Lilith & Hunter: The Raven's...

By ErzaGuin

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What if Emperor Belos had pushed the responsibility of raising his nephew on the head of his coven? This stor... More

The Boy
Baby Shower
The Curse
Aunt Eda
Special: BestiesWeek 2022
New Resolve


1.9K 69 51
By ErzaGuin


“Okay, darling everything you need for now is in the travel bag and the baby carriage. I’ll also be leaving the abomination nanny with you so it can help you. Once it finishes cleaning it will go into standby mode so you don’t have to worry about it. The manual for it is in the carriage.” noted Odalia from the front door. “I must be going now but expect to receive a package later today with some items for the baby,”

“I am grateful for all of your help Odalia but that’s too much I …”

“No no none of that. Blight Industries has the best baby products on the boiling isles. Your baby will have nothing but the best. Some of the things you will be receiving aren’t even on the market,” boasted Odalia.

“Oh Odalia that really is too much I couldn’t,” I protested but my old friend simply waved her hand dismissively.
“Most of the items you will be receiving are extras Alador had made for the twins. We don’t need them so they are only taking up space. To tell you the truth you would be doing me a favor by taking them off my hands. As I said, most of these items are not in the market, they were created especially for our children,” she stated in a more serious tone. 

“I know it might be hard to imagine but Alador was really excited when he heard we would be having twins. He spent all of his free time for months creating new items for them and he even made spares. I don’t like seeing them in an empty room going unused so it would be best for you to have them.” she noted with a smile that did not reach her eyes. There was a deep sorrow behind them, and I knew why.

The Blights had experienced a tragedy that only a select few knew about and I was one of them. Even though it had been several years since then I could only imagine how difficult it must be on them, especially on Odalia. Losing a child is a heavy burden that not many can recover from. Just then it dawned on me that this must be the reason why Odalia was being so forceful in helping with Hunter. Having that in mind there was no way she could refuse her request.

“Okay fine but at least let me pay you,” I offered so as to not feel so guilty for accepting her generosity.

“Nope your money's no good here now expect to receive the shipment later today,” she said in a chipper tone as she walked away towards her carriage. “Bye darling, take care of yourself and your little one. Call me if you need anything. And don't worry about the party, I'll handle everything.”

“Thank you…wait what party?” I asked but she ignored the question, only giving me a mischievous smile before riding away.  

Just like that my friend was gone and I was left alone with the baby and the abomination nanny who had found my cleaning supplies and was making everything spotless. 

“Well on the bright side that clears up the rest of my day,” I mumbled to myself, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me. 

“That’s right I haven’t slept,” I said to myself as I closed the front door. 

I went back to the living room where Hunter was still asleep in the baby carriage and picked him up gently. He was still asleep and didn’t seem to take notice of her. Were all babies such heavy sleepers? Or was he still under the effects of the healer's coven’s magic?

“Figure it out when you can think straight Lilith right now you need sleep,” I whispered, scolding myself. I needed to sleep while Hunter slept so I could be ready for when he woke up again.

I took him back with me to my bedroom. This time laying him next to me on the bed rather than putting him in his crib. Odalia had suggested that this might be a good way to get Hunter to become accustomed to me faster.

“Okay little one let’s try this again please let me get a few hours of sleep,” I whispered though he was still fast asleep. I couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous of how soundly he was sleeping though it did not take me long to fall asleep myself.

I’m not sure how much time had passed but when I woke up I was feeling well-rested. The sun was high up in the sky which made her assume it was some time past noon. Hunter was laying next to her still sleeping which was starting to make her worry. Since she had gotten him he had only been awake for a few minutes. Should she wake him up? The thought of him crying again made her second guess herself but that’s when she noticed the smell. 

There was a putrid smell in the room that she had not noticed before. She looked around trying to find the source of it when it finally hit her. The smell was coming from Hunter. 

“Oh no,” I whispered, feeling an overwhelming sensation of dread. I knew this moment would come but I didn’t expect it to be soon. “I’m not ready.”

The sound of someone knocking at the front door pulled my attention away from the thought of the unpleasant task that must be performed. “That must be the package Odalia had been talking about.” 

There was an even louder knock which caused Hunter to start stirring. "Oh no no little one stay asleep, it's ok," I whispered gently, placing a hand on his chest hoping to soothe him. He seemed to settle for now but I would need to hurry before they woke him. 

