Sirius's son

By Rockingamer21

144K 3.3K 392

Rigel Sirius Black was the son of Sirius Black. Raised in an orphanage unloved and uncared for, he was surpri... More

Meeting the witch
Diagon Alley and Gringotts
Platform 9 3/4 and sorting
First week
Halloween and trolls
Christmas and Lockets
Snowball fight and Mirror of Erised
Nicholas Flamel
Norwegian Rideback
Discoveries and into the trapdoor
Challenges of the trapdoor and victories
End of first year
New home and back to Hogwarts
Second-year DADA
Quidditch tryouts
Voices in the walls
Chambers of secrets
Old legends
Tampered bludgers
Dueling club
Christmas and going undercover
Riddle's Diary
Spiders and Minister of magic .
End of summer
Leaky cauldron and Interrogation
Dangerous cats and Firebolts
Dementors and Sirius Black
Overprotective Pomfrey
Secrets revealed
Grim and Hogsmeade
Quidditch and the truth comes out
Patronuses and death of a pet
Lions vs Eagles and a brief reunion
Revealing Secrets
End of the year
Quidditch world cup
Triwizard Tournament
Professor Moody, dancing ferret and more champions?
First task
Aftermaths of first task
Yule ball
Rita Skeeter
Second task and animagi
Niffler and Mr Crouch
Third task
It's going to be alright
Parting of ways
Reclaiming the House of Black
Order of Phoenix
12 Grimmauld place
Hearing, Black family tree and prefects
Sorting Hat new song
Percy and Padfoot
Hogwarts High Inquisitor
Weasley is our king
Eye of the snake
Christmas and date night
Mass breakout
Dumbledore's flight
Carrer advice
Quidditch cup
Death of a loved one
The second war begins
The last will and testament of Sirius Orion Black
Half blood prince
Transfiguration Trophy
Charmed Necklace
Felix Felicius
Waking up
Chapter 86
Sleeping draught
Apparition test
Quidditch finale
Battle of Astronomy Tower
The White Tomb
Potter twins
Battle of the Potter twins
Dumbledore's will
The Wedding
A Place to Hide
Remus John Lupin
Infiltrating the Ministry
Slytherin's locket
Deathly hallows
Malfoy manor and birth
Back to Hogsmeade
Ravenclaw's diadem
The war
Forbidden forest
The final battle
St Mungo's and a wedding
Epilogue (New version)

diagon alley and Slug club

715 17 1
By Rockingamer21

"Elizabeth Lily Potter!"

Eliza heard her name being yelled but was so comfortable that she merely snuggled further into the pillow.

"Come on Eliza, I'm carrying a heavy breakfast tray here!" Rigel's voice was full of laughter.

"It's too early..." Eliza muttered.

"It's nearly ten, sleepyhead, and I would like to give you your birthday snog before Mrs. Weasley charges up here and tries to put me on the corner for a whole eighteen minutes!"

"Like you could stay anywhere for eighteen minutes." Eliza scoffed opening her eyes at last.

"I'd happily stay with you for a lot longer than eighteen minutes, now sit up so I can put this down."

Eliza obliged and was delighted to see a vase of tulips perched on the corner of the tray. Rigel placed the tray across Eliza's lap and sat down.

"Happy birthday, Eliza." He whispered pulling her into a kiss, they broke apart after a few minutes when they heard footsteps approaching the door.

"Happy birthday, Eliza!" Said Harry looking quite relieved not to have walked in on any kind of kiss.

"Happy birthday Harry, you're up early" Harry sat down on Eliza's other side and examined the tulips with apparent interest.

"Pig woke us up. Now, I haven't got you a present yet because we haven't been anywhere but we can get them in Diagon Alley right?"

"Of course, I haven't got yours yet either."

Eliza's eyes followed him with a frown but she did not comment. Harry had already started on the toast and within a few minutes, the tray was cleared. Eliza put the flowers on the bedside table and made to get out of bed, her legs were apparently not ready for her to stand and she crashed straight into the floor.

Rigel and Harry moved around to help her up looking like they were trying not to laugh.

"Thanks, and don't you dare laugh or tell..."

"Eliza, are you ok?" Asked Mr. Weasley poking his head around the door.

"I'm fine thanks, Mr. Weasley, just tripped" Mr. Weasley looked suspicious but nodded and left the room.

"Anyway, I brought you something," Harry said, putting his hand in his pocket and pulling out a folded piece of parchment. "I thought it was about time I drew the cake. Eight candles each?"

