Forbidden Love at Waterloo Ro...

By imfeelinghappynow

95.9K 1K 188

When the Barry family move to Waterloo Road, Mr Byrne's daughter, Kaitlin becomes fascinated by the eldest so... More

Forbidden Love at Waterloo Road
Chapter 3: The party and the kiss
Chapter 4: There's a first time for everything
Chapter 5: The return of an old face
Chapter 6: Birthday engagement
Chapter 7: Dad's opinion
Chapter 8: Sian's goodbye
Chapter 9: Exams and Easter holidays
Chapter 10: The school house
Chapter 11: First day blues
Chapter 12: Moving in
Chapter 13: Running away
Chapter 14: Josh
Chapter 15: First treatment
Chapter 16: Steve-O arrested
Chapter 17: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Chapter 18: Good bye father
Chapter 19: Wayne
Chapter 20: Kyle's back
A Sequel
Sequel: Family is only skin deep
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 2
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 3
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 4
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 5
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 6
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 7
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 8
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 9
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 10
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 11
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 12 - Christmas!
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 13
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 14
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 15
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 16
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 17
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 18
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 19
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 20
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 21
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 22
Family is only skin deep: Epilogue
New story
10 years later

Chapter 2: Going back to school and ending up in hospital

5.7K 71 9
By imfeelinghappynow

“You don’t have to go back so soon, ya know that right Kaitlin?” dad asked as I sat on the sofa in my school uniform waiting for Jack to come over. “It’s been a week…I want to go back…” I said, just staring ahead. In the week since my mum had died, I hadn’t done anything…just stayed in bed. I’d checked my Facebook a few times, logged on to messages and wall posts off people saying how sorry they were…none of them understood, they weren’t really sorry, what did they have to be sorry about? The fact they still had their mother in their life? The only people I’d spoken to since it happened was Scout, Rhiannon, Jack and Barry, Jack was still a little annoyed at the fact I was talking to Barry…I guess he still hadn’t gotten over the fact that Barry slept with his mum but at least he had a mum…I was dragged out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I grabbed my bag and opened the door, letting a sad smile creep onto my face when I saw the scruffy hair of my best friend, “Hey, babe, you alright?” Jack said, he’d always called me babe, it’s just something we do as best friends, I call him baby and he calls me babe. “Yeah…I guess, you?” I said, he knew I was lying but didn’t say anything, that was another thing I loved about Jack, he knew when I was upset but allowed me to tell him in my own time instead of pressing me for the situation in hand. “Yeah I’m alright, shall we go?” Jack asked, I nodded and stepped out the door, closing it carefully behind me. Dad had offered to drive us but I didn’t want him to, I wanted to get into school early…See if I could catch Barry before he went into the PRU. “Can we go to the shop first, baby?” I asked as we started to walk to school “Course we can, babe, whatever you want, I’ll even buy whatever you want” Jack said, he held out his arm and I took it, he always made me feel better even though I was so broken nothing could fix me, Jack managed to do it bit by bit. We walked along the street, arm in arm until we got to the shop “So what do you want, princess?” Jack asked, princess…another name he called