"Gwen please watch over him while I go get the door," I ordered my palisman who had been resting on her perch. The white raven perched herself on the bed frame to look over the baby.

I quickly ran downstairs to get the door before they could knock on it again. When I opened it I saw several abominations wearing Blight Industry hats. The one that had been knocking had a clipboard with the list of items they were dropping off and was offering it for me to sign. 

I looked past it and saw that the “package” Odalia had been referring to was a whole cart filled with items. Though she shouldn’t be surprised considering this was Odalia she always had a habit of going overboard. Her thoughts were interrupted by the abomination in front of her who pressed the clipboard against her face. 

“Yes thank you,” I grumbled, annoyed, taking the clipboard from it and signing the form. 

As I did that the rest of the abominations started to unload the cart. The first item was a crib that put my makeshift one to shame. It was made of abomination matter yet it almost looked like it had been carved out of wood. They had even inscribed Hunter’s name on the frame. “Leave it to the Blights to think of every detail.” 

I took another look at what the abominations were getting down and saw one of them carrying a changing table. Which made me remember. “Hunter!” I still need to change him and I need to choose a room for him.

“Stop!” I exclaimed, which caused all of the abominations to stop moving. “You follow me,” I ordered the one holding the changing table. The abomination did as it was told and followed me inside. 

We went upstairs to my room and I ordered the abomination to place the changing table next to one of the walls. As soon as it did it went back downstairs. Hunter was now awake reaching his hands up to Gwen who was flying in circles over him. 

“Thank you I’ll take it from here,” I said to my palisman who seemed to be relieved at not being alone with the baby anymore. 

I reached over and picked up Hunter from where had been laying on the bed. He was quietly looking at her with eyes full of curiosity. This shouldn’t be surprising since technically this was the first time had been fully awake since they had met. Still, his gaze made her feel self-conscious. Even though she had spent the past hours worrying and caring for him she was still a stranger to him. 

“Um hello,” I said feeling uncomfortable. How am I supposed to talk to a three-month-old? And what was I supposed to say? Hi, you don’t know me but I’m your mother now. Also, you have a new name and we have to change your diaper. I let out a sigh and looked at the child in my arms. 

He was still looking at her with those wide eyes of his. He looked like he was trying to make sense of the situation. The poor thing must be so confused. Going through everything he did and then waking up in the arms of a stranger instead of his parents. No Lilith, you are his mother now. It is up to you to make him feel safe. Odalia had mentioned that babies can pick up on emotions which meant he was probably able to feel her uncertainty.

“Good morning Hunter, my name is Lilith and I am your new mommy. I will try my best to be the best mother I can be,” I said, trying my best to give him a gentle smile and hoping that I would not scare him. 

As if he had been waiting for her to respond his face immediately lit up when he saw her smile. He even tried reaching up towards her with his little arms. He looked so happy to see her. The sight was so pure it brought her to the verge of tears. Pull yourself together Lilith. 

“Alright now little one settle down, we have to change your diaper now,” I said, placing him down on the changing table. 

“Ok Lilith you are the leader of the Emperor's Coven you can do this,” I said to myself as I tried my best to relax. This earned me a laugh from Hunter who seemed to be relishing in my agony.  “You are so precious but you smell terrible,” I said to the smiling infant. 

“Ok step one we have to take that onesie off of you.” I unzipped the onesie and removed it carefully. I had been dreading changing his diaper but that escaped my mind completely when I saw his body. 

He had several scars on his arms, legs, and body similar to the one on his face. He also had multiple healing patches on him which had now run out of magic. These were the injuries that he had sustained the night before. She had read the report from the healer's coven but even still the severity of his injuries had not dawned on her. Very powerful magic must have been used to close these wounds in such a short amount of time. If I had to guess the patches on him must have been to make sure he wasn't in any pain after the procedure. I looked at Hunter who was giggling happily, seemingly enjoining not having his clothes on. 

I don’t know how he was able to be so full of cheer after what he had gone through but I would make sure to preserve that smile. “I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again,” I whispered trying my best to hold back the tears that were threatening to come out. 

“Let’s get these off of you,” I said, peeling off one of the patches. Judging from his reaction it must have tickled because he would burst into fits of laughter every time I would remove one. His laughter was contagious. I couldn't help but laugh every time he would start laughing again. After removing all of the patches I was able to change his diaper even though he wouldn’t stop moving around. Seeing him so lively now filled her with so much joy she didn’t know how to react to it. 