"I'll leave you two to your moment" Rigel winked and left the room

"Good morning Eliza, Happy Birthday!" Cried Mrs. Weasley rushing over to Eliza and hugging her, birthday greetings echoed around the kitchen and Eliza smiled in thanks.

"Tea?" Asked Mrs. Weasley, Eliza nodded and took a seat next to Hermione.

The twin's birthday would've been a bit more upbeat had it not been for the stories of disappearances, odd accidents, even of deaths now appearing almost daily in the Prophet. Sometimes Bill and Mr. Weasley brought home news before it even reached the paper. the twin's sixteenth birthday celebrations were marred by grisly tidings brought to the party by Remus Lupin Remus who was looking gaunt and grim, his brown hair streaked liberally with gray, his clothes more ragged and patched than ever.

"There have been another couple of dementor attacks," Remus said as Mrs. Weasley passed him a large slice of birthday cake. "And they've found Igor Karkaroff's body — well, frankly, I'm surprised he stayed alive for even a year after deserting the Death Eaters; Sirius's brother, Regulus, only managed a few days as far as I can remember."

"Didn't he join the death eaters before his graduation?' Rigel couldn't help but ask.

"Yep," Remus nodded. "Sirius told me when we graduated so kid must be around sixteen."

"Come off!" Harry said. "Voldemort actually recruited a sixteen-year-old?!"

"Anything can happen Harry" Remus shrugged. "You-know-who needed the best and Regulus believe it or not was a talented wizard."

"Yes, well," said Mrs. Weasley, frowning, "perhaps we should talk about something diff —"

"Did you hear about Florean Fortescue Remus?" asked Bill, who was being plied with wine by Fleur. "The man who ran—"

"— the ice-cream place in Diagon Alley?" Harry interrupted. "He used to give Eliza and me free ice creams. What happened to him?"

"Dragged off, by the look of his place."

"Why?" asked Ron, while Mrs. Weasley pointedly glared still.

"Who knows? He must've upset them somehow. He was a good man, Florean."

"Talking of Diagon Alley," said Mr. Weasley, "looks like Ollivander's gone too."

"The wandmaker?" said Ginny, looking startled. "That's the one. Shop's empty. No sign of a struggle. No one knows whether he left voluntarily or was kidnapped."

"But wands — what'll people do for wands?"

"They'll make do with other makers," said Remus. "But Ollivander was the best, and if the other side has got him it's not so good for us."

The day after this rather gloomy birthday tea, their letters and booklists arrived from Hogwarts. Rigel had sent a letter after his fifth year that he did not want to be prefect anymore so they transferred it to Ron who grinned as the badge landed on his palm. Harry also had another surprise: He had been made Quidditch Captain.

"That gives you equal status with prefects!" cried Hermione happily. "You can use our special now and now and everything!"

"Wow, I remember when Charlie wore one of these," said Ron, examining the badge with glee. "Harry, this is so cool, you're my Captain — if you let me back on the team, I suppose, haha. . . ."

"Well, I don't suppose we can put off a trip to Diagon Alley much longer now you've got these," sighed Mrs. Weasley, looking down Ron's booklist. "We'll go on Saturday as long as your father doesn't have to go to work again. I'm not going there without him."

"Mum, d'you honestly think You-Know-Who's going to be hiding behind a bookshelf in Flourish and Blotts?" sniggered Ron.

"Fortescue and Ollivander went on holiday, did they?" said Mrs. Weasley, firing up at once. "If you think security's a laughing matter you can stay behind and I'll get your things myself —"

"No, I wanna come, I want to see Fred and George's shop!" said Ron hastily.

"Then you just buck up your ideas, young man, before I decide you're too immature to come with us!" said Mrs. Weasley angrily, snatching up her clock, all nine hands of which were still pointing at "mortal peril," and balancing it on top of a pile of just-laundered towels. "And that goes for returning to Hogwarts as well!"

Ron turned to stare incredulously at Harry as his mother hoisted the laundry basket and the teetering clock into her arms and stormed out of the room. "Blimey . . . you can't even make a joke around here anymore. . . ."

After breakfast, the group dressed quickly and met up again in the kitchen where Mr. Weasley went over the security procedures with them.

"Dad we get it, don't do anything stupid! Can we go now, I don't think you realize how long it's going to take us to get the girls out of the bookshop!"

