Louis' Revenge ➸ Larry Stylin...

بواسطة teabagandtoast

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Revenge. A beautiful thing, isn't it? Louis wants nothing more than to get revenge for that awful thing that... المزيد

Louis' Revenge
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven

chapter nineteen

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بواسطة teabagandtoast

louis is leaving for london in two days. meaning it's not long until he's in the big city with a bunch of drama freaks counting down the days until he has to perform.

louis has tried to convince himself he's not nervous, but even his cigarette isn't calming him down.

after finishing that cigarette, he walks into the college doors with zayn, dreading having to talk to mr turner as he's (once again) late.

"i'll catch you at lunch, alright?"

"yeah, mate." louis walks off in the other direction, leaving zayn to his free period as the boy pulls on his headphones.

louis gets down the corridor and opens the door subtly, hoping the professor is too tired with him to make a fuss.

"tomlinson, you're lucky you have to perform next week otherwise i would kick you out of my class for your terrible lateness."

louis stops, taking a large huff as he stares at him, one hand on the strap of his backpack. "are you always like this or do you just like to show off when i'm around?"

the lecture hall is silent, and mr turner leans off his desk and stands up straight, arms crossed as he walks up to him. "i don't know where you got your attitude from boy, but i don't like it."

louis laughs at his tone, "i really don't care."

"well maybe you should try to understand—"

"i am. i'm trying my absolute hardest to see things from your perspective, but i just can't get my head that far up my ass." louis grins, stepping away with a little skip, then walking up the steps.

he is keeping his head down, not wanting to see harry because they haven't spoken since he walked off the other day. louis doesn't know what to do. he doesn't know whether to ask him about it or totally ignore it, because the boy acted so strangely and louis wonders if it was because of him.

mr turner has sighed and groaned by now, writing something in his little notebook (probably about louis) then continuing on with the lesson.

"hey niall." louis sits down next to the lad, who looks very amused with what just happened. he's slumped in his chair, eyes droopy.

"alright tommo?" he grins up to him.

"you excited for london?"

"yeah, yeah. annoying we won't be sharing a room though." niall responds.

"what do you mean?"

"apparently they're only doing it in groups." niall says, "proper annoying 'cause i've got a shit group. gonna have to share a room with some weirdo."

"oh." louis says, unaware this was a thing. "you could still sneak in though, surely you want to see katie."

"yeah, i will."

after one of the most boring lectures of louis' life, mr turner calls louis over as he's leaving the room.

he hesitantly walks over to him, who waits for everyone to leave before he starts to talk. "now louis... as you were late, you missed the conversation i had with everyone at the start of the lecture, so i'm telling you now."

"alright." louis gives him a nod.

"so as you know, today was the last drama lecture before we leave. i just wanted to go over what you should expect."

"go on then."

"we will be leaving here by coach at seven am, so you will need to be here half an hour before."

"that's fucking early."

"louis." mr turner warns, giving him a glare then glancing at the swear jar. louis groans, stepping over and putting in a pound coin.

"i'm just saying, i'll be bloody tired."

he huffs, fed up. "you will be sharing a room with someone else from your group, but as you were late you missed the vote."

"what vote?"

"every boy could vote for another boy, and every girl another girl to share their room with."

"why not a girl and a boy?" louis questions.

"because, we can't trust boys and girls alone together."

"boys and girls can just be friends."

mr turner sighs, "yes but we can't trust that they won't—"

"fuck? yeah, and what's stopping two guys or two girls from shagging?"

he's silent then, stuck on what to say.

"any more rules?" louis asks, amused.

"um..." mr turner misses his eye contact, "no vandalism, no sex, smoking, alcohol or drugs."

louis smiles. "got it. i'll be on my way then." he steps away, walking off and leaving mr turner stood there awkwardly as he walks out.

after many more boring lectures louis doesn't really pay attention to, he is walking into the lunch hall. the person who's party is was that week, corey, is stood next to zayn and niall as they wait in the line for food, talking.

louis pushes past the groups huddled around, and pushes in front of people in the queue to be next to them.

"hey!" the girl louis just pushed in front of exclaims, "you just pushed in front!"

"yeah no shit love, you want a medal for that discovery?" louis grins, turning back to the others.

"hey." he says, and they look to him as zayn picks up an apple.

"alright?" he greets, and louis looks to corey.

"hey corey."