me, that one always managed to make me smile no matter what. “Erm, I think I’ll have this massive bag of marshmallows” I said and threw the bag at him “Alright then, princess, you go wait outside and I’ll be right there” he said, I nodded and walked out the shop and pulled out my phone. After about a minute I got a BBm from Barry saying “Your hair looks beautiful today xx” I looked at my screen, frowing my eyebrows in confusion “Wha-?” I started but felt hands cover my eyes “Guess who” I heard Barry’s voice; I smiled and took his hands away and turned around. “Glad to see you’re back, lil red” Barry said and he hugged me, I smiled at the nickname and hugged him back. We pulled apart when Jack walked out the shop “Here ya go, babe” Jack said, he looked up and saw Barry then stopped in his tracks. “What the fuck are you doing here?!” Jack spat at Barry, I rolled my eyes and stepped in between both boys “Jack, leave him alone! Let’s go!” I said and pulled Jack away, I snatched the bag out Jacks hand as he turned back and glared at Barry. “Would you just leave him the hell alone, please?” I said to him and opened the bag of marshmallows. “Kaitlin, he slept with my mum for god’s sake!” Jack snapped at me, I stopped walking and stared at him “Would you stop fucking moaning? At least you still have your fucking mum!” I shouted at Jack and stormed off down the road towards school. “No Kaitlin! Wait, I didn’t mean it like that I’m sorry!” I heard Jack call after me but I didn’t turn around, just kept walking. I started to slow down a little when I heard footsteps behind me “Jack just leave me the fuck alone!” I snapped and carried on walking “Good thing it ain’t Jack then, ain’t it?” Barry said, I stopped and turned around, smiling when I saw Barry’s face in front of me. “Figured you’d want company to walk to school with” Barry said, shrugging with his hands in his pockets. I nodded and we started walking together “So, you alright then, Kaits?” Barry asked, I sighed and looked at him “Not really, no” I said letting a sad smile creep onto my face. “You wanna talk about it?” Barry asked, I thought for a moment, I’d normally talk to Jack about this stuff but since I’d snapped at him Barry would have to do. “It’s just upsetting me more that Jack gets annoyed whenever I talk to you, just cause of what happened with you and his mum…It kinda annoys me because he’s moaning about his mum when I don’t have one any more…” I said, quietly. Barry stopped and looked at me, I turned to him raising an eyebrow “What?” I asked, Barry smiled at me and grabbed my hand. He bent down and pulled me on his back, I smiled and allowed him to give me a piggy back the rest of the way to school. “Waay, Kaitlin’s back!” I heard someone shout as Barry put me down, I turned around and saw Phoenix, Scout, Jade, Rhiannon and Harley walking towards me, I waved to Barry and went over to my friends. Phoenix gave me a massive hug, I smiled and wrapped my arms round him and gave him an equally huge hug. “You wanna piggy back, red riding hood?” Phoenix asked, I smiled and nodded. Phoenix bent down and I jumped on his back, I wrapped my arms round his neck as he walked towards the school with Scout, Rhiannon, Jade and Harley following behind. “Jade what we got first?” I shouted back from Phoenix’s back “Maths with Chalky” She said, I nodded and jumped down from Phoenix once we were in the school. “Come on then, Jadey Padey” I said and held out my arm for her to take. She took my arm and we walked in the opposite direction to the others and headed towards our maths class. “Right, settle down everyone” Chalky said but none of us stopped talking, I was sat next to Jade like normal but looked up when I saw the door open. “OI!” Chalky shouted at the class, everyone went silent but I grabbed my bag and walked out “Kaitlin!” Chalky shouted but I ignored him and walked away with Jack. “Look, Kaitlin, I just want to say how sorry I am for what happened at the shop, I just lost it and didn’t think, I truly am sorry, babe” Jack said as we walked outside, we walked over and sat down under a tree “It’s fine, Jack, I over reacted too myself” I said, Jack lent back against the tree and let me lie back and rest my head against his chest.