"And I suppose you, Harry, and Rigel will only be two seconds in the Quidditch shop!" Hermione replied sharply.

"Let's get moving otherwise we won't get a chance to do anything." Said Mr. Weasley firmly dousing the embers of another Ron and Hermione spat.

Eliza sat between Rigel and Hermione during the journey which took a ridiculously short time for such a long journey. When they pulled into Charing Cross Road Hagrid was beaming at them, completely oblivious to the bewildered muggles who were giving him an extremely wide berth.

"Hi, Hagrid." Said Hermione giving the half-giant a big hug, Rigel held back smiling not wanting to aggravate his back any further by subjecting it to one of Hagrid's squeezes.

"I miss yer lot during the summer, castle's too quiet!"

They arrived in Diagon Alley after passing through the nearly deserted Leaky Cauldron and the street looked much duller than Eliza remembered. Poster's showing Death Eaters plastered the walls (Rigel looked sick when he saw Bellatrix Lestrange) and dodgy looking stalls had been erected selling so-called protective items, Mr. Weasley looked to be memorizing faces and items for a more appropriate time.

"I think Madam Malkin's first, you five must need new school robes." Said Mrs. Weasley looking at the group, Eliza couldn't disagree with her, there were only so many adjustments she could do with a wand.

"Molly, it doesn't make much sense for us all to go into Madam Malkins, why don't those five go with Hagrid, and we can go to Flourish and Blotts and get everyone's school books."

Eliza chanced a glance at Hermione who looked as if she was having a small stroke.

"Or maybe the boys could go with Hagrid, and Rigel and I could come with you to the bookshop," Eliza said and nearly laughed at the look on Rigel's face.

"Fair enough I suppose." Ron shrugged.

"I don't know, Hagrid, what do you think?" Asked Mrs. Weasley anxiously whilst Mr. Weasley smiled at Hermione's expression.

"Don' fret, they'll be fine with me, Molly." Said Hagrid soothingly.

They entered the bookshop and the two drifted over to the school section with well-contained excitement.

"So what is this a date?" Rigel asked with an amused expression.

"You could say that" Eliza shrugged then grinned. "Though if we could go to a restaurant, snog, and make people uncomfortable then that's definitely a date."

Rigel chuckled. "Oh yeah, what subjects are you taking?"

"Thanks, umm Charms, Defence, Potions, Herbology, and transfiguration. You?"

"Same except I'm taking care care of magical creatures also." Rigel signed knowing that for his Hit-wizard application, he should recognise magical beasts.  "I'm going to miss transfiguration."

"Eliza, you can't seriously be saying that you agree with Harry, can you?" Hermione asked somewhat desperately.

"Yeah come on Eliza! What would You-Know-Who want with a little ferret-like Malfoy?" Ron added, flicking through his Quidditch magazine.

"Revenge!" Shouted Harry, making Rigel jump, she turned to him.

"Calm down Harry, there's no point getting wound up we're probably not going to find out the truth any time soon so there's no use falling out over it. I'm just saying that Voldemort isn't above using people as leverage. Lucius Malfoy himself got beaten by a kid. that's got to be embarrassing to..."

"I wasn't a kid!" Harry spat, looking insulted.

"Sorry did I miss the memo where we suddenly skipped a year! We might not be average teenagers..." Rigel snorted but allowed Eliza to continue, "...but to people that haven't met us we're just a group of kids that keep getting lucky."

Before Harry could retort, the compartment door opened 

up and Neville walked in. He greeted the compartment cheerfully and then passed a small scroll of parchment to Harry, Rigel, and Eliza.


I would be delighted if you would join me for a bite of lunch in compartment C. It would be lovely to finally meet you.

Sincerely, Professor H. E. F. Slughorn

"Are you coming then? I don't want to go on my own." Neville asked.

"Yeah we're coming" Rigel nodded and he, Harry, and Eliza stood up and followed Neville out of the compartment, bidding Ron and Hermione farewell.

They reached the compartment and Professor Slughorn jumped up at the sight of them.

"Harry, m'boy! Jolly good to see you, this must be Eliza! A splitting copy of Lily. Ahh, you must be Rigel Black you look exactly like your father! And finally Mr. Longbottom, I presume."

Rigel gave Slughorn one of his fake smile as he took in the other occupants of the carriage with trepidation. Ginny grinned, looking pleased to see some friends. Neville shook Professor Slughorn's hand and the three friends sat down together opposite the teacher.

