Sirius's son

By Rockingamer21

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Rigel Sirius Black was the son of Sirius Black. Raised in an orphanage unloved and uncared for, he was surpri... More

Meeting the witch
Diagon Alley and Gringotts
Platform 9 3/4 and sorting
First week
Halloween and trolls
Christmas and Lockets
Snowball fight and Mirror of Erised
Nicholas Flamel
Norwegian Rideback
Discoveries and into the trapdoor
Challenges of the trapdoor and victories
End of first year
New home and back to Hogwarts
Second-year DADA
Quidditch tryouts
Voices in the walls
Chambers of secrets
Old legends
Tampered bludgers
Dueling club
Christmas and going undercover
Riddle's Diary
Spiders and Minister of magic .
End of summer
Leaky cauldron and Interrogation
Dangerous cats and Firebolts
Dementors and Sirius Black
Overprotective Pomfrey
Secrets revealed
Grim and Hogsmeade
Quidditch and the truth comes out
Patronuses and death of a pet
Lions vs Eagles and a brief reunion
Revealing Secrets
End of the year
Quidditch world cup
Triwizard Tournament
Professor Moody, dancing ferret and more champions?
First task
Aftermaths of first task
Yule ball
Rita Skeeter
Second task and animagi
Niffler and Mr Crouch
Third task
It's going to be alright
Parting of ways
Reclaiming the House of Black
Order of Phoenix
12 Grimmauld place
Hearing, Black family tree and prefects
Sorting Hat new song
Percy and Padfoot
Hogwarts High Inquisitor
Weasley is our king
Eye of the snake
Christmas and date night
Mass breakout
Dumbledore's flight
Carrer advice
Quidditch cup
Death of a loved one
The second war begins
The last will and testament of Sirius Orion Black
diagon alley and Slug club
Half blood prince
Transfiguration Trophy
Charmed Necklace
Felix Felicius
Waking up
Chapter 86
Sleeping draught
Apparition test
Quidditch finale
Battle of Astronomy Tower
The White Tomb
Potter twins
Battle of the Potter twins
Dumbledore's will
The Wedding
A Place to Hide
Remus John Lupin
Infiltrating the Ministry
Slytherin's locket
Deathly hallows
Malfoy manor and birth
Back to Hogsmeade
Ravenclaw's diadem
The war
Forbidden forest
The final battle
St Mungo's and a wedding
Epilogue (New version)


550 11 1
By Rockingamer21

"I will put down my 'A' to make an 'A'" Ron said as he, Harry, Rigel, Ginny were all in his room playing scrabble, a muggle game that Mr. Weasley owned.

"I will add to your A to make 'AT'" Harry said.

"I will add onto your 'AT' to make RAT," Ginny said.

"I will add onto your 'RAT' to make biostratigraphy," Rigel said proudly.

Ron flipped the board.

"Not again Rigel !" Harry growled at Rigel's face.

"What the hell is biostratigraphy?" Ginny said throwing her arms up.

"Oh God, please tell me you weren't playing Scrabble again," called a familiar voice from the doorway.

"Elizabeth my love, my sweet honey, my little redhead," Rigel cooed, "my dearest companion-"

"Oh shut up" Ron groaned. "But seriously what does biostratigraphy mean?"

"the branch of stratigraphy concerned with fossils and their use in dating rock formations" Rigel explained.

"And what is stratigraphy?" Harry asked.

"I'm glad you asked." Rigel grinned.

"I'm not." Ginny groaned.

Rigel didn't get the chance to explain, however, as an insistent tap, tap, tap sounded from one of the windows. It didn't take long for them to find the source; a barn owl, pecking its beak against the glass.

Ron cracked open the window, letting the owl swoop in and land on his outstretched arm. Taking the envelope from the owl, he looked over to who it was addressed.

"It's for you Rigel."

Rigel took the letter from his hand, pushing herself into a sitting position. Ripping open the envelope delicately, he pulled out the parchment. Once he finished reading the letter, Rigel threw his head back and groaned.

"One of the presents I was having Owled for Aunt Andi been delayed, and won't arrive until after Christmas. They might have one in stock at their Diagon Alley store if I'm willing to pick it up in-store," he explained.

In the end, he and Remus had decided to go to Diagon Alley. Like the previous summer, it had lost its color. Its patrons did not howl in laughter, children no longer pleading to enter every wondrous shop they passed. People did not loiter in the streets, friends no longer planning catch-ups in the once homely cafés.

The only drop of color amid the dying streets was Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, but even that light amongst the dark was dimmed. Diagon Alley looked as if someone had lowered the contrast, pulling the atmosphere down with it.

Firstly, they picked up Mrs. Weasley's gift from Twilfitt and Tattings, a clothing shop with an absurd range of items. It had multiple pieces that Mrs. Weasley had been eyeing for a while but couldn't buy. Thus, those, and other items Rigel thought she would like, became his aunt's gift.

After they all left Twilfitt and Tattings, Remus and Rigel decided there were still many presents they wanted to get each other. They entered shop after shop, gloomy shop owner after shop owner, filling their arms with presents that will be wrapped and placed under the elegant Christmas tree when they returned home.