"hey." they respond, smiling.

niall grabs his jacket potato, from mabel of course, who he ends up talking his ear off to for a good minute about how he's leaving for london. she seemed pretty interested, and took extra time pouring on his beans.

everyone else gets their food, and they find a table in the middle of the hall. louis stays stood, spotting harry in the corner, looking over to him who seems to be doing the same thing back. he's with liam, who's talking to lacey about something.

louis goes to smile at him, anything, but then his view is blocked from harry to a tall blonde. it's her... mary, mindy, mario??? louis has given up on guessing her stupid name by now.

"hi, louis."

louis looks to her, pissed off she ruined his moment. "what do you want?"

"this is exciting, right? leaving for london soon."

"yeah, sure."

she leans forward, trying to draw attention to her cleavage. it makes louis groan in disgust to himself, and he doesn't dare look down. "i was thinking... after school we could maybe like practise our kissing scene, you know... just to get it right."


"louis can't." an irish accent calls from behind him. "there's a party at mine tonight, he's busy."

she sighs, sticking her bottom lip out. "well that's a bummer. but i'll see you round, yeah?"

"mmh." louis watches as she smiles and walks off, rolling his eyes. he looks back to where harry was stood, but he's sat down by now, talking to liam with a blank expression and not looking up once.

louis huffs. he turns back around, sitting at the table. "cheers for lying for me niall, don't know what i would have said to that bullshit."

niall looks up from where he's eating. "that's alright... it's not a lie though."


"party at mine tonight... you know, a goodbye before we leave for london."

louis laughs, "we're going to london no longer than a week niall, it's not really a goodbye."

"oh well," niall shrugs, "but we're graduating soon and it gives me an excuse to get drunk and all that jazz."


and so when then time comes, louis is getting ready for the party in zayn's bedroom. he's looking in the mirror, fixing his hair to the side but it won't seem to go how he wants it to.

he turns to face zayn. "does my hair look bad to you?"

"no mate, not at all." zayn says, pulling over his jacket.

"hm..." louis pauses, looking down to his outfit, inspecting it. "do you think these shoes go... or?"

zayn laughs, "why are you so nervous to see harry?"

"i'm not..." louis shrugs, pausing. "he was just off with me."

"what happened?"

"he ran off the other day for like no reason at all. what if he's mad at me?"

"what did you do?"

louis shakes his head, "that's the thing, i didn't do anything. we were playing laser tag at the leisure centre and then he just left."

zayn stops, freezes actually, and looks at louis with a disbelieving expression. "you. were at the leisure centre. with harry." it's like he can't even believe the words coming out his mouth. 

louis shrugs, feeling ashamed for it. "yeah."

"jeez, harry must have really changed you." he laughs, bending down to tie his shoelaces.

"is that bad?"

"no, it shows you care enough about him to forgive him for what happened. you should just talk to him about why he's off."

louis nods, deciding to ignore the first comment. "i will."

"wow." zayn stands up straight, his lips curled.


"you communicate now?"

louis scoffs, "so what if i've matured?"

"fucking hell, harry must be really good in bed."

louis hits him then, backhanded and quite hard over his arm. "ow!" zayn yelps, "what was that for?" he holds at the spot, rubbing the area and sticking his lip out like a child.

"it's not even like that zayn, i really like him."

"i know you do," zayn laughs, "he convinced you to go to smith's leisure."

louis laughs under his breath, "that's not even the worst thing he's convinced me to do."

"what is, then?"

"i think i'm going to accept liam's apology."

zayn's eyes go wide, "you're being serious?"

louis nods wearily, "very serious."

"that's... i wasn't expecting that."

"should i not?" louis asks.

"no, you're coming to terms with it, i mean... i think it's good."

"okay." louis smiles, then grabs zayn's arm, pulling him forwards. "now let's leave," he says, "i want to get pissed!"

zayn laughs as he pulls him along, leaving the house and walking down the road to niall's. when the door is opened, the smell of sweat and a mix of strong alcohol hits louis before he takes a step inside. he's greeted with cheers from lads and a beer bottle to his hand, and he laughs to zayn as he gets the same treatment.

he takes a gulp back as he steps over loose bottles, getting into niall's small living room filled with people either dancing, doing drugs, or kissing on the sofa. then louis and zayn are both grabbed by the arm and they both turn to see niall, cheery as usual.

"mate, i need you two for beer pong."

some say louis is an 'absolute pro' at beer pong.

by some, only louis calls himself that, but that's not the point.

