Perseus Jackson the Wielder o...

By TheCreatorofReality

51.2K 639 280

Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon, Bane of Kronus, Bane of Gaia, and etc has been betrayed by Annabeth and a ne... More

Author's Note
The Gifts
The Visits
The Reality Stone
Learning about the Infinity Stones
The Trials of Apollo
A Trip to Hell
The Realm of the Faded
Mind and Power
A New Universe
A New Journey

Time and Space

1.9K 35 6
By TheCreatorofReality

Author's Note
Hello, there my wonderful readers there is only one thing that I would like to say at this time. What I would like to say is sorry about the story update being extremely late, lately, I have been struggling with my motivation for this story so it has been hard for me to write but fear not I would wipe this story out of existence before I ever abandon it.


"So I guess my last question is why are you letting me keep the stone or at least not trying to take it back?" Questions Perseus extremely curious as to Chaos's actions.

"Well, I am not trying to take the Soul Stone from you for two reasons. Firstly I couldn't take it if I tried considering you have two Infinity Stones in your possession. I am also not going to try and take it because I do not need the Infinity Stone. It's hard to explain but to put it simply I am now part of the Soul Stone itself I can leave this pocket universe or dimension and come back anytime I please. Even with the Infinity Stone in your position, you could not stop me from entering the pocket universe or dimension of the Soul Stone for I am part of the Soul Stone. How it happened I do not know whether it was because of the amount of time I have spent here or something else I have no idea but at this time I am part of the Soul Stone itself." States Chaos completely serious.

"I do believe I have gotten all of the answers I can get here at this time if it is all right with you I will take my leave." Perseus's statement gets a nod from Chaos.

Perseus imagine himself leaving the pocket Universe or dimension of the Soul Stone. In less than a second, he finds himself exactly where he was before his meeting with Chaos. He then takes a few seconds to admire the Soul Stone once more before he begins to come up with an idea on how to find Nico in a quicker way than using his godly senses.


3rd Person

While he is inspecting the Soul Stone a little longer Perseus quickly runs through the idea in his head a second time. The idea was to use the Soul Stone to try and locate the souls of Nico and Lapetus. He decides the idea is a decent idea so he focuses on having the Soul Stone locate the souls of Nico and Lapetus.

After a few seconds, he feels the power of the Soul Stone obeying his will and within a few more seconds he can sense the locations of the souls of Nico and Lapetus.
Judging from the location of the souls Perseus thought it was highly unlikely that Nico had not found Lapetus. Perseus then imagines his body turning into water vapor and flying in the direction of the souls.

The only reason Perseus hadn't vapor traveled before was that when he last encountered an Infinity Stone the invisible string had pulled him towards the Infinity Stone. This could mean that while vapor traveling the same thing could happen and he could be pulled somewhere dangerous.
In Perseus's opinion, it was a good idea he didn't vapor travel because if he did he may have faded out of existence.

The water vapor that is Perseus quickly gets around half a mile away from the location and transforms back into Perseus. When back to normal Perseus quickly starts to fast walk in the direction of the souls. In about a minute and a half, Perseus reaches the location, and directly in front of Perseus is Nico and Lapetus both of whom had their backs turned to Perseus.

"Nico! Bob!" Shouts Perseus excited to see a friend he thought lost and a friend he hadn't seen in a while.

Nico and Lapetus both quickly turn around and gain completely shocked expressions on their faces.

"Perseus?!" Shouts Lapetus confused at seeing Perseus there but also happy seeing another friend.

"Percy!" Shouts Nico more happy than confused at finally seeing Percy after so long.

Before the conversation could continue a voice from the side interrupts them.

"Well, Hello Perseus!" Exclaims a voice that makes them all go tense for the voice belonged to none other than Tartarus the living embodiment of the pit.

The three slowly turn around to Tartarus and stare at him in tense silence for a moment until he breaks the silence.

"Well if you all are done staring at me I'd like to hurry up and get you out of here so I can get to sleep." States Tartarus impatiently as if it was normal for himself to help people leave the pit and then proceed to sleep.

"Excuse me, what?" States Perseus completely bewildered.

"Well I'm going to be entering my slumber and I thought I would go ahead and let you leave before I go into my extended sleep." States Tartarus nonchalantly.