"Where next?" Remus asked levitating the gifts in front of him.

"We have to meet up with Bill and Eliza at the Leaky Cauldron in fifteen minutes, so we could either head there, or we could go to Quality Quidditch Supplies? There might be more present ideas for Harry and Ron," Rigel suggested.

"Could do that" Remus shrugged then smiled. "You know this reminds of your father when he forgot-" suddenly the werewolf's body went rigid his face blank.

"uhh, Moony?" Rigel asked

Then a hand clamped on his arm and the compressing bands of Apparition closed around him. The last thing he saw was Remus, rigid as boards, falling face-first onto the ground. Then he was being sucked away, an ominous feeling and the first stirrings of panic filling his gut.

"That is my nephew Dolohov!"

"He knows the Potter twins better Narcissa!"

"Your target was Remus Lupin, not Rigel Black!"

Rigel blinked adjusting to the sudden light. Two figures, one of them was undoubtedly assailants, stood in a doorway before him.

"You can use veritaserum you, idiot!"

"If you can't handle it then leave Narcissa." the voice growled

With those words, the scene before him comes into full clarity. Narcissa Malfoy stood before who he recognized as Antonin Dolohov, the man who murdered Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Mrs. Wealsey's brothers.

Confusion, fear, and worry begin to filter into him. Memories flooded in on what had occurred before he had lost consciousness. He remembered his dad falling down, but knew what had occurred in the end. He'd been kidnapped.


Rigel automatically moved towards his wand. His hands didn't move, and he realized that he was not only tied to a chair with his hands painfully behind him but were wrapped with what he thought were magic suppresser cuffs.

Rigel struggled but the iron bit into his skin catching the attention of his abductors. Dolohov had an odd grin on his face while Narcissa's face was blank though he could see the guilt in her eyes.

"The fuck am I?" Rigel demanded.

More worries began to trickle in. How long had he been asleep? How far had they gotten him from London? Had it been hours or days? Again, where was he?

There were no windows to give her an idea of where she was. The room was devoid of practically everything. The floor looked as if it had been stripped of its carpet. There was no furniture either.

"So the little lion woke up," Dolohov said mockingly.

Rigel glared at him. "What do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious? We need order information," he answered. "Remus Lupin was the perfect target. High-profile enough that he would be aware of Dumbledore's inner workings, but low-profile enough that he wouldn't be missed for a couple of days." He titled his head slightly. "But who better than his best mate's son Rigel Black and dating that Blood traitor girl"

Rigel glowered at him. "I ain't tellin' you anything you death eater bastard."

"Oh, I was hoping for that" Dolohov grinned and Rigel was reminded of the Joker. "Leave Narcissa. Crucio!"

Rigel thought that he would've been used to the point that he should withstand it.

Oh, what a foolish thought.

Rigel didn't know when he stopped screaming because his throat went dry, he didn't know when he lost movement of his arms and legs. The only thing he felt was pain. Every part of him burnt. He struggled against the shackles. He thought that the shackles had some sort of curse because every time he resisted they started fuming.

He tried to take his mind off and think about his friends. Harry the most reckless of them all and their de facto leader, Ron his trustworthy friend and definitely not a sidekick but more of a partner. Hermione, one of the most intelligent witches he had ever met, and Eliza Potter, the girl who had comforted him, who kept him off cigarettes for nearly three years, who he helped recover after the Triwizard and the girl he would gladly marry.

He didn't know when Dolohov started using the knife. This time he let out a guttural roar.

When he awoke, it was to a damp towel being pressed against his face. He flinched, jerking backward. The pain he had felt only moments-or was it minutes, or hours, or days?-ago had disappeared.

He let out a small moan as the cool cloth touched his skin. It was such an odd sensation, to feel as if your body was being obliterated, your skin stripped away, one moment, only to awake feeling the pain leaving.

Narcissa Malfoy stood in front of him, cleaning off the mixture of blood and tears on his face. He relaxed only slightly, allowing her to clean him. He flinched lightly at every dab. She wouldn't meet her eyes.

"Dad told me you were one who named me."

He didn't know why he was saying this but when he looked at her, she remembered all the stories that his father had told him.

"He said that you and my mum were good friends," Rigel said barely a whisper. His face facing his knees. "She looked up to you. Her journals told me you wanted to be a healer?"

She doesn't look at him, doesn't respond. He continued, "It made me wonder, what my life would be like if everything were different. If Tom Riddle never existed, would my mother be alive ? Or my unborn sister I never met? Would I have known my family better? Could I have been in Slytherin?" Now he was definitely rambling. 'Would I know your son better?"

Narcissa gulped stepping back. "It would be easier if you tell him what you know Rigel?"

"Tell what?" Rigel asked innocently. "Tell him what I know. My secret formula for the animagus guide because that one, I used my brain, skills, and a sip of the draught of peace."

Narcissa left without another word. He was finally alone and trapped with his thoughts. He didn't want to think, not now.

At least Dolohov won't come. he shuddered to think if he had brought Bellatrix Lestrange

The door opened and a grinning Bellatrix came in armed with her wand and a silver dagger.

Me and my luck


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