St Mungo's and a wedding

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It's been roughly a month after the war and Rigel and Eliza were adjusting to their simpler life.

Harry and Ron had immediately accepted the auror program while Hermione had planned to return to Hogwarts in September. Rigel and Eliza had originally wanted to stay back home for Percy but Andromeda said that it won't be a problem so they can enjoy their seventh year and finish their N.E.W.T.s

There were also several problems they had to fix. Embargos that had been placed by the ICW were finally being lifted. Trials had come and gone and Rigel had attended many of the trials including that of Dolores Umbridge's life sentence which had brought a smile to his face. Kingsley now interim minister also lifted all the anti-werewolf legislation which Umridge had drafted years ago and had sent her to Azkaban for all her crimes. So this made everything easier for Remus and people with his condition.

And now to replace his disappointment that the British and Irish quidditch teams were banned from the world cup, St Mungo's had their son healthy and they were allowed to visit.

So Rigel, Eliza (who was now engaged), the Lupins, Harry, Hermione, Fleur, and the Weasleys apparted to St Mungo's with Fred and George promising to make them proper marauders. 

There was already a crowd of reporters in the lobby, interrogating some junior healers that seemed to be giving a status report. They changed targets quickly when they saw the new arrivals, rushing to surround the war heroes. Arthur, Bill, Charlie, and Percy stepped in the front, giving them space to walk through the swarm of reporters.

"Afternoon," Rigel said trying to ignore the reporter's questions. "We're here to see Perseus Black."

The receptionist smiled showing bright white teeth.

"Follow me please."

The lady led them into a private room with a nurse rocking a baby. She looked up and smiled at them handing Percy to Rigel. Mrs. Weasley had directed them on how to hold the baby and the two teenagers got the hang of it. 

"He's beautiful." Hermione gasped gently caressing Percy's cheeks.

"He is." Eliza smiled kissing Rigel's cheeks. "Happy late birthday love."

Rigel chuckled. "Happy early birthday Red."

After that, their baby was passed to their Godparents (Fleur promised to spoil him rotten) then to Harry and Hermione, and then the rest of the Weasleys.

Rigel pulled Eliza close by the waist and they knew that their family was just getting bigger.

 Summer of 1998

The wedding of Rigel Black and Eliza Potter was going to take place. Hundreds of guests were invited, all gathered in the beautiful meadow near the Black Manor. 

They decided to get married in the summer partially so that the teachers especially McGongall could come and they could have a honeymoon

A honeymoon wasn't originally in their plan before, but Andromeda insisted that they needed a break. She reassured them that she could look after the babies with no problem, seeing as she was raising Teddy and Delphini.

The field was full of wildflowers and dandelions. There was also a small lake nearby, next to which a beautiful arch was set at the end of the aisle for the ceremony. The sun was almost set on the horizon as a cool breeze passed by every once in a while, bringing with itself the scent of the flowers.

"Thank you for coming Professor McGongall," Rigel said to his former transfiguration professor who was now headmistress. 

"I guess two congratulations are in order. One for the wedding, and the other for the birth of your son," said McGonagall with a smile, her eyes on the baby boy who was asleep in Eliza's arms. Although she then let out a sigh, saying, "The grandson of James Potter and Sirius Black coming to Hogwarts in the same year of Remus Lupin's son... I guess I should mark my calendar to resign that day."

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