"Why are you helping us leave and why are you going into slumber? I thought Immortals didn't need sleep." Perseus couldn't help but ask his more curious side showing.

"You know of Ouranus do you not?" Questions Tartarus reviving a nod from Perseus.

"Well, what you don't know is that he never faded. You see once Kronos and the other Titans destroyed his physical form his conscience returned to the sky and he was forced into a full slumber. After a long time, he woke up from his slumber and when he did wake up he was able to recreate his physical form. He later visited us other primordials and he was back to his old personality he didn't even threaten Gaia for what she'd done." States Tartarus taking a pause to let the information sink in.

"Not long later my father informed us that even though we were immortal we still needed slumber in order for our minds to rest. You see we primordials can sleep and keep our minds awake and aware of everything going on in our domains while our physical forms are resting. Since we can do this it was rare for us to ever actually fully sleep since we didn't think we needed to but with this information from Father it was revealed that if we did not sleep fully for a certain extent of time we would slowly  not think one hundred percent clearly." States Tartarus again taking a pause to let the information sink in.

"Are you saying that everything that happened with Gaia was because she didn't sleep?" Questions Perseus.

"Yes you see when she slept she only let her body rest and kept her mind partially awake and aware of things happening in her domain. In fact, when she was asleep she was extremely close to going into slumber it was to the point where she could barely keep her mind partially awake and aware which is why she needed her children to wake her up." States Tartarus once more taking a pause to let the information sink in.

"So I am assuming you took a small power nap and that is why you are letting us go but why did you take the power nap?" Questions Perseus confused as to what got Tartarus to sleep.

"Well, when you and that girl escaped I quickly killed Lapetus and I was so angry at the time I accidentally made my son fade. When this happened I was so shocked by what happened that I fainted." States Tartarus with a small amount of sadness in his voice.

"When I woke up I started to think a lot more clearly. Enough to the point that I realized I needed to fully slumber but I decided to put it off until I was certain I needed to fully slumber at a specific time. I did this for a reason however slumbers are very unpredictable they could last a few years, a few hundred, or a few thousand which is why I haven't done so yet but I can sense that it is now time for myself to go into slumber."
States Tartarus taking a pause to let the information sink in.

"Now I believe that it is time for you to go goodbye!" exclaims Tartarus waving his hand and teleporting Perseus, Nico, and Lapetus out of the pit.

One second Perseus, Nico, and Lapetus were in the pit having a conversation with Tartarus and in the next they found themselves standing by the giant hole that leads into the pit. They all quickly make a good distance between themselves and the hole not wanting even the smallest chances of falling in.

As soon as they were away from the hole Hades appears and gives Nico a bear hug in one of his brief moments of showing emotion. Hades then gives Perseus and Lapetus a nod of respect showing that he knowledges their presence.

"Well it has been nice to see you all but I will be going I will make sure to visit." States Perseus.

"Goodbye." Nico, Lapetus, and Hades say at the same time.

Perseus then quickly vapor travels outside of the door of DOA Recording Studios. After leaving the underworld Perseus decides to take a quick flight in the sky to clear his head. So Perseus uses his powers and flies off into the sky. Perseus flies around in the sky for about an hour until he feels something he didn't think he'd feel for a while.

What Perseus feels is the invisible string that led him to not one but two Infinity Stones. Without any hesitation, Perseus flies as high up in the sky as he can without leaving the atmosphere. He does this because the invisible string is leading somewhere in space.

Quickly remembering how he got the Soul Stone Perseus closes his eyes and imagines the invisible string in front of himself he then imagines himself grabbing a hold of the string and pulling as hard as he can. He continues pulling the string for about 30 minutes until it turns into an invisible chain. Afterwards, he continues pulling on the now invisible chain until about another 30 minutes later he feels the end of the chain nearing.

Perseus quickly opens his eyes and catches something which seems to be a blue stone which he imagines to be another Infinity Stone. He then takes a few seconds to admire the stone. After taking the time to admire the stone he places the stone in his Infinity Gauntlet. As soon as the stone is in place in the Infinity Gauntlet he feels two things. The first thing he feels is the rush of power that signifies that the object is indeed another Infinity Stone. The second thing he feels nearly gives him a heart attack.

