hate you, with love (L.S)

By Justchaos0

5K 219 207

"You're so full of yourself." "You wanna fill me up instead?" Or The one where Harry and Louis hate each oth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

276 12 17
By Justchaos0

"Louis William Tomlinson! Open this fucking door right now or I won't hesitate to break it!" Louis wakes up the next morning to his dad yelling.

Shit, Louis panics, he must've forgot to left it unlocked last night. The day hasn't even started yet and his father is already on his throat. He springs up from his bed and unlocks the door.

"Yesterday wasn't enough for you, was it boy?" His dad asks sternly.

"I'm sorry." Louis says, his voice low and his eyes on the ground. He wants to yawn really bad but then he would again disrespect his dad, and that's the last thing on his list. So he just holds the yawn until it passes away.

"I think we've discussed this before. How many fucking times should I have to tell you not to lock that fucking door of yours! Do you want me to take it out!?"

"I forgot. I- I won't do it again."

"It's always the same fucking sentence, ain't it?" Troy grabs Louis harshly by the arm and takes him down to the kitchen.

"You're not gonna go anywhere until those dishes are clean."

"Can I eat something first? I'm hungry." Louis asks just above a whisper in fear of what his dad might say. He hasn't really eaten since yesterday evening and he's starving.

"First, you come home late last night, then you lock your door, then you wake up late today and now you're becoming demanding too!? Don't forget I'm the one who puts food on our table. Clean those dishes first!"

"Dad c- can I atleast shower?"

"Don't worry about that. I'll bathe you son." Troy says, dumping a jug of cold water on Louis' face from the refrigerator.

"I hope you're fully awake now. I have some work today. When I get back, I need this place to be fucking clean, the dishes and the laundry done. Don't even dare to touch any food before that! Do you understand?" Troy warns him.

Louis nods his head.

"Use your words sweetheart." Troy tells him.

"I- I understand." Louis says slowly.

"Good boy. See you later Lou, love you." Troy kisses Louis' forehead before leaving the house. Louis stands there, not sure how to react.

Once his father disappears into the driveway, Louis goes straight to his room. He takes a brief warm shower, brushes his teeth and gets into some sweats and an oversized tee.

He's starving but the fear of his dad finding out that he ate something before doing his chores makes him clean the dishes. He puts on some music to help distract his thoughts.

After the dishes are done, Louis moves on to laundry. He puts the dirty clothes from the laundry hamper into the washing machine and switches it on. While vacuuming, he gets a call from Liam.

"You stood me up! Where the fuck were you yesterday?" Without waiting for Liam to say anything, Louis says into the phone, clearly annoyed.

"Doing your little school project."


"Yes son, I'm super relieved to know you're home. You scared me darling. I'm on my way." Troy says and hangs up.

Fucking hell! Louis panics, his breaths become more sharp and shallow with the passing second.

Fuck, shit. He thinks to himself. He's gonna die. He's affirmative his father is gonna kill him and nobody will suspect a thing. Why did he have to go to that stupid party? He could've just gone home and it would've saved him from getting into this entire fucking mess.

Louis brainstorms the amount of time that will take for his dad to reach home from Liam's. Louis' so angry at Liam, he could kill him but it's not Liam's fault either and at the same time, he is shitting his pants. Yup, he's probably gonna die.

For a brief second, Louis thinks of fleeing, grabbing a bunch of his shit and leaving his house, leaving the fucking town and starting a whole new life, from scratch, in a different country, in a new place with a pet. But he can't do it because he doesn't have any fucking time!

He's so caught up in his own thoughts, he doesn't even realise Troy pulling up in the driveway. When he realises it though, it's already too late.

"Did you really think you could outsmart me boy?" John says intimidatingly.

"I- I'm-" Louis tries to get something out of his mouth, but it's like it suddenly went dry and no words come out other than the constant opening and closing of his mouth like a fish.

"So your friend Liam tells me you went to a party yesterday. Am I right?" Troy asks.

"D- dad, I'm-"

"Yes or no Louis!?" He asks sternly.

"Y- yes."

"Why did you lie to me then son?" His father asks, holding Louis' chin up with his thumb and index finger, forcing him to look up and make eye contact. Louis tries to look anywhere but his dad but the lack of head movement makes it difficult.

"I- I don't know. I got scared."

"Of what?"

"Of- of upsetting you?"

"Oh you silly goose, you upset me either way, everyday." Troy gives out a dry chuckle.

"I'm sorry." Louis says looking down. He's ashamed of what he did. He should've just went home. But of course he had to give his dad another reason to be upset at him even more. After all, his dad is just looking out for him. He wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Louis.

"You've started lying now too. I feel so disappointed in you son." Troy shakes his head. He goes to kitchen, Louis still standing in his spot, fear evident in his eyes. He's afraid of what might come next.

Troy takes a glass from the counter and smashes it, causing it to break into small pieces. Louis finches at the sound of the glass breaking and he can feel his heart beat in his ears.

"Clean that up." Troy orders. Louis nods. He knows better than to defy his dad when he's mad.

Louis starts by picking up the slightly bigger pieces and keeps them on a paper towel. Troy crouches down to Louis' level and picks up one of the bigger broken glass piece that was kept by Louis on the towel.

He brings it close to Louis' palm and slowly drags it across it, cutting it effectively. Louis cries out at the sudden pain. "Dad, what are you doing!?" Louis looks towards his father in complete shock.

"What I should've done a long time ago. I thought I raised you better but you're starting to get out of hand and it's really starting to concern me. I'm just helping you to be your better self. I don't want you turning into one of those brats that have zero respect for their parents. Is it too much to ask for Lou?" Troy says calmly, which is quite scary to the say the least.