Barry’s POV

After I left Kaitlin with her friends, I walked over to Kacey and we walked into the school. After a few minutes waiting around in the canteen with Kacey, we both headed up to the PRU. “’ere Scout, Rhiannon, Phoenix, you up for a party this weekend? Mum’s out Saturday night, in’ she Kace?” I said, elbowing Kacey in the arm. “Yeah, course we’re up for any party” Phoenix said, “Alright, 7 o’clock, my house” I said and we started walking inside. I sat at my normal place next to the window, after a few minutes of not paying attention I looked out the window and nearly fell off my chair when I saw Jack and Kaitlin lying together under a tree. I felt the rage start to bubble up inside me, “Barry?” Kacey said and she put a hand on my arm, I glared at Kacey and slapped her hand away. I grabbed my bag and stormed out the classroom ignoring the shouts from Miss Boston. I didn’t understand it, I’d never felt this way about a girl before…I’d normally shag a girl and leave her but Kaitlin was different. “What the ‘ell ya doin’?” I shouted and walked over to Jack and Kaitlin, she looked up at me but I ignored her and grabbed Jack by the shirt, causing Kaitlin to fall to the floor. “You think that as soon as you upset Kaitlin you can just swan back and act like you fucking care again!” I shouted at him, pushing him against the tree “Barry! What the hell are ya doin’?” Kaitlin shouted, standing up, I ignored her again and punched Jack in the face. “BARRY!” Kaitlin shouted at me, I looked at her then back at Jack before kneeing him in the balls. “Argh” Jack shouted and fell to the floor “Barry Barry! My office right now!” Someone shouted from behind me, I spun around and saw Mr Byrne standing at the door of the school “And you, Kaitlin!” he shouted again, I looked at Jack then at Kaitlin before storming off towards Mr Byrne. “Kaitlin Isabelle Byrne! Come here right now!” Mr Byrne shouted, I couldn’t help but smile when he used Kaitlin’s full name but when I turned around I saw Kaitlin was helping Jack up off the ground. I scowled as he walked past and followed Mr Byrne to his office with Kaitlin coming up behind. “Sit down, both of you!” Mr Byrne snapped as we entered his office, my scowl still on my face, I sat down on the chair putting my leg up on the other. I looked next to me and saw Kaitlin sit down “So, what’s up, Mr Byrne” I said, casually as if I’d been called in here for a casual chat. “I’ll start with you, Kaitlin!” Mr Byrne said looking at his daughter. “I’d like to know, Miss Byrne, why you were skipping class with Jack!” Mr Byrne snapped at Kaitlin, I looked at her then forwards again. “Jack upset me this morning and he came to see me in maths so I went with him” Kaitlin said, she folded her arms across her chest and looked away. “Kaitlin, if someone upsets you especially if it’s Jack, you need to come to me! Not bunking off your bloody lesson, you stupid girl!” Mr Byrne snapped at her “Oi, don’t talk to her like that!” I almost shouted at him, “Kaitlin, you can go to your next lesson” Mr Byrne said and Kaitlin walked out the office, slamming the door behind her. “Now, Mr Barry, 2 things” Mr Byrne said, leaning forward in his chair. “I want to know why you beat up Mr McAllister?” Mr Byrne asked, I laughed a little and got myself comfortable in my chair. “Because, dear Mr Byrne, I don’t like it when boys think they can walk all over girls, especially Kaitlin, now she’s a special girl” I said, with a mocking smile on my face. “And that comes to the second thing I want to talk to you about, I want you to stay away from my daughter!” Mr Byrne snapped at me, I laughed again and even more “Ohh, Mr Byrne, that’s easier said than done, you should know that Kaitlin is a special girl to me, quite important in my life, if ya lucky too sir ya might have a grandchild soon” I said, my smile growing even wider. “GET OUT” Mr Byrne screamed, I smiled even wider now before grabbing my bag and heading for the door. “Good shag, your daughter is, best I’ve ever had” I said and ran out the office before he could say anything else.

Kaitlin’s POV

After what happened with Barry and then having my dad shout at me in front of him I didn’t even go to my lesson. I walked straight past the door to my history class and walked into the bathroom, I breathed in and out quickly and let the tears start to spill from my eyes. “Argh” I screamed and started to go mad, I started punching and kicking the wall, ignoring the pain that it caused and the blood on my knuckles. I carried on punching and kicking and screaming as I cried before the door slammed opened and someone grabbed me round the waist. I carried on screaming to be let go and kept kicking and thrashing out, “Kaitlin! Calm down!” I heard Mr Clarkson’s voice, “Let me go!” I screamed but he kept his arms round my waist, dragging me across the corridor and into a classroom. I fell to the floor and started to cry uncontrollably, “Daniel! Can you go and get out Michael! Now please!” Mr Clarkson shouted at Mr Chalk. I didn’t stop crying and started to shout out, “Kaitlin! Kaitlin! Come on calm down! It’s going to be okay! Just calm down!” Mr Clarkson said I felt his presence in front of me; I stopped for a second to see Mr Clarkson had knelt down in front of me. “Leave me alone! Go away!” I screamed at my English teacher, I didn’t even stop when I heard the door open “Kaitlin! What the hell happened?” I heard my dad’s voice but still didn’t stop crying on the floor “I don’t know, I heard punching and shouting from the girl’s bathroom and walked in to see Kaitlin screaming and shouting and punching the wall” Mr Clarkson said, my dad took Mr Clarkson’s place and knelt down in front of me. “Kaitlin? Kaitlin? Please, stop screaming, shh” he soothed and he took my face in his hands and rested my head on his knees. I stopped screaming but carried on crying “Shh, Kaitlin, it’s okay, Dad’s here, Shh” He soothed again and started stroking my hair. “Go and get the nurse” I faintly heard my dad say before everything went black.


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