"who's playing?" zayn asks unbothered, hand relaxed in his pocket as he drinks.

"uh... me, katie, lacey and corey."

"yeah, i'll do it." zayn shrugs.

"yeah sure." louis joins him, following after niall as he takes them down the hallway into the dining room, where the cups are on the wooden table.

"hey katie, lace." louis joins their team, watching as zayn joins niall and corey.

"you're definitely going to lose now, niall." katie laughs, watching as her boyfriend grunts at her comment, because he's way too cocky to admit she's probably right.

"hey louis, haven't seen you in a while." lacey comments as katie starts moving the cups around in a formation.

"yeah... how are you?"

"i'm good thanks." she looks up to him, the atmosphere kind of awkward but relaxed. louis knows she's thinking about harry. he doesn't know what exactly, but just by the way she's looking at him, he can tell.

niall decides to go first, throwing a ball across the table and to the cups. it lands in one of the back ones, and he cheers as katie takes the cup and downs it, groaning at the foul taste.

louis puts his bottle down and goes next, getting it in without effort, and corey grabs the cup, taking it down and shaking their head.

the game continues like that: niall and katie arguing like an old married couple because they're both too competitive, louis showing off his skills and everyone laughing at him, zayn and corey talking.

louis is watching at lacey's third go, because there's a little amount of cups left and the competition is fairly equal. but before she can throw her go, a hand comes around her waist and startles her, making her drop the ball into one of her own cups.

"liam!" she exclaims, pushing him back playfully as she laughs, "you made me drop it!"

louis looks to where liam is stood, a smile over his face and wearing an old jacket louis remembers him wearing a lot. liam's eyes avert to his for a moment, before he looks back to her. "sorry." he laughs, "i'll join your team to make it up to you."

"depends if you're shit at beer pong or not." lacey laughs, taking the ball out of her cup and taking it down.

"new team members!" niall howls, "come on harry, join the team that'll win." he ushers harry over the other side of the table, and louis blinks as he watches him move because he was too focused on liam to see him stood there.

his hair is messy and he's wearing a white t-shirt hidden behind a black jacket. his lips look more pink than usual in this light, and he's touching them with his fingers, so louis can't stop looking at them.

louis steps to the table. "please niall, we all know that's not true."

harry steps up at the same time, zayn passing him a ball. louis watches. watches as he squints his eyes and lifts the ball up in front of him. how his tongue slightly sticks out to the side as he concentrates. he throws, and it lands directly at the front cup.

"still think you'll win, tomlinson?" harry smirks, stepping down.

louis grabs the cup, downing it in one then crunching it in his fist, throwing it to the floor. he picks up a ball, taking a pause before throwing it to a cup, it landing in the same one harry landed his in.

"i know i'll win."

harry grabs the cup and takes it down, but by now there's only one cup left on each team, and each group has to nominate someone to go. louis turns in to talk and there liam is, arm over lacey and grinning away. liam doesn't say anything, but both lacey and katie say they don't want to do it.

he turns around, and harry is stood again (of course he is) at the table, fists leant on the wood. louis clenches his teeth because he knows harry could get it in easily. louis can't lose.

he walks over to the other side of the table quickly, just as harry's pulling his arm up. he stands next to him, and harry's trying to ignore him, keeping his arm up.

"no distracting your opponents!" niall whines, just because it's his team being distracted. "it's a rule!"

"fuck your rules." louis laughs, leaning closer to harry so his body is touching harry's side. harry tries to ignore him, keeping his arm up and staring at the cups, but louis can tell he's finding it difficult to concentrate.

louis leans up, hot breath directly to harry's ear. he lowers his voice down to a whisper, only for him to hear. "if this game was up to me," he says, "i'd completely scrap it and just fuck you into this table."

harry throws then, but his body slightly hesitates. his aim is completely off, and the ball bounces on the table once to the left, then falls off. louis looks down to the floor, laughing to himself.

his team cheers with a laugh, and liam steps up, lifting his arm and concentrating on the cup before throwing. it lands directly in, and everyone's making noises of either celebration or protest. niall especially, has punched his fist on the table.

that's when harry grabs louis' hand, pulling him away from it all, not turning back to look at him.

"come with me." is all he says, but louis keeps turning his head back to the table where everyone still is.