"Dad please! This is not how you make me a better person. P- please it's hurting a lot." Louis says crying.

"Stop crying boy! Man up! I have taught you better than this! It's bad enough you're a fag. Don't give me more reasons to hate you." His father grabs Louis' face harshly with his hand, he looks so pissed.

"I don't want to see the kitchen dirty. One piece of that glass and consider yourself gone." Troy threatens him before getting up and leaving to work for real this time. At least that's what Louis thinks when he hears the front door open and close shut.

The cut is bleeding out like crazy and Louis doesn't know how to stop it. He tries keeping his hand under the running water in the sink. That helps for a while but it's still bleeding. He walks up to his room and looks for some antiseptic cream and wipes to clean the wound.

Once he finds them, he wipes the blood and applies the antiseptic cream. It hurts like hell but he manages to apply a bandage around the cut, it's not as tight as he would like it to be but it's as good as it's gonna get.

Maybe it's because he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday evening or the fact he lost a lot of blood, Louis starts feeling dizzy. The room suddenly starts spinning and he can't focus much on anything.

The first aid box drops from his hands creating an annoying ringing noise in his ears. Louis nearly trips on his own feet but grabs onto the desk for support with his wounded hand, "Fuck!" He says under his breath.

Louis falls onto the floor, his head hitting it a little too hard. He tries to get up but his body won't allow it and ultimately, he passes out.


"Ugggh." Louis groans when he wakes up. His head is pounding and he doesn't know what time it is. He makes an effort to get up but fails. "Whatever, it's kinda nice laying here." He says to himself but one look at his bandaged hand and the memories from earlier this day come flooding back in.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Louis scrambles to get up. By the time he makes it to the staircase, he has his hands on his knees, catching his breath. He goes down to the the living room where he thinks he left his phone. He finds the phone on the couch and checks the time.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." Louis says petrified. It's already 7:00 pm and his dad's gonna be home in thirty minutes. He was knocked out for the past 8 hours. How can he be so stupid!? He's such a big idiot.

Louis makes his way to the kitchen in record breaking time and tries to clean the broken glass pieces as quickly as he can. He has a throbbing pain in his head but he doesn't want to die at the hands of his father. This is not at all how Louis imagined this weekend to be.

He cleans up the kitchen and just then he hears the front door open and close. His dad drops his stuff on the kitchen table looking visibly angry.

"H- how was your day?" Louis asks offering him a glass of water.

"That fucking bitch!" Troy snaps. "Who does that woman think she is!"

"Wh- what happened? And who are y- you talking about?"

"Hannah goddammit!"

"Did you meet her?" Louis asks him carefully, trying not to stir something up.

"No, I went to take a massage. Of course I fucking met her you stupid fucking idiot!" Troy says looking around the kitchen. "I think I told you to clean the kitchen before leaving, didn't I?"

"I did." Louis says, not looking up. He can feel his lips starting to wobble.

Troy gets up from the chair and and wets his lips. "You know, you remind me of your mother sometimes." He says circling Louis.

"You were a mistake, you know that? If it wasn't for your bitch of a mother to go to rehab, I wouldn't have to deal with a no good piece of shit like you! You're a disgrace Louis. I wish you would've never been born." Troy says with venom coating every inch of his voice.

Louis takes a step back. The words cut through his soul like a knife. Tears spring to his eyes but he controls them.

"You are really getting out of hand. Come with me." He grabs Louis by the wrist and takes him to his bathroom. Troy yanks Louis under the shower and turns the water on the lowest temperature he can set.

"D- dad it's really cold. P- please." Louis says shivering.

"Tsk tsk. You're not finished until I say so. Try running and I'll make sure you don't ever walk again."

Louis thinks he's actually gonna die. This is the most extreme his dad has ever gone.

"Undress." Troy orders.

"P- please. I d- don't want to. It- it's really cold."

"Should I do it for you then!?"

Louis flinches at the tone and backs away against the tiles. His clothes stick to his body and he takes them off, one by one.

"Good boy Lou." His dad smiles.

Louis on the other hand, feels so exposed right now and the cold water is adding to his discomfort. Tears spring to his eyes and he can't help himself when they finally come out.

"What are you crying for boy!? I think that's enough for today. Now go to your fucking room! You can't do anything except crying, can you? Fucking faggot. And don't even dare to think about locking the fucking door." Troy spits.

Louis heads upstairs with glossy eyes. It feels as if someone is hammering a dozen nails into his head and the cold water just made it a lot worse. He goes to his room and takes an advil, chugging it down with a glass of water.

His body is shivering badly and he puts on the first thing he can find. He lies down on his bed and tries to go to sleep but he can't.

The events from earlier this day and what just happened a few minutes ago start playing in his head on repeat and he feels so guilty for letting his dad down. He can't do anything right. He knows he was a mistake. And now his dad hates him even more than he did.

Louis sniffles, trying to keep himself together. But it's just a matter of time until he breaks and the tears can't stop flowing from his eyes. He hugs his pillow close and tries to muffle the sound of his cries, he doesn't want to hear his dad saying he's weak again. It fucking hurts him so much he can't even breathe right and he starts hyperventilating.

Louis takes a few deep breaths, "It's okay, it's all okay. Everything's alright. I'm fine." He keeps repeating the same sentence over and over again until he exhausts himself out, going into a dreamless sleep, hoping to escape from this hell hole he's living in.

Chapter 4!
Your thoughts? :))

Stay safe and healthy luvs! 💛
Love you lots xx

Thanks for reading and I'll meet you in the next one! <3

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