"Now, do you know everyone? Blaise Zabini is in your year of course. Cormac McLaggen, Marcus Belby, and this charming young lady tell me she knows you!" Ginny nodded and Slughorn looked around at the compiled group with pleasure and pride.

Rigel listened to the conversation, everyone appeared to be well-connected. Neville seemed to wilt slightly under the questioning and seemed rather pleased when it was over. Rigel off course had to bear a long speech of him being the heir of Slytherin that did not please Blaise Zabini.

"Mr. Black here has also gotten his NEWT I hear! I was speaking to Professor Tofty over the summer and he said he's never seen a talent like yours and he examined Dumbledore. You'll have to show me one of your animation charms at some point. I hear that they are marvellous!" 

Rigel nodded, not wishing to be rude. Slughorn thankfully moved on to Harry and Eliza saying something about the chosen one which everyone thought was more likely Harry than Eliza. 

"Good gracious, it's getting dark already! I didn't notice that they'd lit the lamps! You'd better go and change into your robes. McLaggen, you must drop by and borrow that book on Nogtails. Harry, Rigel, Blaise, Eliza- any time you're passing. The same goes for you, Miss Weasley."

Rigel was the first to reach Ron and Hermione and only then did he realize that Harry was not behind him nor Eliza.

"Where did Harry go?" Eliza asked Ginny, who was returning to a compartment with her friends.

"He said he had something to do," Ginny said, shrugging her shoulders. Rigel entered the compartment and Ron passed his robes over.

"We wondered when you'd get back, how did it go?" Rigel slipped his robes over his uniform

"It was ok, Harry's disappeared somewhere though."

"Where?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know; maybe he'll just meet us up at the school." The train pulled into the station and Ron helped both of the girls out of the carriage, letting go of Hermione's hand after a few moments.

Blushing furiously, both of them walked ahead of Rigel and Eliza, who tried to contain their grins with difficulty. They dawdled until the last carriage was left to see if Harry would join them.

"We must have missed him," Hermione said nervously as they all climbed into the carriage by themselves.

"They really are creepy, aren't they?" Ron said, looking at the thestrals with mild revulsion.

"You can see them?" Rigel asked as they made their way up to the castle. 

"Yeah, I guess." Hermione, who could still not see the winged horses as she had been unconscious during the majority of the Ministry battle, reached across and squeezed Ron's hand. He looked up at her and nodded with a sad smile.

Rigel looked away and up to the castle. He was finally home.

Ron and Hermione jumped down from the carriage first. Ron muttering about Harry's absence. Just as they passed Professor Snape, a Patronus reached them. Rigel turned and saw a silvery wolf come to a halt in front of Snape.

"I've got Harry; he's fine. I'll bring him to the gate."

The Patronus faded into mist and Snape turned to Eliza.

"Convey the message to your friends Miss Potter and Mr. Black, no need for Harry's absence to cause a fuss." The duo merely nodded and walked into the entrance hall.

Ron and Hermione appeared to be arguing as they sat down at the table, but Eliza interrupted them.

"He's fine; Tonks is bringing him up." Eliza said, swinging her legs over the bench.

Hermione didn't look relieved in the slightest bit but Professor McGonagall interrupted her train of thoughts as she led the first years into the hall. The sorting hat sang about unity between the houses, Rigel glanced across at the Hufflepuff table and saw Ernie McMillan staring at Eliza and winking at her, when Ernie noticed, he slightly paled and started chatting with Justin.

"Why did Ernie wink at you?" Rigel asked suspiciously.

Eliza shrugged then grinned. "Perhaps he finally noticed my brilliance."

"Yeah..." Rigel mused thinking whether he should read Ernie's mind or not. 

The food arrived and a few minutes later Harry sat down next to Hermione without his robes and covered in blood.

"Where've you — blimey, what've you done to your face?" said Ron, goggling at him along with everyone else in the vicinity

"Why, what's wrong with it?" said Harry, grabbing a spoon and squinting at his distorted reflection.

"You're covered in blood!" said Hermione. "Come here —"

She raised her wand, said "Tergeo!" and siphoned off the dried blood.

"Thanks," said Harry, feeling his now clean face. "How's my nose looking?"

"Normal," said Hermione anxiously. "Why shouldn't it? Harry, what happened? We've been terrified!"

"I'll tell you later," said Harry curtly as fellow Gryffindor's were leaning towards their direction.

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