Reader)
Sound of Music (Luca x Musician Reader)
Sick Days (Alberto x Reader)
Nightmares...(Alberto x Reader)
Too much Pasta...(Alberto x Reader)
Birthday Gift (Luca x Alberto x Reader)
Standing up Against Ercole
Sleepless Night (Luberto)
Tickle Fight! (Luca x Reader)
Massage (Alberto x Reader)
Author's Note
Near the Seashore (Alberto x Siren Reader)
Why must you hide? (Alberto x Werewolf Reader)
Itchy Dots (Alberto x Reader x Luca)
Never seen you around (Alberto x Albino Sea Monster Reader)
First Date! (Luca x Reader)
Sleep Hunting? (Alberto x Reader)
To keep her safe!! (Alberto x Black Shuck Shapeshifting Reader)
Sleeping Beauty Fish (Alberto x Reader x Luca)
Crushing your Fear (Alberto x Shy & Scared Reader)
Cuddle monster (Luca x Reader)
Wine Tasting (Luberto)
Disney Land! (Underdogs x Reader)
School Crush (Luca x Reader) Part 1
School Crush (Luca x Reader) Part 2
Cover-up (Alberto x Reader)
Guard Dog (Alberto x Bunny Reader)
Guard Dog part 2 (Alberto x Bunny Reader)
Sugar Crash..(Luca x Alberto x Reader)
See the Light Part 1 (Lucax Alberto x Rapunzel Reader)
See the Light Part 2 (Alberto x Luca x Rapunzel Reader)
See the Light part 3 (Alberto x Luca x Rapunzel Reader)
See the Light (Luca's Ending)
See the Light (Alberto's Ending)
Kitty Quality Time (Alberto x Neko Reader)
Author's Note
Your not a Freak (Luca x Naga Snake Reader)
Sea Baby (Luca x Reader)
Sea Baby part 2 (Luca x Reader)
Sea Baby (Alberto x Reader)
Author's Note again...
Sea Baby Part 2 (Alberto x Reader)
Beauty and the Beast Part 1 (Alberto x Reader)
Beauty and the Beast part 2 (Alberto x Reader)
Beauty and the Beast Part 3 (Alberto x Reader)
Beauty and the Beast Final Part (Alberto x Reader)
Kitty quality time part 2 (Alberto x Neko Reader)
Guilia and Ercole One Shots Requests!!
Cast a spell on me (Guilia x Witch Reader)
Bambolina (Luca x Shy Axoloti Sea Monster Reader)
So what? (Alberto x Trans Reader)
Visiting (Ercole x Norwegian Reader)
Blood Thirsty (Alberto x Vampire Reader)
Haunted (Luca x Ghost Reader)
Forbidden Love (Luca x Mermaid Reader)
Forbidden Love Part 2 (Luca x Mermaid Reader)
Forbidden Love Part 3 (Luca x Mermaid Reader)
🎃Halloween with the Underdogs!🎃
Forbidden Love Final Part/Bonus (Luca x Mermaid Reader)
Haunted part 2 (Luca x Ghost Reader)
Good Girl (Alberto x Shiba Inu Shapeshifting Reader)
Good Girl Part 2 (Alberto x Shiba Inu Shapesihifting Reader)
An Angel? (Alberto x Winged Reader)
You drew this? (Alberto x Artist Reader)
You drew this? Part 2 (Alberto x Artist Reader)
An Angel Part 2 (Alberto x Winged Reader)
Guido and Ciccio Edition!!
Hunting (Guido x Sea Monster Reader)
Love Triangle (Luca x Reader x Alberto)
Hunting Part 2 (Guido x Sea Monster Reader)
Hunting Final Part (Guido x Sea Monster Reader)
Ciao Alberto Special! (Alberto x Reader)
A Brothers Best Friend (Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Strange Love (Guido x Goth Reader)
A Brother's Best Friend Part 2 (Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Author's Note
Foreign Student (Luca x Japanese Reader)
Curly Bear (Clingy Alberto x Reader)
Secrets (Human Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Secrets Part 2 (Human Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Secrets Final Part (Human Alberto x Sea Monster Reader)
Thanksgiving Special!!
Authors Note Again
Be less Girly (Luca x Tomboy Reader)
Your mine now... (+16) (Yandere Alberto x Reader)
Karma...(16+) (Yandere Luca x Reader)
Girls Night Out (Fem Alberto x Fem Reader)
Sick Days (Ciao Alberto Edition)
Christmas Special 🎄
Love Spell (Luca x Nice Witch Reader)
First Kiss (Alberto x Reader)
Protecting an AngelFish (Luca x Albino Reader)
JellyFishes Preference
Never seen you around part 2 (Alberto x Albino Sea Monster Reader)
Sea Baby Prequel (Luca x Pregnant Reader)
New Haircut? (Alberto x Luca x Reader)
Choosing a Prince (Alberto x Luca x Disney Princess Reader)
WE HIT 100!!!!
Your Safe Now (Guido x Cat Shifting Reader)
❤️Valentines Day Special❤️ (Luca x Alberto x Reader)
💜💙Luberto Valentine Special💚💙
Your Safe Now Part 2 (Guido x Cat Shifting Reader)
First Kiss (Luca x Reader)
Hey Brother (Alberto x Little Sister Reader)
Hey Brother Pt. 2 (Alberto x Little Sister Reader)
Prom Dance (High School AU Alberto x Reader)
Prom Dance Pt. 2 (High School AU Alberto x Reader)
Prom Dance Final Pt. (High School AU Alberto x Reader)
Summoned A Cutie (Giulia x Demon Reader)
Sick Days (Luca x Reader)
Do You Trust Me? (Giulia x Outcast Reader)
Lets try that!! (Alberto x Reader)
My hero (Alberto x Super Hero Reader)
The Princess and the Frog Part 1 (Alberto x Reader)
The Princess and the Frog Part 2 (Alberto x Reader)
The Princess and the Frog Part 3 (Alberto x Reader)
The Princess and the Frog Part 4 (Alberto x Reader)
The Princess and the Frog Final Part (Alberto x Reader)
Your Not That Dangerous (Luca x Hunter's Daughter Reader)
Strange Picnic (Luca x Hunter's Daughter Reader)
Luca/Alberto One Shots Bloopers (part 1)
Why? (Luca x Hunter's Daughter Reader)
Nobody Like You (Alberto x Pop Star Reader)
Caught Singing Preference (Main 3 Only)