Since he was enjoying not having his clothes on I decided to leave off the onesie for now. I went back downstairs with Hunter to get the abominations moving again. I had them place some of the items in my room for now and the rest of the items in a spare room down the hallway from mine. I would have to convert that room into a proper room for him but for now, this would have to do. 

Hunter was fascinated by the abominations as we watched them work. It was amazing how relaxed he was. I had expected for him to start crying every time he woke up but this was nice. Watching him react to the world around him was something truly special. I decided to use this time to go through the other items Odalia had left behind. 

I took the travel bag and started taking things out of it. Apart from the diapers, baby formula, and bottles, there were several other items she had left behind. There was a blanket, some spare clothes, some towels, and wipes. There were several small toys as well such as a rattle in the shape of a crystal ball which Hunter immediately took and started playing with. He also went for one of the pacifiers I had placed on the table which had the face of an abomination. 

“If Odalia and Alador are giving their children things that represent their coven I suppose that means I shall be getting you some with mine,” I said as Hunter joyfully bounced up and down on my lap happy with his new toy and pacifier. 

Once the abominations were finished the one that had given me the clipboard came back to have me sign a second form which stated I had been satisfied with their service. “Business is business I supposed,” I said as I signed the form. Once the form was signed the abomination tipped its hat to me and it left along with the rest of the abominations. 

Almost as soon as they left I received a call on my scroll. Unsurprisingly it was from Odalia, I would question her timing but she was an oracle after all. 

“Hello,” I answered.

“Hello, darling, did you receive everything? How are you and the baby doing?” she asked in a chipper tone.

“Yes, thank you it was a lot more than I had expected but it’s all here. Currently, Hunter is wide awake and enjoying the gifts you sent him,” I said watching him play with the rattle.

“That’s wonderful, judging from the sound it would be safe to assume he liked the rattle. The twins are also very fond of it but Alador can’t stand the noise. By the way darling, I wanted to let  you know that I have already arranged everything for your baby shower.” 

“What baby shower? And can you even have a baby shower after the baby is born?” I asked, perplexed. 

“Oh did I forget to mention it? Sorry, darling my mistake, and of course, you can. After all, you did just adopt a child. Don’t worry about the details. I'll be hosting it at my house so you don’t have to worry about a single thing. All you have to do is show up,” replied Odalia.

“I don’t know about this Odalia you’ve already done so much and is this really necessary?” I questioned feeling uncertain. 

“It is absolutely necessary, we are going to create a network of parents that you can call upon or that offer you advice. I am a new mother too, there is still a lot I don’t know and neither of us has other people to turn to for help. We might be able to learn a few things plus you will be getting some more gifts for the baby,” she said. 

She did have a point. Neither of them had parents they could turn to for help. They were alone in this and having experienced parents who could ask for help did sound reassuring. 

“I suppose you are right.”

“I’m always right darling,” she said proudly. “Now, the party will be at my house in three days, and stop worrying I’ll handle everything,” she said cheerfully.

“Okay, see you then,” I said, hanging up.  

I looked at Hunter again who was now trying to get his little hands on the items on the table. As he stretched I couldn’t help but take notice of his scars and I found myself thinking about what would the other parent’s say about them. No, it didn’t matter what they thought he was perfect in every way. There was no reason to feel any shame about the scars. They were proof of his strength and what he had overcome. That was something she would be sure to teach him as got older.  If anyone dared say anything bad about Hunter they better be ready to face the full force of my fury. 

I lifted him up over my head to look at him better. This caused him to go into a fit of laughter making him drop his pacifier but he didn’t seem to notice. He was more concerned with the sudden new game they were playing.  He was so beautiful and pure.

“Why are you so cute?” I said pulling him into a hug. He was so soft and warm and I couldn’t help the urge to kiss him on his cute little cheeks. When I did he started giggling. “I hope I can make you laugh like this every day.’ 

Odalia was right, it would be good to get to know other parents if just to ask them questions. Another benefit would be that Hunter would get to interact with other children though I wasn't too worried about that. With the Blight twins around I already knew that he would always have at least two friends. At the moment the only thing to worry about was getting ready for the party. 

“As precious as you are in your diapers, we still need to get you some clothes," I said looking at Hunter who had remembered his rattle and was once again transfixed by it. "I’m going to get you all of the best clothes. Nothing but the best for my little fledgling.”

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