12 Grimmauld place

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"This is the organization!" Eliza whispered. "The one you-"

"Don't speak here!" Sirius hissed. "They don't know!"

"Sorry," Eliza replied sheepishly. "So I should think of Grimmauld place."

"Twelve Grimmauld place." Sirius corrected her. 

A mahogany door emerged out of nowhere between numbers eleven and thirteen, followed swiftly by clean walls and clear windows that stood out from the neighborhood. It was as though an extra house had inflated, pushing those on either side out of its way.

"Come on," Rigel said grabbing everything and hurrying inside. Once they were inside, they were greeted by Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh, Harry, Eliza it's lovely to see you!" she whispered, pulling him into a rib-cracking hug.

"Why are you whispering Mrs. Weasley?" Eliza asked.

"Rigel will explain everything. Now I have to go to the meeting" she said dashing off.

"Why are we here? What is this place?" Harry said slightly annoyed.

"This is the Black family house," a voice explained and they saw Rigel coming downstairs smiling at them. "HQ of the order of phoenix the group-"

"That fought Voldemort we know." Eliza interrupted and looked around the house. She couldn't help but notice how clean it was. The wooden floor shined, and the windows were clear as day, though it was night. The wallpaper was bright and looked brand new. The light fixtures were twinkling in the gas lights. All in all, it was a nice place. She wondered why Sirius hated it so much. She would definitely live here with Rigel.

That single thought made her blush and it seems Harry also noticed because he also turned slightly red.

"Anyway," Rigel explained as they crossed the first floor not noticing the twin's bond acting up. "Orion and Walburga, my grandparents were obsessed with the dark arts. When dad was sixteen he ran away from home and lived with James Potter, your father," he said pointing at the twins. "So when my grandparents kicked the buckets in '79 and '85, dad offered Dumbledore Grimmauld place as the headquarters of the Order of Phoenix, which is a group of wizards fighting against Voldemort. The reason we're whispering is the portraits. We tried to get rid of the idiotic ones but someone kept a permanent sticking charm. I don't like them insulting fam." he all but growled. The twins felt slightly shocked and touched by the fact that Sirius and Rigel considered them family.

They crossed the dingy landing, Rigel turned the bedroom doorknob and opened the door where Hermione pulled Harry and Eliza into a big hug.

"HARRY! Ron, he's here, Harry's here! We didn't hear you arrive! Oh, how are you? Are you all right? Have you been furious with us? I bet you have, I know our letters were useless — but we couldn't tell you anything, Dumbledore made us swear we wouldn't, oh, we've got so much to tell you, and you've got to tell us — the dementors! When we heard — and that Ministry hearing — it's just outrageous, I've looked it all up, they can't expel you, they just can't, there's a provision in the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Sorcery for the use of magic in life-threatening situations —" 

"Easy 'Mione, we're fine. The Ministry stalled Harry's expulsion until he gets a formal hearing" Eliza replied. "So... nice place."

Rigel shrugged. "It's alright though I die, I am so not leaving a yelling portrait," Rigel says shaking his head. "Anyway, how's your occulmency training going?"

"Well Harry's utter crap," Eliza said before Harry could speak. "Oh don't even deny it, Harry, your shields are horrible."

Harry grumbled under his breath.

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