MORTALA, daredevil

By -lovelybee

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In a way i can't explain, i enjoy the suffering from loving you - Reza Rusandi in which a scarred and beaten... More



2.1K 102 6
By -lovelybee

OHIO - 1995

  Two little girls were sat on swings, pushing themselves back and forth. "I'm going to win!"

The light blonde one exclaimed.

  "No I will! I'm older!" The dirty blonde one spoke this time.

  The light blonde looked completely offended by the comment and quickly snapped back "By six minutes!"

  And even though they were competing against eachother they giggled loudly and widely smiled as they got higher.

  A sharp familiar whistle pulled the girls out of their laughing hysteria and they quickly responded back, the dirty blonde first then the lighter blonde. They stopped the swinging movement and got up the swings. The youngest, the light blonde, bent backwards into a bridge then the barely older girl followed
  A girl with blue hair, and red roots appeared from the surrounding area that was covered by trees and greenery. Easily spotting the girls and joining them in a bridge. "We're upside!" The youngest said while giggling.

  "And I bet you're going to fall first!" The redhead taunted also giggling.

  The dirty blonde laughed at her sisters. "No, you will!"

  The light blonde focused on the redhead. "You can't hold it much longer!"

  The oldest, the girl with dyed blue hair, stuck her tongue and made silly noises causing the younger girls to laugh at her actions. The youngest came crashing down first, then the oldest and second oldest collapsed rapidly after.

   They all clumsily stood up and broke into a sprint, chasing eachother. "Told you you'd fall down first. I told you! I told you! Told you so!"

  They circled the wooden jungle gym and as the twins gained speed on the redhead, the light blonde tripped over, hitting the ground with a thump. A cry sprouted for her mouth calling for her mom as she cradled her leg. The girls rushed over at her worriedly, hugging her but their mother soon came over and comforted the crying girl.

  The mother looked at the girls curiosly. "What happened?"

  "She fell on her knee." Explained the blue haired girl. She stood up and walked towards the jungle gym. The dirty blonde still stayed glued by the light blonde's side.

  "Oh you bump your knee?"

  The girl hummed out a reply "Mhm ."

  The mother bent over and kissed her knee lovingly and wiping away her tears, "Oh, come on, little one. Get up. You're okay." She spoke gently as she tugged the girl up, "Come on. You're a brave girl. Your pain only makes you stronger."

  The dirty blonde followed them closely as they walked towards the swings, where the blue haired girl sat. The mother spoke again, now directing her words toward the swinging girl, "Right you?"

  "Yeah." She continued swinging contently.

  "Yeah?" The mom repeated.

  The light blonde spotted glowing bugs and pointed towards them. "Look, forest stars."

  The dirty blonde looked up to see what her twin sister was pointing at. "Fire bugs!"

  "Yeah. You know what? Those are actually part of the Lampyridae family. And the glow, the glow that you see, that comes from a chemical reaction called... bioluminescence. Come on, time for dinner." She lead the girls towards the house but the blue haired girl and the dirty blonde stayed behind for a moment longer. Just staring at the fire bugs.

  "Bio-goomin-feasants?" The dirty blonde struggled to pronounce the word.

  "Bio-goomin-feasants. That's right." They walked on and once she noticed the older girls hadn't followed she called out to them. "Dinner! Come on, dinner, big girls!"

  And they headed inside the house. All of the girls, including the mother, didn't know that this was the last day they would have in Ohio, their home.

                                                                               NEW YORK - 2014

  Yulia stirred from her half-decent sleep containing a beautiful dream of a memory with her family. Loneliness was the first thing she felt as she thought back in time where she was happy and naive. The time where she thought she was safe as long as she had family with her. Now she knows she cannot trust anybody, not even the people she holds in her heart and refuses to let go of.

  The alarm blaring loudly against her ears, screaming at her to get ready for work. A cruel reminder she had a life to get back to- Julie had a life, a job, a meaning.
  She slipped out of the sandpaper like covers away and opened the small wardrobe where her clothes were. She didn't have many and most of them were 'Julie's' style, consisting of classy shirts, pencil skirts, low cut dresses, heels for work and jeans, oversized t-shirts, ugly hoodies and a worn out pair of converse shoes for casual wear. But Yulia decided to buy a few odd things she liked. A green utility jacket was the first thing she had ever bought for herself. She would wear it as often as possible. She would never admit to anyone that she wore it as a trophy of freedom.

  The most obvious (and cleanest) option to wear today was a black dress with a black blazer and simple, also black heels that turned her from 5'4  to 5'8. She also decided to put a pair of thigh high stockings due to the cold weather.

  Her keys, phone and bag were quickly grabbed as she rushed out of the door. The coffee shop was as busy as usual when she went to get her boss' coffee order. Foggy wasn't there today but she was there early so he was probably still at home or forcing Matt out of bed. Well that was her assumption anyway. Her work was only a short distance from the coffee shop. The large building was quite easy for find. She did her normal routine of passing through security, greeting others and making her way towards her boss' office. The owner of a big architecture sat in his large, modern office signing documents and twirling his thumbs every time he decided to take a break- which was every five minutes.

  Posture straight and elegant with her face completely composed, she gave her boss a small smile as she put his coffee down in front of him. His eyes darted to her cleavage then her face as per usual. She wasn't fazed by his staring, she was used to it due to her old line of work. "You're early. Good."

  "Is there anything you need me to do Mr. Davis?" Her hands clasped in front of her as she smiled sweetly.

  "I need you to sort those documents over there and get me an appointment with that construction site that is building that new apartment block." He went back to reading the file on his desk before deciding to speak up again. "Oh and wear that dress again. You look good in it. It shows off your gorgeous features."

  His eyes disgusting dragging up and down her body. The urge to grab him by his hair and hit his head down on the table roamed through her mind. She ignored the urge, grabbing the documents and walking out as calmly as possible.

  The documents were boring to the point where Yulia contemplated running to a different country with a new identity again. She finally finished the work around three o'clock. Her fingers ached and her neck cracked as she bent it to the side to relieve the pain. She was supposed to take a break during lunch but she just wanted to finish the paperwork. Her boss most likely won't notice nor care if she left for her break now so she collected her things and walked out of the practice.

  A cold, fresh breeze moved across her skin as she walked down the street. She searched through her bag for her phone but she felt a cardboard card instead. Carefully she lifted it out of her bag and looked at it. Nelson and Murdock. The name rang through her head. She did techinally need a lawyer. So she decided 'why the fuck not?' and looked at the address. She walked there with a new mission. To legally take down some asshole and maybe, just maybe, if he was still an asshole he could accidentally slip and fall off a roof. If he fell to his death it would be gravity's fault right?

  The sign on the door was made out of paper- the words Nelson And Murdock Attorneys at Law was written on with a permanent marker. She could of judged the obvious lack of money but she knew they were kind people who helped good, innocent people so it must be hard to get cases. She raised her fist and knocked on the door twice.

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