The second thing Perseus felt was another invisible string one just like the last three that led him to three Infinity Stones. After a few seconds, he feels something else something sort of like a pulse or a vibration from the blue stone as if the stone was saying hey I can get you where you need to go. Trusting the stone he wills it to do what it was suggesting and in less than a second, a portal of some sort appears in front of him.

After getting over his semi-shock Perseus walks through the portal without a hint of hesitation. Once through the portal, he looks around and finds himself floating in a space with a humongous being with their back turned to him and looking at a man in rather strange clothing.

"Dormammu, I've come to bargain!" exclaims Dr. Strange.

"You've come to die. Your world is now my world." States Dormammu.

Dormammu and Dr. Strange proceed to have a quick battle with Dr. Strange dying in the end. During this time Perseus just watches trying to pinpoint the location of the Infinity Stone.

Perseus then feels something strange occur and in the next second he has the feeling of just exiting the portal the Infinity Stone created earlier. He then quickly looks around and as to his theory, it appeared that time had started back around the time he had got to the strange place.

Perseus then proceeds to watch the conflicts between Dormammu and Dr. Strange until he begins to notice that every once and a while Dormammu would take a lot more time talking to Dr. Strange before killing him. Perseus then decides to wait until this happens again and when it does happen he decides that he would go ahead and use the invisible string to get the Time Stone, which he figured out was inside some kind of artifact around Dr. Strange's neck.

After a while, the very thing Perseus's plan is built around happens. As soon as it happens Perseus closes his eyes, imagines himself grabbing a hold of the now invisible chain, and pulling the chain. He does this for a few seconds until he feels the end of the chain nearing when this happens he opens his eyes, quickly catches the Time Stone, and places it into his Infinity Gauntlet.

During this time Dormammu and Dr. Strange obviously see some of what happens but before they could even come out of their shock Perseus uses the Time Stone to freeze Dr. Strange in time completely. Then he freezes Dormammu in a similar way Kronos would just the difference being no one could break free of the freezing unless the wielder of the Time Stone allowed it.

Perseus then decides to get the more difficult part of the next event done first. To do this he uses the blue Infinity Stone which he presumes to be the Space Stone and makes a portal that will put him a few feet away from Dr. Strange. He then proceeds to walk through the portal, appear next to Dr. Strange, and use his powers from Hera's blessing to alter Dr. Strange's memories of the recent event.

Perseus alters Dr. Strange's memories to where he would remember Dormammu killing him many more times until he finally agrees to leave the Earth alone permanently as long as he is let out of the time loop. Perseus also makes it to where Dr. Strange would remember the artifact around his neck slowly cracking until just when he leaves the artifact breaks completely rendering it powerless.

After Perseus finishes altering the memories he moves over to Dormammu in order to have a chat.

"Hello, Dormammu is it?" Questions Perseus.

"Yes." States Dormammu coldly.

"Now there is no need to be rude!" exclaims Perseus while using the Reality Stone to allow Dormammu see his Infinity Gauntlet.

"Now I am not entirely sure you know what this is but to put it in simple terms it is something I could use to wipe you out of existence." States Perseus completely serious.

"So here is the deal Dormammu ether you leave Earth and never return or I will use this little something and wipe you out of existence." States Perseus once again completely serious.

"I agree to your terms." States Dormammu defeated.

"Good, now in a moment, I am going to be sending Dr. Strange back to where he belongs with altered memories of what happened here after that I will unfreeze you and leave. You will then leave yourself and if you return I will destroy you." States Perseus while using the Reality Stone to once more only allow himself to see the Infinity Gauntlet.

Perseus then goes back over to Dr. Strange uses the Space Stone and the Reality Stone to make a portal that looked just like the one Dr. Strange used. He then uses the Time Stone to unfreeze Dr. Strange after he puts him through the portal. Afterwards, he unfreezes Dormammu, makes a normal portal for himself that would put him in his cabin at Camp Half-Blood, and walks through the portal.

Once Perseus is in his cabin at Camp Half-Blood he takes a minute or so to go over all of the things that happened throughout the extremely long day. He then lays down on his bunk and instantly falls asleep from the mental exhaustion.

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