Sea Baby Prequel (Alberto x Pregnant Reader)

718 16 69
By AlyssaTrancy002

Requested by WillowTheUTfan

This time with Alberto!

You found out you were pregnant while trying to water your mothers flower garden...when your boyfriend comes to see you.

What would his reaction be?

Alberto is 20, you are 19.


"Oh Y/n, would you be a dear and help your mamma with the flowers." Your mother told you, filling up the cans.

You nodded "sí mamma, just wanna look nice for my bello when he comes by during break." You blushed and picked up the can.

"Aww you really have met your Prince Charming, I'm so happy for you." She teased and you blush red, so you two head out to water some flowers that needs to be hydrated.

"Aww stop that mamma." You continued to water until you feel a strange feeling in your stomach...

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Your mom asked...looking worried.

You dropped the can and rush over to the sink and projectile.

"Y/n!! Mamma Mia are you okay?!" Your mom went all panic mode...

"Y-yeah mom...I-I'm's just...I'm not sure if it's the know too much metal could be bad." You chuckled and your mom raised an eyebrow.

"Miele...when did you have your last period?" She asked and you realized you were feeling behind.

"I-I believe a month ago..."

She nods and asked this which she didn't wanna make you feel uncomfortable." Did you use protection?"

Your eyes widen and realized you and Alberto got *busy* a month ago...

"You didn't use protection did you?"

You slowly shook your head, that is a no.

"Come with me."

She took you to the bathroom and pulled out a little pregnancy test for you to take.

"It's just in case." She explained how to use it and she gave you privacy to do what you had to do.

Your mother set up the timer and told you to clean yourself up while waiting.

You were scared if it did went positive...too afraid your mother would either kick you out or beat the living fish out of Alberto.