"what are you doing?"

harry doesn't respond, pulling louis up the stairs and past the people stood around. he takes louis across the hall, who is still following him like a lost puppy.

the people stood on the landing are staring at the pair as harry opens the door to the spare bedroom, pulling louis inside then shutting and locking it quickly.

"harry what—"

harry's lips are on his, pushing him against the shut door. louis is about to speak again, but is cut off with a high-pitched moan when harry grips on to his hips, simultaneously thrusting his hips forward to grind their bodies together.

harry copies the action again, and both boys moan as they connect their lips in a messy kiss again. louis begins to walk, pushing harry forward and off him as he pulls away.

"harry i need to talk to you."

harry stops, his pink lips swollen as he nods small.

"what happened the other day?" louis asks, "did i do something or?"

"no." harry shakes his head quickly, his breathing still frantic. "it wasn't you."

"then what was it?"

"i'm sorry, i just panicked. can we forget about it?"

louis pauses, looking into harry's eyes. "you're okay though, yeah?"

"yeah," harry breathes out, pulling his lips close to louis' again. "just fuck me, please."

he catches louis in a kiss, pushing his head back as louis grips on to his hips, grazing the skin under harry's t-shirt with his fingertips. both boys kick off their shoes as they walk and louis slides his knee between harry's legs, pushing him back on to the bed and leaning on it, chests aligned and lips still together. 

harry tugs on louis' shirt and louis lifts up on to his knees, pulling it over his head. his hands then slide under harry's shirt and across his skin, pulling that up too as harry looks up to him.

harry's eyes avert across to the wall, just as louis begins sucking on his neck. he pulls an arm up, and points.

"what is that over there?"

louis leans up, looking to where harry is pointing with a confused expression. "what's wh—"

he's cut off with a yelp, because his thighs are grabbed on to and he's spun around quickly on to his back, where he has no choice but to stare up at harry who is now holding him down with a smirk.

"harry what—"

harry holds his finger against louis' lips. "no talking, hm?"

he removes his finger, trailing it down louis' body and eventually to his jean button. he unbuttons it with both hands, then the zip, looking back up to him. louis gulps, lifting his bum off the sheets for harry to remove his jeans, followed by his boxers.

louis watches as harry wraps his hand around his dick and begins to pull. it makes him drop his head back as he continues to repeat the action again and again, building up speed as louis moans.

after many more pulls, harry releases him, making louis make a soft noise. he looks back down to him, but as he does so harry licks a stripe across his dick before taking him in his mouth.

harry keeps eye contact as he swirls his tongue, his lips curling against louis every time he hears him moan. louis grabs harry's hair, repeatedly lifting his body up and into harry's mouth with low grunts.

harry pulls away from louis before sitting up, pulling his jeans off in the process. louis lets him straddle him, holding his hips and letting his fingers trail down to the band of his boxers, tugging on them. harry leans up, helping him pull them off and throw them down before he sits back up again.

"jean back pocket." louis says, and harry leans down to it, pulling out lube and a condom.

harry throws the condom down on to the bed, but opens the lube packet, pouring it on to his own fingers. louis grabs the condom, opening it but he can't focus because harry is pushing his own fingers into himself.

louis watches him, rolling on the condom with harry just above his dick. harry flutters his eyes shut, pushing his fingers in and moaning lightly. louis pulls his arms back off harry, pulling them over his head as he watches harry fuck himself, biting on to his lip as he does so.

"louis." harry is moaning urgently to himself, picking up the pace he has on himself. "oh, fuck louis." he starts bending his knees up and down, pushing his fingers into himself, and louis can't take it anymore.

he grabs on to harry's hips, who releases himself as his eyes burst open. louis hits himself up into harry, who shudders and moans, falling forward and leaning his hands on louis' chest.

after adjusting himself, harry lifts up, slowly letting him sink down again and louis scratches down his thighs, moaning.

"fucking hell." louis looks up to harry, who's seated on him and breathing heavily with his mouth open, fingernails dug into his chest.

after they recover, harry starts moving his body up and down, pushing himself up by his hands and then forcefully pushing himself back down again. he begins to go faster, picking up a pace he gets used as louis still grabs on to him.

"fuck, keep going." louis says, and harry does so, body shaking under himself as he continues to move up and down.

harry lifts his arms up, looking up to the ceiling as he continues to bounce, groaning into the air. the way he arches his back makes him hit his prostate, and his body weakens at the contact.

