Always // Peter Parker (Andre...

By erberny

7K 286 13

"But friends don't look at each other the way we do" "Then what are we?" In the heart of a bustling city, Pet... More

-1- sort out your priorities
-2- welcome to oscorp
-3- you don't have friends
-4- not my priority
-5- spiderman
-6- some company
-7- green green dress
-8- two lies and a truth
-9- prom
-11- nothing to say
-12- trouble
-13- secrets
-14- rooftop confessions
-15- every superhero needs a sidekick
-16- poor peter parker
-17- death
-18- guilt
-19- feels like home
-20- the symbiote
-21- talk of the school
-22- something more
-23- what are you?

-10- anger

318 14 0
By erberny

TW: mention/hints of abuse

Maya tapped her fingers impatiently on the table of the booth she was sitting at. She was waiting for Peter, but he hadn't showed up. He had texted her earlier in the day, planning to meet at their usual spot at 2pm. But after three texts and two missed calls, Maya had the gut feeling he had stood her up.

Was this his way of saying that last night was a mistake? She thought. Did he even want to kiss her? She felt completely humiliated. She had let herself be vulnerable to him and was shattered to think that single moment had ruined their friendship. She didn't want to lose him, even as a friend, the thought alone made her heart drop. But what the fuck was she supposed to do? She deserved better. She was sick of the men in her life letting her down and she refused to be treated like this.

Maya wiped the tears from her eyes, refusing to feel sorry for herself. She abruptly stood up from the table and made her way out of the coffee shop. If Peter was going to ignore her, she'd just do it back to him.

She walked through the busy street with her hands deep in her pockets, trying to get any warmth as she headed back to the last place she wanted to be, home.

She stood in front of her front door, noticing the glow from the living room window. He was home. Usually she felt fear as she turned the knob and pushed open the door, but today was different, she felt rageful. She was sick of being the punching bag for her dad. It wasn't her fault he was unstable and bitter after being 'stuck' with the daughter he had abandoned when she was 6. It wasn't her fault he saw Maya's mother when he looked at her.

She let the door slam into it's hinges behind her and as she did her father's eye shot up to her. She could see nothing but pure hatred in them and she gave him a glare just as hateful back.

"You better watch the way you slam my door" He spat. "Have some fucking respect"

"Respect?" Maya laughed. "You know nothing about respect"

"I know that you owe me respect, I'm your father, you ungrateful shit" He warned

"No" Maya refused to break the eye contact, seeing it as a hint of weakness if she did. "You don't deserve that title! A father doesn't run off after 6 years and then act like he's been done dirty after having to take his daughter in after her mom dies" Maya's voice grew louder as she spoke. "And then take their anger out on them because he has unresolved anger at her mom, who again, is fucking dead!"

"She deserved it"

"Fuck you" Maya spat. Her father's face twisted in anger. She had never spoken back to him, ever. She had been timid around him after moving in, she never dared to speak out of line or rebelled in hope of avoiding his fist, of course, it didn't work. He always found a way to excuse his abuse and blame it on her. For the longest time she had believed she did deserve it. She wasn't able to save her mom that day and she felt that this was her punishment for failing her mother. It was the reason she kept it hidden. She didn't dare tell a soul.

She'd bring bruises of all shapes and colors as show and tell, but never told. How was she supposed to hold her ground when her father wanted to bury her beneath it?

Maya took a step back as her dad slowly got up out of his chair and started walking towards her menacingly.

She felt as if she shrunk under his figure as he stood over her. That look of hatred still burning in his eyes. She backed herself into the door and she was stuck, she could try and escape through the door, but she had no where to go.

Maya closed her eyes and braced herself for what hell was about to break loose.

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