Not sure what'll happen in the next five minutes...

Until the alarm sets off, your mother gave you the eye to go check it out.

Once you made it to the bathroom, you see that it had a plus on it....

You begin to shiver, heading back to show your mother...


Is all you said, however your mother expression didn't show any anger or looking upset. To be honest, she loves to have grand kids. It depends if the man you have would treat you nicely.

"I-it's plus." You showed her and she gave you a big hug.

"Meraviglioso! Oh! Alberto would be so happy to find out!" She cheered and kissed your cheek. It really did brighten up the day!

"Come on, let's continue our duty before they dry up."

So both of you continued to water the flowers and planted more seeds in each pot.

Once you've done so, you heard the bell ring from the door entrance.

"Ciao Alberto!" Your mother said proudly giving the tall handsome Italian a welcoming hug.

"Buongiorno mamma." He said while skimming around to find you behind the flowers.

"I'll leave you two be while I go make some coffee, relax figlio."

Your mom can be a little embarrassing, she already treats Alberto like her son-in law.

She made her way back and he walked over to his little rose, where you on the other hand, pretend to not notice him, feeling a soft kiss on your right shoulder.

"Trying to hide from me, Hm?~" he whispered into your ear which made you giggle.

"No, just didn't wanna be distracted by those stunning emerald eyes of yours." You noticed the water can ran out, so you went over to refill it up.

"Don't be playing tricks on me bello" you teased while filling it up, and you hear his footsteps coming from behind.

"Nah, wanna save that for later." He chuckled while helping you carry the can back up to the table.

While you were watering more flowers, he leaned against the table watching you, however he's got that smirk of this...he noticed something is up.


"Oh nothing, I just love looking at you."

You flushed red and put the can down.

"Alberto...there's something that I need to tell you." You turned your body towards the tall Italian and he stood up straight.

"What is it Mia Belle?"

This is it...your finally gonna tell him, but maybe instead of saying it, you wanna give him small hints that you are.

"Well...I-I always know how good you are with children, especially from your second job on life guarding."

"Of course! I care about their safety and reasonings to have fun." Alberto smiled.

"And so many times, you'd see a child so upset in the streets, you give them the biggest smile."

He continued to nod. "It's been a habit since I first came here."

"The children sees you as a really good figure...a father figure I may say."

Then he raised an eyebrow, looking like something really is up!

"What are you trying to tell me Y/n?"

You took a deep breath and Silenzio Bruno...

((I know you guys are gonna sing it in the's what I have to say to you people who continued singing this song....

🎶 We don't talk about Bruno no no no no!!

We don't talk about Brunoooooooooo!! 🎶

Okay back to the story -w-))

"Alberto...I'm pregnant." Boom you dropped the answer!!

"Huh?" He tilts his head.

Oh yeah...he didn't go to school, your not saying he was dumb, he's slowly understanding knowledge from the people around him. Especially his step-father Massimo and your mom.

"I'm gonna have your baby." You best described and his eyes widen, jaw dropped and what an expression...

"Y-your gonna be a father Alberto..."

You waited for him to say anything...then you frowned that he may either run off or just stay like that...

"I get's fine..." you picked up your can and watered the other flowers...

Suddenly He picked you off the ground and spins you around the shop.

"THIS IS AWESOME NEWS Y/N!!!!" He smiled brightly while giving you a big hug in his arms.

"I-I can't believe we're gonna have our own kid!"

You feel like you were gonna cry...but turns out Alberto is the one crying, once he puts you down, he made his way down to your stomach, placing a soft kiss.

You blushed from this happening! running your fingers into his soft curls.

"You'll be a wonderful father Alberto." You said softly and he looks up at you with those big puppy eyes.

"Y-you really think so...?"

You nodded "definitely."

Then he got up from his knees and shared a sweet passionate kiss.

(Mamma's POV)

"Coffee is ready-" I saw my little flower and Alberto kissing, looks like she told him the news!

They'll be such wonderful parents, I just know it.

I'll leave them be right now, don't wanna disturb them.


Man...I'm almost to the 100 mark...maybe I should do another special when I hit 100!

What do you beans think?

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