"oh god." he moans, pushing himself back down in that same position. each bounce made him shake with pleasure, and louis rubs up his thighs as he whines lowly.

as he bounces more, harry's noises begin to die down, becoming too weak to pull himself up anymore. louis grabs his hips, thrusting up into him forcefully as harry's body falls forward and he leans his hands on louis' chest once again.

"harder." harry moans, and louis wraps his hand around harry's dick, tugging at him and continuing to thrust up deeper.

harry's fingernails scratch across louis' chest with more fasts thrusts, and louis is groaning loudly up to the ceiling. he arches his back and shouts out harry's name whilst he comes, breathing heavily at his release.

"fuckkk." harry breathes out and comes across louis' hand and chest as they both drag it out with slow movements against each other.

both are breathing heavily when harry pulls himself out, collapsing on to louis' messy chest without a care in the world.

"that was..." louis can't even finish his sentence, he's so exhausted.

"i know." harry breathes out, leaning his head up to look at louis, who takes off the condom and ties it, throwing it to the bin the corner.

louis looks down to him, smiling. "that's what you get for tricking me in laser tag."

harry laughs, fiddling with a strand of louis' hair. "always been a fan of revenge, haven't you?"

louis stops. he looks back up to the ceiling, exhaling. "it's hard to follow your forgive and forget method."

harry laughs under his breath, leaning up. "i said i try to forgive, not that i can."

"zayn's right, you have changed me."

harry stands up, groaning. "how come?" he walks over to a desk, pulling out tissues from a box.

"you're like a saint. too precious for this world, you know?"

harry laughs, walking over to him. "you're talking waffle."

"i'm not." louis says, just as harry starts wiping down his stomach. "i never thought i'd be able to enjoy any form of your company."

"wow louis, i'm flattered."

louis smiles, shaking his head. "the idea i had of you in my head..." he laughs slightly, "well, you were the worst fucking person imaginable and here i am, laughing at the stupid things you say and smiling when i see you."

harry stands up straight, trying to contain a smile. he throws the tissues in the bin then walks back, still staring at louis. he hits his arm playfully.

"you're all loopy." he says, laughing. "what drug have you taken?"

"you." louis says, "i'm fucking addicted."

"and you've gone all corny." harry laughs, sitting on the edge of the bed and bringing a hand to louis' face.

"told you you've changed me."

harry smiles, moving his fingers along louis' cheek. "for better or for worse?"

"for worse." louis jokes, "look at me, i've gone all soft."

"that's not what your dick was telling me a few minutes ago."

"oh my god!" louis exclaims, sitting up. "seriously?!"

"maybe you've changed me too." harry laughs and louis eventually does too, leaning his head on harry's chest.

but the pair are interrupted by the sound of harry's name being called from down the hall. whoever it is, they're being quite consistent with it, and seem to be walking down up and down continuously calling his name.

harry stands up, throwing louis his boxers and jeans who stands up too and pulls them on. "who is it?" louis asks, watching as harry gets fully dressed.

"harry?!!" the person's at the door now, fiddling with the handle and trying to open it. harry pulls on his jacket, then keeps his eyes locked with louis' until he gets to the door, finally unlocking it.

the door opens, and liam is stood there, seeing harry then spotting louis, who's still topless and probably looks a state.

liam's eyes widen, and he takes a step back. "sorry," he looks down, "god sorry, i didn't mean to."

"it's fine." louis calls from behind harry, who turns to him in disbelief. louis takes his t-shirt off the floor and pulls it over his head as he walks to the door.

"you can stay." he says, "i want to talk to you anyway."

"oh?" liam questions, taken back. "have i done something?"

louis shakes his head. "no, it's not... it's just..." he looks to harry, "do you mind?... we won't be long."

"no, of course not." harry says, looking between both boys and smiling slightly. he silently walks past liam, and out of louis' view.

"come in?" louis moves out the way and liam nods, stepping inside. louis shuts the door.

"you can sit if you want."

"hm, i wouldn't take my chances." liam laughs and actually louis does too, stepping further inside.

"i just wanted to talk... you know that day was sort of blurry for me and i kind of just realised i never let you explain properly."

liam blinks quickly, "uh... uh, yeah."


he shakes his head quickly, "right yeah, um... so obviously i saw you with that guy, after training."

