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"What!?" Rigel exclaimed as he reached the kitchen. "Why did he do so!?"

"They say that he has used magic outside school again. He and Eliza already had their first warning, and for the second time, they expel students."

"But Eliza-"

"Wasn't with him," Arthur replied somberly. "She was a privet drive. Our guard left his post and Harry used the magic at an alleyway between Magnolia Crescent and Wisteria Walk so it was pretty obvious who was it."

"But why would he use magic!?" Rigel said.

"Apparently he used a Patronus charm."

"But – but Harry would never use magic if it wasn't absolutely necessary!" Hermione retorted. "I know he wouldn't!"

"I know this, Hermione," Mr. Weasley nodded impatiently. "But the ministry wouldn't believe that dementors were there in a muggle neighborhood."

"Well, what now!?" said Mrs. Weasley anxiously. "They can't just expel him!"

"Dumbledore's now at the ministry," said Mr. Weasley. "He's trying to convince them to give Harry a chance for a hearing before they expel him. We'll just have to wait and hear the end of this."

Sirius snarled, "Who the hell was in charge of watching over Harry and Eliza today!? What kind of an idiot didn't see two fu —"

But her words were cut off when the door opened and Mundugus walked inside, a large bag of old cauldrons in his hands.

"'ello," he said casually, walking inside the kitchen.

It wasn't until Rigel had caught a few of the Order members gesturing Mundugus to leave that Rigel realized he was the one foolish enough to leave his post today.

"It was Mundungus." Rigel promptly said.

And then, before Mundugus could tell what was happening or had the chance to react, Sirius pinned the shorter man to the wall, his wand tip glowing red.

"Where the hell have you been while the dementors attacked Harry!?" Sirius said sharply.

"I — I —" Mundugus stuttered, trembling as he stared down at his wand fearfully. "Dementors —?"

"Choose your next words wisely, Dung," Sirius snarled, "or they might be the last words you'll ever utter."

"Sirius as much as I'm angry at Dung, killing him won't solve anything," Remus said reasoning with his best friend.

Sirius glared at Mundungus with pure loathing then released his wand and hand from Dung's throat. He sat at the head table. "Explain. Now!"

There was a small gathering that same night to see who would volunteer to go after Harry the following day.

"Me, Remus, Tonks, Moody, Kingsley, take a few people to bring Harry back," said Rigel's dad one night. Everyone started arguing about Sirius not coming but he stomped it down by kicking the entire order out. So in the end, they relented but they performed a bit of transfiguration on themselves.

No one's POV

It felt wonderful to be on a broom again after nearly thirteen years. Sirius had of course been in the lead guiding them to privet drive. He had visited them of course every weekday after he ad been released. He even picked them up from his flying motorbike which had earned him an earful from Andromeda. (You could've broken the statue of secrecy!)

"It's here on the left" Sirius yelled as they were soon at the twin's yard. "Tonks you dealt with their relatives?"

"Yep sent a letter by Muggle post to them." Tonks said as they slowly started to descend "Told them they were short-listed for the All-England Best-Kept Suburban Lawn Competition."

Sirius's sonWhere stories live. Discover now