"his name was lucas." louis says, "he was a prick, just like most guys are."

liam laughs slightly, unsure what to say. "i know you were only kissing but i was quite shocked, you know?" he looks away, "i don't know, i just wasn't expecting it."

"shocked your best friend was kissing a guy and not a girl?" louis asks, assertive yet still laughing.

"yeah... shocked, but not disapproving." liam shakes his hands up, "never disapproving."

"then why'd you tell 'em about it?"

liam pauses, looking to the floor then back up again. "if i'm honest, i don't have an excuse for that. the football team had always been gossipy, we used to talk shit about everything and i just didn't think."

"didn't think that you would fucking ruin my life?" louis questions, and liam shakes his head with pleading eyes.

"never, okay? it didn't even click in my mind they would hold those type of views, we had never talked about it."

"what did they say?" louis questions, voice broken though he tries to hide it.

"they didn't believe me at first, they were laughing... i thought it was just a joke. but then they started saying all these things and i didn't know what to do... i realised what i did and i've never felt more regret in my entire life."

louis stops. he looks to the ceiling, blinking back tears at the memory. "then what?"

"i left louis, i couldn't take it anymore, so i left."

"you left me there with them."

"i didn't think they were going to see you, and do that!"

"well they did, liam." louis says quietly, looking down. 

"i didn't even know about it, louis. i found out the next day at school and by then you had already heard that i told them and you wanted nothing to do with me."

"you can understand why."

"of course i can!" liam exclaims.

"you were so mean to me afterwards." louis says, "why?"

"i was angry, louis. my best friend thought i was a monster and had completely ignored me. i began to become who you thought i was."

"it made me hate you more."

"i know. i would hate me. i did hate me!"

"you don't anymore?"

liam exhales loudly. "i know i fucked up, and i know you have every right to be mad at me for what i did, but i am not responsible for low-lives like them for being so hurtful that they would do something like that to you. and if they all wouldn't have ran off to the sport college in manchester with the club, i would have hurt every one of them like they hurt you, because i fucking care about you, louis."

louis pauses, staring at him. his bottom lip is shaking and he feels if he releases it from his teeth he will break down. he falls forward, grabbing on to liam's shoulders and pulling him close into a tight hug. "i know liam, i know. and i'm so fucking sorry."

liam holds around louis' back tight and they stand there, holding each other and breathing heavily. louis shuts his eyes. he's missed this, missed liam and how tight his hugs are.

"i have to introduce you to zayn." he breathes out with a smile, and pulls back, holding his shoulders.

"okay." liam smiles, and louis wipes at his eyes, turning and opening the door.

they both step out into the hall, both smiling before walking down the stairs together.

"i missed you." liam says when they reach the bottom.

"me too." louis replies, "a lot."

that's when he spots them. zayn, harry, niall, katie, lacey and corey, all huddled together in a circle around a wooden table (probably tyler's) and laughing their heads off with one another. louis watches them, and he can't help but smile.

"come on." he instructs liam, who follows him happily to the table.

everyone cheers when they spot the pair, and the two join everyone around the table. louis' eyes lock with harry and he gives him a small nod, smiling.

he turns to zayn, liam still by his side. "liam, zayn, liam, zayn." he points between the pair, who look to each other.

"nice to meet you, bro." zayn grabs his hand and pulls him in, hitting him on the back.

"yeah you too." liam smiles to him when they pull away, and zayn laughs.

"good first impression." he says, "maybe louis is a bullshitter."

"hey, we're over that." louis replies and both liam and zayn laugh. louis leans into harry's side, who grabs his waist and pulls him closer, smiling down to him.

"katie," niall says, pouring two more shots for liam and louis (the only two without one in front of them). "i know what to toast to."

"and what's that?" katie asks with a laugh.

niall lifts his shot up, and everyone else does too to follow. "to friendship!" he cheers.

"yeah," louis laughs as he shakes his head. "to friendship, you cringey fuck."

everyone laughs and pulls their plastic cups together, before taking their shot down. louis squeezes his eyes shut at the strong flavour and places his cup back down with a groan, followed by everyone else.

harry laughs, and pulls him in. "want to know a secret?" he whispers.


"well, because you missed the vote, it kind of means the odds are against you."

louis looks up to him, confused. "what do you mean?"

"oh nothing... roommate." he smirks, and louis moves closer to him, laughing as he wraps his arms around him.

"you snore." is all he says, and harry laughs, looking to him.

"i think that's going to be the last thing on your mind."

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